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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.

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package search
2017-05-06 20:41:48 +10:00
import (
2017-05-06 20:41:48 +10:00
type SearchParam struct {
2017-05-06 20:41:48 +10:00
Category string
Order string
Query string
Max int
Status string
Sort string
2017-05-07 23:01:06 +02:00
// super hacky fix:
var search_op string
func Init(backend string) {
if backend == "postgres" {
search_op = "ILIKE"
} else {
search_op = "LIKE"
func SearchByQuery(r *http.Request, pagenum int) (SearchParam, []model.Torrents, int) {
maxPerPage, errConv := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("max"))
if errConv != nil {
maxPerPage = 50 // default Value maxPerPage
2017-05-06 20:41:48 +10:00
if maxPerPage > 300 {
maxPerPage = 300
search_param := SearchParam{}
search_param.Max = maxPerPage
search_param.Query = r.URL.Query().Get("q")
search_param.Category = r.URL.Query().Get("c")
search_param.Status = r.URL.Query().Get("s")
search_param.Sort = r.URL.Query().Get("sort")
search_param.Order = r.URL.Query().Get("order")
catsSplit := strings.Split(search_param.Category, "_")
// need this to prevent out of index panics
var searchCatId, searchSubCatId string
if len(catsSplit) == 2 {
searchCatId = html.EscapeString(catsSplit[0])
searchSubCatId = html.EscapeString(catsSplit[1])
if search_param.Sort == "" {
search_param.Sort = "torrent_id"
if search_param.Order == "" {
search_param.Order = "desc"
order_by := search_param.Sort + " " + search_param.Order
parameters := torrentService.WhereParams{}
conditions := []string{}
if searchCatId != "" {
conditions = append(conditions, "category_id = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, searchCatId)
if searchSubCatId != "" {
conditions = append(conditions, "sub_category_id = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, searchSubCatId)
if search_param.Status != "" {
if search_param.Status == "2" {
conditions = append(conditions, "status_id != ?")
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, "status_id = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, search_param.Status)
searchQuerySplit := strings.Split(search_param.Query, " ")
for i, _ := range searchQuerySplit {
conditions = append(conditions, "torrent_name " + search_op + " ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, "%"+searchQuerySplit[i]+"%")
parameters.Conditions = strings.Join(conditions[:], " AND ")
log.Infof("SQL query is :: %s\n", parameters.Conditions)
torrents, n := torrentService.GetTorrentsOrderBy(&parameters, order_by, maxPerPage, maxPerPage*(pagenum-1))
return search_param, torrents, n