--[[ Author: Alternator (Massiner of Nathrezim) Copyright 2010 Notes: - Texture retrieval on Spells will not return different state textures for a spell (e.g. Wisp, when a Hunter Aspect is selected) - Texture retrieval on Macros will however return the different state textures - I do not believe this can be leveraged to fix the above - Index refers to the players index to a macro, spell, Companion etc... - Id refers to the universal Id where one exists - I would have liked to add operations to the CheckButton instances, but this may or may not be safe, so instead I create an instance with a CheckButton member - Because Frames can be dynamically created, abandoned Frames need to be managed... This could lead to recycling them, but consider that later on - OnClick of the SecureButtonTemplate has some subtle but important behaviour as follows - Clears the Cursor - If the Cursor is a Spell and the button type is spell it wont trigger the action, other situations it does (workaround is to temporarily clear the type attribute) - Querying Companion information is dicey when the player first enters the gameworld (during a new session, or perhaps empty cache??) - A COMPANION_UPDATE event triggers when this data is available for query, unfortunately other things can trigger the same event before this as well, making it not as useful - A work around is to continually try to create the companion cache until it successfully runs to completetion - Macros with Companions as the action, will return the action as though it were a spell :S - Since basically none of the spell functions actually work with companions (even though they have a spell id!?!?) we need to detect if it really is a spell or not - This is done by creating a reverse cache of the companions for easy lookup - MouseOver macro conditional changed has the following considerations - The Event CURSOR_UPDATE is not sufficient for this, since if the cursor does not change such as mousing from one enemy to the next, or moving onto the enemy name plate (cursor changes but mouseover hasn't, but now we wont get a cursor_update when they move completely off) - The Event UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT would have done the trick, except it does not fire when the player mouses off a target to nothing - The solution is to check the players mouseover target on a per frame basis, and put a 1 frame delay in before refreshing, so far this does not appear to incur a big penalty (i'd still like to avoid doing it however) - Button is inherited for each Button created - each created Button has a table entry called Widget, this is the actual button widget shown on screen - The above is important to remember since sometimes a Button function called be called with the first parameter as the Widget (not the Button, in these cases, the : operator has not been used and the first parameter will be Widget)... This is due to the setting of some Button functions as Scripts for events on the Widget. ]] --Create a mapping to the needed elements (allocate the item if necessary) local Util = BFUtil; local Const = BFConst; local Button = BFButton; local UILib = BFUILib; local CustomAction = BFCustomAction; local KeyBinder = BFKeyBinder; Button.__index = Button; local IsUsableSpell = IsUsableSpell; local SecureClickWrapperFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", nil, nil, "SecureHandlerBaseTemplate"); --[[-------------------------------------------------------------- Create a New Button ----------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button.New(Parent, ButtonSave, ButtonLocked, TooltipEnabled, MacroText, KeyBindText) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end local NewButton = {}; setmetatable(NewButton, Button); NewButton.Widget = Button.CreateButtonWidget(Parent); local Name = NewButton.Widget:GetName(); NewButton.WIcon = _G[Name.."Icon"]; NewButton.WNormalTexture = _G[Name.."NormalTexture"]; NewButton.WCooldown = _G[Name.."Cooldown"]; NewButton.WCount = _G[Name.."Count"]; NewButton.WBorder = _G[Name.."Border"]; NewButton.WFlashTexture = _G[Name.."Flash"]; NewButton.WHotKey = _G[Name.."HotKey"]; NewButton.WName = _G[Name.."Name"]; NewButton.Widget.ParentButton = NewButton; NewButton.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); NewButton.WCooldown:SetEdgeTexture("Interface\\Cooldown\\edge"); NewButton.WCooldown:SetSwipeColor(0, 0, 0); NewButton.WCooldown:SetHideCountdownNumbers(false); NewButton.WCooldown.currentCooldownType = COOLDOWN_TYPE_NORMAL; NewButton.UpdateTooltip = Button.Empty; NewButton:Configure(Parent, ButtonSave, ButtonLocked, TooltipEnabled, MacroText, KeyBindText); NewButton:SetupActionButtonClick(); return NewButton; end function Button.CreateButtonWidget(Parent) local Name = Const.ButtonNaming..Const.ButtonSeq; local Widget = CreateFrame("CheckButton", Name, Parent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate, ActionButtonTemplate"); Const.ButtonSeq = Const.ButtonSeq + 1; Widget:SetAttribute("checkselfcast", true); Widget:SetAttribute("checkfocuscast", true); Widget:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton", "RightButton"); --Widget:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp"); Widget:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", Button.OnReceiveDrag); Widget:SetScript("OnDragStart", Button.OnDragStart); if (Util.ForceOffCastOnKeyDown) then Widget:SetScript("PostClick", Button.PostClickBasic); Widget:SetScript("PreClick", Button.PreClickBasic); else Widget:SetScript("PostClick", Button.PostClick); Widget:SetScript("PreClick", Button.PreClick); end --The ActionButtonTemplate does not include the following (which will be created here) --FloatingBG (e.g. MultiBarButtonTemplate) local FloatingBG = Widget:CreateTexture(Name.."FloatingBG", "BACKGROUND", nil, -1); FloatingBG:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-Quickslot"); FloatingBG:SetAlpha(0.4); FloatingBG:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -15, 15); FloatingBG:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", 15, -15); --AutoCastable (e.g. PetActionButtonTemplate) local AutoCastable = Widget:CreateTexture(Name.."AutoCastable", "OVERLAY"); AutoCastable:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-AutoCastableOverlay"); AutoCastable:SetSize(70, 70); AutoCastable:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0); AutoCastable:Hide(); --AutoCast local Shine = CreateFrame("FRAME", Name.."Shine", Widget, "AutoCastShineTemplate"); Shine:SetSize(34, 34); Shine:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0); --_G[Widget:GetName().."HotKey"]:ClearAllPoints(); --_G[Widget:GetName().."HotKey"]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Widget, "TOPLEFT", 1, -2); Widget.action = 10000; if (Util.LBFMasterGroup) then Util.LBFMasterGroup:AddButton(Widget); end return Widget; end function Button:SetupActionButtonClick() local Widget = self.Widget; -- This particular setting will only gets set at login (if the player changes it they must log out and back in) if (Util.ForceOffCastOnKeyDown) then Widget:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp"); return; end SecureClickWrapperFrame:UnwrapScript(Widget, "OnClick"); if (GetCVarBool("ActionButtonUseKeyDown")) then Widget:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp", "AnyDown"); local SecurePreClickSnippet = [[if (down and button == "KeyBind") then return "LeftButton"; end if ((not down) and button ~= "KeyBind") then return; end return false;]]; SecureClickWrapperFrame:WrapScript(Widget, "OnClick", SecurePreClickSnippet); else Widget:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp"); local SecurePreClickSnippet = [[if (button == "KeyBind") then return "LeftButton"; end]]; SecureClickWrapperFrame:WrapScript(Widget, "OnClick", SecurePreClickSnippet); end end --[[ Configure the button for use --]] function Button:Configure(Parent, ButtonSave, ButtonLocked, TooltipEnabled, MacroText, KeyBindText) self.Widget:SetParent(Parent); self.ButtonSave = ButtonSave; local Mode = ButtonSave["Mode"]; if (Mode == "spell") then self:SetCommandExplicitSpell(ButtonSave["SpellId"], ButtonSave["SpellNameRank"], ButtonSave["SpellName"], ButtonSave["SpellBook"]); --the util functions will get both the index and the book elseif (Mode == "item") then self:SetCommandExplicitItem(ButtonSave["ItemId"], ButtonSave["ItemName"], ButtonSave["ItemLink"]); elseif (Mode == "macro") then self:SetCommandExplicitMacro(ButtonSave["MacroIndex"], ButtonSave["MacroName"], ButtonSave["MacroBody"]); --elseif (Mode == "companion") then -- self:SetCommandExplicitCompanion(ButtonSave["CompanionId"], ButtonSave["CompanionType"], ButtonSave["CompanionIndex"], ButtonSave["CompanionName"], ButtonSave["CompanionSpellName"]); elseif (Mode == "mount") then self:SetCommandExplicitCompanion(ButtonSave["MountID"]); elseif (Mode == "equipmentset") then self:SetCommandExplicitEquipmentSet(ButtonSave["EquipmentSetId"], ButtonSave["EquipmentSetName"]); elseif (Mode == "bonusaction") then self:SetCommandExplicitBonusAction(ButtonSave["BonusActionId"]); elseif (Mode == "flyout") then self:SetCommandExplicitFlyout(ButtonSave["FlyoutId"]); elseif (Mode == "customaction") then self:SetCommandExplicitCustomAction(ButtonSave["CustomActionName"]); else self:ClearCommand(); end if (ButtonForgeSave["RightClickSelfCast"]) then self.Widget:SetAttribute("unit2", "player"); else self.Widget:SetAttribute("unit2", nil); end self:SetButtonLock(ButtonLocked); self:SetTooltipEnabled(TooltipEnabled); self:SetMacroText(MacroText); self:SetKeyBindText(KeyBindText); self:SetKeyBind(ButtonSave["KeyBinding"]); self:Show(); self:FullRefresh(); end --[[-------------------------------------------------------------- Deallocate the Button ----------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:Deallocate() self:ClearCommand(); self:SetKeyBind(nil); self:SetOnEnter(); self:Hide(); end --[[-------------------------------------------------------------- Detach the Button ----------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:Detach() -- Same as Deallocate except this will first detach from its save store to leave that intact self.ButtonSave = {}; self:Deallocate(); end --[[-------------------------------------------------------------- Set functions ----------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:SetButtonLock(Value) self.Locked = Value; end function Button:SetTooltipEnabled(Value) self.TooltipEnabled = Value; self:SetOnEnter(); end function Button:SetMacroText(Value) self.MacroTextEnabled = Value; if (self.Mode == "macro") then if (Value) then self.WName:SetText(self.MacroName); else self.WName:SetText(""); end end end function Button:SetKeyBindText(Value) self.KeyBindTextEnabled = Value; self:RefreshKeyBindDisplay(); end function Button:SetKeyBind(Key) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return false; end --Each key owns it's own key binding ClearOverrideBindings(self.Widget); if (Key ~= "" and Key ~= nil) then self.ButtonSave["KeyBinding"] = Key; if (Util.ForceOffCastOnKeyDown) then SetOverrideBindingClick(self.Widget, false, Key, self.Widget:GetName()); else SetOverrideBindingClick(self.Widget, false, Key, self.Widget:GetName(), "KeyBind"); end self.Widget:SetAttribute("KeyBindValue", Key); else --clear the binding self.ButtonSave["KeyBinding"] = nil; self.Widget:SetAttribute("KeyBindValue", nil); end self:RefreshKeyBindDisplay(); return true; end function Button:RefreshKeyBindDisplay() local Key = self.ButtonSave["KeyBinding"]; if (Key ~= nil and self.KeyBindTextEnabled) then self.WHotKey:SetText(GetBindingText(Key, "KEY_", 1)); --if not self.WHotKey.__LBF_SetPoint then --self.WHotKey:ClearAllPoints(); --self.WHotKey:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.Widget, "TOPLEFT", -2, -2); --end self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6); self.WHotKey:Show(); else self.WHotKey:SetText(RANGE_INDICATOR); --if not self.WHotKey.__LBF_SetPoint then --self.WHotKey:ClearAllPoints(); --self.WHotKey:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.Widget, "TOPLEFT", 1, -2); --end self.WHotKey:Hide(); end end function Button:SetOnEnter(Value) if (Value == "KeyBind") then self.Widget:SetScript("OnEnter", Button.OnEnterKeyBind); self.Widget:SetScript("OnLeave", Button.OnLeaveFlyout); elseif (self.TooltipEnabled) then self.Widget:SetScript("OnEnter", Button.OnEnterTooltip); self.Widget:SetScript("OnLeave", Button.OnLeaveTooltip); else self.Widget:SetScript("OnEnter", Button.OnEnterFlyout); self.Widget:SetScript("OnLeave", Button.OnLeaveFlyout); end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------- OnEnter / OnLeave handlers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button.OnLeaveTooltip(Widget) --Includes flyout GameTooltip:Hide(); Widget.ParentButton.UpdateTooltip = Button.Empty; Widget.ParentButton:UpdateFlyout(); end function Button.OnEnterTooltip(Widget) --Includes flyout! local self = Widget.ParentButton; GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, Widget); self.UpdateTooltip = self.UpdateTooltipFunc; self.Widget.UpdateTooltip = self.UpdateTooltip; self:UpdateTooltip(); self:UpdateFlyout(); end function Button.OnEnterKeyBind(Widget) UILib.SetMask(Widget.ParentButton, KeyBinder.ShowBindingDialog, KeyBinder.CancelButtonSelectorMode, Widget, "CAST_CURSOR","Interface/TARGETINGFRAME/UI-RaidTargetingIcon_1", {0, 1, 0, 1}); GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, Widget); end --Noting these are the same function... function Button.OnEnterFlyout(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentButton; self:UpdateFlyout(); end function Button.OnLeaveFlyout(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentButton; self:UpdateFlyout(); end --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Display altering functions (used when reducing cols/rows or hiding such as when the grid is not always on, or the button is deallocated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:Fade(Value) if (Value) then self.Widget:SetAlpha(0.5); else self.Widget:SetAlpha(1); end end function Button:Hide() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end self.Widget:Hide(); end function Button:Show() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end self.Widget:Show(); end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Functions that manage setting the action for the button, including the script handlers for the player drag/dropping actions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] --[[ Script Handlers --]] function Button.PreClickBasic(Widget, Button, Down) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end local Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue = GetCursorInfo(); if (not Command) then Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue = UILib.GetDragInfo(); end Util.StoreCursor(Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue); --Always store this, so that if it is nil PostClick wont try to use it if (Command) then Widget.BackupType = Widget:GetAttribute("type"); Widget:SetAttribute("type", ""); --Temp unset the type to prevent any action happening end end function Button.PreClick(Widget, Button, Down) if (InCombatLockdown() or Button == "KeyBind" or Down) then return; end local Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue = GetCursorInfo(); if (not Command) then Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue = UILib.GetDragInfo(); end Util.StoreCursor(Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue); --Always store this, so that if it is nil PostClick wont try to use it if (Command) then Widget.BackupType = Widget:GetAttribute("type"); Widget:SetAttribute("type", ""); --Temp unset the type to prevent any action happening end end function Button.PostClickBasic(Widget, Button, Down) local self = Widget.ParentButton; self:UpdateChecked(); if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end if (self.Mode == "flyout") then BFEventFrames["Full"].RefreshButtons = true; BFEventFrames["Full"].RefFlyouts = true; end if (not InCombatLockdown()) then local Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue = Util.GetStoredCursor(); if (Command) then Util.StoreCursor(self:GetCursor()); --Store the info from the button for later setting the cursor if (self:SetCommandFromTriplet(Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue)) then --Set the button to the cursor Util.SetCursor(Util.GetStoredCursor()); --On success set the cursor to the stored button info else Util.SetCursor(Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue); --On fail set the cursor to what ever it was self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", Widget.BackupType); --and restore the button mode end end end --self:UpdateChecked(); end function Button.PostClick(Widget, Button, Down) local self = Widget.ParentButton; self:UpdateChecked(); if (InCombatLockdown() or Button == "KeyBind" or Down) then return; end if (self.Mode == "flyout") then BFEventFrames["Full"].RefreshButtons = true; BFEventFrames["Full"].RefFlyouts = true; end if (not InCombatLockdown()) then local Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue = Util.GetStoredCursor(); if (Command) then Util.StoreCursor(self:GetCursor()); --Store the info from the button for