[ { "id": "rules", "translation": "Rules" }, { "id": "no_cp", "translation": "No child pornography (lolicon doesn't count)" }, { "id": "asia", "translation": "Asian related content only (no Western Movies, no Cartoon)" }, { "id": "rules_spam", "translation": "No spam" }, { "id": "rules_sukebei", "translation": "NSFW content belongs in sukebei.pantsu.cat" }, { "id": "verify_email_title", "translation": "Verifica tu correo electrónico para Nyaapantsu." }, { "id": "verify_email_content", "translation": "Por favor, da click en el siguiente enlace para verificar tu correo electrónico." }, { "id": "reset_password_title", "translation": "Reestablece tu contraseña para Nyaapantsu." }, { "id": "reset_password_content", "translation": "Por favor, da click en el siguiente enlace para reestablecer tu contraseña." }, { "id": "register_title", "translation": "Creando una nueva cuenta." }, { "id": "signup_box_title", "translation": "Por favor, regístrate. Es gratis y siempre lo será." }, { "id": "username", "translation": "Usuario" }, { "id": "email_address_or_username", "translation": "Correo Electrónico o Usuario" }, { "id": "email_address", "translation": "Correo Electrónico" }, { "id": "password", "translation": "Contraseña" }, { "id": "confirm_password", "translation": "Confirmar Contraseña" }, { "id": "terms_conditions_confirm", "translation": "Al dar click en Registrarse, aceptas los Términos y Condiciones del sitio, incluyendo nuestro Uso de Cookies." }, { "id": "signin", "translation": "Iniciar Sesión" }, { "id": "register", "translation": "Registrarse" }, { "id": "terms_conditions", "translation": "Términos y Condiciones" }, { "id": "terms_conditions_full", "translation": "Por definir." }, { "id": "remember_me", "translation": "Mantener sesión iniciada" }, { "id": "forgot_password", "translation": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?" }, { "id": "sign_in_box_title", "translation": "Por favor, Inicia Sesión" }, { "id": "sign_in_title", "translation": "Iniciar Sesión" }, { "id": "register_success_title", "translation": "Registro Exitoso" }, { "id": "sign_up_success", "translation": "¡Gracias por registrarte!" }, { "id": "verify_success", "translation": "¡Tu cuenta ha sido activada!" }, { "id": "signup_verification_email", "translation": "Por último, revisa en tu bandeja de entrada (¡y en la carpeta de spam!) el correo de verificación." }, { "id": "signup_verification_noemail", "translation": "Te has registrado exitosamente, ahora puedes usar tu cuenta." }, { "id": "email_placeholder", "translation": "Can be left blank." }, { "id": "settings", "translation": "Ajustes de la Cuenta" }, { "id": "torrents", "translation": "Torrents" }, { "id": "follow", "translation": "Seguir" }, { "id": "unfollow", "translation": "Dejar de Seguir" }, { "id": "user_followed_msg", "translation": "¡Ahora sigues a %s!" }, { "id": "user_unfollowed_msg", "translation": "¡Has dejado de seguir a %s!" }, { "id": "profile_page", "translation": "Perfil de %s" }, { "id": "see_more_torrents_from", "translation": "Ver más torrents de %s " }, { "id": "torrents_uploaded", "translation": "Torrents uploaded" }, { "id": "category", "translation": "Categoría" }, { "id": "name", "translation": "Nombre" }, { "id": "date", "translation": "Fecha" }, { "id": "size", "translation": "Tamaño" }, { "id": "links", "translation": "Enlaces" }, { "id": "home", "translation": "Inicio" }, { "id": "error_404", "translation": "Error 404" }, { "id": "error_400", "translation": "Error 400" }, { "id": "error_500", "translation": "Error 500" }, { "id": "err_no_results", "translation": "No results found" }, { "id": "upload", "translation": "Subir" }, { "id": "faq", "translation": "Preguntas Frecuentes" }, { "id": "fap", "translation": "Fap" }, { "id": "fun", "translation": "Fun" }, { "id": "nothing_here", "translation": "No hay nada aquí." }, { "id": "404_not_found", "translation": "404 No se encontró" }, { "id": "500_internal_server_error", "translation": "500 Internal Server Error" }, { "id": "400_bad_request", "translation": "400 Bad Request" }, { "id": "no_torrents_uploaded", "translation": "¡No hay torrents subidos aún!" }, { "id": "profile", "translation": "Perfil" }, { "id": "sign_out", "translation": "Cerrar sesión" }, { "id": "member", "translation": "Miembro" }, { "id": "no_results_found", "translation": "No se encontraron resultados" }, { "id": "notice_keep_seeding", "translation": "AVISO: Sigue compartiendo y habilita la red DHT" }, { "id": "official_nyaapocalipse_faq", "translation": "FAQ Oficial del Nyaapocalipsis" }, { "id": "links_replacement_mirror", "translation": "Enlaces al reemplazo/espejo" }, { "id": "what_happened", "translation": "¿Qué