package db import ( "" "" "" "" _ "" _ "" ) type Logger interface { Print(v ...interface{}) } // use the default gorm logger that prints to stdout var DefaultLogger Logger = nil var ORM *gorm.DB var IsSqlite bool // GormInit init gorm ORM. func GormInit(conf *config.Config, logger Logger) (*gorm.DB, error) { db, openErr := gorm.Open(conf.DBType, conf.DBParams) if openErr != nil { log.CheckError(openErr) return nil, openErr } IsSqlite = conf.DBType == "sqlite" connectionErr := db.DB().Ping() if connectionErr != nil { log.CheckError(connectionErr) return nil, connectionErr } db.DB().SetMaxIdleConns(10) db.DB().SetMaxOpenConns(100) if config.Environment == "DEVELOPMENT" { db.LogMode(true) } switch conf.DBLogMode { case "detailed": db.LogMode(true) case "silent": db.LogMode(false) } if logger != nil { db.SetLogger(logger) } db.AutoMigrate(&model.User{}, &model.UserFollows{}, &model.UserUploadsOld{}, &model.Notification{}) if db.Error != nil { return db, db.Error } db.AutoMigrate(&model.Torrent{}, &model.TorrentReport{}) if db.Error != nil { return db, db.Error } db.AutoMigrate(&model.File{}) if db.Error != nil { return db, db.Error } db.AutoMigrate(&model.Comment{}, &model.OldComment{}) if db.Error != nil { return db, db.Error } return db, nil }