local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("AuctionLite", "zhCN"); if not L then return end L["%dh"] = "%dh" L["(none set)"] = "(没有设置)" L["|cff00ff00Scanned %d listings.|r"] = "|cff00ff00搜索到 %d 项。|r" L["|cff00ff00Using previous price.|r"] = "|cff00ff00使用之前的价格。|r" L["|cff808080(per item)|r"] = "|cff808080(每件)|r" L["|cff808080(per stack)|r"] = "|cff808080(每组)|r" L["|cff8080ffData for %s x%d|r"] = "|cff8080ff数据: %s x%d|r" L["|cffff0000[Error]|r Insufficient funds."] = "|cffff0000[错误]|r 资金不足。" L["|cffff0000[Warning]|r Skipping your own auctions. You might want to cancel them instead."] = "|cffff0000[警告]|r 跳过你自己的拍卖。 也许你打算取消掉他们。" L["|cffff0000Buyout less than bid.|r"] = "|cffff0000一口价低于竞标价。|r" L["|cffff0000Buyout less than vendor price.|r"] = "|cffff0000一口价低于商人售价。|r" L["|cffff0000Invalid stack size/count.|r"] = "|cffff0000无效的堆叠数。|r" L["|cffff0000No bid price set.|r"] = "|cffff0000没有设置竞标价。|r" L["|cffff0000Not enough cash for deposit.|r"] = "|cffff0000没有足够的现金。|r" L["|cffff0000Not enough items available.|r"] = "|cffff0000没有足够的物品。|r" L["|cffff0000Stack size too large.|r"] = "|cffff0000堆叠数量太大.|r" L["|cffff0000Using %.3gx vendor price.|r"] = "|cffff0000使用 %.3gx 商店价格.|r" L["|cffff7030Buyout less than vendor price.|r"] = "|cffff7030一口价低于商人价格。|r" L["|cffff7030Stack %d will have %d |4item:items;.|r"] = "|cffff7030堆叠 %d 将有 %d |4物品:物品;.|r" L["|cffffd000[Note]|r Fast auction scans can only be used once every 15 minutes. Using a slow scan for now."] = "[注意]|r 快速拍卖扫描每15分钟只能使用一次。 现在使用慢速扫描。" L["|cffffd000Using historical data.|r"] = "|cffffd000使用历史数据。|r" L["|cffffff00Scanning: %d%%|r"] = "|cffffff00搜索中:%d%%|r" L["Accept"] = "接受" L["Add a new item to a favorites list by entering the name here."] = "在这输入要添加的新的物品名字来添加到收藏列表。" L["Add an Item"] = "增加一件物品" L["Advanced"] = "高级" L["Always"] = "总是" L["Amount to multiply by vendor price to get default sell price."] = "默认售价等于商人出售乘以你设置的倍数。" L["Approve"] = "核准" L["Auction"] = "拍卖" L["Auction creation is already in progress."] = "正在发布拍卖中。" L["Auction house data cleared."] = "拍卖行资料已清除。" L["Auction scan skipped (control key is down)"] = "拍卖扫描被略过(控制键被按下)" L["AuctionLite"] = "AuctionLite" L["AuctionLite - Buy"] = "购买" L["AuctionLite - Sell"] = "出售" L["AuctionLite Buy"] = "AuctionLite 购买" L["AuctionLite Sell"] = "AuctionLite 出售" L["AuctionLite v%s loaded!"] = "AuctionLite v%s 已经载入!" L["Batch %d: %d at %s"] = "批量 %d: %d 在 %s" L["Below AH"] = "拍卖窗口下方" L["Bid cost for %d:"] = "竞标价花费 %d:" L["Bid on %dx %s (%d |4listing:listings; at %s)."] = "竞标价在 %dx %s (%d |4项:项; 在 %s)。" L["Bid Per Item"] = "竞标价/件" L["Bid Price"] = "出价" L["Bid Total"] = "竞标价" L["Bid Undercut"] = "竞标削价" L["Bid Undercut (Fixed)"] = "竞标削价(已修正)" L["Bought %dx %s (%d |4listing:listings; at %s)."] = "购买 %dx %s (%d |4项:项; 在 %s)。" L["Buy Tab"] = "购买标签" L["Buyout cannot be less than starting bid."] = "一口价不能低于竞标价。" L["Buyout cost for %d:"] = "全部买下花费 %d:" L["Buyout Per Item"] = "一口价/件" L["Buyout Price"] = "一口价" L["Buyout Total"] = "一口价" L["Buyout Undercut"] = "一口价削价" L["Buyout Undercut (Fixed)"] = "一口价削价(已修正)" L["Cancel"] = "取消" L["Cancel All"] = "取消全部" L["Cancel All Auctions"] = "取消所有拍卖" L["Cancel Unbid"] = "取消没有出价的" L["Cancel Undercut Auctions"] = "取消削价的拍卖" L["CANCEL_CONFIRM_TEXT"] = "你的一些拍卖已经有了出价。你是否想要取消所有拍卖,取消没有出价的拍卖,或不做任何操作?" L["CANCEL_NOTE"] = [=[因为游戏的限制,每按一次 AuctionLite 只能取消一件物品,所以你的拍卖物品中只有一件被取消。 