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package templates
import (
// run before router/init.go:init()
var _ = func() (_ struct{}) {
func TestGetRawQuery(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []map[string]string{
"test": "",
"expected": "",
"test": "",
"expected": "",
"test": "",
"expected": "",
"test": "",
"expected": "",
"test": "",
"expected": "why",
"test": "",
"expected": "why",
for _, test := range tests {
url, _ := url.Parse(test["test"])
value := getRawQuery(url)
if value != test["expected"] {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function getRawQuery, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s'", value, test["expected"], test["test"])
func TestGenSearchWithOrdering(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []map[string]string{
"test": "",
"mode": "2",
"expected": "/search?order=true&sort=2",
"test": "",
"mode": "2",
"expected": "/search?order=false&s=why&sort=2",
"test": "",
"mode": "1",
"expected": "/search?order=true&s=why&sort=1",
"test": "",
"mode": "1",
"expected": "/search?order=false&s=why&sort=1",
"test": "",
"mode": "1",
"expected": "/search?order=true&s=why&sort=1",
"test": "",
"mode": "2",
"expected": "/search?order=false&s=why&sort=2",
"test": "",
"mode": "2",
"expected": "/search?order=false&s=why&sort=2",
for _, test := range tests {
url, _ := url.Parse(test["test"])
value := genSearchWithOrdering(url, test["mode"], "/search")
if value != test["expected"] {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function genSearchWithOrdering, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s' and '%s'", value, test["expected"], test["test"], test["mode"])
func TestgenSearchWithCategory(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []map[string]string{
"test": "",
"mode": "1_",
"expected": "/search?c=1_",
for _, test := range tests {
url, _ := url.Parse(test["test"])
value := genSearchWithCategory(url, test["mode"], "/search")
if value != test["expected"] {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function genSearchWithCategory, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s' and '%s'", value, test["expected"], test["test"], test["mode"])
func TestFlagCode(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []map[string]string{
"test": "",
"expected": "und",
"test": "es",
"expected": "es",
"test": "lol",
"expected": "lol",
"test": "fr-fr",
"expected": "fr",
"test": "fr-lol",
"expected": "lol",
"test": "ca-es",
"expected": "ca",
"test": "es-mx",
"expected": "es",
for _, test := range tests {
value := flagCode(test["test"])
if value != test["expected"] {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function flagCode, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s'", value, test["expected"], test["test"])
func TestGetAvatar(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
Test string
Size int
Expected string
Test: "",
Size: 0,
Expected: "/img/avatar_0.jpg",
Test: "",
Size: 100,
Expected: "/img/avatar_100.jpg",
Test: "test",
Size: 100,
Expected: "",
Test: "test",
Size: 0,
Expected: "",
for _, test := range tests {
value := getAvatar(test.Test, test.Size)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function getAvatar, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s' and '%d'", value, test.Expected, test.Test, test.Size)
func TestGetCategory(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestCat string
TestParent bool
Expected categories.Categories
TestCat: "",
TestParent: false,
Expected: categories.Categories{},
TestCat: "",
TestParent: true,
Expected: categories.Categories{},
TestCat: "3_12",
TestParent: false,
Expected: categories.Categories{},
TestCat: "3",
TestParent: false,
Expected: categories.Categories{
{"3_12", "anime_amv"},
{"3_5", "anime_english_translated"},
{"3_13", "anime_non_english_translated"},
{"3_6", "anime_raw"},
TestCat: "3",
TestParent: true,
Expected: categories.Categories{
{"3_", "anime"},
{"3_12", "anime_amv"},
{"3_5", "anime_english_translated"},
{"3_13", "anime_non_english_translated"},
{"3_6", "anime_raw"},
for _, test := range tests {
value := getCategory(test.TestCat, test.TestParent)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(value, test.Expected) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function getCategory, got '%v', wanted '%v' for '%s' and '%t'", value, test.Expected, test.TestCat, test.TestParent)
