# Default Configuration file for NyaaPantsu
# PLEASE, do NOT change default_config.yml, create your own config.yml

# Host of server
host: localhost
# Version of the app
version: "1.0.1"
# port of server
port: 9999
# database type
db_type: sqlite3
# DBParams will be directly passed to Gorm, and its internal structure depends on the dialect for each db type
db_params: ./nyaa.db?cache_size=50
# logmode for database
db_logmode: default
# Environment should be one of: DEVELOPMENT, TEST, PRODUCTION
environment: DEVELOPMENT
# AuthTokenExpirationDay : Number of Days for token expiration when logged in
auth_token_expiration: 1000
# EnableSecureCSRF : Enable CSRF https mode : True if website support https, false otherwise (eg. testing locally: false)
enable_secure_csrf: true
description_length: 10000
comment_length: 2000
# the default config for web addresses
  # Nyaa : Origin of the website
  nyaa: https://nyaa.pantsu.cat
  # Sukebei : Origin of the sukebei website
  sukebei: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat
  # Status : Origin of the status website
  status: https://status.pantsu.cat
# the default config for session cookies
  # DomainName : The host domain so the cookies can be shared across subdomains
  domain_name: pantsu.cat
  # MaxAge : The expiration time of sessions cookies in seconds (default: 7 days)
  max_age: 604800
  # HashKey : 64 byte key used to authenticate cookies using HMAC. Leave blank for a random key after each restart.
  # EncryptionKey : 32 byte key used to encrypt values. Leave blank for a random key after each restart.
# the default config for bittorrent scraping
  addr: :9999
  workers: 4
  interval: 3600
    - {url: "udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/", name: coppersurfer.tk}
# Config by default for the cache
  dialect: nop
# Size by default for the cache
  size: 1024
  enable_es: true
# default search analyzer for ES
  es_analyze: nyaapantsu_search_analyzer
# default search index for ES
  es_index: nyaapantsu
# Name of the type in the es mapping
  es_type: torrents
# Default configuration for i2p
#  name:
#  addr:
#  keyfile:
# Default configuration for metainfofetcher
  queue_size: 10
  timeout: 120
  max_days: 90
  base_fail_cooldown: 1800
  max_fail_cooldown: 172800
  wake_up_interval: 300
# limits are in KiB, zero means no limit
  upload_rate_limit: 1024
  download_rate_limit: 1024
  fetch_new_torrents_only: true
# Default configuration for translation directory
  directory: translations
# Default configuration for language
  default_language: en-us
# TorrentStatus : Config of different status id for torrents
  status: [true, true, true, true, true, true]
# TorrentSukebeiCategories : Config for Sukebei categories
  sukebei_categories: {"1_":  "art", "1_1": "art_anime", "1_2": "art_doujinshi", "1_3": "art_games", "1_4": "art_manga", "1_5": "art_pictures", "2_": "real_life", "2_1": "real_life_photobooks_and_pictures", "2_2": "real_life_videos"}
# TorrentCleanCategories : Config for Site categories
  clean_categories: {"3_": "anime", "3_12": "anime_amv", "3_5":  "anime_english_translated", "3_13": "anime_non_english_translated", "3_6": "anime_raw", "2_": "audio", "2_3":  "audio_lossless", "2_4":  "audio_lossy", "4_": "literature", "4_7": "literature_english_translated", "4_8": "literature_raw", "4_14": "literature_non_english_translated", "5_": "live_action", "5_9": "live_action_english_translated", "5_10": "live_action_idol_pv", "5_18": "live_action_non_english_translated", "5_11": "live_action_raw", "6_": "pictures", "6_15": "pictures_graphics", "6_16": "pictures_photos", "1_": "software", "1_1": "software_applications", "1_2": "software_games"}
# EnglishOnlyCategories : Which categories will only accept English torrents
  english_only_categories: ["3_5", "4_7", "5_9"]
# NonEnglishOnlyCategories : Which categories will only accept non-English torrents
  non_english_only_categories: ["3_13", "4_14", "5_18"]