若要解决此问题,你可以继续点“取消”按钮直到所有需要取消的拍卖物品被取消。]=] L["CANCEL_TOOLTIP"] = [=[|cffffffff点击:|r 取消所有拍卖 |cffffffffCtrl-点击:|r 取消削价的拍卖]=] L["Cancelled %d |4listing:listings; of %s."] = "已取消%d|4项:项; 的%s。" L["Cancelled %d listings of %s"] = "取消 %d 在 %s 项" L["Choose a favorites list to edit."] = "选择一个收藏列表来编辑" L["Choose which tab is selected when opening the auction house."] = "选择打开拍卖行时显示的标签。" L["Clear All"] = "清除所有" L["Clear all auction house price data."] = "清除所有拍卖行价钱资料。" L["Clear All Data"] = "清除所有资料" L["CLEAR_DATA_WARNING"] = "你真的想要用 AuctionLite 删除所有拍卖行收集到的价钱资料?" L["Competing Auctions"] = "相抵触的拍卖" L["Configure"] = "设置" L["Configure AuctionLite"] = "设置AuctionLite" L["Consider resale value of excess items when filling an order on the \"Buy\" tab."] = "考虑转售价值过剩的物品在在\"购买\"标签上填写订单时。" L["Consider Resale Value When Buying"] = "购买时考虑转售价值" L["Create a new favorites list."] = "建立一个新的收藏列表." L["Created %d |4auction:auctions; of %s x%d (%s total)."] = "新增 %d |4拍卖:拍卖; : %s x%d (%s 总共)." L["Created %d |4auction:auctions; of %s x%d."] = "新增 %d |4拍卖:拍卖; : %s x%d." L["Current: %s (%.2fx historical)"] = "目前:%s(%.2fx 历史)" L["Current: %s (%.2fx historical, %.2fx vendor)"] = "目前:%s(%.2fx 历史,%.2fx 商店)" L["Current: %s (%.2fx vendor)"] = "目前: %s (%.2fx 商店)" L["Deals must be below the historical price by this much gold."] = "必须比历史价格低这么多金" L["Deals must be below the historical price by this percentage."] = "必须比历史价格低这么多百分率" L["Default"] = "默认" L["Default Number of Stacks"] = "预设堆叠数目" L["Default Stack Size"] = "预设堆叠大小" L["Delete"] = "删除" L["Delete the selected favorites list."] = "删除已选择的收藏列表" L["Disable"] = "禁用" L["Disenchant"] = "分解" L["Do it!"] = "完成它!" L["Do Nothing"] = "无操作" L["Enable"] = "启用" L["Enter item name and click \"Search\""] = "输入物品名称并点击“搜索”" L["Enter the name of the new favorites list:"] = "输入新的收藏列表的名字:" L["Error locating item in bags. Please try again!"] = "在背包中定位物品错误,请重试!" L["Error when creating auctions."] = "发布拍卖时出现错误。" L["Fast Auction Scan"] = "快速扫描" L["Fast auction scan disabled."] = "快速扫描已停用。" L["Fast auction scan enabled."] = "快速扫描已启用。" L["FAST_SCAN_AD"] = [=[AuctionLite 快速扫描功能将在几秒钟之内扫描拍卖行。 但是,快速扫描可能会引起掉线问题。如果发生了掉线,请关闭 AuctionLite 快速扫描选项。 启用快速扫描?]=] L["Favorites"] = "收藏" L["Fixed amount to undercut market value for bid prices (e.g., 1g 2s 3c)."] = "为竞标价修正竞标价削价价值的总额(例如,1金 2银 3铜)。" L["Fixed amount to undercut market value for buyout prices (e.g., 1g 2s 3c)."] = "为一口价修正一口价削价价值的总额(例如,1金 2银 3铜)。" L["Full Scan"] = "完整扫描" L["Full Stack"] = "完整堆叠" L["Hide Tooltips"] = "隐藏提示" L["Historical Price"] = "历史价格" L["Historical price for %d:"] = "%d的历史价格:" L["Historical: %s (%d |4listing:listings;/scan, %d |4item:items;/scan)"] = "历史: %s (%d |4项:项;/扫描, %d |4物品:物品;/扫描)" L["If Applicable"] = "如果可用" L["Invalid starting bid."] = "无效的竞标价。" L["Item"] = "物品" L["Item Summary"] = "物品摘要" L["Items"] = "物品" L["Last Used Tab"] = "最后使用的标签" L["Listing %d of %d"] = "列表 %d 的 %d" L["Listings"] = "列表" L["Market Price"] = "市场价" L["Max Stacks"] = "最大堆叠" L["Max Stacks + Excess"] = "最大堆叠 + 剩余" L["Member Of"] = "成员" L["Minimum Profit (Gold)"] = "最小利润(金)" L["Minimum Profit (Pct)"] = "最小利润(百分率)" L["Mouse Cursor"] = "跟随鼠标" L["Name"] = "名称" L["Net cost for %d:"] = "%d的成本:" L["Never"] = "从不" L["New..."] = "新的..." L["No current auctions"] = "目前没有拍卖" L["No deals found"] = "没有发现交易" L["No items found"] = "未找到物品" L["Not enough cash for deposit."] = "没有足够的金币。" L["Not