--[[ Author: Alternator (Massiner of Nathrezim) Copyright 2010 Notes: ]] local UILib = BFUILib; local Util = BFUtil; local EventFull = BFEventFrames["Full"]; --[[ Setup the configure env (this is called when the configurelayer is made visible) --]] function UILib.ConfigureModeEnabled() ButtonForgeSave["ConfigureMode"] = true; Util.RefreshGridStatus(); Util.RefreshBarStrata(); Util.RefreshBarGUIStatus(); Util.VDriverOverride(); EventFull.RefreshButtons = true; EventFull.RefChecked = true; EventFull.RefUsable = true; PlaySound(839, "Master"); end --[[ Close the configure mode cleanly (this is called when the configurelayer is hidden) --]] function UILib.ConfigureModeDisabled() ButtonForgeSave["ConfigureMode"] = false; UILib.ClearModes(); Util.RefreshGridStatus(); Util.RefreshBarStrata(); Util.RefreshBarGUIStatus(); Util.VDriverOverride(); EventFull.RefreshButtons = true; EventFull.RefChecked = true; EventFull.RefUsable = true; PlaySound(840, "Master"); end --[[ Call this to clear any current input processes (does not exit configure mode) --]] function UILib.ClearModes() UILib.ToggleCreateBarMode(true); UILib.ToggleDestroyBarMode(true); BFKeyBinder.CancelButtonSelectorMode(); UILib.SetMask(nil); UILib.InputBox(nil); end