![nyanpasu~](https://a.safe.moe/dNEEh.png) # Nyaa replacement [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ewhal/nyaa.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ewhal/nyaa) ## Motivation The aim of this project is to write a fully featured nyaa replacement in golang that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely. # Requirements * Golang # Installation * Install [Golang](https://golang.org/doc/install) * `go get github.com/ewhal/nyaa` * `go build` * Download DB and place it in your root folder named as "nyaa.db" * `./nyaa` * You can now access your local site over on [localhost:9999](http://localhost:9999) ## Usage Type `./nyaa -h` for the list of options. After modifying the files in `./templates`, run `go generate ./... && go build`. ## Systemd * Edit the unit file `os/nyaa.service` to your liking * Copy the package's content so that your unit file can find them. * Copy the unit file in `/usr/lib/systemd/system` * `systemctl daemon-reload` * `systemctl start nyaa` The provided unit file uses options directly; if you prefer a config file, do the following: * `./nyaa -print-defaults > /etc/nyaa.conf` * Edit `nyaa.conf` to your liking * Replace in the unit file the options by `-conf /etc/nyaa.conf` ## TODO ### Features until stable release * Uploading of new Magnet links * Make sukebei db schema compatible with current code * Fix up comments display * custom 404 page ## Other features * Add support for postgres dbs * Torrent data scraping from definable tracker * Report Feature and Moderation System * blocking upload of torrent hashes * API improvement * Scraping * Accounts and Registration System * Daily DB dumps * Site theme * p2p sync of dbs? # LICENSE This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details