later setting the cursor if (self:SetCommandFromTriplet(Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue)) then --Set the button to the cursor Util.SetCursor(Util.GetStoredCursor()); --On success set the cursor to the stored button info else Util.SetCursor(Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue); --On fail set the cursor to what ever it was self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", Widget.BackupType); --and restore the button mode end end end --self:UpdateChecked(); end function Button.OnReceiveDrag(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentButton; if (not InCombatLockdown()) then if (GetCursorInfo()) then Util.StoreCursor(self:GetCursor()); if (self:SetCommandFromTriplet(GetCursorInfo())) then Util.SetCursor(Util.GetStoredCursor()); end elseif (UILib.GetDragInfo()) then Util.StoreCursor(self:GetCursor()); if (self:SetCommandFromTriplet(UILib.GetDragInfo())) then Util.SetCursor(Util.GetStoredCursor()); end end end end function Button.OnDragStart(Widget) local self = Widget.ParentButton; if (not (InCombatLockdown() or (self.Locked and not IsShiftKeyDown()))) then Util.StoreCursor(self:GetCursor()); if (GetCursorInfo()) then if (self:SetCommandFromTriplet(GetCursorInfo())) then Util.SetCursor(Util.GetStoredCursor()); end elseif (self:SetCommandFromTriplet(UILib.GetDragInfo())) then Util.SetCursor(Util.GetStoredCursor()); end end end --[[ Set up the buttons action based on the triplet of data provided from the cursor --]] function Button:SetCommandFromTriplet(Command, Data, Subvalue, Subsubvalue) if (InCombatLockdown()) then return false; end local OldMode = self.Mode; if (Command == "spell") then self:SetCommandSpell(Subsubvalue); --Data = Index, Subvalue = Book (spell/pet) elseif (Command == "petaction") then if (Data > 5) then -- "Assist, Attack, Defensive, Passive, Follow, Move To, Stay" cause issues so lets ignore them for now. They all have their id between 0 and 5. self:SetCommandSpell(Data); else return false; end elseif (Command == "item") then self:SetCommandItem(Data, Subvalue); --Data = Id, Subvalue = Link elseif (Command == "macro") then self:SetCommandMacro(Data); --Data = Index elseif (Command == "mount") then self:SetCommandCompanion(Data); -- Data = MountID, Subvalue = ??? elseif (Command == "equipmentset") then self:SetCommandEquipmentSet(Data); --Data = Name elseif (Command == "bonusaction") then self:SetCommandBonusAction(Data); --Data = Id (1 to 12) elseif (Command == "flyout") then self:SetCommandFlyout(Data); --Data = Id elseif (Command == "customaction") then self:SetCommandCustomAction(Data); --Data = Action elseif (Command == nil or Command == "") then self:ClearCommand(); else return false; end self:FullRefresh(); return true; end --[[ Function to clear the command on the button --]] function Button:ClearCommand() self:SetEnvClear(); self:SetAttributes(nil, nil); self:SaveClear(); self:ResetAppearance(); end --[[ Set the individual types of actions including obtained any extra data they may need --]] function Button:SetCommandSpell(Id) local Name, Rank = GetSpellInfo(Id); local NameRank = Util.GetFullSpellName(Name, Rank); self:SetCommandExplicitSpell(Id, NameRank, Name, Book); end function Button:SetCommandItem(Id, Link) local Name; Name, Link = GetItemInfo(Id); --Note this will get a clean link, as the one passed in may have enchants etc encoded in it self:SetCommandExplicitItem(Id, Name, Link); end function Button:SetCommandMacro(Index) local Name, Texture, Body = GetMacroInfo(Index); self:SetCommandExplicitMacro(Index, Name, Body or ''); end function Button:SetCommandCompanion(MountID) --local SpellName = GetSpellInfo(SpellId); self:SetCommandExplicitCompanion(MountID); end function Button:SetCommandEquipmentSet(SetName) local SetCount = C_EquipmentSet.GetNumEquipmentSets(); for i=0,SetCount-1 do name, texture, setIndex, isEquipped, totalItems, equippedItems, inventoryItems, missingItems, ignoredSlots = C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetInfo(i); if (name == SetName ) then self:SetCommandExplicitEquipmentSet(setIndex, name); break; end end; end function Button:SetCommandBonusAction(Id) self:SetCommandExplicitBonusAction(Id); end function Button:SetCommandFlyout(Id) self:SetCommandExplicitFlyout(Id); end function Button:SetCommandCustomAction(Name) self:SetCommandExplicitCustomAction(Name); end --[[ Set the individual types of actions (all data needed is supplied to the functions as args) --]] function Button:SetCommandExplicitSpell(Id, NameRank, Name, Book) local IsTalent = Util.IsSpellIdTalent(Id); self:SetEnvSpell(Id, NameRank, Name, Book, IsTalent); if (IsTalent) then -- Talents only can be triggered off the name, The API is really random as to when it works better with the name vs ID self:SetAttributes("spell", NameRank); else -- Normal spells work both ways... But! some spells like Shaman Hex() have same name variants, in those cases I need to cast the specific ID -- And yes, as it stands if Blizz do same name variant Talents, then well bugger... self:SetAttributes("spell", Id); end self:SaveSpell(Id, NameRank, Name, Book); end function Button:SetCommandExplicitItem(Id, Name, Link) self:SetEnvItem(Id, Name, Link); self:SetAttributes("item", Name); self:SaveItem(Id, Name, Link); end function Button:SetCommandExplicitMacro(Index, Name, Body) self:SetEnvMacro(Index, Name, Body); self:SetAttributes("macro", Index); self:SaveMacro(Index, Name, Body); end function Button:SetCommandExplicitCompanion(MountID) self:SetEnvCompanion(MountID); --self:SetAttributes("companion", SpellName); mopved to set env --self:SaveCompanion(Index, SpellID); moved to end of set env end function Button:SetCommandExplicitEquipmentSet(Id, Name) self:SetEnvEquipmentSet(Id, Name); self:SetAttributes("equipmentset", Name); self:SaveEquipmentSet(Id, Name); end function Button:SetCommandExplicitBonusAction(Id) self:SetAttributes("bonusaction", Id); self:SetEnvBonusAction(Id); self:SaveBonusAction(Id); end function Button:SetCommandExplicitFlyout(Id) self:SetEnvFlyout(Id); self:SetAttributes("flyout", Id); self:SaveFlyout(Id); end function Button:SetCommandExplicitCustomAction(Name) self:SetEnvCustomAction(Name); self:SetAttributes("customaction", Name); self:SaveCustomAction(Name); end --[[ The following functions will configure the button to operate correctly for the specific type of action (these functions must be able to handle the player not knowing spells/macros etc) --]] function Button:SetEnvSpell(Id, NameRank, Name, Book, IsTalent) self.UpdateTexture = Button.Empty; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateCheckedSpell; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.Empty; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.UpdateCooldownSpell; self.UpdateUsable = Button.UpdateUsableSpell; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.UpdateTextCountSpell; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipSpell; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.UpdateRangeTimerSpell; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.CheckRangeTimerSpell; self.UpdateFlash = Button.UpdateFlashSpell; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorSpell; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefresh; local Matched = false; if (Const.WispSpellIds[Id]) then -- This spell may update its icon to the wisp state... self.UpdateTexture = Button.UpdateTextureWispSpell; end self.Mode = "spell"; self.SpellId = Id; self.SpellNameRank = NameRank; self.SpellName = Name; self.SpellBook = Book; self.SpellIsTalent = IsTalent; self.Texture = GetSpellTexture(Id) or "Interface/Icons/INV_Misc_QuestionMark"; self.Target = "target"; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(); Util.AddSpell(self); end function Button:SetEnvItem(Id, Name, Link) self.UpdateTexture = Button.Empty; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateCheckedItem; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.UpdateEquippedItem; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.UpdateCooldownItem; self.UpdateUsable = Button.UpdateUsableItem; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.UpdateTextCountItem; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipItem; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.UpdateRangeTimerItem; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.CheckRangeTimerItem; self.UpdateFlash = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorItem; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefresh; self.Mode = "item"; self.ItemId = Id; self.ItemName = Name; self.ItemLink = Link; self.Texture = GetItemIcon(Id) or "Interface/Icons/INV_Misc_QuestionMark"; --safe no matter what self.Target = "target"; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(); Util.AddItem(self); end function Button:SetEnvMacro(Index, Name, Body) self.UpdateTexture = Button.UpdateTextureMacro; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateCheckedMacro; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.UpdateEquippedMacro; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.UpdateCooldownMacro; self.UpdateUsable = Button.UpdateUsableMacro; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.UpdateTextCountMacro; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipMacro; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.UpdateRangeTimerMacro; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.CheckRangeTimerMacro; self.UpdateFlash = Button.UpdateFlashMacro; self.TranslateMacro = Button.TranslateMacro; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorMacro; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefreshMacro; self.Mode = "macro"; self.MacroIndex = Index; self.MacroName = Name; self.MacroBody = Body; self.Texture = nil; --set in translate macro self.Target = "target"; self.ShowTooltip = string.find(Body, "#showtooltip") ~= nil; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(); Util.AddMacro(self); end function Button:SetEnvCompanion(MountID) if (not MountID) then return self:ClearCommand(); end -- now only handles mounts -- This code path ultimately works - but it is a bit wonky when the Summon Random Favorite comes through --[[if (SpellID == nil) then -- We got the useless Index, try and map it Index = Util.GetMountIndexFromUselessIndex(Index); SpellID = select(2, C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfo(Index)); else -- We got a good Index, but we should check that -- the Mapping is still valid if (SpellID ~= select(2, C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfo(Index))) then -- The mapping isn't right, so update the Index Index = Util.GetMountIndexFromSpellID(SpellID); end end--]] --[[if (Index == nil) then -- So no mount was found self:ClearCommand(); return;]] --local SpellID = select(2, C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfo(Index)); --if (Index == 0) then -- It's the random favorite button --SpellID = Const.SUMMON_RANDOM_FAVORITE_MOUNT_SPELL; --self:SetMountFavorite(BFButton); --return; --end self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("spell", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("item", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("macro", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("action", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("id", nil); self.Mode = "mount"; self.MountID = MountID; if (self.MountID == Const.SUMMON_RANDOM_FAVORITE_MOUNT_ID) then self.MountName = GetSpellInfo(Const.SUMMON_RANDOM_FAVORITE_MOUNT_SPELL); self.MountSpellID = Const.SUMMON_RANDOM_FAVORITE_MOUNT_SPELL; self.MountSpellName = self.MountName; if (ButtonForgeGlobalSettings["UseCollectionsFavoriteMountButton"] and not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_Collections")) then LoadAddOn("Blizzard_Collections"); end if (ButtonForgeGlobalSettings["UseCollectionsFavoriteMountButton"] and MountJournalSummonRandomFavoriteButton) then self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", "click"); self.Widget:SetAttribute("clickbutton", MountJournalSummonRandomFavoriteButton); else -- this will cause a script warning when clicked if the player does not allow dangerous scripts but also chooses false for the global setting self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro"); self.Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/run C_MountJournal.SummonByID("..self.MountID..")"); end else self.MountName = C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(MountID); self.MountSpellID = select(2, C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(MountID)); self.MountSpellName = GetSpellInfo(self.MountSpellID); self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro"); self.Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast "..self.MountSpellName); end self.Texture = GetSpellTexture(self.MountSpellID); --select(3, C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfo(Index)); self.UpdateTexture = Button.Empty; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateCheckedCompanion; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.Empty; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.UpdateCooldownCompanion; self.UpdateUsable = Button.UpdateUsableCompanion; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipCompanion; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlash = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorCompanion; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefresh; --[[self.Mode = "companion"; self.CompanionId = Id; self.CompanionType = Type; self.CompanionIndex = Index; self.CompanionName = Name; self.CompanionSpellName = SpellName; self.Texture = select(4, GetCompanionInfo(Type, Index)); --safe provided Type in ("MOUNT", "CRITTER") and Index is numeric ]] self.Target = "target"; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(); self:SaveCompanion(MountID, self.MountSpellID, self.MountName); end function Button:SetEnvEquipmentSet(Id, Name) local Index = Util.LookupEquipmentSetIndex(Id); if (Index == nil) then -- This equip set is gone so clear it from the button return self:ClearCommand(); end self.UpdateTexture = Button.Empty; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateChecked; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.Empty; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.Empty; self.UpdateUsable = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipEquipmentSet; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlash = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorEquipmentSet; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefresh; self.Mode = "equipmentset"; self.EquipmentSetId = Id; self.EquipmentSetName = Name; self.Texture = select(2, C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetInfo(Index)) or ""; --"Interface/Icons/"..(GetEquipmentSetInfoByName(Name) or ""); --safe provided Name ~= nil self.Target = "target"; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(); self.WName:SetText(Name); end function Button:SetEnvBonusAction(Id) self.UpdateTexture = Button.UpdateTextureBonusAction; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateCheckedBonusAction; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.Empty; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.UpdateCooldownBonusAction; self.UpdateUsable = Button.UpdateUsableBonusAction; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.UpdateTextCountBonusAction; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipBonusAction; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.UpdateRangeTimerBonusAction; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.CheckRangeTimerBonusAction; self.UpdateFlash = Button.UpdateFlashBonusAction; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorBonusAction; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefresh; self.Mode = "bonusaction"; self.BonusActionId = Id; self.BonusActionSlot = Id + 132; self.Texture = GetActionTexture(self.BonusActionSlot);-- "Interface/Icons/"..