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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
Ramon Dantas 1968d2ae54 Move translation func to template variables (#652)
* Add T field to template variables

* Remove languages.SetTranslationFromRequest

* Add Tfunc on handlers

* Remove T and Ts from template_functions

* Update templates

Change the templates to use the local Tfunc, instead of the global one.
Also changed the signature of the fields on template_variables.go, so that
they return a template.HTML to avoid escaping problems.

* Remove unnecessary variable
2017-05-21 08:38:28 +10:00

110 lignes
6,4 Kio
Fichier exécutable

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{{block "night_theme_init" .}}{{end}}
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<li><a href="{{.URL.Parse "/upload"}}"><div class="hidden-md hidden-sm">{{call $.T "upload"}}</div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cloud-upload visible-md"></span></a></li>
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{{ if Sukebei }}
<li><a href=""><div class="hidden-md hidden-sm">{{call $.T "fun"}}</div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open visible-md"></span></a></li>
{{ else }}
<li><a href=""><div class="hidden-md hidden-sm">{{call $.T "fap"}}</div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-close visible-md"></span></a></li>
{{ end }}
{{block "badge_user" .}}{{end}}
<form class="navbar-form navbar-right" role="search" action="/search" method="get">
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{{block "search_common" .}}{{end}}
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{{block "content" .}}{{call $.T "nothing_here"}}{{end}}
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{{if eq .User.ID 0}}
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