func TestCategoryName(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestCat string
TestSubCat string
Expected string
TestCat: "",
TestSubCat: "",
Expected: "",
TestCat: "d",
TestSubCat: "s",
Expected: "",
TestCat: "3",
TestSubCat: "",
Expected: "anime",
TestCat: "3",
TestSubCat: "6",
Expected: "anime_raw",
for _, test := range tests {
value := categoryName(test.TestCat, test.TestSubCat)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function categoryName, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s' and '%s'", value, test.Expected, test.TestCat, test.TestSubCat)
func TestCategoryName2(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestCat string
Expected string
TestCat: "_",
Expected: "",
TestCat: "d",
Expected: "",
TestCat: "3_",
Expected: "anime",
TestCat: "3_6",
Expected: "anime_raw",
for _, test := range tests {
value := GetCategoryName(test.TestCat)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function categoryName, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s'", value, test.Expected, test.TestCat)
func TestLanguageName(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestLang publicSettings.Language
Expected string
TestLang: publicSettings.Language{"", "", ""},
Expected: "",
TestLang: publicSettings.Language{"", "fr", "fr-fr"},
Expected: "French (France)",
TestLang: publicSettings.Language{"", "fr", "fr"},
Expected: "French",
TestLang: publicSettings.Language{"something, something", "es", "es, es-mx"},
Expected: "Spanish, Mexican Spanish",
T := mockupTemplateT(t)
for _, test := range tests {
value := languageName(test.TestLang, T)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function languageName, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%v'", value, test.Expected, test.TestLang)
func TestLanguageNameFromCode(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestLang string
Expected string
TestLang: "",
Expected: "",
TestLang: "fr-fr",
Expected: "French (France)",
TestLang: "ofjd",
Expected: "",
TestLang: "fr",
Expected: "French",
TestLang: "es, es-mx",
Expected: "Spanish, Mexican Spanish",
T := mockupTemplateT(t)
for _, test := range tests {
value := languageNameFromCode(test.TestLang, T)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function languageName, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s'", value, test.Expected, test.TestLang)
func TestFileSize(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestSize int64
TestShowUnknown bool
Expected template.HTML
TestSize: 0,
TestShowUnknown: true,
Expected: template.HTML("Unknown"),
TestSize: 0,
TestShowUnknown: false,
Expected: template.HTML("0.0 B"),
TestSize: 10,
TestShowUnknown: false,
Expected: template.HTML("10.0 B"),
TestSize: 10,
TestShowUnknown: true,
Expected: template.HTML("10.0 B"),
T := mockupTemplateT(t)
for _, test := range tests {
value := fileSize(test.TestSize, T, test.TestShowUnknown)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function fileSize, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%d' with '%t'", value, test.Expected, test.TestSize, test.TestShowUnknown)
func TestLastID(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestTorrents []models.TorrentJSON
TestURL string
Expected int
TestTorrents: []models.TorrentJSON{{ID: 3}, {ID: 1}},
TestURL: "?sort=&order=",
Expected: 3,
TestTorrents: []models.TorrentJSON{{ID: 3}, {ID: 1}},
TestURL: "?sort=2&order=",
Expected: 3,
TestTorrents: []models.TorrentJSON{{ID: 1}, {ID: 3}},
TestURL: "?sort=2&order=true",
Expected: 3,
TestTorrents: []models.TorrentJSON{{ID: 1}, {ID: 3}},
TestURL: "?sort=3&order=true",
Expected: 0,
TestTorrents: []models.TorrentJSON{},
TestURL: "?sort=2&order=true",
Expected: 0,
TestTorrents: []models.TorrentJSON{},
TestURL: "?sort=2&order=false",
Expected: 0,
for _, test := range tests {
url, _ := url.Parse(test.TestURL)
value := lastID(url, test.TestTorrents)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function languageName, got '%d', wanted '%d' for '%s' and '%v'", value, test.Expected, test.TestURL, test.TestTorrents)
func TestGetReportDescription(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestDesc string
Expected string
TestDesc: "",