(GetEquipmentSetInfoByName(Name) or ""); --safe provided Name ~= nil self.Target = "target"; self.Tooltip = Util.GetLocaleString("BonusActionTooltip")..Id; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(); Util.AddBonusAction(self); end function Button:SetEnvFlyout(Id) self.UpdateTexture = Button.Empty; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateChecked; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.Empty; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.Empty; self.UpdateUsable = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipFlyout; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlash = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.UpdateFlyout; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorFlyout; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefresh; self.Mode = "flyout"; self.FlyoutId = Id; local ind, booktype = Util.LookupSpellIndex("FLYOUT"..Id); if (ind) then self.Texture = GetSpellBookItemTexture(ind, booktype) or "Interface/Icons/INV_Misc_QuestionMark"; else self.Texture = "Interface/Icons/INV_Misc_QuestionMark"; end self.Target = "target"; self.Tooltip = "Placeholder"; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(); self:UpdateFlyout(); -- BFFlyoutWrapperFrame:WrapScript(SpellFlyout, "OnShow", [[return true, "true";]], [[owner:CallMethod("RefreshFlyouts");]]); --BFFlyoutWrapperFrame:WrapScript(SpellFlyout, "OnHide", [[return true, "true";]], [[owner:CallMethod("RefreshFlyouts");]]); end function Button:SetEnvCustomAction(Name) local TexCoords; self.UpdateTexture = Button.UpdateTextureCustomAction; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateCheckedCustomAction; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.Empty; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.Empty; self.UpdateUsable = Button.UpdateUsableCustomAction; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.UpdateTooltipCustomAction; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlash = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.GetCursor = Button.GetCursorCustomAction; self.FullRefresh = Button.FullRefresh; self.Mode = "customaction"; self.CustomActionName = Name; self.Texture, TexCoords = CustomAction.GetTexture(Name); self.Target = "target"; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayActive(TexCoords); Util.AddBonusAction(self); end function Button:SetEnvClear() self.UpdateTexture = Button.Empty; self.UpdateChecked = Button.UpdateChecked; self.UpdateEquipped = Button.Empty; self.UpdateCooldown = Button.Empty; self.UpdateUsable = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTextCount = Button.Empty; self.UpdateTooltipFunc = Button.Empty; self.UpdateRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.CheckRangeTimer = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlash = Button.Empty; self.UpdateFlyout = Button.Empty; self.GetCursor = Button.Empty; self.FullRefresh = Button.Empty; self.Mode = nil; self:ResetAppearance(); self:DisplayEmpty(); end --[[ These functions will update the save data for the button action --]] function Button:SaveSpell(Id, NameRank, Name, Book) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "spell"; self.ButtonSave["SpellId"] = Id; self.ButtonSave["SpellNameRank"] = NameRank; self.ButtonSave["SpellName"] = Name; self.ButtonSave["SpellBook"] = Book; end function Button:SaveItem(Id, Name, Link) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "item"; self.ButtonSave["ItemId"] = Id; self.ButtonSave["ItemName"] = Name; self.ButtonSave["ItemLink"] = Link; end function Button:SaveMacro(Index, Name, Body) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "macro"; self.ButtonSave["MacroIndex"] = Index; self.ButtonSave["MacroName"] = Name; self.ButtonSave["MacroBody"] = Body; end function Button:SaveCompanion(MountID, MountSpellID, MountName) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "mount"; self.ButtonSave["MountID"] = MountID; self.ButtonSave["MountSpellID"] = MountSpellID; self.ButtonSave["MountName"] = MountName; end function Button:SaveEquipmentSet(Id, Name) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "equipmentset"; self.ButtonSave["EquipmentSetId"] = Id; self.ButtonSave["EquipmentSetName"] = Name; end function Button:SaveBonusAction(Id) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "bonusaction"; self.ButtonSave["BonusActionId"] = Id; end function Button:SaveFlyout(Id) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "flyout"; self.ButtonSave["FlyoutId"] = Id; end function Button:SaveCustomAction(Name) self:SaveClear(); self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = "customaction"; self.ButtonSave["CustomActionName"] = Name; end function Button:SaveClear() self.ButtonSave["SpellId"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["SpellNameRank"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["SpellName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["SpellBook"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["ItemId"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["ItemName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["ItemLink"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MacroIndex"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MacroName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MacroBody"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["CompanionId"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["CompanionType"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["CompanionIndex"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["CompanionName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MountIndex"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MountSpellID"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MountName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MountID"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["CompanionSpellName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MountIndex"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MountSpellID"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["MountName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["EquipmentSetId"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["EquipmentSetName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["BonusActionId"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["FlyoutId"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["CustomActionName"] = nil; self.ButtonSave["Mode"] = nil; end --[[ Set the buttons attributes (When I get some spare time this could be put in the secure env to allow changing the button during combat) --]] function Button:SetAttributes(Type, Value) --Firstly clear all relevant fields self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("spell", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("item", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("macro", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("action", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("clickbutton", nil); self.Widget:SetAttribute("id", nil); --Now if a valid type is passed in set it if (Type == "spell") then -- Patch to fix some spell that doesnt like to be cast with ID (Thrash, Stampeding Roar, ...) local SpellName = GetSpellInfo(Value); if ( SpellName ) then self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", Type); self.Widget:SetAttribute(Type, SpellName); else -- fallback to the old method if the name cannot be resolved self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", Type); self.Widget:SetAttribute(Type, Value); end elseif (Type == "item" or Type == "macro") then self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", Type); self.Widget:SetAttribute(Type, Value); elseif (Type == "companion") then self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", "spell"); self.Widget:SetAttribute("spell", Value); elseif (Type == "equipmentset") then self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", "macro"); self.Widget:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/equipset "..Value); elseif (Type == "bonusaction") then self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", "action"); self.Widget:SetAttribute("id", Value); if (HasOverrideActionBar()) then self.Widget:SetAttribute("action", Value + ((14 - 1) * 12)); else self.Widget:SetAttribute("action", Value + ((12 - 1) * 12)); end elseif (Type == "flyout") then self.Widget:SetAttribute("type", "flyout"); self.Widget:SetAttribute("spell", Value); elseif (Type == "customaction") then CustomAction.SetAttributes(Value, self.Widget); end end --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tidy up the display state for a button (does not include the icon itself) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:ResetAppearance() self.Widget:SetChecked(false); self.WBorder:Hide(); Util.CooldownFrame_SetTimer(self.WCooldown, 0, 0, 0); self.WCooldown:Hide(); self.WIcon:SetAlpha(1); self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WIcon:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WCount:SetText(""); self.WName:SetText(""); Util.RemoveMacro(self); Util.RemoveSpell(self); Util.RemoveItem(self); Util.RemoveBonusAction(self); self:RemoveFromRangeTimer(); self:RemoveFromFlash(); Button.UpdateFlyout(self); self:UpdateGlow(); if (self.TooltipEnabled and GetMouseFocus() == self.Widget) then Button.OnEnterTooltip(self.Widget); end end --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Functions to do a full refresh of the display info for the Button ----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:FullRefresh() self:UpdateTexture(); self:UpdateChecked(); self:UpdateEquipped(); self:UpdateCooldown(); self:UpdateUsable(); self:UpdateTextCount(); self:UpdateRangeTimer(); self:UpdateFlash(); self:UpdateFlyout(); self:UpdateGlow(); self:UpdateTooltip(); end function