local debug = false --[===[@debug@ debug = true --@end-debug@]===] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("AuctionLite", "enUS", true, debug); L["%dh"] = true L["(none set)"] = true L["|cff00ff00Scanned %d listings.|r"] = true L["|cff00ff00Using previous price.|r"] = true L["|cff808080(per item)|r"] = true L["|cff808080(per stack)|r"] = true L["|cff8080ffData for %s x%d|r"] = true L["|cffff0000[Error]|r Insufficient funds."] = true L["|cffff0000[Warning]|r Skipping your own auctions. You might want to cancel them instead."] = true L["|cffff0000Buyout less than bid.|r"] = true L["|cffff0000Buyout less than vendor price.|r"] = true L["|cffff0000Invalid stack size/count.|r"] = true L["|cffff0000No bid price set.|r"] = true L["|cffff0000Not enough cash for deposit.|r"] = true L["|cffff0000Not enough items available.|r"] = true L["|cffff0000Stack size too large.|r"] = true L["|cffff0000Using %.3gx vendor price.|r"] = true L["|cffff7030Buyout less than vendor price.|r"] = true L["|cffff7030Stack %d will have %d |4item:items;.|r"] = true L["|cffffd000Using historical data.|r"] = true L["|cffffff00Scanning: %d%%|r"] = true L["Accept"] = true L["Add a new item to a favorites list by entering the name here."] = true L["Add an Item"] = true L["Advanced"] = true L["Always"] = true L["Amount to multiply by vendor price to get default sell price."] = true L["Approve"] = true L["Auction"] = true L["Auction creation is already in progress."] = true L["Auction house data cleared."] = true L["Auction scan skipped (control key is down)"] = true L["AuctionLite"] = true L["AuctionLite - Buy"] = true L["AuctionLite - Sell"] = true L["AuctionLite Buy"] = true L["AuctionLite Sell"] = true L["AuctionLite v%s loaded!"] = true L["Batch %d: %d at %s"] = true L["Below AH"] = true L["Bid cost for %d:"] = true L["Bid on %dx %s (%d |4listing:listings; at %s)."] = true L["Bid Per Item"] = true L["Bid Price"] = true L["Bid Total"] = true L["Bid Undercut"] = true L["Bid Undercut (Fixed)"] = true L["Bought %dx %s (%d |4listing:listings; at %s)."] = true L["Buy Tab"] = true L["Buyout cannot be less than starting bid."] = true L["Buyout cost for %d:"] = true L["Buyout Per Item"] = true L["Buyout Price"] = true L["Buyout Total"] = true L["Buyout Undercut"] = true L["Buyout Undercut (Fixed)"] = true L["Cancel"] = true L["Cancel All"] = true L["Cancel All Auctions"] = true L["Cancel Unbid"] = true L["Cancel Undercut Auctions"] = true L["CANCEL_CONFIRM_TEXT"] = "Some of your auctions have bids on them. Do you want to cancel all auctions, cancel only those with no bids, or do nothing?" L["CANCEL_NOTE"] = [=[AuctionLite can only cancel one item per click due to a Blizzard restriction, so only one of your auctions was cancelled. To work around this problem, you can continue clicking on the "Cancel" button until all the desired auctions have been cancelled.]=] L["CANCEL_TOOLTIP"] = [=[|cffffffffClick:|r Cancel all auctions |cffffffffCtrl-Click:|r Cancel undercut auctions]=] L["Cancelled %d |4listing:listings; of %s."] = true L["Cancelled %d listings of %s"] = true L["Choose a favorites list to edit."] = true L["Choose which tab is selected when opening the auction house."] = true L["Clear All"] = true L["Clear all auction house price data."] = true L["Clear All Data"] = true L["CLEAR_DATA_WARNING"] = "Do you really want to delete all auction house price data gathered by AuctionLite?" L["Competing Auctions"] = true L["Configure"] = true L["Configure AuctionLite"] = true L["Consider resale value of excess items when filling an order on the \"Buy\" tab."] = true L["Consider Resale Value When Buying"] = true L["Create a new favorites list."] = true L["Created %d |4auction:auctions; of %s x%d (%s total)."] = true L["Created %d |4auction:auctions; of %s x%d."] = true L["Current: %s (%.2fx historical)"] = true L["Current: %s (%.2fx historical, %.2fx vendor)"] = true L["Current: %s (%.2fx vendor)"] = true L["Deals must be below the historical price by this much gold."] = true L["Deals must be below the historical price by this percentage."] = true L["Default"] = true L["Default Number of Stacks"] = true L["Default Stack Size"] = true L["Delete"] = true L["Delete the selected favorites list."] = true L["Disable"] = true L["Disenchant"] = true L["Do it!"] = true L["Do Nothing"] = true L["Enable"] = true L["Enter item name and click \"Search\""] = true L["Enter the name of the new favorites list:"] = true L["Error locating item in bags. Please try again!"] = true L["Error when creating auctions."] = true L["Fast Auction Scan"] = true L["Fast auction scan disabled."] = true L["Fast auction scan enabled."] = true L["FAST_SCAN_AD"] = [=[AuctionLite's fast auction scan can scan the entire auction house in a few seconds. However, depending on your connection, a fast scan can cause you to be disconnected from the server. If this happens, you can disable fast scanning on the AuctionLite options screen. Enable fast auction scans?]