--[[ Author: Alternator (Massiner of Nathrezim) Copyright 2010 Notes: ':' syntax represents a function that will be called by an actual BF Bar object '.' syntax represents either a function with no object passed or an event that will be called by a UI object (where the Objects ParentBar member will point at the BF Bar object) ]] BFBar = BFBar or {}; local Bar = BFBar; BFUtil = BFUtil or {}; local Util = BFUtil; BFConst = BFConst or {}; local Const = BFConst; BFUILib = BFUILib or {}; local UILib = BFUILib; BFButton = BFButton or {}; local Button = BFButton; BFKeyBinder = BFKeyBinder or {};local KeyBinder = BFKeyBinder; Bar.__index = Bar; --[[ Create a New Bar --]] function Bar.New(BarSave) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end local NewBar = {}; setmetatable(NewBar, Bar); NewBar.LeftControls = {}; NewBar.TopControls = {}; --[[ Frames ]]-- --[[Master Frame for the Bar Controls, also controls positioning via drag]]-- local ControlFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, BFConfigureLayer); ControlFrame:SetFrameStrata("LOW"); ControlFrame:SetSize(1, 1); ControlFrame:SetClampRectInsets(Const.I, -Const.I, -Const.I, Const.I); ControlFrame:SetClampedToScreen(false); --we will set this true later on though (false is default, but want to highlight this aspect here) ControlFrame:EnableMouse(true); ControlFrame:SetMovable(true); ControlFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", NewBar.DragOnMouseDown); ControlFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", NewBar.DragOnMouseUp); ControlFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", NewBar.CFOnEnter); ControlFrame.DragOnMouseUp = NewBar.DragOnMouseUp; ControlFrame.ParentBar = NewBar; NewBar.ControlFrame = ControlFrame; --[[Destroy Frame, this is usually hidden, but will become active when the Destroy mode is enabled, if clicked it will destroy the Bar]]-- local DestroyFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, BFDestroyBarOverlay); DestroyFrame:EnableMouse(true); DestroyFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ControlFrame, "TOPLEFT"); DestroyFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", ControlFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT"); DestroyFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", NewBar.DestroyFrameOnEnter); DestroyFrame.ParentBar = NewBar; NewBar.DestroyFrame = DestroyFrame; --[[Button Frame, this contains the actual buttons, this will also control visibility through a state driver for the buttons]]-- local ButtonFrameName = Util.GetButtonFrameName(BarSave["Label"]); local ButtonFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", ButtonFrameName, UIParent, "SecureHandlerShowHideTemplate"); --Const.BarSeq = Const.BarSeq + 1; Const.BarNaming..Const.BarSeq --ButtonFrame:SetParent(UIParent); ButtonFrame:SetFrameStrata("LOW"); ButtonFrame:SetSize(1, 1); ButtonFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ControlFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.I, -Const.I); ButtonFrame:Execute([[Buttons = newtable();]]); if (Util.ForceOffCastOnKeyDown) then ButtonFrame:SetAttribute("_onshow", [[local B, Key; for i = 1, #Buttons do B = Buttons[i]; B:Enable(); Key = B:GetAttribute("KeyBindValue"); if (Key) then B:SetBindingClick(false, Key, B); end end]]); --When the bar is shown enable the buttons else ButtonFrame:SetAttribute("_onshow", [[local B, Key; for i = 1, #Buttons do B = Buttons[i]; B:Enable(); Key = B:GetAttribute("KeyBindValue"); if (Key) then B:SetBindingClick(false, Key, B, "KeyBind"); end end]]); --When the bar is shown enable the buttons end ButtonFrame:SetAttribute("_onhide", [[local B, Key; for i = 1, #Buttons do B = Buttons[i]; B:Disable(); Key = B:GetAttribute("KeyBindValue"); if (Key) then B:ClearBindings(); end end]]); --When the bar is hidden disable them ButtonFrame:WrapScript(BFSecureForCombatFrame, "OnAttributeChanged", [[local B; if (value == "true") then if (not GridAlwaysOn) then for i = 1, #Buttons do B = Buttons[i]; if (not B:GetAttribute("type")) then B:Hide(); end end end if (not GUI) then owner:SetAlpha(0); for i = 1, #Buttons do Buttons[i]:EnableMouse(false); end end if (owner:GetFrameStrata() == "DIALOG") then owner:SetFrameStrata("LOW"); owner:SetFrameLevel(owner:GetAttribute("Order") * 6 + 4); end end]]); --When the bar has grid hide and the user enters combat ensure the grid is actually hidden (unfortunately there are not many other options apart from this heavy handed approach) ButtonFrame:WrapScript(BFSecureSpecialBarFrame, "OnAttributeChanged", [[local B, id, page; if (value == "overridebar") then page = 14; elseif (value == "vehicleui") then page = 12; else page = 12; end for i = 1, #Buttons do B = Buttons[i]; id = B:GetAttribute("id"); if (id) then B:SetAttribute("action", id + ((page - 1) * 12)); end end]]); ButtonFrame.ParentBar = NewBar; NewBar.ButtonFrame = ButtonFrame; --[[Background Layer, this will contain all controls and is used in resizing]]-- local Background = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, ControlFrame); Background:SetSize(1, 1); Background:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ControlFrame, "TOPLEFT"); Background:SetBackdrop({bgFile = Const.ImagesDir.."Backdrop.tga", edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16, insets = {left=3, right=3, bottom=3, top=3}}); --Background:SetBackdrop({bgFile = Const.ImagesDir.."Backdrop.tga", edgeFile = "", tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16, insets = nil}); Background:SetBackdropColor(unpack(Const.BarBackdrop)); Background.ParentBar = NewBar; NewBar.Background = Background; --[[Advanced Layer, this will contain advanced controls]]-- local AdvFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, BFAdvancedToolsLayer); AdvFrame:SetSize(1, 1); AdvFrame:SetScript("OnShow", NewBar.AdvFrameOnShowHide); AdvFrame:SetScript("OnHide", NewBar.AdvFrameOnShowHide); AdvFrame.ParentBar = NewBar; NewBar.AdvFrame = AdvFrame; --[[Left Controls]]-- local LeftIconsFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, ControlFrame); LeftIconsFrame:SetSize(Const.MiniIconSize + Const.BarEdge, 1); LeftIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Background, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0); LeftIconsFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true); NewBar.LeftIconsFrame = LeftIconsFrame; --[[Top Controls]]-- local TopIconsFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, ControlFrame); TopIconsFrame:SetSize(1, Const.MiniIconSize + Const.BarEdge); TopIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Background, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0); TopIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LeftIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0); TopIconsFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true); NewBar.TopIconsFrame = TopIconsFrame; --[[Tile Texture, used to indicate where new buttons will be created when the cols and rows buttons are used]]-- local TileTexture = Background:CreateTexture(); TileTexture:SetTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."BarBackdrop.tga", true); TileTexture:SetAlpha(.3); TileTexture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Background, "TOPLEFT", Const.I, -Const.I); TileTexture:Hide(); NewBar.TileTexture = TileTexture; --[[Label Frame]]-- local LabelFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, ControlFrame); LabelFrame:SetSize(1, 1); LabelFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background", edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 8, insets = {left=1.5, right=1.5, bottom=1.5, top=1.5}}); LabelFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1); LabelFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.BarInset, -Const.BarEdge); --Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap +Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge); LabelFrame:Hide(); LabelFrame.Text = LabelFrame:CreateFontString(nil, nil, "GameFontNormal"); LabelFrame.Text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LabelFrame, "TOPLEFT", 2, -1); LabelFrame.ParentBar = NewBar; NewBar.LabelFrame = LabelFrame; --[[ ]]-- --[[ Basic Controls ]]-- --[[Scale Button]]-- NewBar.ScaleButton = UILib.CreateButton(Background, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize,--parent, width, height {"BOTTOMRIGHT", Background, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2.5, 2.5},----Const.BarEdge + 1.5, Const.BarEdge - 1.5}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."DragScale.