Button:FullRefreshMacro() self:TranslateMacro(); Button.FullRefresh(self); end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since macros have to masquerade as potentially several different types this function will cache what the macro currently is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:TranslateMacro() local Texture = select(2, GetMacroInfo(self.MacroIndex)); --self.Texture = select(2, GetMacroInfo(self.MacroIndex)); local Action, Target = SecureCmdOptionParse(self.MacroBody or ''); self.Target = Target or "target"; --check into if this is the best thing to do or leaving it nil would be better? local TargetName = UnitName(self.Target); local TargetDead = UnitIsDead(self.Target); if (self.Texture ~= Texture or self.MacroAction ~= Action or self.MacroTargetName ~= TargetName or self.MacroTargetDead ~= TargetDead) then self.Texture = Texture; self.MacroAction = Action; self.MacroTargetName = TargetName; self.MacroTargetDead = TargetDead; local SpellName, SpellRank, SpellId = GetMacroSpell(self.MacroIndex); if (SpellName) then local CompanionType, CompanionID = Util.LookupCompanion(SpellName); if (CompanionType) then self.CompanionType = CompanionType; self.CompanionIndex = CompanionID; end self.SpellName = SpellName; self.SpellNameRank = GetSpellInfo(SpellName); --BFA fix: Cache is indexed by name and the old function returned the ID self.SpellId = SpellId; self.MacroMode = "spell"; else local ItemName, ItemLink = GetMacroItem(self.MacroIndex); if (ItemName) then self.ItemId = Util.GetItemId(ItemName) or GetItemInfoInstant(ItemName) or 0; --basically we can't easily get the id, but for the item function calls below, itemid in the context of a macro should be fine self.ItemName = ItemName; self.ItemLink = ItemLink; self.MacroMode = "item"; else self.MacroMode = ""; end end Button.FullRefresh(self); end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texture functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateTexture() end --BFA fix: BFA removed the use of UnitBuff with the spell name as a parameter. --BFA fix: Added this function to compensate function Button:UnitBuffBySpell(unit, spell) for i=1,40 do local name, icon, _, _, _, etime = UnitBuff(unit,i) if name then if name == spell then return UnitBuff(unit,i); end else break; end; end; return nil; end; function Button:UpdateTextureWispSpell() --BFA fix: UnitBuff can no longer be called with the spell name as a param if (self.UnitBuffBySpell("player", self.SpellName)) then --NOTE: This en-US, hopefully it will be fine for other locales as well?? self.WIcon:SetTexture("Interface/Icons/Spell_Nature_WispSplode"); else self.WIcon:SetTexture(self.Texture); end end function Button:UpdateTextureMacro() self.WIcon:SetTexture(self.Texture); end function Button:UpdateTextureBonusAction() local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); if (HasOverrideActionBar() or HasVehicleActionBar()) then local Texture = GetActionTexture(action); if (not Texture) then self.WIcon:SetTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Bonus"..self.BonusActionId); self.WIcon:SetAlpha(0.1); else self.WIcon:SetTexture(Texture); self.WIcon:SetAlpha(1); end else self.WIcon:SetTexture(Const.ImagesDir.."Bonus"..self.BonusActionId); self.WIcon:SetAlpha(1); end end function Button:UpdateTextureCustomAction() self.WIcon:SetTexture(CustomAction.GetTexture(self.CustomActionName)); end function Button:DisplayActive(TexCoords) local Icon = self.WIcon; Icon:SetTexture(self.Texture); self.Widget:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Quickslot2"); if (TexCoords) then Icon:SetTexCoord(unpack(TexCoords)); else Icon:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1); end Icon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Icon:Show(); end function Button:DisplayMissing() local Icon = self.WIcon; Icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark"); self.Widget:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-Quickslot2"); Icon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); Icon:Show(); end function Button:DisplayEmpty() self.WIcon:Hide(); --self.Widget:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Quickslot"); self.WCooldown:Hide(); end --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checked functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateChecked() self.Widget:SetChecked(false); end function Button:UpdateCheckedSpell() if (IsCurrentSpell(self.SpellNameRank) or IsAutoRepeatSpell(self.SpellNameRank)) then self.Widget:SetChecked(true); else self.Widget:SetChecked(false); end end function Button:UpdateCheckedItem() if (IsCurrentItem(self.ItemId)) then self.Widget:SetChecked(true); else self.Widget:SetChecked(false); end end function Button:UpdateCheckedMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "spell") then self:UpdateCheckedSpell(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "item") then self:UpdateCheckedItem(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "companion") then self:UpdateCheckedCompanion(); else self.Widget:SetChecked(false); end end function Button:UpdateCheckedCompanion() --local Active = select(5, GetCompanionInfo(self.CompanionType, self.CompanionIndex)); --local SpellName = UnitCastingInfo("player"); if (select(4, C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(self.MountID)) or (self.MountID == Const.SUMMON_RANDOM_FAVORITE_MOUNT_ID and IsMounted())) then self.Widget:SetChecked(true); else self.Widget:SetChecked(false); end end function Button:UpdateCheckedBonusAction() local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); if ((HasOverrideActionBar() or HasVehicleActionBar()) and (IsCurrentAction(action) or IsAutoRepeatAction(action))) then self.Widget:SetChecked(true); else self.Widget:SetChecked(false); end end function Button:UpdateCheckedCustomAction() self.Widget:SetChecked(CustomAction.GetChecked(self.CustomActionName)); end --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipped functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateEquipped() end function Button:UpdateEquippedItem() if (IsEquippedItem(self.ItemId)) then self.WBorder:SetVertexColor(0, 1.0, 0, 0.35); self.WBorder:Show(); else self.WBorder:Hide(); end end function Button:UpdateEquippedMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "item") then self:UpdateEquippedItem(); else self.WBorder:Hide(); end end -- In future it may be an idea to do an equip set check although I question the value --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown functions (great care is needed with the cooldowns...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateCooldown() end function Button:UpdateCooldownSpell() local Start, Duration, Enable = GetSpellCooldown(self.SpellNameRank); local Charges, MaxCharges, ChargeStart, ChargeDuration = GetSpellCharges(self.SpellNameRank); if (Start ~= nil) then --Charges = Charges or 0; --MaxCharges = MaxCharges or 0; if (Charges ~= MaxCharges) then Start = ChargeStart; Duration = ChargeDuration; end Util.CooldownFrame_SetTimer(self.WCooldown, Start, Duration, Enable, Charges, MaxCharges); else Util.CooldownFrame_SetTimer(self.WCooldown, 0, 0, 0); self.WCooldown:Hide(); end end function Button:UpdateCooldownItem() Util.CooldownFrame_SetTimer(self.WCooldown, GetItemCooldown(self.ItemId)); end function Button:UpdateCooldownMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "spell") then self:UpdateCooldownSpell(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "item") then self:UpdateCooldownItem(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "companion") then self:UpdateCooldownCompanion(); else Util.CooldownFrame_SetTimer(self.WCooldown, 0, 0, 0); self.WCooldown:Hide(); end end function Button:UpdateCooldownCompanion() --CooldownFrame_SetTimer(self.WCooldown, GetCompanionCooldown(self.CompanionType, self.CompanionIndex)); --as of 5.0.4 doesn't appear to exist anymore?! end function Button:UpdateCooldownBonusAction() if (HasOverrideActionBar() or HasVehicleActionBar()) then local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); Util.CooldownFrame_SetTimer(self.WCooldown, GetActionCooldown(action)); else self.WCooldown:Hide(); end end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usable Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateUsable() end function Button:UpdateUsableSpell() local IsUsable, NotEnoughMana = IsUsableSpell(self.SpellNameRank); if (IsUsable) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); elseif (NotEnoughMana) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); else self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end function Button:UpdateUsableItem() local IsUsable, NotEnoughMana = IsUsableItem(self.ItemId); -- IsUsable = IsUsable or PlayerHasToy(self.ItemId); if (IsUsable) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); elseif (NotEnoughMana) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); else self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end function Button:UpdateUsableMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "spell") then self:UpdateUsableSpell(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "item") then self:UpdateUsableItem(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "companion") then self:UpdateUsableCompanion(); else self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end function Button:UpdateUsableCompanion() local IsUsable = IsUsableSpell(self.MountSpellID) and (select(5, C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(self.MountID)) or self.MountID == Const.SUMMON_RANDOM_FAVORITE_MOUNT_ID); if (IsUsable) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); else self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end function Button:UpdateUsableBonusAction() local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); local IsUsable, NotEnoughMana = IsUsableAction(action); if (IsUsable or (HasOverrideActionBar() == nil and HasVehicleActionBar() == nil)) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); elseif (NotEnoughMana) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); else self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end function Button:UpdateUsableCustomAction() local IsUsable, NotEnoughMana = CustomAction.IsUsable(self.CustomActionName); if (IsUsable) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); elseif (NotEnoughMana) then self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); else self.WIcon:SetVertexColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); self.WNormalTexture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateTextCount() end function Button:UpdateTextCountSpell() local count = GetSpellCount(self.SpellNameRank); if (count ~= 0 or IsConsumableSpell(self.SpellNameRank)) then self.WCount:SetText(count); return; end local charges = GetSpellCharges(self.SpellNameRank); if (charges ~= nil) then self.WCount:SetText(charges); return; end self.WCount:SetText(""); end function Button:UpdateTextCountItem() local ItemCount = GetItemCount(self.ItemId, nil, true); if (IsConsumableItem(self.ItemId) or ItemCount > 1) then self.WCount:SetText(ItemCount); else self.WCount:SetText(""); end end function Button:UpdateTextCountMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "spell") then self:UpdateTextCountSpell(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "item") then self:UpdateTextCountItem(); else self.WCount:SetText(""); end if (self.WCount:GetText() == nil and self.MacroTextEnabled) then self.WName:SetText(self.MacroName); else self.WName:SetText(""); end end function Button:UpdateTextCountBonusAction() local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); if ((HasOverrideActionBar() or HasVehicleActionBar()) and (IsConsumableAction(action) or IsStackableAction(action))) then self.WCount:SetText(GetActionCount(action)); else self.WCount:SetText(""); end end function Button:UpdateTooltip() end function Button:UpdateTooltipFunc() end function Button:UpdateTooltipSpell() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... --local Index, BookType = Util.LookupSpellIndex(self.SpellNameRank); GameTooltip:SetSpellByID(self.SpellId); --if (Index) then -- GameTooltip:SetSpellBookItem(Index, BookType); --end end function Button:UpdateTooltipItem() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... local EquippedSlot = Util.LookupItemIdEquippedSlot(self.ItemId); if (EquippedSlot ~= nil) then GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", EquippedSlot); else local Bag, BagSlot = Util.LookupItemIdBagSlot(self.ItemId); if (Bag ~= nil) then GameTooltip:SetBagItem(Bag, BagSlot); else GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, self.Widget); --It appears that the sethyperlink (specifically this one) requires that the anchor be constantly refreshed!? GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(self.ItemLink); end end end function Button:UpdateTooltipMacro() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... if (not self.ShowTooltip) then --we just show the name in this case GameTooltip:SetText(self.MacroName, 1, 1, 1, 1); elseif (self.MacroMode == "spell") then local Index, BookType = Util.LookupSpellIndex(self.SpellNameRank); if (Index) then GameTooltip:SetSpellBookItem(Index, BookType); elseif (self.CompanionType == "MOUNT") then GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, self.Widget); --It appears that the sethyperlink (specifically this one) requires that the anchor be constantly refreshed!? GameTooltip:SetHyperlink("spell:"..self.SpellName); end elseif (self.MacroMode == "item") then local EquippedSlot = Util.LookupItemNameEquippedSlot(self.ItemId); if (EquippedSlot ~= nil) then GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", EquippedSlot); else local Bag, BagSlot = Util.LookupItemNameBagSlot(self.ItemId); if (Bag ~= nil) then GameTooltip:SetBagItem(Bag, BagSlot); else GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, self.Widget); --It appears that the sethyperlink (specifically this one) requires that the anchor be constantly refreshed!? GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(self.ItemLink); end end elseif (self.MacroMode == "companion") then local Id, Name, SpellId = GetCompanionInfo(self.CompanionType, self.CompanionIndex); GameTooltip:SetHyperlink("spell:"..SpellId); end end function Button:UpdateTooltipCompanion() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, self.Widget); GameTooltip:SetMountBySpellID(self.MountSpellID); end function Button:UpdateTooltipEquipmentSet() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... GameTooltip:SetEquipmentSet(self.EquipmentSetName); end function Button:UpdateTooltipBonusAction() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); if (HasOverrideActionBar() or HasVehicleActionBar()) then GameTooltip:SetAction(action); else GameTooltip:SetText(self.Tooltip, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1); end end function Button:UpdateTooltipFlyout() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... local Index, BookType = Util.LookupSpellIndex("FLYOUT"..self.FlyoutId); if (Index and not GameTooltip:IsShown()) then GameTooltip:SetSpellBookItem(Index, BookType); end end function Button:UpdateTooltipCustomAction() self = self.ParentButton or self; --This is a sneaky cheat incase the widget was used to get here... CustomAction.UpdateTooltip(self.CustomActionName); end --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:GetCursor() end function Button:GetCursorSpell() return self.Mode, nil, nil, self.SpellId; end function Button:GetCursorItem() return self.Mode, self.ItemId, nil; end function Button:GetCursorMacro() return self.Mode, self.MacroIndex, nil; end function Button:GetCursorCompanion() return self.Mode, self.MountID; end function Button:GetCursorEquipmentSet() return self.Mode, self.EquipmentSetName, nil; end function Button:GetCursorBonusAction() return self.Mode, self.BonusActionId, nil; end function Button:GetCursorFlyout() return self.Mode, self.FlyoutId, nil; end function Button:GetCursorCustomAction() return self.Mode, self.CustomActionName, nil; end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flash functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateFlash() end function Button:UpdateFlashSpell() if ((IsAttackSpell(self.SpellNameRank) and IsCurrentSpell(self.SpellNameRank)) or IsAutoRepeatSpell(self.SpellNameRank)) then if (not self.FlashOn) then self:AddToFlash(); end elseif (self.FlashOn) then self:RemoveFromFlash(); end end function Button:UpdateFlashMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "spell") then self:UpdateFlashSpell(); elseif (self.FlashOn) then self:RemoveFromFlash(); end end function Button:UpdateFlashBonusAction() local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); if ((HasOverrideActionBar() or HasVehicleActionBar()) and ((IsAttackAction(action) and IsCurrentAction(action)) or IsAutoRepeatAction(action))) then if (not self.FlashOn) then self:AddToFlash(); end elseif (self.FlashOn) then self:RemoveFromFlash(); end end function Button:AddToFlash() Util.AddToFlash(self); self.FlashOn = true; end function Button:RemoveFromFlash() Util.RemoveFromFlash(self); self.FlashOn = false; self.WFlashTexture:Hide(); end function Button:FlashShow() self.WFlashTexture:Show(); end function