Cthuvian Ipsum Generator

333333) $iCount = '333333'; if($iCount < 1) $iCount = '1'; ?>
Word count:
Fixed first sentence: Yes'; echo 'No'; ?>
A lorem ipsun generator based on H.P.Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos
Code based on Mathew Tinsley's PHP Lorem Ipsum
Wordlist from Cthuvian / English dictionary at www.yog-sothoth.com forums
Source code at Github
. Why lorem ipsum when you can Cthulhu fhtagn?
'; } function checkBool(&$iFhtagn) { if($iFhtagn == 'yes') { $iFhtagn = true; return true; } else if($iFhtagn == 'no') { $iFhtagn = false; return true; } else { return false; } } ?>
by ephemer
BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ private $words, $wordsPerParagraph, $wordsPerSentence, $prefix, $suffix, $start; function __construct($wordsPer = 100) { $this->wordsPerParagraph = $wordsPer; $this->wordsPerSentence = 24.460; $this->start = array( 'Ph\'nglui', 'mglw\'nafh', 'Cthulhu', 'R\'lyeh', 'wgah\'nagl', 'fhtagn.'); $this->words = array( 'Cthulhu', 'R\'lyeh', 'Dagon', 'Hastur', 'Yoggoth', 'Nyarlathotep', 'Shub-Niggurath', 'Tsathoggua', 'Azathoth', 'Chaugnar Faugn', 'ah', '\'ai', 'athg', '\'bthnk', 'bug', 'ch\'', 'chtenff', 'ebunma', 'ee', 'ehye', 'ep', '\'fhalma', 'fhtagn', 'fm\'latgh', 'ftaghu', 'geb', 'gnaiih', 'gof\'nn', 'goka', 'gotha', 'grah\'n', 'hafh\'drn', 'hai', 'hlirgh', 'hrii', 'hupadgh', 'ilyaa', 'k\'yarnak', 'kadishtu', 'kn\'a', 'li\'hee', 'llll', 'lloig', 'lw\'nafh', 'mg', 'mnahn\'', 'n\'gha', 'n\'ghft', 'nglui', 'nilgh\'ri', 'nog', 'nw', 'ooboshu', 'orr\'e', 'phlegeth', 'r\'luh', 'ron', 's\'uhn', 'sgn\'wahl', 'shagg', 'shogg', 'shtunggli', 'shugg', 'sll\'ha', 'stell\'bsna', 'syha\'h', 'tharanak', 'throd', 'uaaah', 'uh\'e', 'uln', 'vulgtlagln', 'vulgtm', 'wgah\'n', 'y\'hah', 'ya', 'zhro'); $this->prefix = array( 'c', 'f\'', 'h\'', 'na', 'nafl', 'ng', 'nnn', 'ph\'', 'y-'); $this->suffix = array( 'agl', 'nyth', 'og', 'or', 'oth', 'yar'); } function getContent($count, $format = 'html', $fhtagn = true) { $format = strtolower($format); if($count <= 0) return ''; switch($format) { case 'text': return $this->getText($count, $fhtagn); case 'plain': return $this->getPlain($count, $fhtagn); default: return $this->getHTML($count, $fhtagn); } } private function getWords(&$arr, $count, $fhtagn) { $i = 0; if($fhtagn) { $j = 0; for($j; $j < count($this->start); $j++) { $arr[$j] = $this->start[$j]; } $i = count($this->start); } for($i; $i < $count; $i++) { $index = array_rand($this->words); $word = $this->words[$index]; //echo $index . '=>' . $word . '
'; if($i > 0 && $arr[$i - 1] == $word) $i--; else { if(mt_rand(0,99) > 79) $word = $this->prefix[array_rand($this->prefix)] . $word; else if(mt_rand(0,99) > 89) $word .= $this->suffix[array_rand($this->suffix)]; if($fhtagn && $i == count($this->start)) $word = ucfirst($word); $arr[$i] = $word; } } } private function getPlain($count, $fhtagn, $returnStr = true) { $words = array(); $this->getWords($words, $count, $fhtagn); //print_r($words); $delta = $count; $curr = 0; $sentences = array(); while($delta > 0) { $senSize = $this->gaussianSentence(); //echo $curr . '
'; if(($delta - $senSize) < 4) $senSize = $delta; $delta -= $senSize; $sentence = array(); for($i = $curr; $i < ($curr + $senSize); $i++) $sentence[] = $words[$i]; $this->punctuate($sentence); $curr = $curr + $senSize; $sentences[] = $sentence; } if($returnStr) { $output = ''; foreach($sentences as $s) foreach($s as $w) $output .= $w . ' '; return $output; } else return $sentences; } private function getText($count, $fhtagn) { $sentences = $this->getPlain($count, $fhtagn, false); $paragraphs = $this->getParagraphArr($sentences); $paragraphStr = array(); foreach($paragraphs as $p) { $paragraphStr[] = $this->paragraphToString($p); } $paragraphStr[0] = "\t" . $paragraphStr[0]; return implode("\n\n\t", $paragraphStr); } private function getParagraphArr($sentences) { $wordsPer = $this->wordsPerParagraph; $sentenceAvg = $this->wordsPerSentence; $total = count($sentences); $paragraphs = array(); $pCount = 0; $currCount = 0; $curr = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $s = $sentences[$i]; $currCount += count($s); $curr[] = $s; if($currCount >= ($wordsPer - round($sentenceAvg / 2.00)) || $i == $total - 1) { $currCount = 0; $paragraphs[] = $curr; $curr = array(); //print_r($paragraphs); } //print_r($paragraphs); } return $paragraphs; } private function getHTML($count, $fhtagn) { $sentences = $this->getPlain($count, $fhtagn, false); $paragraphs = $this->getParagraphArr($sentences); //print_r($paragraphs); $paragraphStr = array(); foreach($paragraphs as $p) { $paragraphStr[] = "