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check Const.ImagesDir.."DragScaleHighlight.tga", --Highlight Util.GetLocaleString("ScaleTooltip"), nil, NewBar.ScaleStart, NewBar.ScaleStop, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT"); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up, Tooltip anchor point NewBar.ScaleButton:SetClampedToScreen(true); NewBar.ScaleButton.ParentBar = NewBar; --[[Cols Button]]-- NewBar.ColsButton = UILib.CreateButton(Background, 16, 32, --parent, width, height {"LEFT", Background, "RIGHT", -3, 0}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."DragCols.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check Const.ImagesDir.."DragColsHighlight.tga", --"Interface\\Buttons\\ButtonHilight-Square", --Highlight Util.GetLocaleString("ColsTooltip"), nil, NewBar.ColsStart, NewBar.ColsStop, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT"); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up, Tooltip anchor point --NewBar.ColsButton:SetClampedToScreen(true); NewBar.ColsButton.ParentBar = NewBar; --[[Rows Button]]-- NewBar.RowsButton = UILib.CreateButton(Background, 32, 16, --parent, width, height {"TOP", Background, "BOTTOM", 0, 3}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."DragRows.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check Const.ImagesDir.."DragRowsHighlight.tga", --Highlight Util.GetLocaleString("RowsTooltip"), nil, NewBar.RowsStart, NewBar.RowsStop, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT"); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up, Tooltip anchor point --NewBar.RowsButton:SetClampedToScreen(true); NewBar.RowsButton.ParentBar = NewBar; --[[ ]]-- --[[ Advanced Controls ]]-- --[[KeyBind Mode]]-- NewBar.KBButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height, {"TOPRIGHT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0 - (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * 5 -Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."KeyBind.tga", --Norm Const.ImagesDir.."KeyBindPushed.tga", --Push "Interface/Buttons/CheckButtonHilight", --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight, Util.GetLocaleString("KeyBindModeTooltip"), NewBar.KeyBindMode, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.KBButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.TopControls, NewBar.KBButton); --[[Tooltips On Off]]-- NewBar.TooltipButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height, {"TOPRIGHT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0 - (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * 4 -Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."TooltipOn.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight, Util.GetLocaleString("TooltipsTooltip"), NewBar.ToggleTooltips, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.TooltipButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.TopControls, NewBar.TooltipButton); --[[ButtonLock On Off]]-- NewBar.LockButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height, {"TOPRIGHT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0 - (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * 3 -Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."ButtonsUnlocked.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight, Util.GetLocaleString("ButtonLockTooltip"), NewBar.ToggleButtonsLocked, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.LockButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.TopControls, NewBar.LockButton); --[[Grid On Off]]-- NewBar.GridButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height, {"TOPRIGHT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0 - (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * 2 -Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."GridOn.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight, Util.GetLocaleString("GridTooltip"), NewBar.ToggleGrid, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.GridButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.TopControls, NewBar.GridButton); --[[Send To Front]]-- NewBar.STFButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height {"TOPRIGHT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0 - Const.MiniIconSize - Const.MiniIconGap -Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."STF.tga", --Norm Const.ImagesDir.."STFPushed.tga", --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight Util.GetLocaleString("SendToFrontTooltip"), NewBar.SendToFront, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.STFButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.TopControls, NewBar.STFButton); --[[Send To Back]]-- NewBar.STBButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height {"TOPRIGHT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."STB.tga", --Norm Const.ImagesDir.."STBPushed.tga", --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight Util.GetLocaleString("SendToBackTooltip"), NewBar.SendToBack, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.STBButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.TopControls, NewBar.STBButton); --[[ ]]-- --[[Label Edit]]-- NewBar.LabelButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height, {"TOPLEFT", TopIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.BarEdge, -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."Label.tga", --Norm Const.ImagesDir.."LabelPushed.tga", --Push "Interface/Buttons/CheckButtonHilight", --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight, Util.GetLocaleString("LabelModeTooltip"), NewBar.InputLabel, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.LabelButton.ParentBar = NewBar; --table.insert(NewBar.LeftControls, NewBar.LabelButton); -- a bit hacky - but to get this out sooner rather than a bigger refactor -- local NumSpecs = GetNumSpecializations() -- DOESN'T EXIST IN CLASSIC local NumSpecs = 1; for i = 1, NumSpecs do --[[Hide On Talent # Button]]-- NewBar["HSpec"..i.."Button"] = UILib.CreateButton(Background, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height {"TOPLEFT", LeftIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.BarEdge, -(Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * i -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."Spec"..i.."On.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Highlight Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec"..i.."Tooltip"), NewBar["ToggleHSpec"..i], nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar["HSpec"..i.."Button"].ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.LeftControls, NewBar["HSpec"..i.."Button"]); end --[[Hide On Vehicle Button]]-- NewBar.HVehicleButton = UILib.CreateButton(Background, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height {"TOPLEFT", LeftIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.BarEdge, -(Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * (1 + NumSpecs) -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."VehicleOff.