package torrentService import ( "errors" "" "" "" "" "strings" "strconv" ) type WhereParams struct { Conditions string // Ex : name LIKE ? AND category_id LIKE ? Params []interface{} } /* Function to interact with Models * * Get the torrents with where clause * */ // don't need raw SQL once we get MySQL func GetFeeds() []model.Feed { var result []model.Feed rows, err := db.ORM.DB(). Query( "SELECT `torrent_id` AS `id`, `torrent_name` AS `name`, `torrent_hash` AS `hash`, `timestamp` FROM `torrents` " + "ORDER BY `timestamp` desc LIMIT 50") if err == nil { for rows.Next() { item := model.Feed{} rows.Scan(&item.Id, &item.Name, &item.Hash, &item.Timestamp) magnet := util.InfoHashToMagnet(strings.TrimSpace(item.Hash), item.Name, config.Trackers...) item.Magnet = magnet // memory hog result = append(result, item) } rows.Close() } return result } func GetTorrentById(id string) (model.Torrents, error) { var torrent model.Torrents if db.ORM.Where("torrent_id = ?", id).Preload("Comments").Find(&torrent).RecordNotFound() { return torrent, errors.New("Article is not found.") } return torrent, nil } func GetTorrentsOrderBy(parameters *WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int) ([]model.Torrents, int) { var torrents []model.Torrents var count int conditions := "torrent_hash IS NOT NULL" // filter out broken entries if strings.HasPrefix(orderBy, "filesize") { // torrents w/ NULL filesize fuck up the sorting on postgres // TODO: fix this properly conditions += " AND filesize IS NOT NULL" } var params []interface{} if parameters != nil { // if there is where parameters conditions += " AND " + parameters.Conditions params = parameters.Params } db.ORM.Model(&torrents).Where(conditions, params...).Count(&count) dbQuery := "SELECT * FROM torrents" if conditions != "" { dbQuery = dbQuery + " WHERE " + conditions } if strings.Contains(conditions, "torrent_name") { dbQuery = "WITH t AS (SELECT * FROM torrents WHERE " + conditions + ") SELECT * FROM t" } if orderBy == "" { // default OrderBy orderBy = "torrent_id DESC" } dbQuery = dbQuery + " ORDER BY " + orderBy if limit != 0 || offset != 0 { // if limits provided dbQuery = dbQuery + " LIMIT " + strconv.Itoa(limit) + " OFFSET " + strconv.Itoa(offset) } db.ORM.Raw(dbQuery, params...).Find(&torrents) return torrents, count } /* Functions to simplify the get parameters of the main function * * Get Torrents with where parameters and limits, order by default */ func GetTorrents(parameters WhereParams, limit int, offset int) ([]model.Torrents, int) { return GetTorrentsOrderBy(¶meters, "", limit, offset) } /* Get Torrents with where parameters but no limit and order by default (get all the torrents corresponding in the db) */ func GetTorrentsDB(parameters WhereParams) ([]model.Torrents, int) { return GetTorrentsOrderBy(¶meters, "", 0, 0) } /* Function to get all torrents */ func GetAllTorrentsOrderBy(orderBy string, limit int, offset int) ([]model.Torrents, int) { return GetTorrentsOrderBy(nil, orderBy, limit, offset) } func GetAllTorrents(limit int, offset int) ([]model.Torrents, int) { return GetTorrentsOrderBy(nil, "", limit, offset) } func GetAllTorrentsDB() ([]model.Torrents, int) { return GetTorrentsOrderBy(nil, "", 0, 0) } func CreateWhereParams(conditions string, params ...string) WhereParams { whereParams := WhereParams{} whereParams.Conditions = conditions for i, _ := range params { whereParams.Params = append(whereParams.Params, params[i]) } return whereParams }