basic sort
Cette révision appartient à :
3 fichiers modifiés avec 82 ajouts et 49 suppressions
@ -67,8 +67,17 @@
<option value="4" {{if eq .Status "4"}}selected{{end}}>A+</option>
<input name="q" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Search" type="text" value={{.Query}}>
<select name="sort" class="form-control input-sm">
<option value="torrent_id" {{if eq .Sort "torrent_id"}}selected{{end}}>Id</option>
<option value="torrent_name" {{if eq .Sort "torrent_name"}}selected{{end}}>Name</option>
<option value="date" {{if eq .Sort "date"}}selected{{end}}>Date</option>
<option value="downloads" {{if eq .Sort "downloads"}}selected{{end}}>Downloads</option>
<select name="order" class="form-control input-sm">
<option value="desc" {{if eq .Order "desc"}}selected{{end}}>Descend</option>
<option value="asc" {{if eq .Order "asc"}}selected{{end}}>Ascend</option>
<select name="max" class="form-control input-sm" value>
<option value="">No Items per Page</option>
<option value="5" {{if eq .QueryRecordCount 5}}selected{{end}}>5</option>
<option value="10" {{if eq .QueryRecordCount 10}}selected{{end}}>10</option>
<option value="15" {{if eq .QueryRecordCount 15}}selected{{end}}>15</option>
@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ func getDBHandle() *gorm.DB {
dbInit, err := gorm.Open("sqlite3", "./nyaa.db")
// Migrate the schema of Torrents
// dbInit.AutoMigrate(&Torrents{})
// dbInit.AutoMigrate(&Sub_Categories{})
dbInit.AutoMigrate(&Torrents{}, &Categories{}, &Sub_Categories{}, &Statuses{})
return dbInit
@ -99,6 +98,9 @@ func searchHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
searchQuery := r.URL.Query().Get("q")
cat := r.URL.Query().Get("c")
stat := r.URL.Query().Get("s")
sort := r.URL.Query().Get("sort")
order := r.URL.Query().Get("order")
catsSplit := strings.Split(cat, "_")
// need this to prevent out of index panics
var searchCatId, searchSubCatId string
@ -107,13 +109,21 @@ func searchHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
searchCatId = html.EscapeString(catsSplit[0])
searchSubCatId = html.EscapeString(catsSplit[1])
if sort == "" {
sort = "torrent_id"
if order == "" {
order = "desc"
order_by := sort + " " + order
nbTorrents := 0
b := []TorrentsJson{}
torrents := getTorrents(createWhereParams("torrent_name LIKE ? AND status_id LIKE ? AND category_id LIKE ? AND sub_category_id LIKE ?",
"%"+searchQuery+"%", stat+"%", searchCatId+"%", searchSubCatId+"%"), maxPerPage, maxPerPage*(pagenum-1))
parameters := createWhereParams("torrent_name LIKE ? AND status_id LIKE ? AND category_id LIKE ? AND sub_category_id LIKE ?",
"%"+searchQuery+"%", stat+"%", searchCatId+"%", searchSubCatId+"%")
torrents := getTorrentsOrderBy(¶meters, order_by, maxPerPage, maxPerPage*(pagenum-1))
for i, _ := range torrents {
@ -123,7 +133,7 @@ func searchHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
htv := HomeTemplateVariables{b, getAllCategories(false), searchQuery, stat, cat, maxPerPage, nbTorrents}
htv := HomeTemplateVariables{b, getAllCategories(false), searchQuery, stat, cat, sort, order, maxPerPage, nbTorrents}
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", htv)
if err != nil {
@ -150,12 +160,12 @@ func rssHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
torrents := getFeeds()
created := time.Now().String()
if ( len(torrents) > 0 ) {
if len(torrents) > 0 {
created = torrents[0].Timestamp
created_as_time, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", created)
if err == nil {
feed := &feeds.Feed{
Title: "Nyaa Pantsu",
@ -210,7 +220,7 @@ func rootHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
htv := HomeTemplateVariables{b, getAllCategories(false), "", "", "_", maxPerPage, nbTorrents}
htv := HomeTemplateVariables{b, getAllCategories(false), "", "", "_", "id", "desc", maxPerPage, nbTorrents}
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", htv)
if err != nil {
@ -25,20 +25,30 @@ type Categories struct {
type Sub_Categories struct {
Sub_category_id int `gorm:"column:sub_category_id"`
Sub_category_name string `gorm:"column:Sub_category_name"`
Parent_id int `gorm:"column:parent_id"`
Sub_category_id int
Sub_category_name string
Parent_id int
Torrents []Torrents `gorm:"ForeignKey:sub_category_id;AssociationForeignKey:sub_category_id"`
type Statuses struct {
Status_id int
Status_name string
Torrents []Torrents `gorm:"ForeignKey:status_id;AssociationForeignKey:status_id"`
type Torrents struct {
Id int `gorm:"column:torrent_id"`
Name string `gorm:"column:torrent_name"`
Category_id int `gorm:"column:category_id"`
Sub_category_id int `gorm:"column:sub_category_id"`
Status int `gorm:"column:status_id"`
Status_id int `gorm:"column:status_id"`
Hash string `gorm:"column:torrent_hash"`
Date int `gorm:"column:date"`
Downloads int `gorm:"column:downloads"`
Filesize string `gorm:"column:filesize"`
Description []byte `gorm:"column:description"`
Statuses Statuses `gorm:"ForeignKey:status_id;AssociationForeignKey:status_id"`
Categories Categories `gorm:"ForeignKey:category_id;AssociationForeignKey:category_id"`
Sub_Categories Sub_Categories `gorm:"ForeignKey:sub_category_id;AssociationForeignKey:sub_category_id"`
@ -77,6 +87,8 @@ type HomeTemplateVariables struct {
Query string
Status string
Category string
Sort string
Order string
QueryRecordCount int
TotalRecordCount int
@ -94,7 +106,7 @@ func getFeeds() []Feed {
"SELECT `torrent_id` AS `id`, `torrent_name` AS `name`, `torrent_hash` AS `hash`, `timestamp` FROM `torrents` " +
"ORDER BY `timestamp` desc LIMIT 50")
if ( err == nil ) {
if err == nil {
for rows.Next() {
item := Feed{}
rows.Scan(&item.Id, &item.Name, &item.Hash, &item.Timestamp)
@ -122,13 +134,15 @@ func getTorrentsOrderBy(parameters *WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offs
var torrents []Torrents
var dbQuery *gorm.DB
if (parameters != nil) { // if there is where parameters
if parameters != nil { // if there is where parameters
dbQuery = db.Model(&torrents).Where(parameters.conditions, parameters.params...)
} else {
dbQuery = db.Model(&torrents)
if (orderBy == "") { orderBy = "torrent_id DESC" } // Default OrderBy
if orderBy == "" {
orderBy = "torrent_id DESC"
} // Default OrderBy
if limit != 0 || offset != 0 { // if limits provided
dbQuery = dbQuery.Limit(limit).Offset(offset)
@ -182,7 +196,7 @@ func (t *Torrents) toJson() TorrentsJson {
res := TorrentsJson{
Id: strconv.Itoa(t.Id),
Name: html.UnescapeString(t.Name),
Status: t.Status,
Status: t.Status_id,
Hash: t.Hash,
Magnet: safe(magnet)}
return res
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