Bifurcation 0
Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
2017-07-04 02:54:43 +02:00

199 lignes
5,6 Kio

package controllers
import (
// run before router/init.go:init()
var _ = func() (_ struct{}) {
config.ConfigPath = path.Join("..", config.ConfigPath)
config.DefaultConfigPath = path.Join("..", config.DefaultConfigPath)
func TestTemplates(t *testing.T) {
//var View = jet.NewHTMLSet(TemplateDir)
fmt.Print("JetTest Template started\n")
walkDirTest("/", t)
type ContextTest map[string]func(jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap
func walkDirTest(dir string, t *testing.T) {
contextVars := ContextTest{
"dumps.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("GPGLink", "")
vars.Set("ListDumps", []models.DatabaseDumpJSON{})
return vars
"activities.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Models", []models.Activity{})
return vars
"listing.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Models", []models.TorrentJSON{})
return vars
"edit.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Form", &torrentValidator.TorrentRequest{})
vars.Set("Languages", make(map[string]string))
return vars
"upload.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Form", &torrentValidator.TorrentRequest{})
return vars
"view.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Torrent", &models.TorrentJSON{})
vars.Set("CaptchaID", "xxxxxx")
return vars
"settings.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Language", "")
vars.Set("Languages", make(map[string]string))
return vars
"login.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Form", &userValidator.LoginForm{})
return vars
"register.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Form", &userValidator.RegistrationForm{})
return vars
"index.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Torrents", []models.Torrent{})
vars.Set("Users", []models.User{})
vars.Set("Comments", []models.Comment{})
vars.Set("TorrentReports", []models.TorrentReportJSON{})
return vars
"paneltorrentedit.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Form", models.Torrent{})
return vars
"reassign.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Form", ReassignForm{})
return vars
"torrentlist.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Models", []models.Torrent{})
return vars
"userlist.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Models", []models.User{})
return vars
"commentlist.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Models", []models.Comment{})
return vars
"torrent_report.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Models", []models.TorrentReportJSON{})
return vars
"report.jet.html": func(vars jet.VarMap) jet.VarMap {
type form struct {
ID int
CaptchaID string
vars.Set("Form", form{1, ""})
return vars
fmt.Printf("\nTesting Folder: %s\n", dir)
view := jet.NewHTMLSet(path.Join("..", TemplateDir))
vars := mockupCommonVars(t)
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path.Join("..", TemplateDir) + dir)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Couldn't find the folder %s", path.Join("..", TemplateDir)+dir)
if len(files) == 0 {
t.Errorf("Couldn't find any files in folder %s", path.Join("..", TemplateDir)+dir)
for _, f := range files {
if f.IsDir() {
walkDirTest(dir+f.Name()+"/", t)
if strings.Contains(f.Name(), ".jet.html") {
template, err := view.GetTemplate(dir + f.Name())
fmt.Printf("\tJetTest Template of: %s", dir+f.Name())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("\nParsing error: %s %s", err.Error(), dir+f.Name())
buff := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if contextVars[f.Name()] != nil {
vars = contextVars[f.Name()](vars)
if err = template.Execute(buff, vars, nil); err != nil {
t.Errorf("\nEval error: %q executing %s", err.Error(), template.Name)
func mockupCommonVars(t *testing.T) jet.VarMap {
vars.Set("Navigation", newNavigation())
vars.Set("Search", searchForm{
Category: "_",
ShowItemsPerPage: true,
SizeType: "b",
DateType: "",
MinSize: "",
MaxSize: "",
FromDate: "",
ToDate: "",
conf := config.Conf.I18n
conf.Directory = path.Join("..", conf.Directory)
var retriever publicSettings.UserRetriever // not required during initialization
err := publicSettings.InitI18n(conf, retriever)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to initialize language translations: %v", err)
Ts, _, err := publicSettings.TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback("en-us", "", "")
if err != nil {
t.Error("Couldn't load language files!")
var T publicSettings.TemplateTfunc
T = func(id string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(Ts(id), args...))
vars.Set("T", T)
vars.Set("Theme", "")
vars.Set("Mascot", "")
vars.Set("MascotURL", "")
vars.Set("User", &models.User{})
vars.Set("UserProfile", &models.User{})
vars.Set("URL", &url.URL{})
vars.Set("CsrfToken", "xxxxxx")
vars.Set("Config", config.Conf)
vars.Set("Infos", make(map[string][]string))
vars.Set("Errors", make(map[string][]string))
vars.Set("UserProfile", &models.User{})
return vars