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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.

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package torrents
import (
2017-06-29 01:06:30 +02:00
// ExistOrDelete : Check if a torrent exist with the same hash and if it can be replaced, it is replaced
func ExistOrDelete(hash string, user *models.User) error {
2017-07-20 02:20:07 +02:00
torrentIndb := &models.Torrent{}
models.ORM.Unscoped().Model(&models.Torrent{}).Where("torrent_hash = ?", hash).Preload("Uploader").First(torrentIndb)
2017-06-29 01:06:30 +02:00
if torrentIndb.ID > 0 {
if user.CurrentUserIdentical(torrentIndb.UploaderID) && torrentIndb.IsDeleted() && !torrentIndb.IsBlocked() { // if torrent is not locked and is deleted and the user is the actual owner
2017-07-20 02:20:07 +02:00
_, _, err := torrentIndb.DefinitelyDelete()
if err != nil {
return err
2017-07-20 02:20:07 +02:00
activities.Log(&models.User{}, torrentIndb.Identifier(), "delete", "torrent_deleted_by", strconv.Itoa(int(torrentIndb.ID)), torrentIndb.Uploader.Username, user.Username)
} else {
return errors.New("Torrent already in database")
return nil
// NewTorrentEvent : Should be called when you create a new torrent
func NewTorrentEvent(user *models.User, torrent *models.Torrent) error {
url := "/view/" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(torrent.ID), 10)
if user.ID > 0 && config.Get().Users.DefaultUserSettings["new_torrent"] { // If we are a member and notifications for new torrents are enabled
2017-06-29 01:06:30 +02:00
user.GetFollowers() // We populate the liked field for users
if len(user.Followers) > 0 { // If we are followed by at least someone
for _, follower := range user.Followers {
follower.ParseSettings() // We need to call it before checking settings
if follower.Settings.Get("new_torrent") {
T, _, _ := publicSettings.TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback(follower.Language, follower.Language) // We need to send the notification to every user in their language
2017-06-29 01:06:30 +02:00
notifications.NotifyUser(&follower, torrent.Identifier(), fmt.Sprintf(T("new_torrent_uploaded"), torrent.Name, user.Username), url, follower.Settings.Get("new_torrent_email"))
return nil
// HideUser : hides a torrent user for hidden torrents
func HideUser(uploaderID uint, uploaderName string, torrentHidden bool) (uint, string) {
2017-07-15 01:44:09 +02:00
if uploaderName == "" || torrentHidden {
return 0, "れんちょん"
if uploaderID == 0 {
return 0, uploaderName
return uploaderID, uploaderName
// APITorrentsToJSON : Map Torrents to TorrentsToJSON for API request without reallocations
func APITorrentsToJSON(t []models.Torrent) []models.TorrentJSON {
json := make([]models.TorrentJSON, len(t))
for i := range t {
json[i] = t[i].ToJSON()
uploaderID, username := HideUser(json[i].UploaderID, string(json[i].UploaderName), json[i].Hidden)
json[i].UploaderName = template.HTML(username)
json[i].UploaderID = uploaderID
return json
// TorrentsToAPI : Map Torrents for API usage without reallocations
func TorrentsToAPI(t []models.Torrent) []models.TorrentJSON {
return APITorrentsToJSON(t)