Bifurcation 0
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package locales
import (
// // ErrBadNumberValue is returned when the number passed for
// // plural rule determination cannot be parsed
// type ErrBadNumberValue struct {
// NumberValue string
// InnerError error
// }
// // Error returns ErrBadNumberValue error string
// func (e *ErrBadNumberValue) Error() string {
// return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Number Value '%s' %s", e.NumberValue, e.InnerError)
// }
// var _ error = new(ErrBadNumberValue)
// PluralRule denotes the type of plural rules
type PluralRule int
// PluralRule's
const (
PluralRuleUnknown PluralRule = iota
PluralRuleZero // zero
PluralRuleOne // one - singular
PluralRuleTwo // two - dual
PluralRuleFew // few - paucal
PluralRuleMany // many - also used for fractions if they have a separate class
PluralRuleOther // other - required—general plural form—also used if the language only has a single form
const (
pluralsString = "UnknownZeroOneTwoFewManyOther"
// Translator encapsulates an instance of a locale
// NOTE: some values are returned as a []byte just in case the caller
// wishes to add more and can help avoid allocations; otherwise just cast as string
type Translator interface {
// The following Functions are for overriding, debugging or developing
// with a Translator Locale
// Locale returns the string value of the translator
Locale() string
// returns an array of cardinal plural rules associated
// with this translator
PluralsCardinal() []PluralRule
// returns an array of ordinal plural rules associated
// with this translator
PluralsOrdinal() []PluralRule
// returns an array of range plural rules associated
// with this translator
PluralsRange() []PluralRule
// returns the cardinal PluralRule given 'num' and digits/precision of 'v' for locale
CardinalPluralRule(num float64, v uint64) PluralRule
// returns the ordinal PluralRule given 'num' and digits/precision of 'v' for locale
OrdinalPluralRule(num float64, v uint64) PluralRule
// returns the ordinal PluralRule given 'num1', 'num2' and digits/precision of 'v1' and 'v2' for locale
RangePluralRule(num1 float64, v1 uint64, num2 float64, v2 uint64) PluralRule
// returns the locales abbreviated month given the 'month' provided
MonthAbbreviated(month time.Month) string
// returns the locales abbreviated months
MonthsAbbreviated() []string
// returns the locales narrow month given the 'month' provided
MonthNarrow(month time.Month) string
// returns the locales narrow months
MonthsNarrow() []string
// returns the locales wide month given the 'month' provided
MonthWide(month time.Month) string
// returns the locales wide months
MonthsWide() []string
// returns the locales abbreviated weekday given the 'weekday' provided
WeekdayAbbreviated(weekday time.Weekday) string
// returns the locales abbreviated weekdays
WeekdaysAbbreviated() []string
// returns the locales narrow weekday given the 'weekday' provided
WeekdayNarrow(weekday time.Weekday) string
// WeekdaysNarrowreturns the locales narrow weekdays
WeekdaysNarrow() []string
// returns the locales short weekday given the 'weekday' provided
WeekdayShort(weekday time.Weekday) string
// returns the locales short weekdays
WeekdaysShort() []string
// returns the locales wide weekday given the 'weekday' provided
WeekdayWide(weekday time.Weekday) string
// returns the locales wide weekdays
WeekdaysWide() []string
// The following Functions are common Formatting functionsfor the Translator's Locale
// returns 'num' with digits/precision of 'v' for locale and handles both Whole and Real numbers based on 'v'
FmtNumber(num float64, v uint64) string
// returns 'num' with digits/precision of 'v' for locale and handles both Whole and Real numbers based on 'v'
// NOTE: 'num' passed into FmtPercent is assumed to be in percent already
FmtPercent(num float64, v uint64) string
// returns the currency representation of 'num' with digits/precision of 'v' for locale
FmtCurrency(num float64, v uint64, currency currency.Type) string
// returns the currency representation of 'num' with digits/precision of 'v' for locale
// in accounting notation.
