# bbcode [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/frustra/bbcode.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/frustra/bbcode) frustra/bbcode is a fast BBCode compiler for Go. It supports custom tags, safe html output (for user-specified input), and allows for graceful parsing of syntax errors similar to the output of a regex bbcode compiler. Visit the godoc here: [http://godoc.org/github.com/frustra/bbcode](http://godoc.org/github.com/frustra/bbcode) ## Usage To get started compiling some text, create a compiler instance: ```go compiler := bbcode.NewCompiler(true, true) // autoCloseTags, ignoreUnmatchedClosingTags fmt.Println(compiler.Compile("[b]Hello World[/b]")) // Output: // Hello World ``` ## Supported BBCode Syntax ``` [tag]basic tag[/tag] [tag1][tag2]nested tags[/tag2][/tag1] [tag=value]tag with value[/tag] [tag arg=value]tag with named argument[/tag] [tag="quote value"]tag with quoted value[/tag] [tag=value foo="hello world" bar=baz]multiple tag arguments[/tag] ``` ## Default Tags * `[b]text[/b]` --> `text` (b, i, u, and s all map the same) * `[url]link[/url]` --> `link` * `[url=link]text[/url]` --> `text` * `[img]link[/img]` --> `` * `[img=link]alt[/img]` --> `alt` * `[center]text[/center]` --> `
` * `[color=red]text[/color]` --> `text` * `[size=2]text[/size]` --> `text` * `[quote]text[/quote]` --> `
` * `[quote=Somebody]text[/quote]` --> `
Somebody said:text
` * `[quote name=Somebody]text[/quote]` --> `
Somebody said:text
` * `[code][b]anything[/b][/code]` --> `
` Lists are not currently implemented as a default tag, but can be added as a custom tag. A working implementation of list tags can be found [here](https://gist.github.com/xthexder/44f4b9cec3ed7876780d) ## Adding Custom Tags Custom tag handlers can be added to a compiler using the `compiler.SetTag(tag, handler)` function: ```go compiler.SetTag("center", func(node *bbcode.BBCodeNode) (*bbcode.HTMLTag, bool) { // Create a new div element to output out := bbcode.NewHTMLTag("") out.Name = "div" // Set the style attribute of our output div out.Attrs["style"] = "text-align: center;" // Returning true here means continue to parse child nodes. // This should be false if children are parsed by this tag's handler, like in the [code] tag. return out, true }) ``` Tag values can be read from the opening tag like this: Main tag value `[tag={value}]`: `node.GetOpeningTag().Value` Tag arguments `[tag name={value}]`: `node.GetOpeningTag().Args["name"]` `bbcode.NewHTMLTag(text)` creates a text node by default. By setting `tag.Name`, the node because an html tag prefixed by the text. The closing html tag is not rendered unless child elements exist. The closing tag can be forced by adding a blank text node: ```go out := bbcode.NewHTMLTag("") out.Name = "div" out.AppendChild(nil) // equivalent to out.AppendChild(bbcode.NewHTMLTag("")) ``` For more examples of tag definitions, look at the default tag implementations in [compiler.go](https://github.com/frustra/bbcode/blob/master/compiler.go) ## Overriding Default Tags The built-in tags can be overridden simply by redefining the tag with `compiler.SetTag(tag, handler)` To remove a tag, set the tag handler to nil: ```go compiler.SetTag("quote", nil) ``` The default tags can also be modified without completely redefining the tag by calling the default handler: ```go compiler.SetTag("url", func(node *bbcode.BBCodeNode) (*bbcode.HTMLTag, bool) { out, appendExpr := bbcode.DefaultTagCompilers["url"](node) out.Attrs["class"] = "bbcode-link" return out, appendExpr }) ``` ## Auto-Close Tags Input: ``` [center][b]text[/center] ``` Enabled Output: ```html
``` Disabled Output: ```html
``` ## Ignore Unmatched Closing Tags Input: ``` [center]text[/b][/center] ``` Enabled Output: ```html
``` Disabled Output: ```html