2017-05-10 05:24:18 +02:00
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2017-06-02 20:10:36 +02:00
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< title > {{if Sukebei}}Sukebei{{else}}Nyaa{{end}} Pantsu - {{block "title" .}}{{ call $.T "error_404" }}{{end}}< / title >
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{{ block "additional_header" .}}{{end}}
2017-05-10 05:24:18 +02:00
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2017-06-02 20:10:36 +02:00
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< a href = "{{ genRoute " mod_index " } } " > < img class = "hide-md" src = "/img/{{if Sukebei}}sukebei_logo.png{{else}}logo.png{{end}}" alt = "NyaaPantsu" > < img class = "visible-md" src = "/img/logo_s.png" / > < / a >
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< a href = "{{.URL.Parse " / " } } " class = "nav-btn" > {{call $.T "Nyaa Pantsu"}}< / a >
< a href = "{{ genRoute " mod_tlist " } } " class = "nav-btn" > {{call $.T "Torrents"}}< / a >
< a href = "{{ genRoute " mod_ulist " } } " class = "nav-btn" > {{call $.T "Users"}}< / a >
< a href = "{{ genRoute " mod_clist " } } " class = "nav-btn" > {{call $.T "Comments"}}< / a >
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{{block "badge_user" .}}{{end}}
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2017-05-11 03:52:36 +02:00
{{block "search_common" .}}{{end}}
{{block "search_button" .}}{{end}}
2017-06-02 20:10:36 +02:00
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{{block "content" .}}{{call $.T "nothing_here"}}{{end}}
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{{ if eq .Theme "tomorrow" }}
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{{ else }}
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< source src = "https://a.doko.moe/sewang.mp3" type = "audio/mpeg" >
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{{ genNav .Navigation .URL 15 }}
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< p > < a href = "/settings" > {{ call $.T "change_settings" }}< / a > < / p >
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< span > < i > Powered by < a href = "#" > NyaaPantsu< / a > v{{ .Config.Version }}{{ .Config.Build }}< / i > < / span >
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