Linux, Unix, Bash Shell Pictures and Wallpapers
distro | ||
non-distro | || |
All artwork is distributed under IDGaF license. It means that you can use provided designs for any noncommercial purposes like creation of handout materials for conferences and meet-ups, printing wall posters for home and office and so on, but if you violate the license I will most probably do nothing, because I don't give a fuck.
If you like something and want it on a T-Shirt, use the link below.
- arch-anatomy.png
- arch-formula.png
- arch-lines.png
- arch-linux-n1.png
- arch-obey.png
- arch-patrick.png
- arch-tux.png
- arch-vintage.png
- arch-wanted.png
- archlinux-fucking-awesome.png
- dakr-side-of-arch.png
- in-arch-we-trust.png
- joan-of-arch.png
-non distro
- australian-linux-brotherhood.png
- bash-highway-to-shell.jpg
- bash-highway-to-shell-v2.png
- be-good.png
- building-kernel.png
- doctor-tux.png
- expecto-tux.png
- eye-chart.png
- freedom-is-coming.png
- gitpornhub.png
- godfather-tux.png
- have-you-seen-my-tuxzilla.png
- i-love-linux.png
- joker-poster.png
- just-sudo-it.jpg
- lack-of-linux.png
- less-is-more.png
- liberty.png
- linux-fire.png
- linux-friends.png
- linux-guides-me.png
- linux-is-addictive.png
- linux-is-coming.png
- linux-is-the-key.png
- linux-lines.png
- linux-wave.png
- live-free.png
- may-the-foss-be-with-you.png
- my-safeword.png
- penguin-skull.png
- redpill.png
- respect-linux.png
- scream.png
- thou-shalt-not-kill.png
- top-100-linux-distros.jpg
- tux-in-my-dna.png
- tux-king.png
- tux-sudo.png
- tux-text.png
- tuxadarity.png
- ulimit-poster.png
- usufructuarius.png
For custom requests please create an issue or send me an email.