ocurrió?" }, { "id": "nyaa_se_went_offline", "translation": "nyaa.se y los dominios relacionados (como nyaatorrents.info) quedaron fuera de línea el 1ro de Mayo de 2017." }, { "id": "its_not_a_ddos", "translation": "Fueron desactivados, así que no fue un ataque DDoS como lo es usualmente." }, { "id": "future_not_looking_good", "translation": "Las posibilidades de que nyaa vuelva son desalentadoras. (Está muerto)" }, { "id": "recovery_effort", "translation": "Hay un trabajo conjunto para recuperar nyaa en acción." }, { "id": "is_everything_lost", "translation": "¿Se ha perdido todo?" }, { "id": "in_short_no", "translation": "En pocas palabras, No." }, { "id": "are_some_things_lost", "translation": "¿Hay algo que se haya perdido?" }, { "id": "answer_is_nyaa_db_lost", "translation": "Tenemos una base de datos de los torrents en nyaa hasta el 5 de Abril 1ro de Mayo. Lo que significa que casi nada se perdió." }, { "id": "answer_is_sukebei_db_lost", "translation": "Sukebei también está a salvo, casi nada se perdió." }, { "id": "how_are_we_recovering", "translation": "¿Cómo estamos recuperando?" }, { "id": "answer_how_are_we_recovering", "translation": "Las bases de datos mencionadas están hospedadas en nyaa.pantsu.cat y sukebei.pantsu.cat. Hay una función de busqueda, y la (casi) total funcionalidad de nyaa deberia estar lista pronto. Las estadisticas de Seeder/leecher son posibles mediante 'scraping' y podrían ser restauradas en un futuro, debido a que otras funcionalidades son prioridad por el momento." }, { "id": "how_do_i_link_my_old_account", "translation": "How do I link my old uploads back to my new account?" }, { "id": "answer_how_do_i_link_my_old_account", "translation": "Join #nyaapantsu-help@Rizon and ask a moderator to migrate your old torrents while mentioning your old and new usernames." }, { "id": "are_the_trackers_working", "translation": "¿Aún funcionan los torrents?" }, { "id": "answer_are_the_trackers_working", "translation": "Aún si los trackers están caídos, los seeders aún están conectados a la red descentralizada DHT. Mientras el archivo esté listado en la red DHT, se compatirá como usualmente pasa." }, { "id": "how_do_i_download_the_torrents", "translation": "¿Cómo descargo los torrents?" }, { "id": "answer_how_do_i_download_the_torrents", "translation": "Solo usa el enlace magnet. El enlace magnet será usado por tu cliente de BitTorrent para buscar el archivo en la red DHT y debería descargarlo correctamente." }, { "id": "magnet_link_should_look_like", "translation": "El enlace magnet debería verse así:" }, { "id": "which_trackers_do_you_recommend", "translation": "¿Qué trackers recomiendan usar?" }, { "id": "answer_which_trackers_do_you_recommend", "translation": "Si el torrent que subes es rechazado debido a los trackers, necesitarás añadir alguno de estos:" }, { "id": "how_can_i_help", "translation": "¿Cómo puedo ayudar?" }, { "id": "answer_how_can_i_help", "translation": "Si tienes experiencia en desarrollo web, puedes unirte al canal IRC #nyaapantsu en irc.rizon.net. Si tienes bases de datos actuales, especialmente de sukebei, súbelas por favor." }, { "id": "your_design_sucks_found_a_bug", "translation": "El diseño apesta / Encontré un error" }, { "id": "why_written_in_go", "translation": "¿Por qué está escrito en Go?" }, { "id": "authors_favorite_language", "translation": "Es el lenguaje de programación favorito del autor." }, { "id": "torrent_file", "translation": "Archivo Torrent" }, { "id": "uploading_file_prefills_fields", "translation": "Subir un archivo torrent permite pre-llenar algunos campos, esto es recomendado." }, { "id": "magnet_link", "translation": "Enlace Magnet" }, { "id": "all_categories", "translation": "Todas las Categorías" }, { "id": "select_a_torrent_category", "translation": "Selecciona una Categoría para el Torrent" }, { "id": "anime", "translation": "Anime" }, { "id": "anime_amv", "translation": "Anime - Anime Music Video" }, { "id": "anime_english_translated", "translation": "Anime - Traducido al Inglés" }, { "id": "anime_non_english_translated", "translation": "Anime - Traducido a un idioma distinto del Inglés" }, { "id": "anime_raw", "translation": "Anime - Raw" }, { "id": "audio", "translation": "Audio" }, { "id": "audio_lossless", "translation": "Audio - Sin Pérdida" }, { "id": "audio_lossy", "translation": "Audio - Con Pérdida" }, { "id": "literature", "translation": "Literatura" }, { "id": "literature_english_translated", "translation": "Literatura - Traducida al Inglés" }, { "id": "literature_raw", "translation": "Literatura - Raw" }, { "id": "literature_non_english_translated", "translation": "Literatura - Traducida a un idioma