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Highlight Util.GetLocaleString("HideVehicleTooltip"), NewBar.ToggleHVehicle, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.HVehicleButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.LeftControls, NewBar.HVehicleButton); --[[Hide On Override Bar (the special bar)]]-- NewBar.HBonusBarButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height {"TOPLEFT", LeftIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.BarEdge, -(Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * (2 + NumSpecs) -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."BonusBarOff.tga", --Norm nil, --Push nil, --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Highlight Util.GetLocaleString("HideBonusBarTooltip"), NewBar.ToggleHBonusBar, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.HBonusBarButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.LeftControls, NewBar.HBonusBarButton); --[[Visibility Driver]]-- NewBar.VDButton = UILib.CreateButton(AdvFrame, Const.MiniIconSize, Const.MiniIconSize, --parent, width, height, {"TOPLEFT", LeftIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.BarEdge, -(Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * (3 + NumSpecs) -Const.BarEdge}, --Point Const.ImagesDir.."VDriver.tga", --Norm Const.ImagesDir.."VDriverSet.tga", --Push "Interface/Buttons/CheckButtonHilight", --Check "Interface/Buttons/ButtonHilight-Square", --Hilight, Util.GetLocaleString("VisibilityTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("VisibilityEgTooltip"), NewBar.InputVD, nil, nil); --OnClick, On M Down, On M Up NewBar.VDButton.ParentBar = NewBar; table.insert(NewBar.LeftControls, NewBar.VDButton); NewBar:Configure(BarSave); return NewBar; end --[[ The secure handlers keep the buttons setup correctly, but that state wont be immediately available to new buttons on the bar Since the secure handlers are not really possible to just invoke, this function will take care of any new buttons for the bar --]] function Bar:PrepareButtonSecureState() -- 1) onshow / onhide configure the button if (self.ButtonFrame:IsVisible()) then local Buttons = self.Buttons; for i = 1, #Buttons do local B, Key; B = Buttons[i].Widget; B:Enable(); Key = B:GetAttribute("KeyBindValue"); ClearOverrideBindings(B); if (Key) then if (Util.ForceOffCastOnKeyDown) then SetOverrideBindingClick(B, false, Key, B:GetName()); else SetOverrideBindingClick(B, false, Key, B:GetName(), "KeyBind"); end end end else local Buttons = self.Buttons; for i = 1, #Buttons do local B; B = Buttons[i].Widget; B:Disable(); ClearOverrideBindings(B); end end -- 2) Combat prep - by definition this will be false! - so umm yeah nothing is in this section (included since there is a secure handler...) -- 3) Prep the special action buttons if there is some kind of override bar local page, barType; barType = BFSecureSpecialBarFrame:GetAttribute("bar"); --[[if (barType == "overridebar") then page = 14; elseif (barType == "vehicleui") then page = 12; else page = 12; end --]] if (HasOverrideActionBar()) then page = 14; else page = 12; end local Buttons = self.Buttons; for i = 1, #Buttons do local B, id; B = Buttons[i].Widget; id = B:GetAttribute("id"); if (id) then B:SetAttribute("action", id + ((page - 1) * 12)); end end end function Bar:Deallocate() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end self:SetNumButtons(0, 0); self.SendToFront(self.STFButton); self.ControlFrame:Hide(); self.DestroyFrame:Hide(); self.LabelFrame:ClearAllPoints(); --Not really needed but figure it will be nicer if this is not left attached to a potentially in use tab container UnregisterStateDriver(self.ButtonFrame, "visibility"); self.ButtonFrame:Hide(); self.AdvFrame:Hide(); end function Bar:Detach() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end for i = 1, #self.Buttons do Util.DetachButton(self.Buttons[i]); end -- self.SendToFront(self.STFButton); -- This step does not happen on a detach since it mucks with the BarSave order, note though that this also means all bars are expected to be -- Detached so that the ordering remains clean. self.ControlFrame:Hide(); self.DestroyFrame:Hide(); self.LabelFrame:ClearAllPoints(); --Not really needed but figure it will be nicer if this is not left attached to a potentially in use tab container UnregisterStateDriver(self.ButtonFrame, "visibility"); self.ButtonFrame:Hide(); self.AdvFrame:Hide(); end --[[ Configure the bar before using it (DO NOT call this for a bar already in use, it must first be Deallocated); --]] function Bar:Configure(BarSave) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end if (BarSave.BonusBar) then self.Background:SetBackdropColor(unpack(Const.BonusBarBackdrop)); else self.Background:SetBackdropColor(unpack(Const.BarBackdrop)); end self.BarSave = BarSave; self.Cols = 0; self.Rows = 0; self.Buttons = {}; self.ScaleClickTime = 0; self.TempVDSet = BFConfigureLayer:IsShown(); self.ControlFrame:Show(); self.DestroyFrame:Show(); self.ButtonFrame:Show(); self.AdvFrame:Show(); self:SetPosition(BarSave["Left"], BarSave["Top"]); self:SetScale(BarSave["Scale"]); self:SetOrder(BarSave["Order"]); self:SetLabel(BarSave["Label"]); if (#BarSave["Buttons"] > 0) then self:SetButtonsFromSave(); else self:SetNumButtons(BarSave["Cols"], BarSave["Rows"]); end self:SetHSpec1(BarSave["HSpec1"]); self:SetHSpec2(BarSave["HSpec2"]); self:SetHSpec3(BarSave["HSpec3"]); self:SetHSpec4(BarSave["HSpec4"]); self:SetHVehicle(BarSave["HVehicle"]); self:SetHBonusBar(BarSave["HBonusBar"]); self:SetVD(BarSave["VDriver"]); self:SetGridAlwaysOn(BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"]); self:SetButtonsLocked(BarSave["ButtonsLocked"]); self:SetTooltips(BarSave["TooltipsOn"]); self:SetMacroText(BarSave["MacroText"]); self:SetKeyBindText(BarSave["KeyBindText"]); self:SetEnabled(BarSave["Enabled"]); self:SetButtonGap(BarSave["ButtonGap"]); self:SetAlpha(BarSave["Alpha"]); self:SetGUI(BarSave["GUI"]); self.ControlFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true); end --[[ Bar Set functions --]] function Bar:SetPosition(Left, Top) local CFrame = self.ControlFrame; Left = (Left or CFrame:GetLeft()) + 0; Top = (Top or CFrame:GetTop()) + 0; CFrame:ClearAllPoints(); CFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", Left, Top); Util.RefreshTab(CFrame:GetLeft(), CFrame:GetTop()); --Left = (CFrame:GetLeft()) + 0; --Top = (CFrame:GetTop()) + 0; self.BarSave["Left"] = Left; self.BarSave["Top"] = Top; end function Bar:GetPosition() return self.BarSave["Left"], self.BarSave["Top"], self.BarSave["Left"]..", "..self.BarSave["Top"]; end function Bar:SetScale(Scale, NoCheck) Scale = (Scale or 0) + 0; if (Scale <= 0) then return; end local BFrame = self.ButtonFrame; local Left, Top = self.ControlFrame:GetLeft(), self.ControlFrame:GetTop(); local CurrentScale = self.BarSave["Scale"]; Scale = Scale or CurrentScale; BFrame:SetScale(Scale); BFrame:ClearAllPoints(); BFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.ControlFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.I / Scale, -Const.I / Scale); self.BarSave["Scale"] = Scale; self:UpdateSize(); if (not NoCheck) then if (self.ControlFrame:GetLeft() ~= Left or self.ControlFrame:GetTop() ~= Top) then self:SetScale(CurrentScale, true); self:SetPosition(Left, Top); end end end function Bar:GetScale() return self.BarSave["Scale"]; end function Bar:SetButtonsFromSave() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end local BFrame = self.ButtonFrame; local Buttons = self.Buttons; local Cols = self.BarSave["Cols"]; local Rows = self.BarSave["Rows"]; for r = 1, Rows do for c = 1, Cols do local i = (r-1) * Cols + c; local NewButton = Util.NewButton(self.ButtonFrame, self.BarSave["Buttons"][i], self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"], self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"], self.BarSave["MacroText"], self.BarSave["KeyBindText"]); table.insert(self.Buttons, i, NewButton); NewButton.Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.ButtonFrame, "TOPLEFT", (c-1) * self.BSize, (1-r) * self.BSize); end end self.Cols = Cols; self.Rows = Rows; BFrame:Execute([[wipe(Buttons);]]); for i = 1, #Buttons do BFrame:SetFrameRef("Button", Buttons[i].Widget); BFrame:Execute([[tinsert(Buttons, owner:GetFrameRef("Button"));]]); end self:PrepareButtonSecureState(); --self.ButtonFrame:Execute("Buttons = newtable(owner:GetChildren());"); self:UpdateSize(); end function Bar:SetNumButtons(Cols, Rows) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end Cols = (Cols or 0) + 0; Rows = (Rows or 0) + 0; if (Cols * Rows > self.Cols * self.Rows) then if (Cols * Rows > Const.MaxButtonsPerBar or #Util.ActiveButtons + Cols * Rows - self.Cols * self.Rows > Const.MaxButtonsTotal) then return; end end if (Cols * Rows < 0) then return; end local Buttons = self.Buttons; local BFrame = self.ButtonFrame; --First deallocate any buttons from removed rows if (self.Rows > Rows) then for i = self.Cols*self.Rows, self.Cols*Rows+1, -1 do Util.DeallocateButton(Buttons[i]); table.remove(Buttons); end self.Rows = Rows; end --Now deallocate any from removed columns if (self.Cols > Cols) then for r = self.Rows, 1, - 1 do for c = self.Cols, Cols + 1, - 1 do local i = (r-1) * self.Cols + c; Util.DeallocateButton(Buttons[i]); table.remove(Buttons, i); end end self.Cols = Cols; end --Now allocate added columns for r = 1, self.Rows do for c = self.Cols+1, Cols do local i = (r-1) * Cols + c; local ButtonSave = {}; local NewButton = Util.NewButton(BFrame, ButtonSave, self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"], self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"], self.BarSave["MacroText"], self.BarSave["KeyBindText"]); table.insert(Buttons, i, NewButton); NewButton.Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", BFrame, "TOPLEFT", (c-1) * self.BSize, (1-r) * self.BSize); end end self.Cols = Cols; --And finally allocate added rows for r = self.Rows+1, Rows do for c = 1, Cols do local i = (r-1) * Cols + c; local ButtonSave = {}; local NewButton = Util.NewButton(BFrame, ButtonSave, self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"], self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"], self.BarSave["MacroText"], self.BarSave["KeyBindText"]); table.insert(Buttons, i, NewButton); NewButton.Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", BFrame, "TOPLEFT", (c-1) * self.BSize, (1-r) * self.BSize); end end self.Rows = Rows; --Now create a new array for the buttons and store it to BarSave; BFrame:Execute([[wipe(Buttons);]]); local TempButtonsSave = {}; for i = 1, #Buttons do if (self.BarSave["BonusBar"]) then if (i <= 12 and (not Buttons[i].Mode) and (not Util.BarHasButton(self, "bonusaction", i))) then Buttons[i]:SetCommandBonusAction(i); Buttons[i]:FullRefresh(); elseif (i == 13 and (not Buttons[i].Mode) and (not Util.BarHasButton(self, "customaction", "vehicleexit"))) then Buttons[i]:SetCommandCustomAction("vehicleexit"); Buttons[i]:FullRefresh(); --elseif (i == 14 and (not Buttons[i].Mode) and (not Util.BarHasButton(self, "customaction", "possesscancel"))) then -- Buttons[i]:SetCommandCustomAction("possesscancel"); -- Buttons[i]:FullRefresh(); end end tinsert(TempButtonsSave, Buttons[i].ButtonSave); BFrame:SetFrameRef("Button", Buttons[i].Widget); BFrame:Execute([[tinsert(Buttons, owner:GetFrameRef("Button"));]]); end self.BarSave["Cols"] = Cols; self.BarSave["Rows"] = Rows; self.BarSave["Buttons"] = TempButtonsSave; self:PrepareButtonSecureState(); -- self.ButtonFrame:Execute("Buttons = newtable(owner:GetChildren());"); self:SetGridAlwaysOn(self.BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"]); self:SetTooltips(self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"]); self:UpdateSize(); end function Bar:GetNumButtons() return self.BarSave["Cols"], self.BarSave["Rows"], self.BarSave["Rows"]..", "..self.BarSave["Cols"]; end --[[ Size update functions --]] function Bar:UpdateSize() local CFrame = self.ControlFrame; local Left = CFrame:GetLeft(); local Top = CFrame:GetTop(); self:UpdateControlFrameSize(); self:UpdateBackgroundSize(); self:UpdateTileSize(self.Cols, self.Rows); self:ReflowUI(); self.BarSave["Left"] = Left; self.BarSave["Top"] = Top; end function Bar:UpdateControlFrameSize() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end local CFrame = self.ControlFrame; local Scale = self.BarSave["Scale"]; local BWidth = (self.Cols * self.BSize - self.BG) * Scale; local BHeight = (self.Rows * self.BSize - self.BG) * Scale; local Left = CFrame:GetLeft(); local Top = CFrame:GetTop(); self.ControlFrame:SetSize(BWidth + Const.I2, BHeight + Const.I2); CFrame:ClearAllPoints(); CFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", Left, Top); end function Bar:UpdateBackgroundSize() local CFrame = self.ControlFrame; local Background = self.Background; Background:SetSize(CFrame:GetWidth(), CFrame:GetHeight()); Background:ClearAllPoints(); Background:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CFrame, "TOPLEFT"); end function Bar:UpdateTileSize(Cols, Rows) local Scale = self.BarSave["Scale"]; local Tile = self.TileTexture; local BWidth = (Cols * self.BSize - self.BG) * Scale; local BHeight = (Rows * self.BSize - self.BG) * Scale; Tile:SetSize(BWidth, BHeight); Tile:SetTexCoord(0, Cols - self.GFrac, 0, Rows - self.GFrac); end function Bar:ReflowUI() local Width, Height = self.Background:GetWidth(), self.Background:GetHeight(); local LeftSize = Height - Const.BarEdge * 2 - Const.MiniIconSize; local BottomSize = Width - Const.BarInset - Const.MiniIconSize - Const.BarEdge - Const.MiniIconGap; local TopSize = Width - Const.BarInset - Const.BarEdge; local RightSize = Height - Const.BarInset - Const.MiniIconSize - Const.BarEdge - Const.MiniIconGap; local TopIconsWidth = Width; local LeftIconsHeight= Height; if (self.LabelFrame:GetWidth() > 0 and not self.Tabbed) then TopSize = TopSize - self.LabelFrame:GetWidth() - Const.MiniIconGap; end local LeftCapacity = math.max(math.floor(LeftSize / (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap)), 0); local BottomCapacity = math.max(math.floor(BottomSize / (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap)), 0); local TopCapacity = math.max(math.floor(TopSize / (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap)), 0); local RightCapacity = math.max(math.floor(RightSize / (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap)), 0); if (self.LeftCapacity == LeftCapacity and self.BottomCapacity == BottomCapacity and self.TopCapacity == TopCapacity and self.RightCapacity == RightCapacity and self.AdvFrameShown == BFAdvancedToolsLayer:IsShown()) then return; end self.LeftCapacity = LeftCapacity; self.BottomCapacity = BottomCapacity; self.TopCapacity = TopCapacity; self.RightCapacity = RightCapacity; self.AdvFrameShown = BFAdvancedToolsLayer:IsShown(); --reflow the left buttons local LeftCount = #self.LeftControls; if (not BFAdvancedToolsLayer:IsShown()) then LeftCount = LeftCount - 1; end self.LeftIconsFrame:ClearAllPoints(); if (LeftCapacity + BottomCapacity < LeftCount) then LeftIconsHeight = Const.BarEdge + (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * LeftCount + Const.MiniIconSize; LeftCapacity = LeftCount; self.LeftIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.Background); self.LeftIconsFrame:SetHeight(LeftIconsHeight); else self.LeftIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.Background); self.LeftIconsFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.Background); end if (LeftCapacity > LeftCount) then LeftCapacity = LeftCount; end for i = 1, LeftCapacity do self.LeftControls[i]:ClearAllPoints(); self.LeftControls[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.LeftIconsFrame, "TOPLEFT", Const.BarEdge, - Const.BarEdge - i * (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap)); end for i = LeftCapacity + 1, LeftCount do self.LeftControls[i]:ClearAllPoints(); self.LeftControls[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.LeftIconsFrame, "BOTTOMLEFT", Const.BarEdge + (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * (i - LeftCapacity), Const.BarEdge); end --reflow the upper right buttons local TopCount = #self.TopControls; self.TopIconsFrame:ClearAllPoints(); self.TopIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.LeftIconsFrame); if (TopCapacity + RightCapacity < TopCount) then TopIconsWidth = Const.BarInset + (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap) * TopCount + Const.BarEdge; if (self.LabelFrame:GetWidth() > 0 and not self.Tabbed) then TopIconsWidth = TopIconsWidth + self.LabelFrame:GetWidth() + Const.MiniIconGap; end TopCapacity = TopCount; --self.TopIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.Background); self.TopIconsFrame:SetWidth(TopIconsWidth); else self.TopIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.Background); self.TopIconsFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.Background); end if (TopCapacity > TopCount) then TopCapacity = TopCount; end for i = 1, TopCapacity do self.TopControls[i]:ClearAllPoints(); self.TopControls[i]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", - Const.BarEdge - (TopCapacity - i) * (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap), -Const.BarEdge); end for i = TopCapacity + 1, TopCount do self.TopControls[i]:ClearAllPoints(); self.TopControls[i]:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.TopIconsFrame, "TOPRIGHT", - Const.BarEdge, - Const.BarEdge - (i - TopCapacity) * (Const.MiniIconSize + Const.MiniIconGap)); end end --[[ Control the appearance of the Mouse while over the bar --]] function Bar.CFOnEnter(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (KeyBinder.SelectedBar == self and KeyBinder.SelectedButton == nil) then SetCursor("CAST_CURSOR"); elseif (not UILib.GetDragInfo()) then SetCursor(nil); end end function Bar.AdvFrameOnShowHide(Widget) Widget.ParentBar:ReflowUI(); end --[[ Handles Dragging the bar --]] local LeftPoints = {}; LeftPoints[1] = "GetLeft"; LeftPoints[2] = "GetRight"; local LeftOffsets = {}; LeftOffsets[1] = Const.I; local RightPoints = {}; RightPoints[1] = "GetRight"; RightPoints[2] = "GetLeft"; local RightOffsets = {}; RightOffsets[1] = -Const.I; local TopPoints = {}; TopPoints[1] = "GetTop"; TopPoints[2] = "GetBottom"; local TopOffsets = {}; TopOffsets[1] = -Const.I; local BottomPoints = {}; BottomPoints[1] = "GetBottom"; BottomPoints[2] = "GetTop"; local BottomOffsets = {}; BottomOffsets[1] = Const.I; function Bar.DragOnMouseDown(ControlFrame, ButtonName) ControlFrame:StartMoving(); ControlFrame.ParentBar.PLeft = 0; ControlFrame.ParentBar.PTop = 0; ControlFrame.ParentBar.HPressure = 0; ControlFrame.ParentBar.VPressure = 0; ControlFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", Bar.DragOnUpdate); local Scale = ControlFrame.ParentBar.BarSave["Scale"]; LeftOffsets[2] = ControlFrame.ParentBar.BG * Scale - Const.I; RightOffsets[2] = Const.I - ControlFrame.ParentBar.BG * Scale; TopOffsets[2] = Const.I - ControlFrame.ParentBar.BG * Scale; BottomOffsets[2] = ControlFrame.ParentBar.BG * Scale - Const.I; Util.UpdateBlizzardEnabledBarsMap(); Util.SetControlFrameAlphas(0); BFAdvancedToolsLayer:SetAlpha(0); GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, ControlFrame); GameTooltip:SetText(Util.GetLocaleString("DisableAutoAlignmentTooltip")); end function Bar.DragOnMouseUp(ControlFrame, ButtonName) local self = ControlFrame.ParentBar; ControlFrame:StopMovingOrSizing(); UILib.HideVerticalLine(); UILib.HideHorizontalLine(); ControlFrame.ParentBar.Docked = false; Util.SetControlFrameAlphas(1); BFAdvancedToolsLayer:SetAlpha(1); Util.RefreshTab(self.BarSave["Left"], self.BarSave["Top"]); self.BarSave["Left"] = ControlFrame:GetLeft(); self.BarSave["Top"] = ControlFrame:GetTop(); Util.RefreshTab(ControlFrame:GetLeft(), ControlFrame:GetTop()); if (not InCombatLockdown()) then ControlFrame:ClearAllPoints(); ControlFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", self.BarSave["Left"], self.BarSave["Top"]); end Util.RefreshTab(ControlFrame:GetLeft(), ControlFrame:GetTop()); GameTooltip:Hide(); ControlFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil); if (ButtonName == "RightButton") then if (KeyBinder.SelectedBar == self and KeyBinder.SelectedButton == nil) then KeyBinder.CancelButtonSelectorMode(); end end end --[[ I will possibly come back and make this a buried option if users request the old alignment method be available function Bar.DragOnUpdate(Widget) local WLeft, WTop = Widget:GetLeft(), Widget:GetTop(); local Left, Top, Dist = Util.DockCoords(WLeft, WTop, Widget.ParentBar); if (InCombatLockdown()) then Widget.ParentBar.PLeft = 0; Widget.ParentBar.PTop = 0; if (Widget.ParentBar.Tabbed) then Util.RefreshTab(Left, Top); Util.RefreshTab(Widget:GetLeft(), Widget:GetTop()); end return; end local PDist; if (Dist < 144) then Widget.ParentBar.PLeft = Widget.ParentBar.PLeft + WLeft - Left; Widget.ParentBar.PTop = Widget.ParentBar.PTop + WTop - Top; PDist = (Widget.ParentBar.PLeft ^ 2) + (Widget.ParentBar.PTop ^ 2); if (PDist < 225) then Widget:ClearAllPoints(); Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", Left, Top); if (not Widget.ParentBar.Tabbed) then Util.RefreshTab(Widget:GetLeft(), Widget:GetTop()); end else Widget:ClearAllPoints(); Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", Left + Widget.ParentBar.PLeft, Top + Widget.ParentBar.PTop); Widget.ParentBar.PLeft = 0; Widget.ParentBar.PTop = 0; Util.RefreshTab(Left, Top); Util.RefreshTab(Widget:GetLeft(), Widget:GetTop()); end elseif (Widget.ParentBar.Tabbed) then Util.RefreshTab(Left, Top); Util.RefreshTab(Widget:GetLeft(), Widget:GetTop()); end end --]] function Bar.DragOnUpdate(Widget) UILib.HideVerticalLine(); UILib.HideHorizontalLine(); if (InCombatLockdown() or IsShiftKeyDown()) then return; end local ParentBar = Widget.ParentBar; local Left, Right, Top, Bottom = Widget:GetLeft(), Widget:GetRight(), Widget:GetTop(), Widget:GetBottom(); local LBar, LPoint, LCalc, LMove, LCoord = Util.FindClosestPoint(Left + Const.I, LeftPoints, LeftOffsets, ParentBar); local RBar, RPoint, RCalc, RMove, RCoord = Util.FindClosestPoint(Right - Const.I, RightPoints, RightOffsets, ParentBar); local TBar, TPoint, TCalc, TMove, TCoord = Util.FindClosestPoint(Top - Const.I, TopPoints, TopOffsets, ParentBar); local BBar, BPoint, BCalc, BMove, BCoord = Util.FindClosestPoint(Bottom + Const.I, BottomPoints, BottomOffsets, ParentBar); local HBar, HPoint, HCalc, HMove, HCoord; local VBar, VPoint, VCalc, VMove, VCoord; local Flag, HLine, VLine; if (RCalc < LCalc - 0.1) then HBar = RBar; HPoint = RPoint; HCalc = RCalc; HMove = RMove; HCoord = RCoord; else HBar = LBar; HPoint = LPoint; HCalc = LCalc; HMove = LMove; HCoord = LCoord; end if (BCalc < TCalc - 0.1) then VBar = BBar; VPoint = BPoint; VCalc = BCalc; VMove = BMove; VCoord = BCoord; else VBar = TBar; VPoint = TPoint; VCalc = TCalc; VMove = TMove; VCoord = TCoord; end if (HCalc < Const.ThresholdHSnapSq) then Flag = true; ParentBar.HPressure = ParentBar.HPressure - HMove; if (ParentBar.HPressure * ParentBar.HPressure < Const.ThresholdHPressureSq) then --Set the Horizontal position in alignment HLine = true; Left = Left + HMove; Right = Right + HMove; else --Set the Horizontal position but release from alignment Left = Left + ParentBar.HPressure; Right = Right + ParentBar.HPressure; ParentBar.HPressure = 0; end else ParentBar.HPressure = 0; end if (VCalc < Const.ThresholdVSnapSq) then Flag = true; ParentBar.VPressure = ParentBar.VPressure - VMove; if (ParentBar.VPressure * ParentBar.VPressure < Const.ThresholdVPressureSq) then --Set the Vertical position in alignment VLine = true; Top = Top + VMove; Bottom = Bottom + VMove; else --Set the Vertical poisition but release from alignment Top = Top + ParentBar.VPressure; Bottom = Bottom + ParentBar.VPressure; ParentBar.VPressure = 0; end else ParentBar.VPressure = 0; end if (HLine) then UILib.ShowVerticalLine(HCoord, math.max(HBar:GetTop(), Top) - Const.I, math.min(HBar:GetBottom(), Bottom) + Const.I); end if (VLine) then UILib.ShowHorizontalLine(VCoord, math.min(VBar:GetLeft(), Left) + Const.I, math.max(VBar:GetRight(), Right) - Const.I); end if (Flag) then --We need to adjust the position Widget:ClearAllPoints(); Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", Left, Top); end end --[[ Destroy the bar if clicked with the Left mouse while in destroy mode --]] function Bar:DestroyBar() if (not InCombatLockdown()) then PlaySoundFile("sound/spells/meltoretarget.ogg"); --PlaySoundFile(569366) Util.DeallocateBar(self); end UILib.ToggleDestroyBarMode(true); end function