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package validator
import (
ut ""
const (
fieldErrMsg = "Key: '%s' Error:Field validation for '%s' failed on the '%s' tag"
// ValidationErrorsTranslations is the translation return type
type ValidationErrorsTranslations map[string]string
// InvalidValidationError describes an invalid argument passed to
// `Struct`, `StructExcept`, StructPartial` or `Field`
type InvalidValidationError struct {
Type reflect.Type
// Error returns InvalidValidationError message
func (e *InvalidValidationError) Error() string {
if e.Type == nil {
return "validator: (nil)"
return "validator: (nil " + e.Type.String() + ")"
// ValidationErrors is an array of FieldError's
// for use in custom error messages post validation.
type ValidationErrors []FieldError
// Error is intended for use in development + debugging and not intended to be a production error message.
// It allows ValidationErrors to subscribe to the Error interface.
// All information to create an error message specific to your application is contained within
// the FieldError found within the ValidationErrors array
func (ve ValidationErrors) Error() string {
buff := bytes.NewBufferString("")
var fe *fieldError
for i := 0; i < len(ve); i++ {
fe = ve[i].(*fieldError)
return strings.TrimSpace(buff.String())
// Translate translates all of the ValidationErrors
func (ve ValidationErrors) Translate(ut ut.Translator) ValidationErrorsTranslations {
trans := make(ValidationErrorsTranslations)
var fe *fieldError
for i := 0; i < len(ve); i++ {
fe = ve[i].(*fieldError)
// // in case an Anonymous struct was used, ensure that the key
// // would be 'Username' instead of ".Username"
// if len(fe.ns) > 0 && fe.ns[:1] == "." {
// trans[fe.ns[1:]] = fe.Translate(ut)
// continue
// }
trans[fe.ns] = fe.Translate(ut)
return trans
// FieldError contains all functions to get error details
type FieldError interface {
// returns the validation tag that failed. if the
// validation was an alias, this will return the
// alias name and not the underlying tag that failed.
// eg. alias "iscolor": "hexcolor|rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla"
// will return "iscolor"
Tag() string
// returns the validation tag that failed, even if an
// alias the actual tag within the alias will be returned.
// If an 'or' validation fails the entire or will be returned.
// eg. alias "iscolor": "hexcolor|rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla"
// will return "hexcolor|rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla"
ActualTag() string
// returns the namespace for the field error, with the tag
// name taking precedence over the fields actual name.
// eq. JSON name "User.fname" see ActualNamespace for comparison
// NOTE: this field can be blank when validating a single primitive field
// using validate.Field(...) as there is no way to extract it's name
Namespace() string
// returns the namespace for the field error, with the fields
// actual name.
// eq. "User.FirstName" see Namespace for comparison
// NOTE: this field can be blank when validating a single primitive field
// using validate.Field(...) as there is no way to extract it's name
StructNamespace() string
// returns the fields name with the tag name taking precedence over the
// fields actual name.
// eq. JSON name "fname"
// see ActualField for comparison
Field() string
// returns the fields actual name from the struct, when able to determine.
// eq. "FirstName"
// see Field for comparison
StructField() string
// returns the actual fields value in case needed for creating the error
// message
Value() interface{}
// returns the param value, in string form for comparison; this will also
// help with generating an error message
Param() string
// Kind returns the Field's reflect Kind
// eg. time.Time's kind is a struct
Kind() reflect.Kind
// Type returns the Field's reflect Type
// // eg. time.Time's type is time.Time
Type() reflect.Type
// returns the FieldError's translated error
// from the provided 'ut.Translator' and registered 'TranslationFunc'
// NOTE: is not registered translation can be found it returns the same
// as calling fe.Error()
Translate(ut ut.Translator) string
// compile time interface checks
var _ FieldError = new(fieldError)
var _ error = new(fieldError)
// fieldError contains a single field's validation error along
// with other properties that may be needed for error message creation
// it complies with the FieldError interface
type fieldError struct {
v *Validate
tag string
actualTag string
ns string
structNs string
fieldLen uint8
structfieldLen uint8
value interface{}
param string
kind reflect.Kind
typ reflect.Type
// Tag returns the validation tag that failed.
func (fe *fieldError) Tag() string {
return fe.tag
// ActualTag returns the validation tag that failed, even if an
// alias the actual tag within the alias will be returned.
func (fe *fieldError) ActualTag() string {
return fe.actualTag
// Namespace returns the namespace for the field error, with the tag
// name taking precedence over the fields actual name.
func (fe *fieldError) Namespace() string {
return fe.ns
// StructNamespace returns the namespace for the field error, with the fields
// actual name.
func (fe *fieldError) StructNamespace() string {
return fe.structNs
// Field returns the fields name with the tag name taking precedence over the
// fields actual name.
func (fe *fieldError) Field() string {
return fe.ns[len(fe.ns)-int(fe.fieldLen):]
// // return fe.field
// fld := fe.ns[len(fe.ns)-int(fe.fieldLen):]
// log.Println("FLD:", fld)
// if len(fld) > 0 && fld[:1] == "." {
// return fld[1:]
// }
// return fld
// returns the fields actual name from the struct, when able to determine.
func (fe *fieldError) StructField() string {
// return fe.structField
return fe.structNs[len(fe.structNs)-int(fe.structfieldLen):]
// Value returns the actual fields value in case needed for creating the error
// message
func (fe *fieldError) Value() interface{} {
return fe.value
// Param returns the param value, in string form for comparison; this will
// also help with generating an error message
func (fe *fieldError) Param() string {
return fe.param
// Kind returns the Field's reflect Kind
func (fe *fieldError) Kind() reflect.Kind {
return fe.kind
// Type returns the Field's reflect Type
func (fe *fieldError) Type() reflect.Type {
return fe.typ
// Error returns the fieldError's error message
func (fe *fieldError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(fieldErrMsg, fe.ns, fe.Field(), fe.tag)
// Translate returns the FieldError's translated error
// from the provided 'ut.Translator' and registered 'TranslationFunc'
// NOTE: is not registered translation can be found it returns the same
// as calling fe.Error()
func (fe *fieldError) Translate(ut ut.Translator) string {
m, ok := fe.v.transTagFunc[ut]
if !ok {
return fe.Error()
fn, ok := m[fe.tag]
if !ok {
return fe.Error()
return fn(ut, fe)