------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tooltip.lua -- -- Displays tooltips with vendor and auction prices. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local _ local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("AuctionLite", false) local MAX_BANK_COLUMNS = 7; local MAX_BANK_ROWS = 14; local LinkTooltips = true; local ShownMoneyFrames = {}; MoneyTypeInfo["AUCTIONLITE_TOOLTIP"] = { UpdateFunc = function(self) return self.staticMoney end, showSmallerCoins = 1, collapse = 1, }; -- Clean up after showing a tooltip with money. function AuctionLite:GameTooltip_ClearMoney_Hook(tooltip) -- Hide all private money frames. local shownFrames = ShownMoneyFrames[tooltip]; if shownFrames ~= nil then local i; for i = 1, shownFrames do local moneyFrame = _G[tooltip:GetName() .. "MoneyFrameAL" .. i]; if moneyFrame ~= nil then moneyFrame:Hide(); end end ShownMoneyFrames[tooltip] = nil; end end -- Hook the money callback to find out how expensive the item is. function AuctionLite:GameTooltip_OnTooltipAddMoney_Hook(tooltip, cost, maxcost) if self.db.profile.showVendor == "c_no" then -- We're not handling it, so pass the request on. return self.hooks["GameTooltip_OnTooltipAddMoney"](tooltip, cost, maxcost); end end -- This is our version of Blizzard's SetTooltipMoney. We create our -- own money frames inside the tooltip so that we can align them properly. function AuctionLite:SetTooltipMoney(tooltip, label, money) -- Add the label. tooltip:AddLine(label); -- Keep track of frames for this tooltip. local shownFrames = ShownMoneyFrames[tooltip] or 0; shownFrames = shownFrames + 1; ShownMoneyFrames[tooltip] = shownFrames; -- Create the frame if necessary. local moneyName = tooltip:GetName() .. "MoneyFrameAL" .. shownFrames; local moneyFrame = _G[moneyName]; if moneyFrame == nil then moneyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", moneyName, tooltip, "TooltipMoneyFrameTemplate"); MoneyFrame_SetType(moneyFrame, "AUCTIONLITE_TOOLTIP"); end -- Align it to the right of the tooltip at the appropriate line. local numLines = tooltip:NumLines(); local textName = tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft" .. numLines; moneyFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", tooltip, "RIGHT", 0, 0); moneyFrame:SetPoint("TOP", textName, "TOP", 0, 0); moneyFrame:Show(); -- Set the money amount and adjust the width. MoneyFrame_Update(moneyFrame:GetName(), money); moneyFrame.lineNum = numLines; end -- Make an appropriate money string function AuctionLite:AddTooltipLine(tooltip, option, getPrice, label, link, count1, count2) -- Do we want any tooltip at all? if option ~= "c_no" then -- Looks like we do, so fetch the price. local price = getPrice(link); if price ~= nil and price > 0 then -- We have price data here, so now we need to show it. price = math.floor(price); if self.db.profile.coinTooltips then -- We can only show one number, so give the average if there's -- a range of prices. local priceAvg; if count2 == nil then priceAvg = price * count1; else priceAvg = math.floor(price * (count1 + count2) / 2); end -- Add the money frame. self:SetTooltipMoney(tooltip, label, priceAvg); else -- Show the old-school text tooltip. local priceInfo = self:PrintMoney(price * count1); if count2 ~= nil then priceInfo = priceInfo .. " |cffffffff-|r " .. self:PrintMoney(price * count2); end tooltip:AddDoubleLine(label, priceInfo); end elseif option == "a_yes" then -- We have no price info, but the user wants a line anyway. tooltip:AddDoubleLine(label, "|cffffffffn/a|r"); end end end -- Add vendor and auction data to a tooltip. We have count1 and count2 -- for the upper and lower bound on the number of items; count2 may be nil. function AuctionLite:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count1, count2) if link ~= nil and count1 ~= nil and (self.db.profile.showVendor ~= "c_no" or self.db.profile.showDisenchant ~= "c_no" or self.db.profile.showAuction ~= "c_no") then -- Get vendor price. local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, vendor = GetItemInfo(link); -- Do we multiply by the stack size? local stackPrice = self.db.profile.showStackPrice; if (stackPrice and IsShiftKeyDown()) or (not stackPrice and not IsShiftKeyDown()) then count1 = 1; count2 = nil; end -- Figure out how to display the multiplier. local suffix; if count2 == nil then suffix = " |cffb09000(x" .. count1 .. ")|r"; else suffix = " |cffb09000(x" .. count1 .. "-" .. count2 .. ")|r"; end -- Remember how many money frames this tooltip had originally. local startMoney = ShownMoneyFrames[tooltip] or 0; -- Add lines for vendor, auction, and disenchant as appropriate. self:AddTooltipLine(tooltip, self.db.profile.showVendor, function(link) return vendor end, "|cffffd000" .. L["Vendor"] .. "|r" .. suffix, link, count1, count2); self:AddTooltipLine(tooltip, self.db.profile.showDisenchant, function(link) return