\n" . $this->paragraphToString($p, true) . '

'; } //add new lines for the sake of clean code return implode("\n", $paragraphStr); } private function paragraphToString($paragraph, $htmlCleanCode = false) { $paragraphStr = ''; foreach($paragraph as $sentence) { foreach($sentence as $word) $paragraphStr .= $word . ' '; if($htmlCleanCode) $paragraphStr .= "\n"; } return $paragraphStr; } /* * Inserts commas and periods in the given * word array. */ private function punctuate(& $sentence) { $count = count($sentence); $sentence[$count - 1] = $sentence[$count - 1] . '.'; $sentence[0] = ucfirst($sentence[0]); if($count < 4) return $sentence; $commas = $this->numberOfCommas($count); for($i = 1; $i <= $commas; $i++) { $index = (int) round($i * $count / ($commas + 1)); if($index < ($count - 1) && $index > 0) { $sentence[$index] = $sentence[$index] . ','; } } } /* * Determines the number of commas for a * sentence of the given length. Average and * standard deviation are determined superficially */ private function numberOfCommas($len) { $avg = (float) log($len, 6); $stdDev = (float) $avg / 6.000; return (int) round($this->gauss_ms($avg, $stdDev)); } /* * Returns a number on a gaussian distribution * based on the average word length of an english * sentence. * Statistics Source: * http://hearle.nahoo.net/Academic/Maths/Sentence.html * Average: 24.46 * Standard Deviation: 5.08 */ private function gaussianSentence() { $avg = (float) 24.460; $stdDev = (float) 5.080; return (int) round($this->gauss_ms($avg, $stdDev)); } /* * The following three functions are used to * compute numbers with a guassian distrobution * Source: * http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php#53784 */ private function gauss() { // N(0,1) // returns random number with normal distribution: // mean=0 // std dev=1 // auxilary vars $x=$this->random_0_1(); $y=$this->random_0_1(); // two independent variables with normal distribution N(0,1) $u=sqrt(-2*log($x))*cos(2*pi()*$y); $v=sqrt(-2*log($x))*sin(2*pi()*$y); // i will return only one, couse only one needed return $u; } private function gauss_ms($m=0.0,$s=1.0) { return $this->gauss()*$s+$m; } private function random_0_1() { return (float)rand()/(float)getrandmax(); } } // class ?>