2017-05-06 07:43:24 -04:00
package bencode
import (
type sortValues [ ] reflect . Value
func ( p sortValues ) Len ( ) int { return len ( p ) }
func ( p sortValues ) Less ( i , j int ) bool { return p [ i ] . String ( ) < p [ j ] . String ( ) }
func ( p sortValues ) Swap ( i , j int ) { p [ i ] , p [ j ] = p [ j ] , p [ i ] }
type sortFields [ ] reflect . StructField
func ( p sortFields ) Len ( ) int { return len ( p ) }
func ( p sortFields ) Less ( i , j int ) bool {
iName , jName := p [ i ] . Name , p [ j ] . Name
if name , _ := parseTag ( p [ i ] . Tag . Get ( "bencode" ) ) ; name != "" {
iName = name
if name , _ := parseTag ( p [ j ] . Tag . Get ( "bencode" ) ) ; name != "" {
jName = name
return iName < jName
func ( p sortFields ) Swap ( i , j int ) { p [ i ] , p [ j ] = p [ j ] , p [ i ] }
//An Encoder writes bencoded objects to an output stream.
type Encoder struct {
w io . Writer
//NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.
func NewEncoder ( w io . Writer ) * Encoder {
return & Encoder { w }
//Encode writes the bencoded data of val to its output stream.
//See the documentation for Decode about the conversion of Go values to
//bencoded data.
func ( e * Encoder ) Encode ( val interface { } ) error {
return encodeValue ( e . w , reflect . ValueOf ( val ) )
//EncodeString returns the bencoded data of val as a string.
func EncodeString ( val interface { } ) ( string , error ) {
buf := new ( bytes . Buffer )
e := NewEncoder ( buf )
if err := e . Encode ( val ) ; err != nil {
return "" , err
return buf . String ( ) , nil
//EncodeBytes returns the bencoded data of val as a slice of bytes.
func EncodeBytes ( val interface { } ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
buf := new ( bytes . Buffer )
e := NewEncoder ( buf )
if err := e . Encode ( val ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return buf . Bytes ( ) , nil
2017-05-26 13:07:22 +02:00
func isNilValue ( v reflect . Value ) bool {
return ( v . Kind ( ) == reflect . Interface || v . Kind ( ) == reflect . Ptr ) &&
v . IsNil ( )
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func encodeValue ( w io . Writer , val reflect . Value ) error {
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// indirect through interfaces and pointers, but don't allocate.
v := indirect ( val , false )
// if indirection returns us an invalid value that means there was a nil
// pointer in the path somewhere.
if ! v . IsValid ( ) {
return nil
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//send in a raw message if we have that type
if rm , ok := v . Interface ( ) . ( RawMessage ) ; ok {
_ , err := io . Copy ( w , bytes . NewReader ( rm ) )
return err
switch v . Kind ( ) {
case reflect . Int , reflect . Int8 , reflect . Int16 , reflect . Int32 , reflect . Int64 :
_ , err := fmt . Fprintf ( w , "i%de" , v . Int ( ) )
return err
case reflect . Uint , reflect . Uint8 , reflect . Uint16 , reflect . Uint32 , reflect . Uint64 :
_ , err := fmt . Fprintf ( w , "i%de" , v . Uint ( ) )
return err
case reflect . Bool :
i := 0
if v . Bool ( ) {
i = 1
_ , err := fmt . Fprintf ( w , "i%de" , i )
return err
case reflect . String :
_ , err := fmt . Fprintf ( w , "%d:%s" , len ( v . String ( ) ) , v . String ( ) )
return err
case reflect . Slice , reflect . Array :
// handle byte slices like strings
if byteSlice , ok := val . Interface ( ) . ( [ ] byte ) ; ok {
_ , err := fmt . Fprintf ( w , "%d:" , len ( byteSlice ) )
if err == nil {
_ , err = w . Write ( byteSlice )
return err
if _ , err := fmt . Fprint ( w , "l" ) ; err != nil {
return err
for i := 0 ; i < v . Len ( ) ; i ++ {
if err := encodeValue ( w , v . Index ( i ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
_ , err := fmt . Fprint ( w , "e" )
return err
case reflect . Map :
if _ , err := fmt . Fprint ( w , "d" ) ; err != nil {
return err
var (
keys sortValues = v . MapKeys ( )
mval reflect . Value
sort . Sort ( keys )
for i := range keys {
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mval = v . MapIndex ( keys [ i ] )
if isNilValue ( mval ) {
2017-05-06 07:43:24 -04:00
if err := encodeValue ( w , keys [ i ] ) ; err != nil {
return err
if err := encodeValue ( w , mval ) ; err != nil {
return err
_ , err := fmt . Fprint ( w , "e" )
return err
case reflect . Struct :
t := v . Type ( )
if _ , err := fmt . Fprint ( w , "d" ) ; err != nil {
return err
//put keys into keys
var (
keys = make ( sortFields , t . NumField ( ) )
fieldValue reflect . Value
rkey reflect . Value
for i := range keys {
keys [ i ] = t . Field ( i )
sort . Sort ( keys )
for _ , key := range keys {
rkey = reflect . ValueOf ( key . Name )
fieldValue = v . FieldByIndex ( key . Index )
// filter out unexported values etc.
if ! fieldValue . CanInterface ( ) {
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// filter out nil pointer values
if isNilValue ( fieldValue ) {
2017-05-06 07:43:24 -04:00
/ * Tags
* Near identical to usage in JSON except with key ' bencode '
* Struct values encode as BEncode dictionaries . Each exported
struct field becomes a set in the dictionary unless
- the field ' s tag is "-" , or
- the field is empty and its tag specifies the "omitempty"
option .
* The default key string is the struct field name but can be
specified in the struct field ' s tag value . The "bencode"
key in struct field ' s tag value is the key name , followed
by an optional comma and options .
* /
tagValue := key . Tag . Get ( "bencode" )
if tagValue != "" {
// Keys with '-' are omit from output
if tagValue == "-" {
name , options := parseTag ( tagValue )
// Keys with 'omitempty' are omitted if the field is empty
if options . Contains ( "omitempty" ) && isEmptyValue ( fieldValue ) {
// All other values are treated as the key string
if isValidTag ( name ) {
rkey = reflect . ValueOf ( name )
//encode the key
if err := encodeValue ( w , rkey ) ; err != nil {
return err
//encode the value
if err := encodeValue ( w , fieldValue ) ; err != nil {
return err
_ , err := fmt . Fprint ( w , "e" )
return err
return fmt . Errorf ( "Can't encode type: %s" , v . Type ( ) )