{{define "title"}}{{.Torrent.Name}}{{end}} {{define "contclass"}}cont-view{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{with .Torrent}}


Uploaded by {{.UploaderName}}

Download! {{if ne .TorrentLink ""}} Torrent file {{end}} Report! {{ if HasAdmin $.User}} {{end}}

{{T "description"}}


{{T "hash"}}


{{T "date"}}


{{T "size"}}


{{if ne .WebsiteLink ""}}

{{T "Link"}}


{{T "seeders"}}
{{T "leechers"}}
{{T "completed"}}

{{T "comments"}}

    {{ range $index, $element := .Comments }}
  • {{/* The following line is wrong. Should be using the MD5 User hash but i don't knwo how to access it. */}} {{/* Changing Gravatar for something else, so it can stay like this. */}}
    {{if eq .UserID -1}} #{{$index}} by {{.Username}} {{else}} #{{$index}} by {{.Username}} {{end}}
    {{ .Date.Format ( Ts "date_format" ) }} {{/* output: "2017-05-01 15:30" Went with "Year-Month-Day" because it's the most unambiguous. If you want it to be determined by where you're from, be my guest. */}}
  • {{end}}
{{/* There should be a better way to use translation on this... */}}
{{block "captcha" .}}{{end}}
{{with .Torrent}} {{end}}