FmtAccounting(num float64, v uint64, currency currency.Type) string
// returns the short date representation of 't' for locale
FmtDateShort(t time.Time) string
// returns the medium date representation of 't' for locale
FmtDateMedium(t time.Time) string
// returns the long date representation of 't' for locale
FmtDateLong(t time.Time) string
// returns the full date representation of 't' for locale
FmtDateFull(t time.Time) string
// returns the short time representation of 't' for locale
FmtTimeShort(t time.Time) string
// returns the medium time representation of 't' for locale
FmtTimeMedium(t time.Time) string
// returns the long time representation of 't' for locale
FmtTimeLong(t time.Time) string
// returns the full time representation of 't' for locale
FmtTimeFull(t time.Time) string
// String returns the string value of PluralRule
func (p PluralRule) String() string {
switch p {
case PluralRuleZero:
return pluralsString[7:11]
case PluralRuleOne:
return pluralsString[11:14]
case PluralRuleTwo:
return pluralsString[14:17]
case PluralRuleFew:
return pluralsString[17:20]
case PluralRuleMany:
return pluralsString[20:24]
case PluralRuleOther:
return pluralsString[24:]
return pluralsString[:7]
// Precision Notes:
// must specify a precision >= 0, and here is why
// v := float64(3.141)
// i := float64(int64(v))
// fmt.Println(v - i)
// or
// s := strconv.FormatFloat(v-i, 'f', -1, 64)
// fmt.Println(s)
// these will not print what you'd expect: 0.14100000000000001
// and so this library requires a precision to be specified, or
// inaccurate plural rules could be applied.
// n - absolute value of the source number (integer and decimals).
// i - integer digits of n.
// v - number of visible fraction digits in n, with trailing zeros.
// w - number of visible fraction digits in n, without trailing zeros.
// f - visible fractional digits in n, with trailing zeros.
// t - visible fractional digits in n, without trailing zeros.
// Func(num float64, v uint64) // v = digits/precision and prevents -1 as a special case as this can lead to very unexpected behaviour, see precision note's above.
// n := math.Abs(num)
// i := int64(n)
// v := v
// w := strconv.FormatFloat(num-float64(i), 'f', int(v), 64) // then parse backwards on string until no more zero's....
// f := strconv.FormatFloat(n, 'f', int(v), 64) // then turn everything after decimal into an int64
// t := strconv.FormatFloat(n, 'f', int(v), 64) // then parse backwards on string until no more zero's....
// General Inclusion Rules
// - v will always be available inherently
// - all require n
// - w requires i
// W returns the number of visible fraction digits in N, without trailing zeros.
func W(n float64, v uint64) (w int64) {
s := strconv.FormatFloat(n-float64(int64(n)), 'f', int(v), 64)
// with either be '0' or '0.xxxx', so if 1 then w will be zero
// otherwise need to parse
if len(s) != 1 {
s = s[2:]
end := len(s) + 1
for i := end; i >= 0; i-- {
if s[i] != '0' {
end = i + 1
w = int64(len(s[:end]))
// F returns the visible fractional digits in N, with trailing zeros.
func F(n float64, v uint64) (f int64) {
s := strconv.FormatFloat(n-float64(int64(n)), 'f', int(v), 64)
// with either be '0' or '0.xxxx', so if 1 then f will be zero
// otherwise need to parse
if len(s) != 1 {
// ignoring error, because it can't fail as we generated
// the string internally from a real number
f, _ = strconv.ParseInt(s[2:], 10, 64)
// T returns the visible fractional digits in N, without trailing zeros.
func T(n float64, v uint64) (t int64) {
s := strconv.FormatFloat(n-float64(int64(n)), 'f', int(v), 64)
// with either be '0' or '0.xxxx', so if 1 then t will be zero
// otherwise need to parse
if len(s) != 1 {
s = s[2:]
end := len(s) + 1
for i := end; i >= 0; i-- {
if s[i] != '0' {
end = i + 1
// ignoring error, because it can't fail as we generated
// the string internally from a real number
t, _ = strconv.ParseInt(s[:end], 10, 64)