Bifurcation 0
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package config
import (
const (
// Highest torrent ID that was copied from nyaa
LastOldTorrentId = 923000
type Config struct {
Host string `json: "host"`
Port int `json: "port"`
DBType string `json: "db_type"`
// This will be directly passed to Gorm, and its internal
// structure depends on the dialect for each db type
2017-05-06 21:43:15 +03:00
DBParams string `json: "db_params"`
2017-05-07 15:51:37 -04:00
// optional i2p configuration
I2P *I2PConfig `json: "i2p"`
2017-05-07 15:51:37 -04:00
var Defaults = Config{"localhost", 9999, "sqlite3", "./nyaa.db?cache_size=50", nil}
var allowedDatabaseTypes = map[string]bool{
"sqlite3": true,
"postgres": true,
"mysql": true,
"mssql": true,
func NewConfig() *Config {
var config Config
config.Host = Defaults.Host
config.Port = Defaults.Port
config.DBType = Defaults.DBType
config.DBParams = Defaults.DBParams
return &config
type processFlags func() error
func (config *Config) BindFlags() processFlags {
// This function returns a function which is to be used after
// flag.Parse to check and copy the flags' values to the Config instance.
conf_file := flag.String("conf", "", "path to the configuration file")
db_type := flag.String("dbtype", Defaults.DBType, "database backend")
host := flag.String("host", Defaults.Host, "binding address of the server")
port := flag.Int("port", Defaults.Port, "port of the server")
db_params := flag.String("dbparams", Defaults.DBParams, "parameters to open the database (see Gorm's doc)")
return func() error {
// You can override fields in the config file with flags.
config.Host = *host
config.Port = *port
config.DBParams = *db_params
2017-05-06 21:43:15 +03:00
err := config.SetDBType(*db_type)
if err != nil {
return err
err = config.HandleConfFileFlag(*conf_file)
return err
func (config *Config) HandleConfFileFlag(path string) error {
if path != "" {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Can't read file '%s'.", path))
err = config.Read(bufio.NewReader(file))
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse file '%s' (%s).", path, err))
return nil
func (config *Config) SetDBType(db_type string) error {
if !allowedDatabaseTypes[db_type] {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown database backend '%s'.", db_type))
config.DBType = db_type
return nil
func (config *Config) Read(input io.Reader) error {
return json.NewDecoder(input).Decode(config)
func (config *Config) Write(output io.Writer) error {
return json.NewEncoder(output).Encode(config)
func (config *Config) Pretty(output io.Writer) error {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(config, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return err
data = append(data, []byte("\n")...)
_, err = output.Write(data)
return err
2017-05-07 15:51:37 -04:00