# AdditionalLanguages : Which languages are available for selection when uploading a torrent, aside from
# the ones we have translations.
  additional_languages: ["es-mx"]
# TorrentFileStorage : Path to default torrent storage location (eg /var/www/wherever/you/want)
# TorrentStorageLink : Url of torrent file download location (eg https://your.site/somewhere/%s.torrent)
# TorrentCacheLink : Url of torrent site cache
  cache_link: http://anicache.com/torrent/%s.torrent
# UploadsDisabled : Disable uploads for everyone except below
  uploads_disabled: false
# AdminsAreStillAllowedTo : Enable admin torrent upload even if UploadsDisabled is true
  admins_are_still_allowed_to: true
# TrustedUsersAreStillAllowedTo : Enable trusted users torrent upload even if UploadsDisabled is true
  trusted_users_are_still_allowed_to: true
# Trackers : Default trackers supported
      - udp://tracker.uw0.xyz:6969/announce
      - udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969
      - udp://tracker.zer0day.to:1337/announce
      - udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969
      - udp://explodie.org:6969
      - udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337
      - udp://tracker.internetwarriors.net:1337/announce
      - http://mgtracker.org:6969/announce
      - udp://ipv6.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce
      - http://nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announce
      - http://sukebei.tracker.wf:7777/announce
      - http://tracker.anirena.com:80/announce
      - http://anidex.moe:6969/announce
# NeededTrackers : Array indexes of Trackers for needed tracker in a torrent file
      - 0
# TorrentOrder : Default sorting field for torrents
  order: date
# TorrentSort : Default sorting order for torrents
  sort: DESC
# Torrent Tag Max weight for automatic system approval
    max_weight: 100.00
# Default tags that have no type, will be saved in AcceptedTags field
    default: tags
# Array of tag types allowed for now
      - name: anidbid
        field: AnidbID
          - db
      - name: vndbid
        field: VndbID
      - name: dlsite
        field: Dlsite
      - name: vgmdbid
        field: VgmdbID
      - name: videoquality
        field: VideoQuality
          - bluray
          - full_hd
          - hd
          - sd
  default_notifications_settings: {"new_torrent": true, "new_torrent_email": false, "new_comment": true, "new_comment_email": false, "new_responses": false, "new_responses_email": false, "new_follower": false, "new_follower_email": false, "followed": false, "followed_email": false}
  torrents_per_page: 50
  max_torrents_per_page: 300
# AccessLogFilePath : Path to logs access
  access_log_filepath: log/access
# AccessLogFileExtension : Extension for log file
  access_log_fileextension: .txt
# AccessLogMaxSize : Size max for a log file in megabytes
  access_log_max_size: 5
# AccessLogMaxBackups : Number of file for logs
  access_log_max_backups: 7
# AccessLogMaxAge : Number of days that we keep logs
  access_log_max_age: 30
# ErrorLogFilePath : Path to log errors
  error_log_filepath: log/error
# ErrorLogFileExtension : Extension for log file
  error_log_fileextension: .json
# ErrorLogMaxSize : Size max for a log file in megabytes
  error_log_max_size: 10
# ErrorLogMaxBackups : Number of file for logs
  error_log_max_backups: 7
# ErrorLogMaxAge : Number of days that we keep logs
  error_log_max_age: 30
# SendEmail : Enable Email
  send_email: true
# EmailFrom : email address by default
  from: donotrespond@nyaa.pantsu.cat
# EmailTestTo : when testing to who send email
# EmailHost : Host of mail server
  host: localhost
# EmailUsername : Username needed for the connection
# EmailPassword : Password needed for the connection
# EmailPort : Mail Server port
  port: 465
# EmailTimeout : Timeout for waiting server response
  timeout: 10000000000
# LastOldTorrentID is the highest torrent ID that was copied from the original Nyaa
  last_old_torrent_id: 923000
# TorrentsTableName : Name of torrent table in DB
  torrents_table_name: torrents
# ReportsTableName : Name of torrent report table in DB
  reports_table_name: torrent_reports
# CommentsTableName : Name of comments table in DB
  comments_table_name: comments
# UploadsOldTableName : Name of uploads table in DB
  uploads_old_table_name: user_uploads_old
# FilesTableName : Name of files table in DB
  files_table_name: files
# NotificationTableName : Name of notifications table in DB
  notifications_table_name: notifications
# ActivitiesTableName : Name of activities log table in DB
  activities_table_name: activities
# NotificationTableName : Name of scrape table in DB
  scrape_table_name: scrape