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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
akuma06 53ba669ba6 Add remember me checkbox back (#1397)
I tried locally and I'm kept logged in. @ewhal check after update that you do have the same hash set in both nyaa and sukebei. If you do, just change the domain name ("") in the functions getDomainName() to the subdomain. Because I don't see why it wouldn't work otherwise
2017-08-26 12:57:02 +10:00

73 lignes
2,5 Kio

package userValidator
import (
msg ""
// run before config/parse.go:init()
var _ = func() (_ struct{}) {
config.Configpaths[1] = path.Join("..", "..", "..", config.Configpaths[1])
config.Configpaths[0] = path.Join("..", "..", "..", config.Configpaths[0])
config.Get().DBType = models.SqliteType
config.Get().DBParams = ":memory:?cache=shared&mode=memory"
models.ORM, _ = models.GormInit(models.DefaultLogger)
func TestForms(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
if err != nil {
c := &gin.Context{Request: req}
messages := msg.GetMessages(c)
registration := &RegistrationForm{
"lol", "", "testing", "testing", "xxx", "1",
login := &LoginForm{"lol", "testing", "/", "false"}
user := &UserForm{"lol", "", "", "testing", "testing", "testing", 0, ""}
userSettings := &UserSettingsForm{}
password := &PasswordForm{"testing", "testing"}
passwordReset := &SendPasswordResetForm{""}
passwordResetForm := &PasswordResetForm{"testing", "testing"}
validator.ValidateForm(registration, messages)
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Error on RegistrationForm struct, please check validation arguments: %v", messages.GetAllErrors())
validator.ValidateForm(login, messages)
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Error on LoginForm struct, please check validation arguments: %v", messages.GetAllErrors())
validator.ValidateForm(user, messages)
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Error on User struct, please check validation arguments: %v", messages.GetAllErrors())
validator.ValidateForm(userSettings, messages)
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Error on UserSettingsForm struct, please check validation arguments: %v", messages.GetAllErrors())
validator.ValidateForm(password, messages)
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Error on PasswordForm struct, please check validation arguments: %v", messages.GetAllErrors())
validator.ValidateForm(passwordReset, messages)
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Error on SendPasswordResetForm struct, please check validation arguments: %v", messages.GetAllErrors())
validator.ValidateForm(passwordResetForm, messages)
if messages.HasErrors() {
t.Errorf("Error on PasswordResetForm struct, please check validation arguments: %v", messages.GetAllErrors())