Button:FlashHide() self.WFlashTexture:Hide(); end --[[------------------------------------------------------------------------ Range Timer functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------]] function Button:UpdateRangeTimer() end function Button:UpdateRangeTimerSpell() if (IsSpellInRange(self.SpellNameRank, self.Target)) then if (not self.RangeTimerOn) then self:AddToRangeTimer(); end elseif (self.RangeTimerOn) then self:RemoveFromRangeTimer(); end end function Button:UpdateRangeTimerItem() if (IsItemInRange(self.ItemId, self.Target)) then if (not self.RangeTimerOn) then self:AddToRangeTimer(); end elseif (self.RangeTimerOn) then self:RemoveFromRangeTimer(); end end function Button:UpdateRangeTimerMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "spell") then self:UpdateRangeTimerSpell(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "item") then self:UpdateRangeTimerItem(); elseif (self.RangeTimerOn) then self:RemoveFromRangeTimer(); end end function Button:UpdateRangeTimerBonusAction() local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); if ((HasOverrideActionBar() or HasVehicleActionBar()) and IsActionInRange(action)) then if (not self.RangeTimerOn) then self:AddToRangeTimer(); end elseif (self.RangeTimerOn) then self:RemoveFromRangeTimer(); end end function Button:AddToRangeTimer() Util.AddToRangeTimer(self); self.RangeTimerOn = true; if (self.WHotKey:GetText() == RANGE_INDICATOR) then self.WHotKey:Show(); end self:CheckRangeTimer(); end function Button:RemoveFromRangeTimer() Util.RemoveFromRangeTimer(self); self.RangeTimerOn = false; if (self.WHotKey:GetText() == RANGE_INDICATOR) then self.WHotKey:Hide(); else self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6); end end function Button:CheckRangeTimerSpell() if (IsSpellInRange(self.SpellNameRank, self.Target) == 1) then self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6); else self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(1.0, 0.1, 0.1); end end function Button:CheckRangeTimerItem() if (IsItemInRange(self.ItemId, self.Target) == 1) then self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6); else self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(1.0, 0.1, 0.1); end end function Button:CheckRangeTimerMacro() if (self.MacroMode == "spell") then self:CheckRangeTimerSpell(); elseif (self.MacroMode == "item") then self:CheckRangeTimerItem(); else self:RemoveFromRangeTimer(); end end function Button:CheckRangeTimerBonusAction() local action = self.Widget:GetAttribute("action"); if (IsActionInRange(action) == 1) then self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6); else self.WHotKey:SetVertexColor(1.0, 0.1, 0.1); end end --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------]] --[[ Make sure the Macro is up to date --]] function Button:RefreshMacro() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end if (self.Mode == "macro") then local TrimBody = strtrim(self.MacroBody or ''); local AccMacros, CharMacros = GetNumMacros(); local BodyIndex = 0; --Shallow Checking - Full Affinity local Name, Icon, Body = GetMacroInfo(self.MacroIndex); if (TrimBody == strtrim(Body or '') and self.MacroName == Name) then self:SetCommandMacro(self.MacroIndex); self:FullRefresh(); return; end if (Util.IncBetween(self.MacroIndex - 1, 1, AccMacros) or Util.IncBetween(self.MacroIndex - 1, MAX_ACCOUNT_MACROS + 1, MAX_ACCOUNT_MACROS + CharMacros)) then Name, Icon, Body = GetMacroInfo(self.MacroIndex - 1); if (TrimBody == strtrim(Body or '') and self.MacroName == Name) then self:SetCommandMacro(self.MacroIndex - 1); self:FullRefresh(); return; end end if (Util.IncBetween(self.MacroIndex + 1, 1, AccMacros) or Util.IncBetween(self.MacroIndex + 1, MAX_ACCOUNT_MACROS + 1, MAX_ACCOUNT_MACROS + CharMacros)) then Name, Icon, Body = GetMacroInfo(self.MacroIndex + 1); if (TrimBody == strtrim(Body or '') and self.MacroName == Name) then self:SetCommandMacro(self.MacroIndex + 1); self:FullRefresh(); return; end end --Scan Checking - Full Affinity for i = 1, AccMacros do Name, Icon, Body = GetMacroInfo(i); Body = strtrim(Body or ''); if (TrimBody == Body and self.MacroName == Name) then self:SetCommandMacro(i); self:FullRefresh(); return; end if (TrimBody == Body and Body ~= nil and Body ~= "") then BodyIndex = i; end end for i = MAX_ACCOUNT_MACROS + 1, MAX_ACCOUNT_MACROS + CharMacros do Name, Icon, Body = GetMacroInfo(i); Body = strtrim(Body or ''); if (TrimBody == Body and self.MacroName == Name) then self:SetCommandMacro(i); self:FullRefresh(); return; end if (TrimBody == Body and Body ~= nil and Body ~= "") then BodyIndex = i; end end if (not Util.MacroDeleted) then --Full Scan - Body Affinity if (BodyIndex ~= 0) then self:SetCommandMacro(BodyIndex); self:FullRefresh(); return; end --Low Scan - Name Affinity (the macro should not have moved if the body changed) Name = GetMacroInfo(self.MacroIndex); if (self.MacroName == Name) then self:SetCommandMacro(self.MacroIndex); self:FullRefresh(); return; end end --Not Found - Clear Macro? if (ButtonForgeGlobalSettings["RemoveMissingMacros"] and Util.MacroCheckDelayComplete) then self:ClearCommand(); self:FullRefresh(); end end end --[[ --]] function Button:PromoteSpell() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end --[[ if (self.Mode == "spell") then local Name, Rank = GetSpellInfo(self.SpellName); --This will actually retrieve for the highest rank of the spell if (Name) then if (Util.LookupNewSpellIndex(Name.."("..Rank..")")) then if (strfind(Rank, Util.GetLocaleString("SpellRank"), 1, true) and strfind(self.SpellNameRank, Util.GetLocaleString("SpellRank"), 1, true)) then if (Name.."("..Rank..")" ~= self.SpellNameRank) then self:SetCommandSpell(Util.LookupNewSpellIndex(Name.."("..Rank..")")); --It is important to note that to get here we have a valid spell self:FullRefresh(); end end end end end]] end function Button:RefreshSpell() --in the case of a spell refresh we just need to make sure the texture reflects its current status if (self.Mode == "spell") then self.Texture = GetSpellTexture(self.SpellId) or "Interface/Icons/INV_Misc_QuestionMark"; self:DisplayActive(); end end function Button:RefreshCompanion() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end if (self.Mode == "companion") then local Type, Index = Util.LookupCompanion(self.CompanionName); if (Type == nil) then self:ClearCommand(); self:FullRefresh(); return; end if (Index ~= self.CompanionIndex) then self:SetCommandCompanion(Index, Type); self:FullRefresh(); end end end function Button:RefreshEquipmentSet() if (InCombatLockdown()) then return; end if (self.Mode == "equipmentset") then local Index = Util.LookupEquipmentSetIndex(self.EquipmentSetId); if (Index == nil) then -- This equip set is gone so clear it from the button return self:ClearCommand(); end local TextureName = select(2, C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetInfo(Index)); if (TextureName) then self.Texture = TextureName; self:DisplayActive(); else self:ClearCommand(); end end end --Copied and adapted from Blizz's coding (too bad they Assume there is an action associated with the button!!!) --This is currently coded to always be up... this will probably need to be adaptable down the track function Button:UpdateFlyout() local Widget = self.Widget; if (self.Mode == "flyout") then -- Update border and determine arrow position local arrowDistance; if (SpellFlyout:GetParent() == Widget) then -- SpellFlyout.isActionBar = false; end if ((SpellFlyout and SpellFlyout:IsShown() and SpellFlyout:GetParent() == Widget) or GetMouseFocus() == Widget) then Widget.FlyoutBorder:Show(); Widget.FlyoutBorderShadow:Show(); arrowDistance = 5; else Widget.FlyoutBorder:Hide(); Widget.FlyoutBorderShadow:Hide(); arrowDistance = 2; end -- Update arrow Widget.FlyoutArrow:Show(); Widget.FlyoutArrow:ClearAllPoints(); --if (self:GetParent() == MultiBarRight or self:GetParent() == MultiBarLeft) then --self.FlyoutArrow:SetPoint("LEFT", self, "LEFT", -arrowDistance, 0); --SetClampedTextureRotation(self.FlyoutArrow, 270); --else Widget.FlyoutArrow:SetPoint("TOP", Widget, "TOP", 0, arrowDistance); SetClampedTextureRotation(Widget.FlyoutArrow, 0); --end else Widget.FlyoutBorder:Hide(); Widget.FlyoutBorderShadow:Hide(); Widget.FlyoutArrow:Hide(); end end function Button:UpdateGlow() if ((self.Mode == "spell" or (self.MacroMode == "spell" and self.Mode == "macro")) and Util.GlowSpells[self.SpellName]) then ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow(self.Widget); else ActionButton_HideOverlayGlow(self.Widget); end end --hooksecurefunc("IsSpellOverlayed", print); --[[ -- Empty functions -- ]] function Button:Empty() end