package modelHelper
import (
msg ""
// run before config/parse.go:init()
var _ = func() (_ struct{}) {
config.ConfigPath = path.Join("..", "..", config.ConfigPath)
config.DefaultConfigPath = path.Join("..", "..", config.DefaultConfigPath)
type TestForm struct {
DefaultVal int `form:"default" default:"3" notnull:"true"`
ConfirmVal string `form:"confirm" needed:"true" equalInput:"ConfirmeVal" len_min:"7" len_max:"8"`
ConfirmeVal string `form:"confirme" needed:"true"`
func TestValidateForm(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
if err != nil {
c := &gin.Context{Request: req}
messages := msg.GetMessages(c)
testform := TestForm{}
ValidateForm(&testform, messages)
if !messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("No errors when parsing empty invalid form: %v", testform)
testform.DefaultVal, testform.ConfirmVal, testform.ConfirmeVal = 1, "testingl", "testingl"
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Errors when parsing valid form %v\n with errors %v", testform, messages.GetAllErrors())
testform.ConfirmVal = "test"
testform.ConfirmeVal = "test"
if len(messages.GetErrors("confirm")) == 0 {
t.Errorf("No errors on minimal length test when parsing invalid form: %v", testform)
testform.ConfirmVal, testform.ConfirmeVal = "testing", "testind"
t.Errorf("No errors on equal test when parsing invalid form: %v", testform)
testform.ConfirmVal, testform.ConfirmeVal = "", "testing"
t.Errorf("No errors on needed test when parsing invalid form: %v", testform)
testform.ConfirmVal, testform.ConfirmeVal = "azertyuid", "azertyuid"
t.Errorf("No errors on maximal length test when parsing invalid form %v", testform)
testform.DefaultVal = 0
if testform.DefaultVal == 0 {
t.Errorf("Default value are not assigned on int with notnull specified: %v", testform)
testform.DefaultVal = 1
if testform.DefaultVal != 1 {
t.Errorf("Default value are assigned on int with non null value: %v", testform)