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package dht
import (
_ "crypto/sha1"
const (
maxNodes = 320
var (
queryResendEvery = 5 * time.Second
// Uniquely identifies a transaction to us.
type transactionKey struct {
RemoteAddr string // host:port
T string // The KRPC transaction ID.
// ServerConfig allows to set up a configuration of the `Server` instance
// to be created with NewServer
type ServerConfig struct {
// Listen address. Used if Conn is nil.
Addr string
// Set NodeId Manually. Caller must ensure that, if NodeId does not
// conform to DHT Security Extensions, that NoSecurity is also set. This
// should be given as a HEX string.
NodeIdHex string
Conn net.PacketConn
// Don't respond to queries from other nodes.
Passive bool
// DHT Bootstrap nodes
BootstrapNodes []string
// Disable bootstrapping from global servers even if given no BootstrapNodes.
// This creates a solitary node that awaits other nodes; it's only useful if
// you're creating your own DHT and want to avoid accidental crossover, without
// spoofing a bootstrap node and filling your logs with connection errors.
NoDefaultBootstrap bool
// Disable the DHT security extension:
NoSecurity bool
// Initial IP blocklist to use. Applied before serving and bootstrapping
// begins.
IPBlocklist iplist.Ranger
// Used to secure the server's ID. Defaults to the Conn's LocalAddr(). Set
// to the IP that remote nodes will see, as that IP is what they'll use to
// validate our ID.
PublicIP net.IP
// Hook received queries. Return true if you don't want to propagate to
// the default handlers.
OnQuery func(query *krpc.Msg, source net.Addr) (propagate bool)
// Called when a peer successfully announces to us.
OnAnnouncePeer func(infoHash metainfo.Hash, peer Peer)
// ServerStats instance is returned by Server.Stats() and stores Server metrics
type ServerStats struct {
// Count of nodes in the node table that responded to our last query or
// haven't yet been queried.
GoodNodes int
// Count of nodes in the node table.
Nodes int
// Transactions awaiting a response.
OutstandingTransactions int
// Individual announce_peer requests that got a success response.
ConfirmedAnnounces int
// Nodes that have been blocked.
BadNodes uint
func makeSocket(addr string) (socket *net.UDPConn, err error) {
addr_, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("", addr)
if err != nil {
socket, err = net.ListenUDP("udp", addr_)
type node struct {
addr Addr
id nodeID
announceToken string
lastGotQuery time.Time
lastGotResponse time.Time
lastSentQuery time.Time
func (n *node) IsSecure() bool {
if ! {
return false
return NodeIdSecure(, n.addr.UDPAddr().IP)
func (n *node) idString() string {
func (n *node) SetIDFromBytes(b []byte) {
func (n *node) SetIDFromString(s string) {
func (n *node) IDNotSet() bool {
return !
func (n *node) NodeInfo() (ret krpc.NodeInfo) {
ret.Addr = n.addr.UDPAddr()
if n := copy(ret.ID[:], n.idString()); n != 20 {
func (n *node) DefinitelyGood() bool {
if ! {
return false
// No reason to think ill of them if they've never been queried.
if n.lastSentQuery.IsZero() {
return true
// They answered our last query.
if n.lastSentQuery.Before(n.lastGotResponse) {
return true
return true
func jitterDuration(average time.Duration, plusMinus time.Duration) time.Duration {
return average - plusMinus/2 + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(plusMinus)))
type Peer struct {
IP net.IP
Port int
func (p *Peer) String() string {
return net.JoinHostPort(p.IP.String(), strconv.FormatInt(int64(p.Port), 10))
func bootstrapAddrs(nodeAddrs []string) (addrs []*net.UDPAddr, err error) {
bootstrapNodes := nodeAddrs
if len(bootstrapNodes) == 0 {
bootstrapNodes = []string{
for _, addrStr := range bootstrapNodes {
udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4", addrStr)
if err != nil {
addrs = append(addrs, udpAddr)
if len(addrs) == 0 {
err = errors.New("nothing resolved")