## Interface: 11302 ## Title: Button Forge Classic ## Notes: Add as many or few extra Action Bars and Buttons to your user interface to complement the standard (or other) Action Bars ## Version: 0.1 ## Author: Massiner of Nathrezim ## SavedVariables: ButtonForgeGlobalSettings, ButtonForgeGlobalProfiles, ButtonForgeGlobalBackup ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: ButtonForgeSave, BFSave ## OptionalDeps: Masque Declares.lua Const.lua Locale-enUS.lua Locale-koKR.lua Locale-ruRU.lua Locale-zhCN.lua Locale-zhTW.lua Locale-deDE.lua EventManager.lua UILibLayers.xml UILibConfigPage.xml UILibClickMask.lua UILibDragIcon.lua UILibCreateButton.lua UILibInputBox.lua UILibLines.lua Util.lua UILibToolbar.xml KeyBinder.xml Button.lua Bar.lua CustomAction.lua bindings.lua ButtonForge_API1.lua