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kilo 9fe0efa5fd
Make comment and users in admin panel ordered by newest to oldest (#1700)
* Comments ordered by newest to oldest

* Update find.go
2017-11-02 05:43:40 +01:00

30 lignes
1 008 o

package comments
import (
// FindAll : Find all comments based on conditions
func FindAll(limit int, offset int, conditions string, values ...interface{}) ([]models.Comment, int) {
var comments []models.Comment
var nbComments int
models.ORM.Model(&comments).Where(conditions, values...).Count(&nbComments)
models.ORM.Limit(limit).Offset(offset).Order("comment_id DESC").Where(conditions, values...).Preload("User").Find(&comments)
return comments, nbComments
// Delete : Delete a comment
func Delete(id uint) (*models.Comment, int, error) {
var comment models.Comment
if models.ORM.Where("comment_id = ?", id).Preload("User").Preload("Torrent").Find(&comment).RecordNotFound() {
return &comment, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("Comment is not found")
if models.ORM.Delete(&comment).Error != nil {
return &comment, http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("Comment is not deleted")
return &comment, http.StatusOK, nil