Bifurcation 0

Fixed test for structs

Seems like init function of other packages are not executed in tests
Cette révision appartient à :
akuma06 2017-07-06 22:38:40 +02:00
Parent 03ded2e027
révision e64a6c599c
2 fichiers modifiés avec 37 ajouts et 33 suppressions

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@ -18,55 +18,56 @@ type Categories []Category
var categories Categories
var Index map[string]int
func init() {
if len(categories) == 0 {
var cats map[string]string
if config.IsSukebei() {
cats = config.Conf.Torrents.SukebeiCategories
} else {
cats = config.Conf.Torrents.CleanCategories
func initCategories() {
var cats map[string]string
if config.IsSukebei() {
cats = config.Conf.Torrents.SukebeiCategories
} else {
cats = config.Conf.Torrents.CleanCategories
// Sorting categories alphabetically
var index []string
ids := make(map[string]string)
Index = make(map[string]int, len(cats))
for id, name := range cats {
index = append(index, name)
ids[name] = id
// Sorting categories alphabetically
var index []string
ids := make(map[string]string)
Index = make(map[string]int, len(cats))
for id, name := range cats {
index = append(index, name)
ids[name] = id
// Creating index of categories
for k, name := range index {
categories = append(categories, Category{ids[name], name})
Index[ids[name]] = k
// Creating index of categories
for k, name := range index {
categories = append(categories, Category{ids[name], name})
Index[ids[name]] = k
// All : function to get all categories depending on the actual website from config/categories.go
func All() Categories {
if len(categories) == 0 {
return categories
// Get : function to get a category by the key in the index array
func Get(key int) Category {
return categories[key]
return All()[key]
// Get : function to get a category by the id of the category from the database
func GetByID(id string) (Category, bool) {
if key, ok := Index[id]; ok {
return categories[key], true
return All()[key], true
return Category{"", ""}, false
// Exists : Check if a category exist in config
func (cats Categories) Exists(category string) bool {
func (cats Categories) Exists(id string) bool {
for _, cat := range cats {
if cat.Name == category {
if cat.ID == id {
return true
@ -75,17 +76,15 @@ func (cats Categories) Exists(category string) bool {
// Exists : Check if a category exist in config
func Exists(category string) bool {
return categories.Exists(category)
return All().Exists(category)
// GetSelect : Format categories in map ordered alphabetically
func GetSelect(keepParent bool, keepChild bool) Categories {
catSelect := make(Categories, len(categories))
k := 0
for _, v := range categories {
var catSelect Categories
for _, v := range All() {
if (keepParent && keepChild) || (len(v.ID) > 2 && !keepParent) || (len(v.ID) <= 2 && !keepChild) {
catSelect[k] = v
catSelect = append(catSelect, v)
return catSelect

Voir le fichier

@ -20,10 +20,15 @@ var _ = func() (_ struct{}) {
func TestGetCategories(t *testing.T) {
cats := All()
cats := make(map[string]string)
for _, v := range All() {
cats[v.ID] = v.Name
if len(cats) == 0 {
t.Skip("Couldn't load categories to test Categories")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(cats, config.Conf.Torrents.CleanCategories) && !reflect.DeepEqual(cats, config.Conf.Torrents.SukebeiCategories) {
t.Error("Categories doesn't correspond to the configured ones")