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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.

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package router
import (
2017-05-12 00:59:00 +03:00
2017-05-07 11:25:09 +03:00
2017-05-06 21:26:09 -07:00
2017-05-07 11:25:09 +03:00
2017-05-11 04:05:22 +10:00
2017-05-07 15:19:36 +02:00
2017-05-11 06:04:11 +03:00
// UploadForm serializing HTTP form for torrent upload
type UploadForm struct {
Name string
Magnet string
Category string
2017-05-10 22:03:14 +02:00
Remake bool
Description string
2017-05-11 06:04:11 +03:00
Status int
CaptchaID string
2017-05-07 13:48:28 +02:00
Infohash string
CategoryID int
SubCategoryID int
2017-05-07 13:48:28 +02:00
Filesize int64
Filepath string
// TODO: these should be in another package (?)
2017-05-10 22:03:14 +02:00
// form names
const UploadFormName = "name"
const UploadFormTorrent = "torrent"
const UploadFormMagnet = "magnet"
const UploadFormCategory = "c"
2017-05-10 22:03:14 +02:00
const UploadFormRemake = "remake"
const UploadFormDescription = "desc"
const UploadFormStatus = "status"
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
// error indicating that you can't send both a magnet link and torrent
var ErrTorrentPlusMagnet = errors.New("upload either a torrent file or magnet link, not both")
// error indicating a torrent is private
var ErrPrivateTorrent = errors.New("torrent is private")
// error indicating a problem with its trackers
2017-05-07 15:19:36 +02:00
var ErrTrackerProblem = errors.New("torrent does not have any (working) trackers: https://" + config.WebAddress + "/faq#trackers")
// error indicating a torrent's name is invalid
var ErrInvalidTorrentName = errors.New("torrent name is invalid")
// error indicating a torrent's description is invalid
var ErrInvalidTorrentDescription = errors.New("torrent description is invalid")
2017-05-06 21:26:09 -07:00
// error indicating a torrent's category is invalid
var ErrInvalidTorrentCategory = errors.New("torrent category is invalid")
var p = bluemonday.UGCPolicy()
UploadForm.ExtractInfo takes an http request and computes all fields for this form
func (f *UploadForm) ExtractInfo(r *http.Request) error {
f.Name = r.FormValue(UploadFormName)
f.Category = r.FormValue(UploadFormCategory)
f.Description = r.FormValue(UploadFormDescription)
f.Status, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue(UploadFormStatus))
f.Magnet = r.FormValue(UploadFormMagnet)
2017-05-10 22:03:14 +02:00
f.Remake = r.FormValue(UploadFormRemake) == "on"
2017-05-07 10:41:07 -07:00
// trim whitespace
f.Name = util.TrimWhitespaces(f.Name)
f.Description = p.Sanitize(util.TrimWhitespaces(f.Description))
f.Magnet = util.TrimWhitespaces(f.Magnet)
2017-05-12 05:21:40 +03:00
2017-05-06 21:26:09 -07:00
catsSplit := strings.Split(f.Category, "_")
// need this to prevent out of index panics
if len(catsSplit) == 2 {
CatID, err := strconv.Atoi(catsSplit[0])
2017-05-06 21:26:09 -07:00
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidTorrentCategory
SubCatID, err := strconv.Atoi(catsSplit[1])
2017-05-06 21:26:09 -07:00
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidTorrentCategory
f.CategoryID = CatID
f.SubCategoryID = SubCatID
2017-05-06 21:26:09 -07:00
} else {
return ErrInvalidTorrentCategory
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
// first: parse torrent file (if any) to fill missing information
tfile, _, err := r.FormFile(UploadFormTorrent)
if err == nil {
var torrent metainfo.TorrentFile
// decode torrent
_, seekErr := tfile.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
if seekErr != nil {
return seekErr
err = bencode.NewDecoder(tfile).Decode(&torrent)
if err != nil {
return metainfo.ErrInvalidTorrentFile
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
// check a few things
if torrent.IsPrivate() {
return ErrPrivateTorrent
trackers := torrent.GetAllAnnounceURLS()
2017-05-11 06:04:11 +03:00
if !uploadService.CheckTrackers(trackers) {
return ErrTrackerProblem
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
// Name
if len(f.Name) == 0 {
f.Name = torrent.TorrentName()
// Magnet link: if a file is provided it should be empty
if len(f.Magnet) != 0 {
return ErrTorrentPlusMagnet
binInfohash, err := torrent.Infohash()
if err != nil {
return err
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
f.Infohash = strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(binInfohash[:]))
f.Magnet = util.InfoHashToMagnet(f.Infohash, f.Name, trackers...)