distinto del Inglés" }, { "id": "live_action", "translation": "Live Action" }, { "id": "live_action_english_translated", "translation": "Live Action - Traducido al Inglés" }, { "id": "live_action_idol_pv", "translation": "Live Action - Idol/Video Promocional" }, { "id": "live_action_non_english_translated", "translation": "Live Action - Traducido a un idioma distinto del Inglés" }, { "id": "live_action_raw", "translation": "Live Action - Raw" }, { "id": "pictures", "translation": "Imágenes" }, { "id": "pictures_graphics", "translation": "Imágenes - Gráficos" }, { "id": "pictures_photos", "translation": "Imágenes - Fotos" }, { "id": "software", "translation": "Software" }, { "id": "software_applications", "translation": "Software - Aplicaciones" }, { "id": "software_games", "translation": "Software - Juegos" }, { "id": "art", "translation": "Art" }, { "id": "art_anime", "translation": "Art - Anime" }, { "id": "art_doujinshi", "translation": "Art - Doujinshi" }, { "id": "art_games", "translation": "Art - Games" }, { "id": "art_manga", "translation": "Art - Manga" }, { "id": "art_pictures", "translation": "Art - Pictures" }, { "id": "real_life", "translation": "Real Life" }, { "id": "real_life_photobooks_and_pictures", "translation": "Real Life - Photobooks and Pictures" }, { "id": "real_life_videos", "translation": "Real Life - Videos" }, { "id": "torrent_description", "translation": "Descripción del Torrent" }, { "id": "description_markdown_notice", "translation": "Puedes usar Markdown en las descripciones." }, { "id": "show_all", "translation": "Mostrar todo" }, { "id": "delete_all", "translation": "Delete all" }, { "id": "filter_remakes", "translation": "Filtrar Remakes" }, { "id": "trusted", "translation": "Confiables" }, { "id": "search", "translation": "Buscar" }, { "id": "hash", "translation": "Hash" }, { "id": "description", "translation": "Descripción" }, { "id": "no_description", "translation": "No description provided!" }, { "id": "comments", "translation": "Comentarios" }, { "id": "submit_a_comment_as_username", "translation": "Comentar como %s" }, { "id": "submit_a_comment_as_anonymous", "translation": "Comentar como Anonymous" }, { "id": "submit", "translation": "Enviar" }, { "id": "personal_info", "translation": "Información Personal" }, { "id": "language", "translation": "Idioma" }, { "id": "current_password", "translation": "Contraseña Actual" }, { "id": "role", "translation": "Rol" }, { "id": "banned", "translation": "Suspendido" }, { "id": "default", "translation": "Por defecto" }, { "id": "trusted_member", "translation": "Miembro Confiable" }, { "id": "scraped_user", "translation": "Scraped user" }, { "id": "moderator", "translation": "Moderador" }, { "id": "api_token", "translation": "API Token" }, { "id": "save_changes", "translation": "Guardar Cambios" }, { "id": "profile_updated", "translation": "¡Tu perfil ha sido actualizado correctamente!" }, { "id": "delete_account", "translation": "Eliminar Cuenta" }, { "id": "delete_account_confirm", "translation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar esta cuenta?" }, { "id": "delete_success", "translation": "¡Esta cuenta ha sido eliminada exitosamente!" }, { "id": "moderation", "translation": "Moderación" }, { "id": "extensions_and_plugins", "translation": "Extensions and Plugins (made by third-party developers)" }, { "id": "qbittorrent_plugin", "translation": "qBittorrent Plugin" }, { "id": "local_client", "translation": "Local Client" }, { "id": "chrome_extension", "translation": "Chrome Extension" }, { "id": "firefox_extension", "translation": "Firefox Extension" }, { "id": "android_app", "translation": "Android App" }, { "id": "who_is_renchon", "translation": "¿Quién es れんちょん?" }, { "id": "renchon_anon_explanation", "translation": "れんちょん (Ren-chon) es el nombre de usuario asignado a las subidas y comentarios hechos anónimamente. También es usado en los torrents importados desde el nyaa original, aunque es posible que se muestre junto al nombre de usuario original." }, { "id": "mark_as_remake", "translation": "Marcar como remake" }, { "id": "email_changed", "translation": "¡Se ha cambiado exitosamente la dirección de correo electrónico! Sin embargo, tendrás que confirmar el cambio dando click al enlace enviado a: %s" }, { "id": "torrent_status", "translation": "Estado del Torrent" }, { "id": "torrent_status_normal", "translation": "Normal" }, { "id": "torrent_status_remake", "translation": "Remake" }, { "id": "torrent_status_blocked", "translation": "Locked" }, { "id": "profile_edit_page", "translation": "Editar perfil de %s" }, { "id": "seeders", "translation": "Seeders" }, { "id": "leechers", "translation": "Leechers" }, { "id": "completed", "translation": "Completado" }, { "id": "change_language", "translation": "Cambiar Idioma" }, { "id": "language_name", "translation": "Español" }, { "id": "language_code", "translation": "es-es" }, { "id": "delete", "translation": "Delete" }, { "id": "website_link", "translation": "Website Link" }, { "id": "files", "translation": "Files" }, { "id": "no_files", "translation": "No files found? That doesn't even make sense!" }, { "id": "uploaded_by", "translation": "Uploaded by" }, { "id": "report_btn", "translation": "Report" }, { "id": "are_you_sure", "translation": "Are you sure?" }, { "id": "report_torrent_number", "translation": "Report Torrent #%d" }, { "id": "report_type", "translation": "Report type" }, { "id": "illegal_content", "translation": "Illegal content" }, { "id": "spam_garbage", "translation": "Spam / Garbage" }, { "id": "wrong_category", "translation": "Wrong category" }, { "id": "duplicate_deprecated", "translation": "Duplicate / Deprecated" }, { "id": "captcha", "translation": "Captcha" }, { "id": "captcha_audio", "translation": "Captcha Audio" }, { "id": "file_name", "translation": "File Name" }, { "id": "cancel", "translation": "Cancel" }, { "id": "please_include_our_tracker", "translation": "Please include udp://tracker.doko.moe:6969 in your trackers." }, { "id": "unknown", "translation": "Unknown" }, { "id": "last_scraped", "translation": "Last scraped: " }, { "id": "server_status_link", "translation": "Server status can be found here" }, { "id": "no_database_dumps_available", "translation": "No database dumps are available at this moment." }, { "id": "clear_notifications", "translation": "Clear Notifications" }, { "id": "notifications_cleared", "translation": "Notifications erased!" }, { "id": "my_notifications", "translation": "My Notifications" }, { "id": "new_torrent_uploaded", "translation": "New torrent: \"%s\" from %s" }, { "id": "torrent_uploaded", "translation": "torrent uploaded successfully!" }, { "id": "preferences", "translation": "Preferences" }, { "id": "new_torrent_settings", "translation": "Be notified when a new torrent is added from a user followed" }, { "id": "new_torrent_email_settings", "translation": "Be notified by e-mail when a new torrent is added from a user followed" }, { "id": "new_comment_settings", "translation": "Be notified when there is a new comment on your torrents" }, { "id": "new_comment_email_settings", "translation": "Be notified by e-mail when there is a new comment on your torrents" }, { "id": "new_responses_settings", "translation": "Be notified when there is a new response to your comment" }, { "id": "new_responses_email_settings", "translation": "Be notified by e-mail when there is a new response to your comment" }, { "id": "new_follower_settings", "translation": "Be notified when you have a new follower" }, { "id": "new_follower_email_settings", "translation": "Be notified by e-mail when you have a new follower" }, { "id": "followed_settings", "translation": "Be notified when you have followed someone" }, { "id": "followed_email_settings", "translation": "Be notified by e-mail when you have followed someone" }, { "id": "yes", "translation": "Yes" }, { "id": "no", "translation": "No" }, { "id": "new_comment_on_torrent", "translation": "New comment on torrent: \"%s\"" }, { "id": "no_action_selected", "translation": "You have to tell what you want to do with your selection!" }, { "id": "no_move_location_selected", "translation": "Thou has't to telleth whither thee wanteth to moveth thy selection!" }, { "id": "select_one_element", "translation": "You need to select at least 1 element!" }, { "id": "torrent_moved", "translation": "Torrent %s moved!" }, { "id": "no_status_exist", "translation": "No such status %d exist!" }, { "id": "torrent_deleted", "translation": "Torrent %s deleted!" }, { "id": "torrent_deleted_by", "translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been deleted by %s." }, { "id": "torrent_edited_by", "translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been edited by %s." }, { "id": "torrent_blocked_by", "translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been locked by %s." }, { "id": "torrent_blocked_by", "translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been unlocked by %s." }, { "id": "torrents_deleted", "translation": "Torrents Deleted" }, { "id": "delete_torrent", "translation": "Delete Torrent" }, { "id": "delete_report", "translation": "Delete Report" }, { "id": "comment_deleted", "translation": "Comment has been deleted!" }, { "id": "comment_deleted_by", "translation": "Comment #%d from %s has been deleted by %s." }, { "id": "comment_edited_by", "translation": "Comment #%d from %s has been edited by %s." }, { "id": "oauth_client_deleted", "translation": "Oauth API Client has been deleted!" }, { "id": "oauth_client_deleted_by", "translation": "Oauth API Client #%s from %s has been deleted by %s." }, { "id": "no_action_exist", "translation": "No such action %s exist!" }, { "id": "torrent_not_exist", "translation": "Torrent with ID %d doesn't exist!" }, { "id": "something_went_wrong", "translation": "Something went wrong" }, { "id": "nb_torrents_updated", "translation": "%d torrents updated." }, { "id": "torrent_updated", "translation": "Torrent details updated." }, { "id": "fail_torrent_update", "translation": "Failed to update torrent!" }, { "id": "bad_captcha", "translation": "Bad captcha!" }, { "id": "comment_empty", "translation": "Comment empty!" }, { "id": "no_owner_selected", "translation": "New torrent owner is needed!" }, { "id": "no_category_selected", "translation": "No category selected!" }, { "id": "no_user_found_id", "translation": "User with id %d isn't in the database!" }, { "id": "invalid_torrent_category", "translation": "Torrent category doesn't exist!" }, { "id": "torrent_owner_changed", "translation": "Owner of torrent \"%s\" has been successfully changed!" }, { "id": "torrent_category_changed", "translation": "Category of torrent \"%s\" has been changed!" }, { "id": "torrent_reports_deleted", "translation": "Reports of torrent \"%s\" were deleted!" }, { "id": "edit", "translation": "Edit" }, { "id": "lock_delete", "translation": "Lock & Delete" }, { "id": "delete_definitely_torrent_warning", "translation": "You will not be able to recover the file, neither stop someone to reupload it!" }, { "id": "delete_definitely", "translation": "Delete definitely" }, { "id": "torrent_unblock", "translation": "Unlock" }, { "id": "torrent_block", "translation": "Lock" }, { "id": "torrent_deleted_definitely", "translation": "Torrent has been erased from the database!" }, { "id": "torrent_not_deleted", "translation": "Torrent was not deleted" }, { "id": "torrent_unblocked", "translation": "Torrent has been unlocked!" }, { "id": "torrent_blocked", "translation": "Torrent has been locked!" }, { "id": "torrent_nav_notdeleted", "translation": "Torrents not deleted" }, { "id": "torrent_nav_deleted", "translation": "Torrents deleted" }, { "id": "change_settings", "translation": "Change Appearance/Language" }, { "id": "mascot", "translation": "Mascot" }, { "id": "theme", "translation": "Theme" }, { "id": "theme_select", "translation": "Select a Theme" }, { "id": "theme_none", "translation": "None" }, { "id": "upload_as_anon", "translation": "Upload Anonymously" }, { "id": "cookies", "translation": "By clicking save, you consent to our use of cookies" }, { "id": "show", "translation": "Show" }, { "id": "hide", "translation": "Hide" }, { "id": "nyaa_pantsu", "translation": "Nyaa Pantsu" }, { "id": "users", "translation": "Users" }, { "id": "torrent_reports", "translation": "Torrent Reports" }, { "id": "show_mod_tools", "translation": "Show Mod Tools" }, { "id": "hide_mod_tools", "translation": "Hide Mod Tools" }, { "id": "following_changes_applied", "translation": "Following changes will be applied" }, { "id": "changes_in_following_order", "translation": "Changes will be made in the following order:" }, { "id": "edit_changes", "translation": "Edit Changes" }, { "id": "delete_changes", "translation": "Delete Changes" }, { "id": "owner_id_placeholder", "translation": "New Owner" }, { "id": "try_new_attempt", "translation": "Trying a new attempt..." }, { "id": "query_is_broken", "translation": "The query ({0}?{1}) seems broken!" }, { "id": "query_executed_success", "translation": "Query executed with success!" }, { "id": "all_operations_done", "translation": "All operations are done!" }, { "id": "refreshing_in", "translation": "Refreshing the page in {0} seconds..." }, { "id": "delete_reports_with_torrents", "translation": "Do you want to delete the reports along the selected torrents?" }, { "id": "with_st", "translation": "with {0}" }, { "id": "and_reports", "translation": " and reports" }, { "id": "reports", "translation": "reports" }, { "id": "lock", "translation": "lock" }, { "id": "status_js", "translation": "status: {0}" }, { "id": "owner_id_js", "translation": "owner_id: {0}" }, { "id": "category_js", "translation": "category: {0}" }, { "id": "no_changes", "translation": "No changes" }, { "id": "query_nb", "translation": "Query #{0}" }, { "id": "reason", "translation": "Reason" }, { "id": "actions", "translation": "Actions" }, { "id": "action_select", "translation": "Action..." }, { "id": "change_status", "translation": "Change