64 lignes
1,8 Kio
64 lignes
1,8 Kio
package compose
import (
type Config struct {
// AccessTokenLifespan sets how long an access token is going to be valid. Defaults to one hour.
AccessTokenLifespan time.Duration
// AuthorizeCodeLifespan sets how long an authorize code is going to be valid. Defaults to fifteen minutes.
AuthorizeCodeLifespan time.Duration
// IDTokenLifespan sets how long an id token is going to be valid. Defaults to one hour.
IDTokenLifespan time.Duration
// HashCost sets the cost of the password hashing cost. Defaults to 12.
HashCost int
ScopeStrategy fosite.ScopeStrategy
// GetScopeStrategy returns the scope strategy to be used. Defaults to glob scope strategy.
func (c *Config) GetScopeStrategy() fosite.ScopeStrategy {
if c.ScopeStrategy == nil {
c.ScopeStrategy = fosite.WildcardScopeStrategy
return c.ScopeStrategy
// GetAuthorizeCodeLifespan returns how long an authorize code should be valid. Defaults to one fifteen minutes.
func (c *Config) GetAuthorizeCodeLifespan() time.Duration {
if c.AuthorizeCodeLifespan == 0 {
return time.Minute * 15
return c.AuthorizeCodeLifespan
// GeIDTokenLifespan returns how long an id token should be valid. Defaults to one hour.
func (c *Config) GetIDTokenLifespan() time.Duration {
if c.IDTokenLifespan == 0 {
return time.Hour
return c.IDTokenLifespan
// GetAccessTokenLifespan returns how long a refresh token should be valid. Defaults to one hour.
func (c *Config) GetAccessTokenLifespan() time.Duration {
if c.AccessTokenLifespan == 0 {
return time.Hour
return c.AccessTokenLifespan
// GetAccessTokenLifespan returns how long a refresh token should be valid. Defaults to one hour.
func (c *Config) GetHashCost() int {
if c.HashCost == 0 {
return 12
return c.HashCost