Bar.DestroyFrameOnEnter(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; UILib.SetMask(self, Bar.DestroyBar, UILib.ToggleDestroyBarMode, Widget, "CAST_CURSOR", Const.ImagesDir.."DestroyMask.tga", {0, Widget:GetWidth() / Widget:GetHeight(), 0.1, 1}); end --[[ Send to Front and to Back, wrapper for the Util function call that handles this operation --]] function Bar.SendToBack(Widget) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then Util.ReorderBar(Widget.ParentBar, 0); Util.RefreshTab(Widget.ParentBar.ControlFrame:GetLeft(), Widget.ParentBar.ControlFrame:GetTop()); end end function Bar.SendToFront(Widget) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then Util.ReorderBar(Widget.ParentBar, #Util.ActiveBars - 1); Util.RefreshTab(Widget.ParentBar.ControlFrame:GetLeft(), Widget.ParentBar.ControlFrame:GetTop()); end end --[[ Handle updating the Label for the bar --]] function Bar.InputLabel(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; self.LabelFrame:Hide(); UILib.InputBox(self, self.SetLabel, self.CancelInputLabel, self.BarSave["Label"], 200, {"LEFT", Widget, "RIGHT", 5, 0}); end function Bar:SetLabel(Text) Text = Text or ""; if (Text ~= "") then self.LabelFrame:Show(); self.LabelFrame.Text:SetText(Text); self.LabelFrame:SetSize(self.LabelFrame.Text:GetStringWidth() + 4.5, Const.MiniIconSize); else self.LabelFrame.Text:SetText(""); self.LabelFrame:SetWidth(0); self.LabelFrame:Hide(); end Util.RefreshTab(self.ControlFrame:GetLeft(), self.ControlFrame:GetTop()); self.BarSave["Label"] = Text; self.LabelButton:SetChecked(false); self:ReflowUI() end function Bar:GetLabel() return self.BarSave["Label"]; end function Bar:CancelInputLabel() self.LabelButton:SetChecked(false); self:SetLabel(self.BarSave["Label"]); end function Bar.LabelOnEnter(Widget) Widget:SetBackdropColor(.3, .3, .3, 1); end function Bar.LabelOnLeave(Widget) Widget:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1); end function Bar.ToggleGrid(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self:SetGridAlwaysOn(not self.BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"]); end end function Bar:SetGridAlwaysOn(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"]; end self.BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"] = Value; if (Value) then self.GridButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."GridOn.tga"); self.GridButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("GridTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); self.ButtonFrame:Execute("GridAlwaysOn = true;"); self:GridShow(); else self.GridButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."GridOff.tga"); self.GridButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("GridTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); self.ButtonFrame:Execute("GridAlwaysOn = false;"); if (Util.GridHidden) then self:GridHide(); end end UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.GridButton); end end function Bar:GetGridAlwaysOn() if (self.BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"]) then return self.BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); else return self.BarSave["GridAlwaysOn"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); end end function Bar:GridShow() local Buttons = self.Buttons; for i = 1, #Buttons do if (not Buttons[i].Mode) then Buttons[i].Widget:Show(); end end end function Bar:GridHide() local Buttons = self.Buttons; for i = 1, #Buttons do if (not Buttons[i].Mode) then Buttons[i].Widget:Hide(); end end end --[[ GUI disabling is the ability to visually hide the bar and also disable mouse input, but allows the buttons to still respond to mouse clicks ... This is not to be confused with the visibility of the bar and it's buttons which go further and fully enable/disable the bar including for keyboard GUI will temporarily be forced on when the user is holding an item and holds shift - or during config mode ... possibly come back and collapse these functions down? --]] function Bar:SetGUI(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["GUI"]; end self.BarSave["GUI"] = Value; if (Value) then self:GUIOn(); self.ButtonFrame:Execute("GUI = true;"); else self:GUIOff(); self.ButtonFrame:Execute("GUI = false;"); end end end function Bar:GetGUI() if (self.BarSave["GUI"]) then return self.BarSave["GUI"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); else return self.BarSave["GUI"], Util.GetLocaleString("GUIHidden"); end end function Bar:GUIOff() self.ButtonFrame:SetAlpha(0); local Buttons = self.Buttons; for i = 1, #Buttons do Buttons[i].Widget:EnableMouse(false); Buttons[i]:UpdateCooldown(); end end function Bar:GUIOn() self.ButtonFrame:SetAlpha(self.BarSave["Alpha"]); local Buttons = self.Buttons; for i = 1, #Buttons do Buttons[i].Widget:EnableMouse(true); Buttons[i]:UpdateCooldown(); end end function Bar:SetAlpha(Value) self.BarSave["Alpha"] = Value; self.ButtonFrame:SetAlpha(Value); self:SetGUI(self.BarSave["GUI"]); end function Bar:GetAlpha() return self.BarSave["Alpha"]; end function Bar.ToggleTooltips(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; self:SetTooltips(not self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"]); end function Bar:SetTooltips(Value) if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"]; end self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"] = Value; if (Value) then self.TooltipButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."TooltipOn.tga"); self.TooltipButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("TooltipsTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); else self.TooltipButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."TooltipOff.tga"); self.TooltipButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("TooltipsTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); end for i = 1, #self.Buttons do self.Buttons[i]:SetTooltipEnabled(Value); end UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.TooltipButton); end function Bar:GetTooltips() if (self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"]) then return self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); else return self.BarSave["TooltipsOn"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); end end function Bar.ToggleButtonsLocked(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; self:SetButtonsLocked(not self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"]); end function Bar:SetButtonsLocked(Value) if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"]; end self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"] = Value; if (Value) then self.LockButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."ButtonsLocked.tga"); self.LockButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("ButtonLockTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Locked"); else self.LockButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."ButtonsUnlocked.tga"); self.LockButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("ButtonLockTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Unlocked"); end for i = 1, #self.Buttons do self.Buttons[i]:SetButtonLock(Value); end UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.LockButton); end function Bar:GetButtonsLocked() if (self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"]) then return self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"], Util.GetLocaleString("Locked"); else return self.BarSave["ButtonsLocked"], Util.GetLocaleString("Unlocked"); end end function Bar.ToggleHSpec1(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self:SetHSpec1(not self.BarSave["HSpec1"]); end end function Bar.ToggleHSpec2(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self:SetHSpec2(not self.BarSave["HSpec2"]); end end function Bar.ToggleHSpec3(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self:SetHSpec3(not self.BarSave["HSpec3"]); end end function Bar.ToggleHSpec4(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self:SetHSpec4(not self.BarSave["HSpec4"]); end end function Bar.ToggleHVehicle(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self:SetHVehicle(not self.BarSave["HVehicle"]); end end