Status" }, { "id": "to_status", "translation": "To..." }, { "id": "torrents_not_deleted", "translation": "Torrents Not Deleted" }, { "id": "more", "translation": "More" }, { "id": "last_comments", "translation": "Last Comments" }, { "id": "last_reports", "translation": "Last Reports" }, { "id": "last_torrents", "translation": "Last Torrents" }, { "id": "last_users", "translation": "Last Users" }, { "id": "moderation_overview", "translation": "Moderation Overview" }, { "id": "users_list", "translation": "Users List" }, { "id": "comments_list", "translation": "Comments List" }, { "id": "reports_list", "translation": "Reports List" }, { "id": "torrents_list", "translation": "Torrents List" }, { "id": "torrent_edit_panel", "translation": "Torrent Edit Panel" }, { "id": "torrent_reassign", "translation": "Torrent Reassign" }, { "id": "reassign_warning", "translation": "Reassigning torrents to a new user is not easily reverted and should be done with care." }, { "id": "previous_username", "translation": "Previous Username" }, { "id": "torrent_id", "translation": "Torrent ID" }, { "id": "reassign_indication", "translation": "One ID per line or a single username" }, { "id": "reassign_warning_2", "translation": "Might take a long time, do NOT abort the request." }, { "id": "reassign_to", "translation": "Reassign to:" }, { "id": "reassign_based_on", "translation": "Reassign based on:" }, { "id": "user_id", "translation": "User ID" }, { "id": "mascot_url", "translation": "Mascot URL" }, { "id": "no_notifications", "translation": "No Notifications" }, { "id": "report_msg", "translation": "The torrent #%d has been reported!" }, { "id": "email_not_valid", "translation": "Email Address is not valid!" }, { "id": "username_illegal", "translation": "Username contains illegal characters!" }, { "id": "torrent_language", "translation": "Torrent language" }, { "id": "language_not_mandatory", "translation": "Language is not mandatory anymore" }, { "id": "language_en-us_name", "translation": "English" }, { "id": "language_ca-es_name", "translation": "Catalan" }, { "id": "language_de-de_name", "translation": "German" }, { "id": "language_es-es_name", "translation": "Spanish" }, { "id": "language_es-mx_name", "translation": "Spanish (LATAM)" }, { "id": "language_fr-fr_name", "translation": "French" }, { "id": "language_hu-hu_name", "translation": "Hungarian" }, { "id": "language_is-is_name", "translation": "Icelandic" }, { "id": "language_it-it_name", "translation": "Italian" }, { "id": "language_ja-jp_name", "translation": "Japanese" }, { "id": "language_ko-kr_name", "translation": "Korean" }, { "id": "language_nb-no_name", "translation": "Norwegian" }, { "id": "language_nl-nl_name", "translation": "Dutch" }, { "id": "language_pt-br_name", "translation": "Portuguese (Brazil)" }, { "id": "language_pt-pt_name", "translation": "Portuguese (Portugal)" }, { "id": "language_ro-ro_name", "translation": "Romanian" }, { "id": "language_ru-ru_name", "translation": "Russian" }, { "id": "language_sv-se_name", "translation": "Swedish" }, { "id": "language_th-th_name", "translation": "Thai" }, { "id": "language_zh-cn_name", "translation": "Simplified Chinese" }, { "id": "language_zh-tw_name", "translation": "Traditional Chinese" }, { "id": "language_other_name", "translation": "Other" }, { "id": "language_multiple_name", "translation": "Multiple Languages" }, { "id": "activity_list", "translation": "Activity List" }, { "id": "activities", "translation": "Activities" }, { "id": "filter", "translation": "Filter" }, { "id": "error_min_length", "translation": "Minimal length of %s required for the input: %s" }, { "id": "error_min_number", "translation": "%s must be %s or greater" }, { "id": "error_min_field", "translation": "%s must be equal or greater to %s" }, { "id": "error_min_array", "translation": "%s must contain at least %s items" }, { "id": "error_less_date", "translation": "%s must be less than the current Date & Time" }, { "id": "error_less_array", "translation": "%s must contain less than %s items" }, { "id": "error_less_length", "translation": "%s must be less than %s in length" }, { "id": "error_less_number", "translation": "%s must be less than %s" }, { "id": "error_less_equal_date", "translation": "%s must be less than or equal to the current Date & Time" }, { "id": "error_greater_date", "translation": "%s must be greater than the current Date & Time" }, { "id": "error_greater_length", "translation": "%s must be greater than %s in length" }, { "id": "error_greater_number", "translation": "%s must be greater than %s" }, { "id": "error_greater_equal_date", "translation": "%s must be greater than or equal to the current Date & Time" }, { "id": "error_max_field", "translation": "%s must be equal or less to %s" }, { "id": "error_max_length", "translation": "Maximal length of %s required for the input: %s" }, { "id": "error_max_number", "translation": "%s must be %s or less" }, { "id": "error_max_array", "translation": "%s must contain at maximum %s items" }, { "id": "error_length", "translation": "Length of %s required for the input: %s" }, { "id": "error_equal", "translation": "%s is not equal to %s" }, { "id": "error_same_value", "translation": "Field '%s' must have the same value as the field '%s'" }, { "id": "error_field", "translation": "Unexpected error on field: %s" }, { "id": "error_not_equal", "translation": "%s should not be equal to %s" }, { "id": "error_wrong_value", "translation": "Wrong value for the input: %s" }, { "id": "error_field_needed", "translation": "Field needed: %s" }, { "id": "error_len_array", "translation": "%s must contain %s items" }, { "id": "error_alpha", "translation": "%s can only contain alphabetic characters" }, { "id": "error_alphanum", "translation": "%s can only contain alphanumeric characters" }, { "id": "error_numeric_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid numeric value" }, { "id": "error_number_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid number" }, { "id": "error_hexadecimal_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid hexadecimal" }, { "id": "error_hex_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid HEX color" }, { "id": "error_rgb_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid RGB color" }, { "id": "error_rgba_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid RGBA color" }, { "id": "error_hsl_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid HSL color" }, { "id": "error_hsla_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid HSLA color" }, { "id": "error_url_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid URL" }, { "id": "error_uri_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid URI" }, { "id": "error_base64_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid Base64 string" }, { "id": "error_contains", "translation": "%s must contain the text '%s'" }, { "id": "error_contains_any", "translation": "%s must contain at least one of the following characters '%s'" }, { "id": "error_excludes", "translation": "%s cannot contain the text '%s'" }, { "id": "error_excludes_all", "translation": "%s cannot contain any of the following characters '%s'" }, { "id": "error_excludes_rune", "translation": "%s cannot contain the following '%s'" }, { "id": "error_color_valid", "translation": "%s must be a valid color" }, { "id": "error_", "translation": "%s must contain %s items" }, { "id": "error_len_array", "translation": "%s must contain %s items" }, { "id": "refine_search", "translation": "Refine your search" }, { "id": "between", "translation": "Between" }, { "id": "and", "translation": "and" }, { "id": "days", "translation": "Days" }, { "id": "months", "translation": "Months" }, { "id": "years", "translation": "Years" }, { "id": "refine", "translation": "Refine" }, { "id": "large", "translation": "large." }, { "id": "old", "translation": "old" }, { "id": "optional", "translation": "Optional" }, { "id": "search_for", "translation": "Search for" }, { "id": "show", "translation": "Show" }, { "id": "username_taken", "translation": "Username already taken, you can choose: %s" }, { "id": "email_in_db", "translation": "Email address already in database" }, { "id": "user_not_found", "translation": "User not found" }, { "id": "incorrect_password", "translation": "Password Incorrect" }, { "id": "password_error_generating", "translation": "Error when generating your password hash" }, { "id": "permission_delete_error", "translation": "You don't have the right to delete this" }, { "id": "no_username_password", "translation": "No username/password entered" }, { "id": "account_banned", "translation": "Account banned" }, { "id": "account_need_activation", "translation": "This account needs activation from Moderators, please contact us" }, { "id": "retrieve_torrent_error", "translation": "Couldn't retrieve torrents" }, { "id": "multiple_username_error", "translation": "More than one username given" }, { "id": "elevating_user_error", "translation": "Elevating status to moderator is prohibited" }, { "id": "parse_error_line", "translation": "Couldn't parse on line %d" }, { "id": "language_not_available", "translation": "Language not available" }, { "id": "mascot_url_too_long", "translation": "Mascot URL is too long (max is 255 chars)" }, { "id": "mascor_url_parse_error", "translation": "Error occurred when parsing mascot URL: %s" }, { "id": "no_id_given", "translation": "No torrent ID given" }, { "id": "error_api_token", "translation": "Error API token doesn't exist" }, { "id": "uploads_disabled", "translation": "Uploads are disabled" }, { "id": "try_to_delete_report_inexistant", "translation": "Trying to delete a torrent report that does not exists" }, { "id": "torrent_report_not_created", "translation": "TorrentReport was not created" }, { "id": "user_not_deleted", "translation": "User wasn't deleted" }, { "id": "error_content_type_post", "translation": "Please provide either of Content-Type: application/json header or multipart/form-data" }, { "id": "torrent_name_invalid", "translation": "Torrent name is invalid" }, { "id": "torrent_private", "translation": "Torrent is private" }, { "id": "torrent_no_working_trackers", "translation": "Torrent does not have any (working) trackers: Trackers List" }, { "id": "torrent_desc_invalid", "translation": "Torrent description is invalid" }, { "id": "torrent_cat_invalid", "translation": "Torrent category is invalid" }, { "id": "torrent_lang_invalid", "translation": "Language sent is not yet supported! You can help supporting it by contributing in our github page" }, { "id": "torrent_cat_is_english", "translation": "Torrent's category is for English translations, but language wasn't English. We changed it to english" }, { "id": "torrent_cat_not_english", "translation": "Torrent's category is for non-English translations, but language selected is only English" }, { "id": "torrent_magnet_invalid", "translation": "Magnet couldn't be parsed, please check it" }, { "id": "torrent_hash_invalid", "translation": "Torrent hash is incorrect" }, { "id": "torrent_plus_magnet", "translation": "Upload either a torrent file or magnet link, not both" }, { "id": "torrent_file_invalid", "translation": "Torrent File is invalid" }, { "id": "torrent_uri_invalid", "translation": "Website url or IRC link is invalid" }, { "id": "api_documentation", "translation": "API documentation" }, { "id": "api_help", "translation": "Do you have an api?" }, { "id": "trusted", "translation": "Torrents uploaded by trusted users." }, { "id": "reencodes", "translation": "Re-encodes" }, { "id": "remux", "translation": "Remux of another uploader's original release" }, { "id": "reupload", "translation": "Reupload of another users torrent with missing and/or unrelated additional files." }, { "id": "red", "translation": "Red entries are: " }, { "id": "green", "translation": "Green entries are:" }, { "id": "torrent_colors", "translation": "Torrent colors" }, { "id": "torrent_preview", "translation": "Preview your torrent" }, { "id": "announcement", "translation": "Announcement" }, { "id": "update_client_failed", "translation": "Update of the client has failed!" }, { "id": "update_client_success", "translation": "You have successfully updated the client!" }, { "id": "update_client_panel", "translation": "Update a Client" }, { "id": "create_client_success", "translation": "You have successfully created the client!" }, { "id": "create_client_failed", "translation": "Client creation has failed!" }, { "id": "create_client_panel", "translation": "Create a new Client" }, { "id": "redirect_uri", "translation": "Redirect URI" }, { "id": "grant_types", "translation": "Grant Types" }, { "id": "response_types", "translation": "Response Types" }, { "id": "scope", "translation": "Scopes" }, { "id": "owner", "translation": "Owner" }, { "id": "policy_uri", "translation": "Policy URI" }, { "id": "tos_uri", "translation": "Terms Of Service URI" }, { "id": "logo_uri", "translation": "Logo URI" }, { "id": "contacts", "translation": "Owner Emails" }, { "id": "oauth_clients_list", "translation": "OAuth API Clients" }, { "id": "add", "translation": "Add" }, { "id": "remove", "translation": "Remove" }, { "id": "secret", "translation": "Client Secret" }, { "id": "torrent_age", "translation": "{1} days {2} hours ago" }, { "id": "wrong_tag_type", "translation": "The tag type selected doesn't exist" }, { "id": "add_tag", "translation": "Add a Tag" }, { "id": "tagtype", "translation": "Tag Type" }, { "id": "tagtype_anidbid", "translation": "Anidb ID" }, { "id": "tagtype_vndbid", "translation": "VNdb ID" }, { "id": "tagtype_videoquality", "translation": "Video Quality" }, { "id": "torrent_tags", "translation": "Torrent tags" }, { "id": "announcements", "translation": "Announcements" }, { "id": "message", "translation": "Message" }, { "id": "delay", "translation": "Delay" }, { "id": "update_annoucement_panel", "translation": "Update Announcement" }, { "id": "create_annoucement_panel", "translation": "Create Announcement" }, { "id": "expire", "translation": "Expire" } ]