2017-05-07 13:48:28 +02:00
// extract filesize
f.Filesize = int64(torrent.TotalSize())
} else {
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
// No torrent file provided
2017-05-12 00:59:00 +03:00
magnetUrl, err := url.Parse(string(f.Magnet)) //?
if err != nil {
return err
2017-05-12 00:59:00 +03:00
xt := magnetUrl.Query().Get("xt")
if !strings.HasPrefix(xt, "urn:btih:") {
return errors.New("incorrect magnet")
2017-05-12 00:59:00 +03:00
xt = strings.SplitAfter(xt, ":")[2]
f.Infohash = strings.ToUpper(strings.Split(xt, "&")[0])
isBase32, err := regexp.MatchString("^[2-7A-Z]{32}$", f.Infohash)
2017-05-11 07:23:02 +03:00
if err != nil {
return err
2017-05-12 00:59:00 +03:00
if !isBase32 {
isBase16, err := regexp.MatchString("^[0-9A-F]{40}$", f.Infohash)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isBase16 {
return errors.New("incorrect hash")
} else {
//convert to base16
data, err := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(f.Infohash)
if err != nil {
return err
hash16 := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(data)))
hex.Encode(hash16, data)
2017-05-12 04:28:00 +03:00
f.Infohash = strings.ToUpper(string(hash16))
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
2017-05-07 13:48:28 +02:00
f.Filesize = 0
f.Filepath = ""
2017-05-07 13:38:46 +02:00
// then actually check that we have everything we need
if len(f.Name) == 0 {
return ErrInvalidTorrentName
// after data has been checked & extracted, write it to disk
if len(config.TorrentFileStorage) > 0 {
err := WriteTorrentToDisk(tfile, f.Infohash+".torrent", &f.Filepath)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
f.Filepath = ""
return nil
func (f *UploadForm) ExtractEditInfo(r *http.Request) error {
f.Name = r.FormValue(UploadFormName)
f.Category = r.FormValue(UploadFormCategory)
f.Description = r.FormValue(UploadFormDescription)
f.Status, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue(UploadFormStatus))
// trim whitespace
f.Name = util.TrimWhitespaces(f.Name)
f.Description = p.Sanitize(util.TrimWhitespaces(f.Description))
catsSplit := strings.Split(f.Category, "_")
// need this to prevent out of index panics
if len(catsSplit) == 2 {
CatID, err := strconv.Atoi(catsSplit[0])
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidTorrentCategory
SubCatID, err := strconv.Atoi(catsSplit[1])
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidTorrentCategory
f.CategoryID = CatID
f.SubCategoryID = SubCatID
} else {
return ErrInvalidTorrentCategory
return nil
func WriteTorrentToDisk(file multipart.File, name string, fullpath *string) error {
_, seekErr := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
if seekErr != nil {
return seekErr
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
return err
*fullpath = fmt.Sprintf("%s%c%s", config.TorrentFileStorage, os.PathSeparator, name)
return ioutil.WriteFile(*fullpath, b, 0644)
// NewUploadForm creates a new upload form given parameters as list
func NewUploadForm(params ...string) (uploadForm UploadForm) {
if len(params) > 1 {
uploadForm.Category = params[0]
} else {
uploadForm.Category = "3_12"
if len(params) > 2 {
uploadForm.Description = params[1]
} else {
uploadForm.Description = "Description"