enough items available."] = "没有足够的物品。" L["Note: %d |4listing:listings; of %d |4item was:items were; not purchased."] = "注意: %d |4项:项; 的 %d |4物品:物品; 没有购买." L["Number of Items"] = "物品数量" L["Number of Items |cff808080(max %d)|r"] = "物品数量 |cff808080(最大 %d)|r" L["Number of stacks suggested when an item is first placed in the \"Sell\" tab."] = "建议堆叠数目当物品首先放置在\"出售\"标签。" L["On the summary view, show how many listings/items are yours."] = "在总结检视中,显示多少项/物品是你的" L["One Item"] = "一件物品" L["One Stack"] = "一堆叠" L["Open All Bags at AH"] = "打开所有背包" L["Open all your bags when you visit the auction house."] = "当你打开拍卖行时自动打开所有背包。" L["Open configuration dialog"] = "打开设置界面" L["per item"] = "每件" L["per stack"] = "每堆" L["Percent to undercut market value for bid prices (0-100)."] = "将市场价削价后作为竞标价的百分比(0-100)。" L["Percent to undercut market value for buyout prices (0-100)."] = "将市场价削价后作为一口价的百分比(0-100)。" L["Placement of tooltips in \"Buy\" and \"Sell\" tabs."] = "布置在\"购买\"和\"出售\"标签提示" L["Potential Profit"] = "盈利潜力" L["Pricing Method"] = "价格模式" L["Print Detailed Price Data"] = "显示详细的价格数据" L["Print detailed price data when selling an item."] = "当出售某物品时,显示详细的价格数据。" L["Profiles"] = "配置" L["Qty"] = "数量" L["Remove Items"] = "移除物品" L["Remove the selected items from the current favorites list."] = "从当前的收藏列表中移除已选择的物品" L["Resell %d:"] = "再卖 %d:" L["Right Side of AH"] = "拍卖窗口右方" L["Round all prices to this granularity, or zero to disable (0-1)."] = "将所有物价限制在这个范围内,0为关闭该功能(0-1)。" L["Round Prices"] = "价格范围" L["Save All"] = "保存所有" L["Saved Item Settings"] = "已保存物品设置" L["Scan complete. Try again later to find deals!"] = "扫描完成. 稍后再尝试寻找交易!" L["Scanning..."] = "扫描中……" L["Scanning:"] = "扫描中:" L["Search"] = "搜索" L["Searching:"] = "搜索中:" L["Select a Favorites List"] = "选择一个物品列表" L["Selected Stack Size"] = "已选择堆叠大小" L["Sell Tab"] = "出售标签" L["Shift-click to search for the exact name. Normal click to perform a regular search."] = "Shift-单击搜索准确名称。点击进行常规搜索。" L["Show auction house value in tooltips."] = "在鼠标提示中显示拍卖行价格。" L["Show Auction Value"] = "显示拍卖行价格" L["Show Deals"] = "显示交易" L["Show Disenchant Value"] = "显示附魔等级" L["Show expected disenchant value in tooltips."] = "显示分解该物品所需的附魔技能等级。" L["Show Favorites"] = "显示收藏夹" L["Show Full Stack Price"] = "堆叠价格" L["Show full stack prices in tooltips (shift toggles on the fly)."] = "显示堆叠价格。" L["Show How Many Listings are Mine"] = "显示有多少项是我的" L["Show My Auctions"] = "显示我的拍卖" L["Show Vendor Price"] = "显示商人价格" L["Show vendor sell price in tooltips."] = "在鼠标提示中显示商人的价格。" L["Stack Count"] = "堆叠计数" L["Stack Size"] = "堆叠大小" L["Stack size suggested when an item is first placed in the \"Sell\" tab."] = "建议堆叠大小当物品首先放置在\"出售\"标签。" L["Stack size too large."] = "堆叠数量太大。" L["stacks of"] = "堆叠" L["Start Tab"] = "初始标签" L["Store Price Data"] = "储存价钱资料" L["Store price data for all items seen (disable to save memory)."] = "储存所有已见过的物品价钱资料(禁用以节省内存)." L["Time Elapsed:"] = "花费时间:" L["Time Remaining:"] = "剩余时间:" L["Tooltip Location"] = "鼠标提示位置" L["Tooltips"] = "鼠标提示" L["Use Coin Icons in Tooltips"] = "显示钱币图标" L["Use fast method for full scans (may cause disconnects)."] = "使用快速模式扫描拍卖行(可能会引起掉线)。" L["Uses the standard gold/silver/copper icons in tooltips."] = "在鼠标提示中使用图标代替 金、银、铜字样。" L["Vendor"] = "商人" L["Vendor Multiplier"] = "商人倍数" L["Vendor: %s"] = "商人:%s" L["VENDOR_WARNING"] = "你的一口价价格低于商人价格,你是否仍然要建立这个拍卖?" L["Window Corner"] = "右下角"