function Bar.ToggleHBonusBar(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self:SetHBonusBar(not self.BarSave["HBonusBar"]); end end function Bar:SetHSpec1(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["HSpec1"]; end self.BarSave["HSpec1"] = Value; if (self.HSpec1Button) then if (Value) then self.HSpec1Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec1Off.tga"); self.HSpec1Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec1Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else self.HSpec1Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec1On.tga"); self.HSpec1Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec1Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.HSpec1Button); end end end function Bar:GetHSpec1() if (self.BarSave["HSpec1"]) then return self.BarSave["HSpec1"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else return self.BarSave["HSpec1"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end end function Bar:SetHSpec2(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["HSpec2"]; end self.BarSave["HSpec2"] = Value; if (self.HSpec2Button) then if (Value) then self.HSpec2Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec2Off.tga"); self.HSpec2Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec2Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else self.HSpec2Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec2On.tga"); self.HSpec2Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec2Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.HSpec2Button); end end end function Bar:GetHSpec2() if (self.BarSave["HSpec2"]) then return self.BarSave["HSpec2"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else return self.BarSave["HSpec2"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end end function Bar:SetHSpec3(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["HSpec3"]; end self.BarSave["HSpec3"] = Value; if (self.HSpec3Button) then if (Value) then self.HSpec3Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec3Off.tga"); self.HSpec3Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec3Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else self.HSpec3Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec3On.tga"); self.HSpec3Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec3Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.HSpec3Button); end end end function Bar:GetHSpec3() if (self.BarSave["HSpec3"]) then return self.BarSave["HSpec3"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else return self.BarSave["HSpec3"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end end function Bar:SetHSpec4(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["HSpec4"]; end self.BarSave["HSpec4"] = Value; if (self.HSpec4Button) then if (Value) then self.HSpec4Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec4Off.tga"); self.HSpec4Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec4Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else self.HSpec4Button:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Spec4On.tga"); self.HSpec4Button.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideSpec4Tooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.HSpec4Button); end end end function Bar:GetHSpec4() if (self.BarSave["HSpec4"]) then return self.BarSave["HSpec4"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else return self.BarSave["HSpec4"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end end function Bar:SetHVehicle(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["HVehicle"]; end self.BarSave["HVehicle"] = Value; if (Value) then self.HVehicleButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."VehicleOff.tga"); self.HVehicleButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideVehicleTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else self.HVehicleButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."VehicleOn.tga"); self.HVehicleButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideVehicleTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.HVehicleButton); end end function Bar:GetHVehicle() if (self.BarSave["HVehicle"]) then return self.BarSave["HVehicle"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else return self.BarSave["HVehicle"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end end function Bar:SetHBonusBar(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["HBonusBar"]; end self.BarSave["HBonusBar"] = Value; if (Value) then self.HBonusBarButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."BonusBarOff.tga"); self.HBonusBarButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideBonusBarTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else self.HBonusBarButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."BonusBarOn.tga"); self.HBonusBarButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("HideBonusBarTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.HBonusBarButton); end end function Bar:GetHBonusBar() if (self.BarSave["HBonusBar"]) then return self.BarSave["HBonusBar"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); else return self.BarSave["HBonusBar"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); end end --[[ Handle updating the Visibility State Driver --]] function Bar.InputVD(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then UILib.InputBox(self, self.SetVD, self.CancelInputVD, self.BarSave["VDriver"], 300, {"LEFT", Widget, "RIGHT", 5, 0}); end end function Bar:SetVD(VDText) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then local Text = ""; if (self.TempVDSet) then Text = Text.."[nocombat] show; " end if (not self.BarSave["Enabled"]) then Text = Text.."hide; "; end if (self.BarSave["HSpec1"]) then Text = Text.."[spec:1] hide; "; end if (self.BarSave["HSpec2"]) then Text = Text.."[spec:2] hide; "; end if (self.BarSave["HSpec3"]) then Text = Text.."[spec:3] hide; "; end if (self.BarSave["HSpec4"]) then Text = Text.."[spec:4] hide; "; end if (self.BarSave["HVehicle"]) then Text = Text.."[vehicleui] hide; "; end if (self.BarSave["HBonusBar"]) then Text = Text.."[overridebar] hide; "; end --UnregisterStateDriver(self.ButtonFrame, "visibility"); VDText = VDText or ""; if (VDText ~= "") then self.VDButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."VDriverSet.tga"); RegisterStateDriver(self.ButtonFrame, "visibility", Text..VDText); self.VDButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("VisibilityTooltip").."|c"..Const.DarkBlue..VDText.."|r"; else self.VDButton:SetNormalTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."VDriver.tga"); if (Text ~= "") then RegisterStateDriver(self.ButtonFrame, "visibility", Text.."show"); else self.ButtonFrame:Show(); end self.VDButton.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("VisibilityTooltip")..Util.GetLocaleString("VisibilityEgTooltip"); end self.BarSave["VDriver"] = VDText; UILib.RefreshTooltip(self.VDButton); end self.VDButton:SetChecked(false); end function Bar:GetVD() return self.BarSave["VDriver"]; end function Bar:CancelInputVD() self.VDButton:SetChecked(false); end function Bar:SetTempShowVD() --These functions allow the VD to be overridden (such that they work as normal while in combat) for the purposes of adjusting the UI if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end self.TempVDSet = true; self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); end function Bar:ClearTempShowVD() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end self.TempVDSet = false; self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); end --[[ Set the Bar to accept Key Binds --]] function Bar.KeyBindMode(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (Widget:GetChecked()) then for i = 1, #self.Buttons do self.Buttons[i]:SetOnEnter("KeyBind"); end KeyBinder.SetButtonSelectorMode(self); SetCursor("CAST_CURSOR"); else KeyBinder.CancelButtonSelectorMode(); end end function Bar:CancelKeyBindMode() for i = 1, #self.Buttons do self.Buttons[i]:SetOnEnter(); end