package torrents
import (
// Create a new torrent based on the uploadform request struct
func Create(user *models.User, uploadForm *torrentValidator.TorrentRequest) (*models.Torrent, error) {
torrent := models.Torrent{
Name: uploadForm.Name,
Category: uploadForm.CategoryID,
SubCategory: uploadForm.SubCategoryID,
Status: uploadForm.Status,
Hidden: uploadForm.Hidden,
Hash: uploadForm.Infohash,
Date: time.Now(),
Filesize: uploadForm.Filesize,
Languages: uploadForm.Languages,
Description: uploadForm.Description,
WebsiteLink: uploadForm.WebsiteLink,
UploaderID: user.ID}
for _, tagForm := range uploadForm.Tags {
tag := &models.Tag{
Tag: tagForm.Tag,
Type: tagForm.Type,
Accepted: true,
TorrentID: torrent.ID,
UserID: 0, // 0 so we don't increase pantsu points for every tag for the actual user (would be too much increase)
Weight: config.Get().Torrents.Tags.MaxWeight + 1,
if tags.FilterOrCreate(tag, &torrent, user) { // We create a tag (filter doesn't apply since new torrent), only callbackOnType is called
torrent.Tags = append(torrent.Tags, *tag) // Finally we append it to the torrent
if torrent.Category == 6 {
torrent.Languages = []string{}
//Pictures category, does not ever need a language
if (torrent.Category == 3 && torrent.SubCategory == 5) || (torrent.Category == 4 && torrent.SubCategory == 7) || (torrent.Category == 5 && torrent.SubCategory == 9){
//English Translated Anime, Live Action and Litterature
//We only add english if there is another language already there
//We don't want to add the english flag on every single torrent of these sub categories, not without any changes to redundant languages
if len(torrent.Languages) != 0 {
containsEnglish := false
for _, lang := range torrent.Languages {
if lang == "en" {
containsEnglish = true
if !containsEnglish {
torrent.Languages = append(torrent.Languages, "en")
torrent.EncodeLanguages() // Convert languages array in language string
err := models.ORM.Create(&torrent).Error
log.Infof("Torrent ID %d created!\n", torrent.ID)
if err != nil {
log.CheckErrorWithMessage(err, "ERROR_TORRENT_CREATE: Cannot create a torrent")
if config.Get().Search.EnableElasticSearch && models.ElasticSearchClient != nil {
err := torrent.AddToESIndex(models.ElasticSearchClient)
if err == nil {
log.Infof("Successfully added torrent to ES index.")
} else {
log.Errorf("Unable to add torrent to ES index: %s", err)
log.Error("Unable to create elasticsearch client")
NewTorrentEvent(user, &torrent)
if len(uploadForm.FileList) > 0 {
for _, uploadedFile := range uploadForm.FileList {
file := models.File{TorrentID: torrent.ID, Filesize: uploadedFile.Filesize}
err := file.SetPath(uploadedFile.Path)
return &torrent, err
return &torrent, nil