------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SellFrame.lua -- -- Implements the "Sell" tab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local _ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("AuctionLite", false) -- Constants for display elements. local SELL_DISPLAY_SIZE = 16; -- Pricing methods. local METHOD_PER_ITEM = 1; local METHOD_PER_STACK = 2; -- Durations. local DURATION_SHORT = 1; local DURATION_MEDIUM = 2; local DURATION_LONG = 3; -- Current sorting state. local SellSort = { sort = "BuyoutEach", flipped = false, justFlipped = false, sorted = false, }; -- Info about data to be shown in scrolling pane. local SellLink = nil; local SellData = {}; -- Value of item currently in "Sell" tab. local ItemValue = nil; -- User-specified bid and buyout values for current item. local ItemBid = nil; local ItemBuyout = nil; -- Can we undercut the current item value? local AllowUndercut = nil; -- Status shown in auction posting frame. local StatusMessage = ""; local StatusError = false; -- Number of times the user has edited the size box. local ChangedSize = 0; -- Previous prices set by the user. local SavedPrices = {}; -- Add a money type that updates the deposit correctly. MoneyTypeInfo["AUCTIONLITE_DEPOSIT"] = { UpdateFunc = function() return AuctionLite:CalculateDeposit() end, collapse = 1, } -- Determine the correct deposit for a single item. function AuctionLite:CalculateDeposit() local time = self:GetDuration(); local stacks = SellStacks:GetNumber(); local size = SellSize:GetNumber(); local startPrice = MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBidPrice); local buyoutPrice = MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBuyoutPrice); return GetAuctionDeposit(time, startPrice, buyoutPrice, size, stacks); end -- Update the deposit field. function AuctionLite:UpdateDeposit() MoneyFrame_Update("SellDepositMoneyFrame", self:CalculateDeposit()); end -- Generate a suggested bid and buyout from the market value. We undercut -- and round prices according to the user's settings. function AuctionLite:GeneratePrice(value, allowUndercut) -- Find out how to round prices. local granularity = 1; if self.db.profile.roundPrices > 0 then granularity = math.pow(10, math.floor(math.log10(value))) * self.db.profile.roundPrices; end -- How much do we undercut? -- Bid undercut applies all the time; buyout only when allowed. local bidUndercut = self.db.profile.bidUndercut; local buyoutUndercut = self.db.profile.buyoutUndercut; local bidUndercutFixed = self.db.profile.bidUndercutFixed; local buyoutUndercutFixed = self.db.profile.buyoutUndercutFixed; if not allowUndercut then buyoutUndercut = 0; buyoutUndercutFixed = 0; end -- Undercut bid and buyout as specified. local generate = function(value, undercut, undercutFixed, granularity) return math.max(1, math.floor((value * (1 - undercut)) / granularity) * granularity - undercutFixed); end local bid = generate(value, bidUndercut, bidUndercutFixed, granularity); local buyout = generate(value, buyoutUndercut, buyoutUndercutFixed, granularity); return bid, buyout; end -- Generate price, and dump some data to the console. function AuctionLite:ShowPriceData(itemLink, itemValue, stackSize) local hist = self:GetHistoricalPrice(itemLink); local stackValue = itemValue * stackSize; local _, _, count, _, _, vendor = GetAuctionSellItemInfo(); local itemVendor = vendor / count; self:Print(L["|cff8080ffData for %s x%d|r"]:format(itemLink, stackSize)); self:Print(L["Vendor: %s"]:format(self:PrintMoney(itemVendor * stackSize))); if hist ~= nil and hist.scans > 0 and hist.price > 0 then self:Print(L["Historical: %s (%d |4listing:listings;/scan, %d |4item:items;/scan)"]: format(self:PrintMoney(hist.price * stackSize), math.floor(0.5 + hist.listings / hist.scans), math.floor(0.5 + hist.items / hist.scans))); if itemVendor > 0 then self:Print(L["Current: %s (%.2fx historical, %.2fx vendor)"]: format(self:PrintMoney(stackValue), math.floor(100 * itemValue / hist.price) / 100, math.floor(100 * itemValue / itemVendor) / 100)); else self:Print(L["Current: %s (%.2fx historical)"]: format(self:PrintMoney(stackValue), math.floor(100 * itemValue / hist.price) / 100)); end elseif itemVendor > 0 then self:Print(L["Current: %s (%.2fx vendor)"]: format(self:PrintMoney(stackValue), math.floor(100 * itemValue / itemVendor) / 100)); end return bid, buyout; end -- Set the market value for the current item. function AuctionLite:SetItemValue(value, allowUndercut) ItemValue = value; AllowUndercut = allowUndercut; ItemBid = nil; ItemBuyout = nil; end -- Set the user-specified bid and buyout. function AuctionLite:SetItemBidBuyout(bid, buyout) if bid ~= nil then ItemBid = bid; end if buyout ~= nil then ItemBuyout = buyout; end end -- Set the number of stacksto the maximum value based on the current stack size function AuctionLite:SellStacksMaxButton_OnClick() local _, _, _, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if link ~= nil then local size = SellSize:GetNumber(); local numItems = self:CountItems(link); local stacks = (numItems - numItems % size) / size; SellStacks:SetText(stacks); AuctionLite:UserChangedSize(); end end -- Set the stack size to the maximum value based on the current number of stacks function AuctionLite:SellSizeMaxButton_OnClick() local _, _, _, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if link ~= nil then local stacks = SellStacks:GetNumber(); local numItems = self:CountItems(link); local size = (numItems - numItems % stacks) / stacks; SellSize:SetText(size); AuctionLite:UserChangedSize(); end end -- Indicate that the user has messed with the stack size. function AuctionLite:UserChangedSize() ChangedSize = ChangedSize + 1; self:UpdateDeposit(); self:UpdatePrices(); self:ValidateAuction(); end -- Update the stack size based on a change in the number of stacks. function AuctionLite:UserChangedStacks() -- If the user hasn't already specified a size, adjust the size to -- fit the number of stacks entered. if ChangedSize <= 0 then local _, _, _, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if link ~= nil then local size = SellSize:GetNumber(); local stacks = SellStacks:GetNumber(); local numItems = self:CountItems(link); -- If we don't have enough items to fill the order, then we need to -- modify the stack size. if numItems < size * stacks then -- Get our new stack size. local newSize = math.floor(numItems / stacks); -- Make sure the stack is not too large. local maxSize = self:GetMaxStackSize(link); if maxSize < newSize then newSize = maxSize; end -- Update the size. if newSize ~= size then ChangedSize = ChangedSize - 1; SellSize:SetText(newSize); end end end end self:UpdateDeposit(); self:ValidateAuction(); end -- Fill in suggested prices based on a query result or a change in the -- stack size. function AuctionLite:UpdatePrices() if ItemValue ~= nil then local bid, buyout = self:GeneratePrice(ItemValue, AllowUndercut); if ItemBid ~= nil then bid = ItemBid; end if ItemBuyout ~= nil then buyout = ItemBuyout; end -- If we're pricing by stack, multiply by our stack size. if self.db.profile.method == METHOD_PER_STACK then local stackSize = SellSize:GetNumber(); bid = bid * stackSize; buyout = buyout * stackSize; end MoneyInputFrame_SetCopper(SellBidPrice, math.floor(bid + 0.5)); SellBidPrice.expectChanges = SellBidPrice.expectChanges + 1; MoneyInputFrame_SetCopper(SellBuyoutPrice, math.floor(buyout + 0.5)); SellBuyoutPrice.expectChanges = SellBuyoutPrice.expectChanges + 1; -- Validate auction and enable create button. self:ValidateAuction(); end end -- Check whether there are any errors in the auction. function