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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.

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Frontend rewrite (DONE) (#723) * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * Change layout on torrent table, using grids. * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * Change layout on torrent table, using grids. * HOLY FUCK INDEX IS /DONE/ * DO UPLOAD PAGE, DELETE OLD SHITTY CSS * Complete login page * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * Change layout on torrent table, using grids. * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * HOLY FUCK INDEX IS /DONE/ * DO UPLOAD PAGE, DELETE OLD SHITTY CSS * Complete login page * Begin work on profile page * fucking git, man * Damn, that looks sexy * Complete login and register pages, include very minimal grid system, and delete all of view template * Do view page! * Finish view even more * Fix dates and filesizes in torrent table * Improve comment/captcha input * Actually add magnet and torrent buttons * Add open-iconic instead of fontawesome * Improve user side-panel * Rename Category_* to CategoryName * Beginning to finish up * Implement themes and add basic mobile support to front page * Fix some slight color errors * Fix captcha on dark * magnet and torrent links on view
2017-05-24 00:20:51 -04:00
body { color: #c5c8c6; background: #1d1f21 ; }
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#mascot { background-image: url('/img/megumin.svg'); }
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.header {
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tr:nth-child(even) { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } { color: #b5bd68; } { color: #cc6666; }
More frontend shit (#731) * Torrent Mass Edit Api (WIP) * Torrents can be deleted in mass from frontend with api post request * Torrents status can be edited from frontend with api post request -- Look to function doc for more info on how to use it It is a WIP so it might not work =D * Finished Mass mod Api As per suggestion of @yiiTT in #720, I added: * Changing torrents category * Deletion of reports with deletion of a torrent * Changing owner of multiple torrents Commit also add some new translation strings. * Make some changes * Reports can now be cleared for the torrents selected without having to delete them * Users with no admin rights can't delete reports * Fix moveto to status moveto deprecated in api * Tested and works! Changes: * Updates only the colomns of torrent table * Moved categories config in config/torrents.go * Make sort arrows look a lot nicer * Add search icon into search input * Work on navbar, fix it on mobile view * Hide mascot on mobile views * Make torrent view work on mobile + minor improvements * Add status and various things to view * ACTUALLY FINISH VIEW PAGE * Forgot this file in last commit * wow user profile was easy * Work on profile page * remove language option * SEO improvement * forgot the fucking bracket * make description more weeb * add irony * add better irony * Update * Make sort arrows look a lot nicer * Add search icon into search input * Work on navbar, fix it on mobile view * Hide mascot on mobile views * Make torrent view work on mobile + minor improvements * Add status and various things to view * ACTUALLY FINISH VIEW PAGE * wow user profile was easy * Work on profile page * remove language option * SEO improvement * forgot the fucking bracket * make description more weeb * add irony * add better irony
2017-05-24 20:20:30 -04:00
.aplus { background: hsla(180, 50%, 50%, 0.2) !important; }
.trusted { background: hsla(90, 50%, 50%, 0.2) !important; }
.remake { background: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, 0.2) !important; }
Frontend rewrite (DONE) (#723) * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * Change layout on torrent table, using grids. * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * Change layout on torrent table, using grids. * HOLY FUCK INDEX IS /DONE/ * DO UPLOAD PAGE, DELETE OLD SHITTY CSS * Complete login page * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * Change layout on torrent table, using grids. * Remove Bootstrap and Jquery, and create basic nav * More improvements to navbar, as well as work on _badgemenu * Complete navbar HTML, obviously it still looks horrendous * HOLY FUCK INDEX IS /DONE/ * DO UPLOAD PAGE, DELETE OLD SHITTY CSS * Complete login page * Begin work on profile page * fucking git, man * Damn, that looks sexy * Complete login and register pages, include very minimal grid system, and delete all of view template * Do view page! * Finish view even more * Fix dates and filesizes in torrent table * Improve comment/captcha input * Actually add magnet and torrent buttons * Add open-iconic instead of fontawesome * Improve user side-panel * Rename Category_* to CategoryName * Beginning to finish up * Implement themes and add basic mobile support to front page * Fix some slight color errors * Fix captcha on dark * magnet and torrent links on view
2017-05-24 00:20:51 -04:00
.pagination .active { background: #141517; color: #c5c8c6; }
.pagination .disabled { color: #141517; cursor: unset; }
.sukebei { color: #c5c8c6; }
.sukebei a { color: #cc6666; }
.sukebei a:hover { color: #c82829; }
.sukebei th, .sukebei th a { color: #c5c8c6; }
.captcha-container img {
background: #fff;
border-radius: .4em .4em 0 0;
border-bottom: .5em solid #fff;
margin-bottom: -.5em;
/* Markdown editor */
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