AuctionLite:GetDisenchantValue(link) end, "|cffffd000" .. L["Disenchant"] .. "|r" .. suffix, link, count1, count2); self:AddTooltipLine(tooltip, self.db.profile.showAuction, function(link) return AuctionLite:GetAuctionValue(link) end, "|cffffd000" .. L["Auction"] .. "|r" .. suffix, link, count1, count2); -- Find out how many money frames we added. local endMoney = ShownMoneyFrames[tooltip] or 0; -- Figure out the maximum width for each denomination in our tooltips. local goldWidth = 0; local silverWidth = 0; local copperWidth = 0; local maxWidth = function(buttonName, width) local button = _G[buttonName]; if button:IsShown() and button:GetWidth() > width then return button:GetWidth(); else return width; end end local i; for i = startMoney + 1, endMoney do local moneyName = tooltip:GetName() .. "MoneyFrameAL" .. i; goldWidth = maxWidth(moneyName .. "GoldButton", goldWidth); silverWidth = maxWidth(moneyName .. "SilverButton", silverWidth); copperWidth = maxWidth(moneyName .. "CopperButton", copperWidth); end -- Now update the width of each denomination and each money frame -- so that they line up nicely. local updateWidth = function(buttonName, newWidth) local button = _G[buttonName]; button:SetWidth(newWidth); end local maxTextWidth = 0; local maxMoneyWidth = 0; local i; for i = startMoney + 1, endMoney do -- Update each column width. local moneyName = tooltip:GetName() .. "MoneyFrameAL" .. i; updateWidth(moneyName .. "GoldButton", goldWidth); updateWidth(moneyName .. "SilverButton", silverWidth); updateWidth(moneyName .. "CopperButton", copperWidth); -- Get the maximum text width and money width. local moneyFrame = _G[moneyName]; if moneyFrame:GetWidth() > maxMoneyWidth then maxMoneyWidth = moneyFrame:GetWidth(); end local textName = tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft" .. moneyFrame.lineNum; local textFrame = _G[textName]; if textFrame:GetWidth() > maxTextWidth then maxTextWidth = textFrame:GetWidth(); end end -- Widen the tooltip if necessary. if tooltip:GetMinimumWidth() < maxTextWidth + maxMoneyWidth then tooltip:SetMinimumWidth(maxTextWidth + maxMoneyWidth); end -- We're done! Show the tooltip. tooltip:Show(); end end -- Add data to bag item tooltips. function AuctionLite:BagTooltip(tooltip, bag, slot) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); local _, count = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to inventory/bank tooltips. function AuctionLite:InventoryTooltip(tooltip, unit, slot) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 and not (20 <= slot and slot <= 23) and -- skip inventory bags not (68 <= slot and slot <= 74) then -- skip bank bags local link = GetInventoryItemLink(unit, slot); local count = GetInventoryItemCount(unit, slot); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to guild bank tooltips. function AuctionLite:GuildBankTooltip(tooltip, tab, slot) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetGuildBankItemLink(tab, slot); local _, count = GetGuildBankItemInfo(tab, slot); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to trade skill tooltips. function AuctionLite:TradeSkillTooltip(tooltip, recipe, reagent) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link; local count1; local count2; if reagent == nil then -- We want the target of this skill. If we make multiple items, -- estimate the value based on the average number produced. link = GetTradeSkillItemLink(recipe); local min, max = GetTradeSkillNumMade(recipe); count1 = min; if min ~= max then count2 = max; end else -- We want a reagent. link = GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink(recipe, reagent); _, _, count1 = GetTradeSkillReagentInfo(recipe, reagent); end self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count1, count2); end end -- Add data to merchant tooltips. function AuctionLite:MerchantTooltip(tooltip, id) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetMerchantItemLink(id); local _, _, _, count = GetMerchantItemInfo(id); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to buyback tooltips. function AuctionLite:BuybackTooltip(tooltip, id) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetBuybackItemLink(id); local _, _, _, count = GetBuybackItemInfo(id); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to quest item tooltips. function AuctionLite:QuestTooltip(tooltip, itemType, id) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetQuestItemLink(itemType, id); local _, _, count = GetQuestItemInfo(itemType, id); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to quest log item tooltips. function AuctionLite:QuestLogTooltip(tooltip, itemType, id) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetQuestLogItemLink(itemType, id); local _, _, count = GetQuestLogRewardInfo(id); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to loot item tooltips. function AuctionLite:LootTooltip(tooltip, id) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 and LootSlotHasItem(id) then local link = GetLootSlotLink(id); local _, _, count = GetLootSlotInfo(id); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to loot roll item tooltips. function AuctionLite:LootRollTooltip(tooltip, id) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetLootRollItemLink(id); local _, _, count = GetLootRollItemInfo(id); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to auction item tooltips. function AuctionLite:AuctionTooltip(tooltip, itemType, index) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local link = GetAuctionItemLink(itemType, index); local _, _, count = GetAuctionItemInfo(itemType, index); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to auction sell item tooltips. function AuctionLite:AuctionSellTooltip(tooltip) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then local _, _, count, _, _, _, link = self:GetAuctionSellItemInfoAndLink(); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to mailbox tooltips. function AuctionLite:InboxTooltip(tooltip, msgIndex, attachIndex) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 then attachIndex = attachIndex or 1 local link = GetInboxItemLink(msgIndex, attachIndex); local _, _, _, count = GetInboxItem(msgIndex, attachIndex); self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, count); end end -- Add data to item link tooltips. function AuctionLite:HyperlinkTooltip(tooltip, link) if tooltip:NumLines() > 0 and link:find("item") and LinkTooltips then self:AddTooltipData(tooltip, link, 1); end end -- Enable/disable hyperlink tooltips. function AuctionLite:SetHyperlinkTooltips(enabled) LinkTooltips = enabled; end -- Show an AL tooltip for the "Buy" or "Sell" frame. function AuctionLite:SetAuctionLiteTooltip(widget, shift, link, count) if link ~= nil and self.db.profile.tooltipLocation ~= "e_hide" then self:SetHyperlinkTooltips(false); if self.db.profile.tooltipLocation == "a_cursor" then GameTooltip:SetOwner(widget, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT", shift); elseif self.db.profile.tooltipLocation == "b_right" then GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); GameTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", AuctionFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 10, -10); elseif self.db.profile.tooltipLocation == "c_below" then GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); GameTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", AuctionFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 10, -30); elseif self.db.profile.tooltipLocation == "d_corner" then GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); GameTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -15, 75); else assert(false); end GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(link); if GameTooltip:NumLines() > 0 then self:AddTooltipData(GameTooltip, link, count); end self:SetHyperlinkTooltips(true); end end -- Guild bank buttons don't have an update function for their tooltips. -- Add one of our own so that they change when you hit shift! function AuctionLite:HookBankTooltips() local i, j; for i = 1, MAX_BANK_COLUMNS do for j = 1, MAX_BANK_ROWS do local button = _G["GuildBankColumn" .. i .. "Button" .. j]; if button ~= nil then button.UpdateTooltipOrigAL = button.UpdateTooltip; button.UpdateTooltip = function(button) if button.UpdateTooltipOrigAL ~= nil then button:UpdateTooltipOrigAL(); end GuildBankItemButton_OnEnter(button); end end end end end -- Hook a given tooltip. function AuctionLite:AddHooksToTooltip(tooltip) self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetBagItem", "BagTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetInventoryItem", "InventoryTooltip"); -- self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetGuildBankItem", "GuildBankTooltip"); --self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetTradeSkillItem", "TradeSkillTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetMerchantItem", "MerchantTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetBuybackItem", "BuybackTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetQuestItem", "QuestTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetQuestLogItem", "QuestLogTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetLootItem", "LootTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetLootRollItem", "LootRollTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetAuctionItem", "AuctionTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetAuctionSellItem", "AuctionSellTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetInboxItem", "InboxTooltip"); self:SecureHook(tooltip, "SetHyperlink", "HyperlinkTooltip"); end -- Add all of our tooltip hooks. function AuctionLite:HookTooltips() self:AddHooksToTooltip(GameTooltip); self:AddHooksToTooltip(ItemRefTooltip); self:SecureHook("GameTooltip_ClearMoney", "GameTooltip_ClearMoney_Hook"); self:RawHook("GameTooltip_OnTooltipAddMoney", "GameTooltip_OnTooltipAddMoney_Hook", true); end