=] L["Favorites"] = true L["Fixed amount to undercut market value for bid prices (e.g., 1g 2s 3c)."] = true L["Fixed amount to undercut market value for buyout prices (e.g., 1g 2s 3c)."] = true L["Full Scan"] = true L["Full Stack"] = true L["Hide Tooltips"] = true L["Historical Price"] = true L["Historical price for %d:"] = true L["Historical: %s (%d |4listing:listings;/scan, %d |4item:items;/scan)"] = true L["If Applicable"] = true L["Invalid starting bid."] = true L["Item"] = true L["Item Summary"] = true L["Items"] = true L["Last Used Tab"] = true L["Listing %d of %d"] = true L["Listings"] = true L["Market Price"] = true L["Max Stacks"] = true L["Max Stacks + Excess"] = true L["Member Of"] = true L["Minimum Profit (Gold)"] = true L["Minimum Profit (Pct)"] = true L["Mouse Cursor"] = true L["Name"] = true L["Net cost for %d:"] = true L["Never"] = true L["New..."] = true L["No current auctions"] = true L["No deals found"] = true L["No items found"] = true L["Not enough cash for deposit."] = true L["Not enough items available."] = true L["Note: %d |4listing:listings; of %d |4item was:items were; not purchased."] = true L["Number of Items"] = true L["Number of Items |cff808080(max %d)|r"] = true L["Number of stacks suggested when an item is first placed in the \"Sell\" tab."] = true L["On the summary view, show how many listings/items are yours."] = true L["One Item"] = true L["One Stack"] = true L["Open All Bags at AH"] = true L["Open all your bags when you visit the auction house."] = true L["Open configuration dialog"] = true L["per item"] = true L["per stack"] = true L["Percent to undercut market value for bid prices (0-100)."] = true L["Percent to undercut market value for buyout prices (0-100)."] = true L["Placement of tooltips in \"Buy\" and \"Sell\" tabs."] = true L["Potential Profit"] = true L["Pricing Method"] = true L["Print Detailed Price Data"] = true L["Print detailed price data when selling an item."] = true L["Profiles"] = true L["Qty"] = true L["Remove Items"] = true L["Remove the selected items from the current favorites list."] = true L["Resell %d:"] = true L["Right Side of AH"] = true L["Round all prices to this granularity, or zero to disable (0-1)."] = true L["Round Prices"] = true L["Save All"] = true L["Saved Item Settings"] = true L["Scan complete. Try again later to find deals!"] = true L["Scanning..."] = true L["Scanning:"] = true L["Search"] = true L["Searching:"] = true L["Select a Favorites List"] = true L["Selected Stack Size"] = true L["Sell Tab"] = true L["Shift-click to search for the exact name. Normal click to perform a regular search."] = true L["Show auction house value in tooltips."] = true L["Show Auction Value"] = true L["Show Deals"] = true L["Show Disenchant Value"] = true L["Show expected disenchant value in tooltips."] = true L["Show Favorites"] = true L["Show Full Stack Price"] = true L["Show full stack prices in tooltips (shift toggles on the fly)."] = true L["Show How Many Listings are Mine"] = true L["Show My Auctions"] = true L["Show Vendor Price"] = true L["Show vendor sell price in tooltips."] = true L["Stack Count"] = true L["Stack Size"] = true L["Stack size suggested when an item is first placed in the \"Sell\" tab."] = true L["Stack size too large."] = true L["stacks of"] = true L["Start Tab"] = true L["Store Price Data"] = true L["Store price data for all items seen (disable to save memory)."] = true L["Time Elapsed:"] = true L["Time Remaining:"] = true L["Tooltip Location"] = true L["Tooltips"] = true L["Use Coin Icons in Tooltips"] = true L["Use fast method for full scans (may cause disconnects)."] = true L["Uses the standard gold/silver/copper icons in tooltips."] = true L["Vendor"] = true L["Vendor Multiplier"] = true L["Vendor: %s"] = true L["VENDOR_WARNING"] = "Your buyout price is below the vendor price. Do you still want to create this auction?" L["Window Corner"] = true