* Initial Commit for OAuth API This builds and run and return the right error. Need to test it and then adding all users as possible client * Added mising dependency * just compile already... * Fixing template test * Imrpovements Moved db stuff in models Added some tests Added form in modpanel to add/update a client Added controllers for add/update of client * Added Forms + speed improvements Controller oauth client listing + html Controller oauth client delete + messages Messages on comment delete New ES config that disable ES if set to false. Improve load speed on local development Fix a load config bug Fix index admin & translation string sign_out broken by @ewhal * Sanitize empty strig in form array + css Multiple empty array of strings are sanitized for the oauth client create form Added some css for the form display * Upload and Create form works * Fix splitting response types * Removing required on secret when updating * fix travis error * Fix travis template test * Update dependency * Moved to jinzhu instead of azhao * randomizen secret on creation * Final touch on oath api improved display name fix grant form csrf fix login csrf on oauth * Fix gorm test * fix template test * Fixing deleted dependency issue * Make travis faster * Fix typo * Fix csrf for api calls * This shouldn't be exempt * Removing hard coded hash @ewhal Don't forget to replace the hash in tokens.go with another one * Added an example on how to use OAuth middleware * Renamed fosite utils to oauth2 utils
63 lignes
3,1 Kio
63 lignes
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{{ extends "layouts/index_admin" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/errors" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/flags" }}
{{block title()}}{{ T("torrent_edit_panel") }}{{end}}
{{ block content_body()}}
<div class="results box">
<h3 id="torrents">{{ T("torrent_edit_panel") }}</h3>
<form style="text-align:left;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;" enctype="multipart/form-data" role="upload" method="POST">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="name">{{ T("name")}}</label>
<input type="text" name="name" class="form-input up-input" placeholder="{{ T(" file_name ")}}" value="{{Form.Name}}" required/>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="c">{{ T("category")}}</label>
<select name="c" class="form-input up-input">
<option value="">{{ T("select_a_torrent_category")}}</option>
{{ range _, cat := GetCategories(false, true) }}
<option value="{{ cat.ID }}" {{if Form.Category == cat.ID }}selected{{end}}>{{ T(cat.Name) }}</option>
{{ end }}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="language">{{ T("torrent_language") }}</label>
<div name="language" class="form-input language">
{{ yield flagList(languages=GetTorrentLanguages(), selected=Form.Languages) }}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Status">{{ T("torrent_status")}}</label>
<select name="status" class="form-input up-input">
<option value="5" {{if Form.Status == 5}}selected{{end}}>{{ T("torrent_status_blocked") }}</option>
<option value="1" {{if Form.Status == 1}}selected{{end}}>{{ T("torrent_status_normal")}}</option>
<option value="2" {{if Form.Status == 2}}selected{{end}}>{{ T("torrent_status_remake")}}</option>
<option value="3" {{if Form.Status == 3}}selected{{end}}>{{ T("trusted")}}</option>
<option value="4" {{if Form.Status == 4}}selected{{end}}>A+</option>
<input type="checkbox" value="true" name="hidden" id="hidden" {{ if Form.Hidden }}checked{{end}}/>
<label for="hidden">{{ T("upload_as_anon")}}</label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="website_link">{{ T("website_link")}}</label>
<input name="website_link" id="website_link" class="form-input up-input" type="text" value="{{Form.WebsiteLink}}">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="desc">{{ T("torrent_description")}}</label>
<p class="help-block">{{ T("description_markdown_notice")}}</p>
<textarea name="desc" id="desc" class="form-input up-input" rows="10">{{Form.Description}}</textarea>
<button type="submit" class="form-input up-input btn-green">{{ T("save_changes")}}</button>
{{end}} {{ block footer_js()}}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/simplemde.min.js?v={{ Config.Version}}{{ Config.Build }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
new SimpleMDE({
element: document.getElementById("desc"),
spellChecker: false,
showIcons: ["strikethrough", "code", "table", "horizontal-rule"]