2017-05-10 21:42:20 +03:00
package reportService
import (
// Return torrentReport in case we did modified it (ie: CreatedAt field)
func CreateTorrentReport ( torrentReport model . TorrentReport ) error {
if db . ORM . Create ( & torrentReport ) . Error != nil {
return errors . New ( "TorrentReport was not created" )
return nil
2017-05-10 22:29:59 +03:00
func DeleteTorrentReport ( id uint ) ( error , int ) {
2017-05-10 21:42:20 +03:00
var torrentReport model . TorrentReport
if db . ORM . First ( & torrentReport , id ) . RecordNotFound ( ) {
return errors . New ( "Trying to delete a torrent report that does not exists." ) , http . StatusNotFound
if err := db . ORM . Delete ( & torrentReport ) . Error ; err != nil {
return err , http . StatusInternalServerError
return nil , http . StatusOK
func getTorrentReportsOrderBy ( parameters * serviceBase . WhereParams , orderBy string , limit int , offset int , countAll bool ) (
torrentReports [ ] model . TorrentReport , count int , err error ,
) {
var conditionArray [ ] string
var params [ ] interface { }
if parameters != nil { // if there is where parameters
if len ( parameters . Conditions ) > 0 {
conditionArray = append ( conditionArray , parameters . Conditions )
params = parameters . Params
conditions := strings . Join ( conditionArray , " AND " )
if countAll {
err = db . ORM . Model ( & torrentReports ) . Where ( conditions , params ... ) . Count ( & count ) . Error
if err != nil {
// TODO: Vulnerable to injections. Use query builder. (is it?)
// build custom db query for performance reasons
dbQuery := "SELECT * FROM torrent_reports"
if conditions != "" {
dbQuery = dbQuery + " WHERE " + conditions
if orderBy == "" { // default OrderBy
orderBy = "torrent_report_id DESC"
dbQuery = dbQuery + " ORDER BY " + orderBy
if limit != 0 || offset != 0 { // if limits provided
dbQuery = dbQuery + " LIMIT " + strconv . Itoa ( limit ) + " OFFSET " + strconv . Itoa ( offset )
2017-05-10 21:50:27 +03:00
err = db . ORM . Preload ( "Torrent" ) . Preload ( "User" ) . Raw ( dbQuery , params ... ) . Find ( & torrentReports ) . Error //fixed !!!!
2017-05-10 21:42:20 +03:00
func GetTorrentReportsOrderBy ( parameters * serviceBase . WhereParams , orderBy string , limit int , offset int ) ( [ ] model . TorrentReport , int , error ) {
return getTorrentReportsOrderBy ( parameters , orderBy , limit , offset , true )
func GetAllTorrentReports ( limit int , offset int ) ( [ ] model . TorrentReport , int , error ) {
return GetTorrentReportsOrderBy ( nil , "" , limit , offset )