Expected: "",
TestDesc: "illegal",
Expected: "Illegal content",
TestDesc: "spam",
Expected: "Spam / Garbage",
TestDesc: "wrongcat",
Expected: "Wrong category",
TestDesc: "dup",
Expected: "Duplicate / Deprecated",
TestDesc: "illegal_content",
Expected: "Illegal content",
TestDesc: "spam_garbage",
Expected: "Spam / Garbage",
TestDesc: "wrong_category",
Expected: "Wrong category",
TestDesc: "duplicate_deprecated",
Expected: "Duplicate / Deprecated",
T := mockupTemplateT(t)
for _, test := range tests {
value := getReportDescription(test.TestDesc, T)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function languageName, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%s'", value, test.Expected, test.TestDesc)
func TestGenUploaderLink(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestID uint
TestName template.HTML
TestHidden bool
Expected template.HTML
TestID: 0,
TestName: template.HTML(""),
TestHidden: false,
Expected: template.HTML("れんちょん"),
TestID: 10,
TestName: template.HTML("dd"),
TestHidden: true,
Expected: template.HTML("れんちょん"),
TestID: 10,
TestName: template.HTML("dd"),
TestHidden: false,
Expected: template.HTML("<a href=\"/user/10/dd\">dd</a>"),
TestID: 0, // Old Uploader
TestName: template.HTML("dd"),
TestHidden: false,
Expected: template.HTML("dd"),
TestID: 10,
TestName: template.HTML(""),
TestHidden: false,
Expected: template.HTML("れんちょん"),
TestID: 10,
TestName: template.HTML(""),
TestHidden: true,
Expected: template.HTML("れんちょん"),
for _, test := range tests {
value := genUploaderLink(test.TestID, test.TestName, test.TestHidden)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function languageName, got '%s', wanted '%s' for '%d' and '%s' and '%t'", string(value), string(test.Expected), test.TestID, string(test.TestName), test.TestHidden)
func TestContains(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestArr interface{}
TestComp string
Expected bool
TestArr: "kilo",
TestComp: "kilo",
Expected: true,
TestArr: "kilo",
TestComp: "loki", // Clearly not the same level
Expected: false,
TestArr: "kilo",
TestComp: "kiloo",
Expected: false,
TestArr: publicSettings.Language{Code: "kilo"},
TestComp: "kilo",
Expected: true,
TestArr: publicSettings.Language{Code: "kilo"},
TestComp: "loki", // Clearly not the same level
Expected: false,
TestArr: publicSettings.Language{Code: "kilo"},
TestComp: "kiloo",
Expected: false,
TestArr: "kilo",
TestComp: "",
Expected: false,
TestArr: publicSettings.Language{Code: "kilo"},
TestComp: "",
Expected: false,
for _, test := range tests {
value := contains(test.TestArr, test.TestComp)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function languageName, got '%t', wanted '%t' for '%v' and '%s'", value, test.Expected, test.TestArr, test.TestComp)
func testTorrentFileExists(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
hash string
Expected bool
hash: "",
Expected: false,
for _, test := range tests {
value := torrentFileExists(test.hash, "")
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function TorrentFileExists, got '%t', wanted '%t' for '%s'", value, test.Expected, test.hash)
func Teststrcmp(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestString string
TestString2 string
TestEnd int
TestStart int
Expected bool
TestString: "kilo",
TestString2: "kilo",
TestEnd: -1,
TestStart: 0,
Expected: true,
TestString: "kilo",
TestString2: "loki",
TestEnd: -1,
TestStart: 0,
Expected: false,
TestString: "superkilo", //compare "superkilo" to "kilo"
TestString2: "kilo",
TestEnd: -1,
TestStart: 0,
Expected: false,
TestString: "superkilo", //compare "kilo" to "kilo"
TestString2: "kilo",
TestEnd: -1,
TestStart: 6,
Expected: true,
TestString: "superkill", //compare "kil" to "kil"
TestString2: "kilo",
TestEnd: 8,
TestStart: 6,
Expected: true,
for _, test := range tests {
value := strcmp(test.TestString, test.TestString2, -1, 0)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function strcmp, got '%t' by comparing '%s' to '%s' starting at '%d' and ending after '%d', wanted '%t'", value, test.TestString, test.TestString2, test.TestStart, test.TestEnd, test.Expected)
func Teststrfind(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestString string
TestString2 string
TestStart int
Match bool
TestString: "kilo",
TestString2: "kilo",
