From 911e4fe26bfabc95101f1aa3663e74f7ed9357df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Albirew Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 02:06:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] added YOLOv1 troll script --- windows/YOLO/YOLO.bat | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+) create mode 100644 windows/YOLO/YOLO.bat diff --git a/windows/YOLO/YOLO.bat b/windows/YOLO/YOLO.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b265ca --- /dev/null +++ b/windows/YOLO/YOLO.bat @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +@echo off +:: YOLO v1 - debut des hostilites +setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION +set reponse= +:q +echo veux-tu te faire pwner? (oui/non) +set /p reponse= +if /i %reponse%==oui (echo C'est parti, mon kiki!) else (echo Allez, quoi... fait pas ta precieuse! & goto q) +set lol=0 + +:pwn +set /a lol=%lol%+1 +set /a variable=%lol% %%2 +if !variable! EQU 0 (color 0f) else (color f0) +start +start notepad.exe +msg * NORAJ! +start mspaint.exe +start explorer.exe +start cmd.exe +if %lol%==100 goto fin +GOTO pwn + +:fin +cd %tmp% +echo ^^^BSOD^ > bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^> bsod.hta +echo applicationname="BSOD" >> bsod.hta +echo version="1.0" >> bsod.hta +echo maximizebutton="no" >> bsod.hta +echo minimizebutton="no" >> bsod.hta +echo sysmenu="no" >> bsod.hta +echo Caption="no" >> bsod.hta +echo windowstate="maximize"/^> >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^^ >> bsod.hta +echo ^ >> bsod.hta +echo ^Un probleme a ete detecte et Windows a ete arrete afin de prevenir tout dommage sur votre ordinateur.^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LES_OR_EQUAL^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^Si vous voyez cet ecran d'erreur d'arret pour la premiere fois, redemarrez votre ordinateur. Si cet ecran apparait encore, suivez ces etapes:^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^Recherchez tout virus sur votre ordinateur. Supprimez tout disque dur ou controleur de disque dur nouvellement installe. verifiez votre disque dur afin de vous assurer qu'il est correctement configure et termine.^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^Executez CHKDSK/F pour verifier la presence d'un dommage sur votre disque dur puis redemarrez votre ordinateur.^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^Informations techiques:^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^*** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x0000000C,0x00000002,0x00000000,0xF86B5A89)^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^*** gv3.sys - Address F86B5A89 base at F86B5000, DateStamp 3dd9919eb^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^Beginning dump of physical memory^ >> bsod.hta +echo ^Physical memory dump complete.^ >> bsod.hta +echo ^Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.^ >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo. >> bsod.hta +echo ^ >> bsod.hta +echo ^^ >> bsod.hta +start "" "bsod.hta" \ No newline at end of file