UILib.SetMask(nil); self.KBButton:SetChecked(false); SetCursor(nil); end --[[ Handles Dragging the bar size to create new COLUMNS --]] function Bar.ColsStart(Widget) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end local self = Widget.ParentBar; local Background = self.Background; GameTooltip_Hide(); self.TileTexture:Show(); Background:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", self.ColsOnSizeChanged); Background:SetResizable(true); Background:StartSizing(); end function Bar.ColsStop(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; local Background = self.Background; local Buttons = self.Buttons; local Scale = self.BarSave["Scale"]; local NumCols = max(math.floor((Background:GetWidth() - Const.I2 + self.BG * Scale) / (self.BSize * Scale) + 0.00001), 1); self.TileTexture:Hide(); Background:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", nil); Background:StopMovingOrSizing(); Background:SetResizable(false); for i = 1, #Buttons do Buttons[i]:Fade(false); end self:SetNumButtons(NumCols, self.Rows); self:UpdateSize(); end function Bar.ColsOnSizeChanged(Widget, Width, Height) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (InCombatLockdown()) then self.ColsStop(Widget); return; end local Scale = self.BarSave["Scale"] local NumCols = max(math.floor((Width - Const.I2 + self.BG * Scale) / (self.BSize * Scale) + 0.00001), 1); local i = 1; for r = 1, self.Rows do for c = 1, self.Cols do if (c > NumCols) then self.Buttons[i]:Fade(true); else self.Buttons[i]:Fade(false); end i = i + 1; end end if (Width < Const.BS * Scale + Const.I2) then self.Background:SetWidth(Const.BS * Scale + Const.I2); end self.Background:SetHeight((self.Rows * self.BSize - self.BG) * Scale + Const.I2); self:ReflowUI(); self:UpdateTileSize(NumCols, self.Rows); end --[[ Handles Dragging the bar size to create new ROWS --]] function Bar.RowsStart(Widget) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end local self = Widget.ParentBar; local Background = self.Background; GameTooltip_Hide(); self.TileTexture:Show(); Background:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", self.RowsOnSizeChanged); Background:SetResizable(true); Background:StartSizing(); end function Bar.RowsStop(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; local Background = self.Background; local Buttons = self.Buttons; local Scale = self.BarSave["Scale"]; local NumRows = max(math.floor((Background:GetHeight() - Const.I2 + self.BG * Scale) / (self.BSize * Scale) + 0.00001), 1); self.TileTexture:Hide(); Background:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", nil); Background:StopMovingOrSizing(); Background:SetResizable(false); for i = 1, #Buttons do Buttons[i]:Fade(false); end self:SetNumButtons(self.Cols, NumRows); self:UpdateSize(); end function Bar.RowsOnSizeChanged(Widget, Width, Height) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (InCombatLockdown()) then self.RowsStop(Widget); return; end local Scale = self.BarSave["Scale"]; local NumRows = max(math.floor((Height - Const.I2 + self.BG * Scale) / (self.BSize * Scale) + 0.00001), 1); local i = 1; for r = 1, self.Rows do for c = 1, self.Cols do if (r > NumRows) then self.Buttons[i]:Fade(true); else self.Buttons[i]:Fade(false); end i = i + 1; end end if (Height < Const.BS * Scale + Const.I2) then self.Background:SetHeight(Const.BS * Scale + Const.I2); end self.Background:SetWidth((self.Cols * self.BSize - self.BG) * Scale + Const.I2); self:ReflowUI(); self:UpdateTileSize(self.Cols, NumRows); end --[[ Handles Dragging the bar size to SCALE --]] function Bar.ScaleStart(Widget) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end GameTooltip_Hide(); local self = Widget.ParentBar; local Background = self.Background; local Time = GetTime(); --This is for double click default if (self.ScaleClickTime + Const.DoubleClickSpeed > Time) then local CFrame = self.ControlFrame; local WLeft, WTop = CFrame:GetLeft(), CFrame:GetTop(); local Left, Top, Dist, DockedBar = Util.DockCoords(WLeft, WTop, self); if (DockedBar) then if (math.floor(Dist * 1000) == 0 and self.BarSave["Scale"] ~= DockedBar.BarSave["Scale"]) then self:SetScale(DockedBar.BarSave["Scale"]); return; end end self:SetScale(1); return; end Background:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", self.ScaleOnSizeChanged); Background:SetResizable(true); Background:StartSizing(); self.ScaleClickTime = Time; end function Bar.ScaleStop(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentBar; local Background = self.Background; Background:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", nil); Background:StopMovingOrSizing(); Background:SetResizable(false); self:UpdateSize(); end function Bar.ScaleOnSizeChanged(Widget, Width, Height) local self = Widget.ParentBar; if (InCombatLockdown()) then self.ScaleStop(Widget); return; end local UIScale = UIParent:GetEffectiveScale(); local MouseX, MouseY = GetCursorPosition(); local Left, Top = self.Background:GetLeft(), self.Background:GetTop(); Width = MouseX / UIScale - Left; Height = Top - MouseY / UIScale; local UnscaledWidth = self.Cols * self.BSize - self.BG; local UnscaledHeight = self.Rows * self.BSize - self.BG; --Now calculate the scale needed to space the buttons in the bars new size in each dir local ScaleX = (Width - Const.I2) / UnscaledWidth; local ScaleY = (Height - Const.I2) / UnscaledHeight; local Scale; --Now we choose the lower scale factor (x or y) to use if (ScaleX <= ScaleY) then Scale = ScaleX; else Scale = ScaleY; end if (Scale < Const.MinScale) then Scale = Const.MinScale; end self:SetScale(Scale); end function Bar:SetMacroText(Value) if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["MacroText"]; end self.BarSave["MacroText"] = Value; for i = 1, #self.Buttons do self.Buttons[i]:SetMacroText(Value); end end function Bar:GetMacroText() if (self.BarSave["MacroText"]) then return self.BarSave["MacroText"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); else return self.BarSave["MacroText"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); end end function Bar:SetKeyBindText(Value) if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["KeyBindText"]; end self.BarSave["KeyBindText"] = Value; for i = 1, #self.Buttons do self.Buttons[i]:SetKeyBindText(Value); end end function Bar:GetKeyBindText() if (self.BarSave["KeyBindText"]) then return self.BarSave["KeyBindText"], Util.GetLocaleString("Shown"); else return self.BarSave["KeyBindText"], Util.GetLocaleString("Hidden"); end end Bar.BG = Const.BG; --I'm initing these here just to smooth the config process Bar.BSize = Const.BSize; Bar.GFrac = Const.GFrac; function Bar:SetButtonGap(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then self.BarSave["ButtonGap"] = Value; self.BG = Value; self.BSize = Const.BS + self.BG; self.GFrac = self.BG / self.BSize; for r = 1, self.Rows do for c = 1, self.Cols do local i = (r-1) * self.Cols + c; self.Buttons[i].Widget:ClearAllPoints(); self.Buttons[i].Widget:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.ButtonFrame, "TOPLEFT", (c-1) * self.BSize, (1-r) * self.BSize); end end self:UpdateSize(); end end function Bar:GetButtonGap() return self.BarSave["ButtonGap"]; end function Bar:SetEnabled(Value) if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (Value == "toggle") then Value = not self.BarSave["Enabled"]; end self.BarSave["Enabled"] = Value; self:SetVD(self.BarSave["VDriver"]); end end function Bar:GetEnabled() if (self.BarSave["Enabled"]) then return self.BarSave["Enabled"], Util.GetLocaleString("Enabled"); else return self.BarSave["Enabled"], Util.GetLocaleString("Disabled"); end end function Bar:SetOrder(Order) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end Order = Order or self.BarSave["Order"]; self.ControlFrame:SetFrameLevel(Order * 6 + 2); --1 self.ButtonFrame:SetFrameLevel(Order * 6 + 4); --2, 3 self.LabelFrame:SetFrameLevel(Order * 6 + 5); --3 self.AdvFrame:SetFrameLevel(Order * 6 + 5); --3, 4 self.DestroyFrame:SetFrameLevel(Order * 6 + 7); -- self.BarSave["Order"] = Order; self.ButtonFrame:SetAttribute("Order", Order); end