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akuma06 ee808dc7a1 Fix for Travis and update to Go mod (#1771)
* Removing Vendor folder and go dep files
Adding support to Go mod

* Fixing message format for boolean argument (%t)

* Updating depency versions
Fixing go-i18n to latest v1 release (v1.10.0)
Repairing a test due to golang text update
Fixing logging information messages
Update to latest changes for anacrolix torrent API

* Update .travis.yml

Go dep is not needed anymore

* Update .travis.yml

* Go modules env variable

Adding support for go modules inside travis script

* Moving env variable

* Fixing test issue

* Fixing a format error in previous code
2019-06-17 21:16:31 +00:00
publicSettings.go Fix for Travis and update to Go mod (#1771) 2019-06-17 21:16:31 +00:00
publicSettings_test.go Fix for Travis and update to Go mod (#1771) 2019-06-17 21:16:31 +00:00