TestStart: 0,
Match: true,
TestString: "kilo",
TestString2: "loki",
TestStart: 0,
Match: false,
TestString: "akumeme",
TestString2: "meme",
TestStart: 0,
Match: true,
TestString: "memeaku",
TestString2: "meme",
TestStart: 4, //Search "meme" in "aku", obviously not there
Match: false,
for _, test := range tests {
value := strfind(test.TestString, test.TestString2, test.TestStart)
if value != test.Match {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function strfind, got '%t' by comparing '%s' to '%s' starting from %d, wanted '%t'", value, test.TestString, test.TestString2, test.TestStart, test.Match)
func TestGetDomain(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
domainName string
domainName: "wubwub",
for _, test := range tests {
value := getDomainName()
if value != test.domainName {
//t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function rand, got '%t', wanted '%t'", value, test.domainName)
func TestGetTheme(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
domainName []string
domainName: []string{"test", "test", "test"},
for _, test := range tests {
test.domainName = getThemeList()
func testformatThemeName(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
TestPath string
Expected string
TestPath: "g",
Expected: "/g/",
TestPath: "v",
Expected: "/v/",
TestPath: "my_theme",
Expected: "My Theme",
TestPath: "tomorrow",
Expected: "Tomorrow",
for _, test := range tests {
Ts, _, err := publicSettings.TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback("en-us")
if err != nil {
t.Error("Couldn't load language files!")
var T publicSettings.TemplateTfunc
T = func(id string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(Ts(id), args...))
value := formatThemeName(test.TestPath, T)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function formatThemeName, got '%s' from '%s', wanted '%s'", value, test.TestPath, test.Expected)
func testFormatDate(t *testing.T) {
UTC, _ := time.LoadLocation("")
var tests = []struct {
TestDate time.Time
TestFullDate bool
Expected string
TestDate: time.Date(2017, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, UTC),
TestFullDate: false,
Expected: "Nov 1, 2017",
TestDate: time.Date(2017, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, UTC),
TestFullDate: true,
Expected: "11/1/2017, 0:00:00 AM UTC+0",
for _, test := range tests {
value := formatDate(test.TestDate, test.TestFullDate)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function formatDate, got '%s' from '%s' and '%t', wanted '%s'", value, test.TestDate, test.TestFullDate, test.Expected)
func testGenSearchName(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
Search SearchForm
currentURL string
Expected string
Search: SearchForm{},
currentURL: "/",
Expected: "home",
Search: SearchForm{},
currentURL: "/search",
Expected: "search",
Search: SearchForm{UserName: "yiiT"},
currentURL: "/username/yiiT/search",
Expected: "yiiT",
Search: SearchForm{Category: "3_"},
currentURL: "/search?c=3_",
Expected: "anime",
Search: SearchForm{Category: "3_12"},
currentURL: "/search?c=3_12",
Expected: "anime_amv",
for _, test := range tests {
Ts, _, err := publicSettings.TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback("en-us")
if err != nil {
t.Error("Couldn't load language files!")
var T publicSettings.TemplateTfunc
T = func(id string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(Ts(id), args...))
value := GenSearchName(test.Search, test.currentURL, T)
if value != test.Expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected value from the function GenSearchName, got '%s' wanted '%s'", value, test.Expected)
func mockupTemplateT(t *testing.T) publicSettings.TemplateTfunc {
conf := config.Get().I18n
conf.Directory = path.Join("..", conf.Directory)
var retriever publicSettings.UserRetriever // not required during initialization
err := publicSettings.InitI18n(conf, retriever)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to initialize language translations: %v", err)
Ts, _, err := publicSettings.TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback("en-us")
if err != nil {
t.Error("Couldn't load language files!")
var T publicSettings.TemplateTfunc
T = func(id string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(Ts(id), args...))
return T