AuctionLite:ValidateAuction() local name, _, count, _, _, vendor, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if name ~= nil and not self:QueryInProgress() then local bid = MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBidPrice); local buyout = MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBuyoutPrice); local stacks = SellStacks:GetNumber(); local size = SellSize:GetNumber() or 1; local numItems = self:CountItems(link); local maxSize = self:GetMaxStackSize(link); -- If we're pricing by item, get the full stack price. if self.db.profile.method == METHOD_PER_ITEM then bid = bid * size; buyout = buyout * size; end -- Now perform our checks. if stacks * size <= 0 then StatusError = true; SellStatusText:SetText(L["|cffff0000Invalid stack size/count.|r"]); SellCreateAuctionButton:Disable(); elseif maxSize < size then StatusError = true; SellStatusText:SetText(L["|cffff0000Stack size too large.|r"]); SellCreateAuctionButton:Disable(); elseif numItems < stacks * size then StatusError = true; SellStatusText:SetText(L["|cffff0000Not enough items available.|r"]); SellCreateAuctionButton:Disable(); elseif bid == 0 then StatusError = true; SellStatusText:SetText(L["|cffff0000No bid price set.|r"]); SellCreateAuctionButton:Disable(); elseif 0 < buyout and buyout < bid then StatusError = true; SellStatusText:SetText(L["|cffff0000Buyout less than bid.|r"]); SellCreateAuctionButton:Disable(); elseif GetMoney() < self:CalculateDeposit() then StatusError = true; SellStatusText:SetText(L["|cffff0000Not enough cash for deposit.|r"]); SellCreateAuctionButton:Disable(); elseif 0 < buyout and buyout <= (vendor * size / count) then StatusError = true; SellStatusText:SetText(L["|cffff7030Buyout less than vendor price.|r"]); SellCreateAuctionButton:Enable(); else StatusError = false; SellStatusText:SetText(StatusMessage); SellCreateAuctionButton:Enable(); end end end -- There's been a click on the auction sell item slot. function AuctionLite:ClickAuctionSellItemButton_Hook() -- Ignore clicks that we generated ourselves. if AuctionFrameSell:IsShown() and not self:CreateInProgress() then -- Clear everything first. self:ClearSellFrame(); -- If we've got a new item in the auction slot, fill out the fields. local name, texture, count, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if name ~= nil then local maxSize = self:GetMaxStackSize(link); SellItemButton:SetNormalTexture(texture); SellItemButtonName:SetText(name); if count > 1 then SellItemButtonCount:SetText(count); SellItemButtonCount:Show(); else SellItemButtonCount:Hide(); end local total = self:CountItems(link); local prefs = self:GetSavedPrices(link); local size = count; if prefs ~= nil and prefs.stackSize ~= nil then size = prefs.stackSize; elseif self.db.profile.defaultSize == "a_one" then size = 1; elseif self.db.profile.defaultSize == "b_stack" then size = count; elseif self.db.profile.defaultSize == "c_full" then size = maxSize; if size > total then size = total; end end local stacks = 1; if prefs ~= nil and prefs.stackCount ~= nil then stacks = prefs.stackCount; elseif self.db.profile.defaultStacks == "a_one" then stacks = 1; elseif self.db.profile.defaultStacks == "b_full" then stacks = math.floor(total / size); elseif self.db.profile.defaultStacks == "c_excess" then stacks = math.ceil(total / size); end if size ~= SellSize:GetNumber() then ChangedSize = ChangedSize - 1; end SellStacks:SetText(stacks); SellSize:SetText(size); SellStacks:SetFocus(); SellStackText:SetText( L["Number of Items |cff808080(max %d)|r"]:format(total)); self:UpdateDeposit(); if IsControlKeyDown() then -- Just pretend the scan finished. self:Print(L["Auction scan skipped (control key is down)"]); self:SetSellData({}, link); else -- Start the scan. local query = { link = link, exact = true, update = function(pct) AuctionLite:UpdateProgressSell(pct) end, finish = function(data, link) AuctionLite:SetSellData(data, link) end, }; self:StartQuery(query); end end end end -- Forget all our saved prices. function AuctionLite:ClearSavedPrices() SavedPrices = {}; end -- Clean up the "Sell" tab. function AuctionLite:ClearSellFrame() self:CancelQuery(); SellSort = { sort = "BuyoutEach", flipped = false, justFlipped = false, sorted = false, }; SellLink = nil; SellData = {}; ItemValue = nil; ItemBid = nil; ItemBuyout = nil; AllowUndercut = nil; ChangedSize = 0; SellItemButton:SetNormalTexture(nil); SellItemButtonName:SetText(""); SellItemButtonCount:Hide(); SellStackText:SetText(L["Number of Items"]); SellStacks:SetText(""); SellSize:SetText(""); MoneyInputFrame_ResetMoney(SellBidPrice); MoneyInputFrame_ResetMoney(SellBuyoutPrice); SellCreateAuctionButton:Disable(); SellRememberButton:Disable(); StatusError = false; self:SetStatus(""); self:UpdateDeposit(); FauxScrollFrame_SetOffset(SellScrollFrame, 0); self:AuctionFrameSell_Update(); end -- Set the status line. function AuctionLite:SetStatus(message) StatusMessage = message; if not StatusError then SellStatusText:SetText(message); end end -- Get our query results. function AuctionLite:SetSellData(results, link) -- Set the competing auction display. local result = results[link]; if result ~= nil then local filtered = {}; local i; for _, listing in ipairs(result.data) do if listing.buyout > 0 then table.insert(filtered, listing); end end SellLink = link; SellData = filtered; SellSort = { sort = "BuyoutEach", flipped = false, justFlipped = false, sorted = false, }; end -- Get our recommended item value. local itemValue = 0; local allowUndercut = true; if result ~= nil and result.price > 0 then itemValue = result.price; if result.priceIsMine then allowUndercut = false; end if self.db.profile.printPriceData then self:ShowPriceData(link, itemValue, SellSize:GetNumber()); end self:SetStatus(L["|cff00ff00Scanned %d listings.|r"]: format(result.listings)); else local hist = self:GetHistoricalPrice(link); if hist ~= nil and hist.price > 0 then itemValue = hist.price; self:SetStatus(L["|cffffd000Using historical data.|r"]); else local _, _, count, _, _, vendor = GetAuctionSellItemInfo(); local mult = self.db.profile.vendorMultiplier; itemValue = mult * vendor / count; self:SetStatus(L["|cffff0000Using %.3gx vendor price.|r"]: format(mult)); end allowUndercut = false; end self:SetItemValue(itemValue, allowUndercut); -- Load the user's saved price, if it exists. local saved = SavedPrices[link]; if saved ~= nil then self:SetStatus(L["|cff00ff00Using previous price.|r"]); self:SetItemBidBuyout(saved.bid, saved.buyout); end -- Load long-term saved prices. local prefs = self:GetSavedPrices(link); if prefs ~= nil then self:SetItemBidBuyout(prefs.bid, prefs.buyout); end -- Active the remember menu. SellRememberButton:Enable(); -- Update the UI. self:UpdatePrices(); self:AuctionFrameSell_Update(); end -- Save the current prices for later use. function AuctionLite:RecordSellPrices() if ItemBid ~= nil and ItemBuyout ~= nil then local _, _, _, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if link then SavedPrices[link] = { bid = ItemBid, buyout = ItemBuyout }; end end end -- Static popup warning for clearing data. StaticPopupDialogs["AL_VENDOR_WARNING"] = { text = L["VENDOR_WARNING"], button1 = L["Do it!"], button2 = L["Cancel"], OnAccept = function(self) AuctionLite:RecordSellPrices(); AuctionLite:CreateAuctions(); end, showAlert = 1, timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, hideOnEscape = 1, preferredIndex = 3 }; -- We've clicked the "Create" button (or pressed enter). function AuctionLite:SellCreateAuctionButton_OnClick() local _, _, count, _, _, vendor = GetAuctionSellItemInfo(); local buyout = MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBuyoutPrice); local size = SellSize:GetNumber(); -- If we're pricing by item, get the full stack price. if self.db.profile.method == METHOD_PER_ITEM then buyout = buyout * size; end -- If we're below vendor price, warn; otherwise, sell. if 0 < buyout and buyout <= (vendor * size / count) then StaticPopup_Show("AL_VENDOR_WARNING"); else self:RecordSellPrices(); self:CreateAuctions(); end end -- Handles clicks on buttons in the "Competing Auctions" display. -- Get the appropriate auction and undercut it! function AuctionLite:SellButton_OnClick(id) local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(SellScrollFrame); local item = SellData[offset + id]; if item ~= nil then if item.owner == UnitName("player") then self:SetItemBidBuyout(item.bid / item.count, item.buyout / item.count); else self:SetItemValue(item.price, true); end self:UpdatePrices(); end end -- Mouse has entered a row in the scrolling frame. function AuctionLite:SellButton_OnEnter(widget) -- Get our index into the current display data. local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(SellScrollFrame); local id = widget:GetID(); -- If there's an item at this location, create a tooltip for it. local item = SellData[offset + id]; local _, _, _, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if item ~= nil and link ~= nil then local shift = SellButton1Name:GetLeft() - SellButton1Count:GetLeft(); self:SetAuctionLiteTooltip(widget, shift, link, item.count); end end -- Mouse has left a row in the scrolling frame. function AuctionLite:SellButton_OnLeave(widget) GameTooltip:Hide(); end -- Handles clicks on "Remember" button. function AuctionLite:SellRememberButton_OnClick(widget) local _, _, _, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); if link ~= nil then local prefs = self:GetSavedPrices(link); local menuList = { { text = L["Saved Item Settings"], isTitle = true, }, }; -- Add items for each of our saved variables, including the -- current saved value if there is one. local addMenuItem = function(name, field, isMoney, fn) local value = prefs[field]; if value ~= nil then if isMoney then if self.db.profile.method == METHOD_PER_STACK then local stackSize = SellSize:GetNumber(); value = value * stackSize; end value = self:PrintMoney(value); end else value = "|cffc0c0c0" .. L["(none set)"] .. "|r"; end local menuItem = { text = name .. ": " .. value, func = function() if prefs[field] ~= nil then prefs[field] = nil; else local newValue = fn(); if isMoney and self.db.profile.method == METHOD_PER_STACK then local stackSize = SellSize:GetNumber(); newValue = newValue / stackSize; end prefs[field] = newValue; end self:SetSavedPrices(link, prefs); end, }; if prefs[field] ~= nil then menuItem.checked = true; end table.insert(menuList, menuItem); end addMenuItem(L["Stack Count"], "stackCount", false, function() return SellStacks:GetNumber(); end); addMenuItem(L["Stack Size"], "stackSize", false, function() return SellSize:GetNumber(); end); addMenuItem(L["Bid Price"], "bid", true, function() return MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBidPrice); end); addMenuItem(L["Buyout Price"], "buyout", true, function() return MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBuyoutPrice); end); -- Add the save/clear all items. table.insert(menuList, { text = "", }); table.insert(menuList, { text = L["Save All"], func = function() local i; for i = 2, 5 do local item = menuList[i]; if not item.checked then item.func(); end end end, }); table.insert(menuList, { text = L["Clear All"], func = function() local i; for i = 2, 5 do local item = menuList[i]; if item.checked then item.func(); end end end, }); -- Now show/hide the menu. SellRememberDropDown.displayMode = "MENU"; SellRememberDropDown.initialize = EasyMenu_Initialize; SellRememberDropDown.point = "TOPRIGHT"; SellRememberDropDown.relativeTo = "SellRememberButton"; SellRememberDropDown.relativePoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"; ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, SellRememberDropDown, "SellRememberButton", 0, 0, menuList); end end -- Get the auction duration. function AuctionLite:GetDuration() local time = 0; if SellShortAuctionButton:GetChecked() then time = 1; elseif SellMediumAuctionButton:GetChecked() then time = 2; elseif SellLongAuctionButton:GetChecked() then time = 3; end return time; end -- Handle updates to the auction duration. function AuctionLite:ChangeAuctionDuration(value) self.db.profile.duration = value; SellShortAuctionButton:SetChecked(nil); SellMediumAuctionButton:SetChecked(nil); SellLongAuctionButton:SetChecked(nil); if value == DURATION_SHORT then SellShortAuctionButton:SetChecked(true); elseif value == DURATION_MEDIUM then SellMediumAuctionButton:SetChecked(true); elseif value == DURATION_LONG then SellLongAuctionButton:SetChecked(true); end self:UpdateDeposit(); end -- Handle updates to the pricing method. function AuctionLite:ChangePricingMethod(value) local prevValue = self.db.profile.method; self.db.profile.method = value; local stackSize = SellSize:GetNumber(); -- Clear everything. SellPerItemButton:SetChecked(nil); SellPerStackButton:SetChecked(nil); -- Now update the UI based on the new value. if value == METHOD_PER_ITEM then SellPerItemButton:SetChecked(true); SellBidStackText:SetText(L["|cff808080(per item)|r"]); SellBuyoutStackText:SetText(L["|cff808080(per item)|r"]); elseif value == METHOD_PER_STACK then SellPerStackButton:SetChecked(true); SellBidStackText:SetText(L["|cff808080(per stack)|r"]); SellBuyoutStackText:SetText(L["|cff808080(per stack)|r"]); end -- Update the listed prices based on the new pricing method. self:UpdatePrices(); end -- User changed the prices manually. function AuctionLite:UserChangedPrices() -- Get the user's values. local bid = MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBidPrice); local buyout = MoneyInputFrame_GetCopper(SellBuyoutPrice); -- If we're pricing by stack, divide by our stack size. if self.db.profile.method == METHOD_PER_STACK then local stackSize = SellSize:GetNumber(); bid = bid / stackSize; buyout = buyout / stackSize; end -- Set our new state. self:SetItemBidBuyout(bid, buyout); end -- Update query progress. function AuctionLite:UpdateProgressSell(pct) self:SetStatus(L["|cffffff00Scanning: %d%%|r"]:format(pct)); end -- Apply the current sort. function AuctionLite:ApplySellSort() local info = SellSort; local data = SellData; local cmp; if info.sort == "ItemName" then cmp = function(a, b) return a.count < b.count end; elseif info.sort == "BuyoutEach" then cmp = function(a, b) return a.buyout / a.count < b.buyout / b.count end; elseif info.sort == "BuyoutAll" then cmp = function(a, b) return a.buyout < b.buyout end; else assert(false); end self:ApplySort(info, data, cmp); end -- Set a new sort type for the "Sell" tab. function AuctionLite:SellSortButton_OnClick(sort) assert(sort == "ItemName" or sort == "BuyoutEach" or sort == "BuyoutAll"); self:SortButton_OnClick(SellSort, sort); self:AuctionFrameSell_Update(); end -- Paint the scroll frame on the right-hand side with competing auctions. function AuctionLite:AuctionFrameSell_Update() if not SellSort.sorted then self:ApplySellSort(); end local sort; for _, sort in ipairs({ "ItemName", "BuyoutEach", "BuyoutAll" }) do self:UpdateSortArrow("Sell", sort, SellSort.sort, SellSort.flipped); end local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(SellScrollFrame); local name, color, enchant, jewel1, jewel2, jewel3, jewel4; local showPlus; if SellLink ~= nil then name, color, _, _, enchant, jewel1, jewel2, jewel3, jewel4 = self:SplitLink(SellLink); showPlus = enchant ~= 0 or jewel1 ~= 0 or jewel2 ~= 0 or jewel3 ~= 0 or jewel4 ~= 0; end local i; for i = 1, SELL_DISPLAY_SIZE do local item = SellData[offset + i]; local buttonName = "SellButton" .. i; local button = _G[buttonName]; if item ~= nil then local countText = _G[buttonName .. "Count"]; local nameText = _G[buttonName .. "Name"]; local plusText = _G[buttonName .. "Plus"]; local buyoutEachFrame = _G[buttonName .. "BuyoutEachFrame"]; local buyoutFrame = _G[buttonName .. "BuyoutFrame"]; local alpha; if item.owner ~= UnitName("player") and not item.keep then alpha = 0.5; else alpha = 1.0; end local countColor; local nameColor; if item.owner == UnitName("player") then countColor = "ffffff00"; nameColor = "ffffff00"; else countColor = "ffffffff"; nameColor = color; end countText:SetText("|c" .. countColor .. item.count .. "x|r"); countText:SetAlpha(alpha); nameText:SetText("|c" .. nameColor .. name .. "|r"); nameText:SetAlpha(alpha); if showPlus then plusText:SetPoint("LEFT", nameText, "LEFT", nameText:GetStringWidth(), 0); plusText:Show(); else plusText:Hide(); end MoneyFrame_Update(buyoutEachFrame, math.floor(item.buyout / item.count + 0.5)); buyoutEachFrame:SetAlpha(alpha); MoneyFrame_Update(buyoutFrame, math.floor(item.buyout + 0.5)); buyoutFrame:SetAlpha(alpha); button:Show(); else button:Hide(); end end FauxScrollFrame_Update(SellScrollFrame, table.getn(SellData), SELL_DISPLAY_SIZE, SellButton1:GetHeight()); end -- Handle clicks on the scroll bar. function AuctionLite:SellScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(offset) FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll( SellScrollFrame, offset, SellButton1:GetHeight(), function() AuctionLite:AuctionFrameSell_Update() end); end -- Handle bag item clicks by dropping the item into the sell tab. function AuctionLite:BagClickSell(container, slot) if GetContainerItemLink(container, slot) ~= nil then ClearCursor(); ClickAuctionSellItemButton(); ClearCursor(); PickupContainerItem(container, slot); ClickAuctionSellItemButton(); end end -- Create the "Sell" tab. function AuctionLite:CreateSellFrame() -- Create our tab. local index = self:CreateTab(L["AuctionLite - Sell"], AuctionFrameSell); -- Set all localizable strings in the UI. SellTitle:SetText(L["AuctionLite - Sell"]); SellStackText:SetText(L["Number of Items"]); SellStacksOfText:SetText(L["stacks of"]); SellBuyoutText:SetText(L["Buyout Price"]); SellMethodText:SetText(L["Pricing Method"]); SellPerItemButtonText:SetText(L["per item"]); SellPerStackButtonText:SetText(L["per stack"]); SellShortAuctionButtonText:SetText(L["%dh"]:format(12)); SellMediumAuctionButtonText:SetText(L["%dh"]:format(24)); SellLongAuctionButtonText:SetText(L["%dh"]:format(48)); -- Set button text and adjust arrows. SellItemNameButton:SetText(L["Competing Auctions"]); self:UpdateSortButton("Sell", "BuyoutEach", L["Buyout Per Item"]); self:UpdateSortButton("Sell", "BuyoutAll", L["Buyout Total"]); -- Set our constants. SellPerItemButton:SetID(METHOD_PER_ITEM); SellPerStackButton:SetID(METHOD_PER_STACK); SellShortAuctionButton:SetID(DURATION_SHORT); SellMediumAuctionButton:SetID(DURATION_MEDIUM); SellLongAuctionButton:SetID(DURATION_LONG); -- Set up tabbing between fields. MoneyInputFrame_SetNextFocus(SellBidPrice, SellBuyoutPriceGold); MoneyInputFrame_SetPreviousFocus(SellBidPrice, SellSize); MoneyInputFrame_SetNextFocus(SellBuyoutPrice, SellStacks); MoneyInputFrame_SetPreviousFocus(SellBuyoutPrice, SellBidPriceCopper); -- Miscellaneous additional setup. MoneyFrame_SetType(SellDepositMoneyFrame, "AUCTIONLITE_DEPOSIT"); -- Make sure it's pristine. self:ClearSellFrame(); -- Set preferences. self:ChangeAuctionDuration(self.db.profile.duration); self:ChangePricingMethod(self.db.profile.method); return index; end