{{define "title"}}FAQ{{end}} {{define "content"}}
In short, No.
We have a database of the torrents on nyaa up to April 5 May 1. That means almost nothing is lost.
Sukebei, however might be in worse shape. Currently we only have sukebei databases up to 2016, but a newer database might be available for use.
The aforementioned databases are being hosted at nyaa.pantsu.cat and sukebei.pantsu.cat. There is a search function, and (almost) full nyaa functionality should be coming soon. Seeder/leecher statistics are possible via scraping and might be restored somewhen in the future, since other feature take priority right now.
Even if the trackers are down, seeders are still connected to the decentralized DHT network. As long as the file is listed on the DHT network, business should carry on as usual.
Just use the magnet link. The magnet link will used by your BitTorrent client to look up the file on the DHT network and it should download just fine.
The magnet link should look like this: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:[hash]&dn=[name]&tr=[tracker]&tr=[...]
If you have website development expertise, you can join the #nyaapantsu IRC channel on irc.rizon.net. If you have any current databases, especially for sukebei, UPLOAD THEM.
It's the authors favorite programming language.