Bifurcation 0
Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
kilo 43fd3e8956 Sync JS cookies & Go cookies's domain & random other things (#1571)
* create JS domain variable

* use domain JS variable when creating cookies

* Create getDomainName() function in Go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* recreate cookie when resetCookies() is called

* Update main.css

* Update classic.css

* show "unknown" instead of "0 0 0" if stats are unknown

* don't show top ad if there's an announcement

* remove BBCode support that broke description's line breaks

* remove useless identifier

* hide error instead of fixing it

* Update markdown_test.go

* Update markdown_test.go

* css for tags in classic

* remove wrong explanation for alternating color

* fix RSS URL in header

* remove eu cookie <div> from base

* fix cookie warning never showing up

* Update main.js

* styling for upload form on classic.css

* Smaller markdown toolbar on classic upload form

* Fix indent, non-round borders for markdown & language list on classic

* Update view.jet.html

* add fillZero function

* ditto but in test

* Update view.jet.html

* add RJ prefix to dlsite link

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update listing.jet.html

* prevent responsiveness of upload form in classic.css

* remove now useless css rule

* fix tag input padding on classic

* Update template_functions_test.go

* rollback workaround

* rollback workaround

* rollback workaround

* remove now unused function

* ditto

* Update main.css
2017-09-17 22:10:43 +02:00

248 lignes
11 Kio
Brut Annotations Historique

Ce fichier contient des caractères Unicode ambigus.

Ce fichier contient des caractères Unicode qui peuvent être confondus avec d'autres caractères. Si vous pensez que c'est intentionnel, vous pouvez ignorer cet avertissement. Utilisez le bouton Échappe pour les dévoiler.

{{ extends "layouts/index_site" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/search" }}
{{block title()}}{{ T("home")}}{{end}}
{{block contclass()}}{{if User.HasAdmin() }}content-admin{{end}}{{end}}
{{block content_body()}}
{{ if OldNav || Theme == "classic"}}
{{ include "layouts/partials/helpers/oldNav" }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Contain the table within a grid, as for better sizing -->
<div class="results box {{ if OldNav || Theme == "classic" }}old-nav{{end}}" >
<thead class="torrent-info">
{{ if User.HasAdmin() }}
<th class="tr-cb hide">
<input type="checkbox" name="select_all" onchange="TorrentsMod.selectAll(this.checked)"/>
<th class="tr-cat">{{ T("category")}}</th>
<th class="tr-name">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering(URL, "1") }}">
{{ T("name")}}
<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows(URL, "1")|raw }}</span>
<th class="tr-cs" style="font-size: 0px;">Msg</th>
<th class="tr-links"></th>
<th class="tr-size hide-xs"><a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering(URL, "4") }}">{{ T("size")}}<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows(URL, "4")|raw }}</span></a></th>
<th class="tr-se hide-smol">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering(URL, "5") }}">
{{ T("S")}}
<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows(URL, "5")|raw }}</span>
<th class="tr-le hide-smol">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering(URL, "6") }}">
{{ T("L")}}
<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows(URL, "6")|raw }}</span>
<th class="tr-dl hide-xs">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering(URL, "7") }}">
{{ T("D")}}
<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows(URL, "7")|raw }}</span>
<!-- <th><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span></th> -->
<th class="tr-date hide-xs"><a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering(URL, "2") }}">
{{ T("date")}}
<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows(URL, "2")|raw }}</span>
<tbody id="torrentListResults" {{if AltColors}}class="alt-colors"{{end}}>
{{ range Models}}
<tr id="torrent_{{ .ID }}" class="torrent-info {{if .Status == 2}}remake{{else if .Status == 3}}trusted{{else if .Status == 4}}aplus{{end}}" >
{{ if User.HasAdmin() }}
<td class="tr-cb hide">
<input data-name="{{ .Name }}" type="checkbox" id="torrent_cb_{{ .ID }}" name="torrent_id" value="{{ .ID }}"/>
{{ end }}
<td class="tr-cat home-td">
<div class="nyaa-cat {{ if Sukebei() }}sukebei-cat-{{ .Category }}{{else}}nyaa-cat-{{end}}{{ .SubCategory}}">
<a href="{{ URL.Parse("/search?c="+.Category+"_"+ .SubCategory) }}" title="{{ T(CategoryName(.Category, .SubCategory)) }}" class="category">
{{if .Languages[0] != "" }}
<a href="{{ URL.Parse("/search?c="+.Category+"_"+ .SubCategory +"&lang=") }}{{ range key, language := .Languages }}{{ language }}{{ if len(.Languages) > 1 && (key+1) < len(.Languages) }},{{ end }}{{ end }}">
<img src="/img/blank.gif" alt="{{ range key, language := .Languages }}{{ LanguageNameFromCode(language, T) }}{{ if len(.Languages) > 1 && (key+1) < len(.Languages) }},{{ end }}{{ end }}" class="flag flag-{{ (len(.Languages) == 1) ? FlagCode(.Languages[0]) : "multiple" }}" title="{{ range key, language := .Languages }}{{ LanguageNameFromCode(language, T) }}{{ if len(.Languages) > 1 && (key+1) < len(.Languages) }},{{ end }}{{ end }}"/>
<td class="tr-name home-td" {{ if len(.Comments) == 0 }}colspan="2"{{ end }}>
<a href="/view/{{ .ID }}">
{{ if len(.Comments) > 0 }}
<td class="tr-cs home-td" title="{{len(.Comments)}} {{T("comments")}}">
<span class="comment-count" style="display:none">{{len(.Comments)}}</span>
<a href="/view/{{ .ID }}#comments" class="icon-chat"></a>
{{ end }}
<td class="tr-links home-td">
<a href="{{.Magnet}}" title="{{ T("magnet_link") }}">
<div class="icon-magnet"></div>
<a href="{{.TorrentLink}}" title="{{ T("torrent_file") }}" {{if !torrentFileExists(.Hash, .TorrentLink)}}class="hidden"{{end}}>
<div class="icon-floppy"></div>
<td class="tr-size home-td hide-xs">
{{ fileSize(.Filesize, T) }}
{{if .LastScrape.IsZero || formatDateRFC(.LastScrape) == "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}}
<td class="home-td hide-xs" colspan="3">{{ T("unknown")}}</td>
<td class="tr-se home-td hide-smol">{{.Seeders}}</td>
<td class="tr-le home-td hide-smol">{{.Leechers}}</td>
<td class="tr-dl home-td hide-xs">{{.Completed}}</td>
<td class="tr-date home-td date-short hide-xs">{{.Date}}</td>
{{ if User.HasAdmin() }}
<div class="modtools">
<button id="show_actions" class="form-input" data-toggle-text="{{ T("hide_mod_tools")}}">{{ T("show_mod_tools")}}</button>
<span class="actions">
<span class="btn-group">
<select class="cb_action" name="category_id" style="width: 14em;">
<option value="">{{ T("category")}}</option>
{{ range _, cat := GetCategories(true, true) }}
<option value="{{ cat.ID }}">{{ T(cat.Name) }}</option>
{{ end }}
<input class="cb_action" type="number" name="owner_id" style="width: 10em;" placeholder="{{ T("owner_id_placeholder") }}"/>
<select class="cb_action" name="status_id">
<option value="">{{ T("torrent_status")}}</option>
<option value="5">{{ T("torrent_status_blocked") }}</option>
<option value="1">{{ T("torrent_status_normal")}}</option>
<option value="2" >{{ T("torrent_status_remake")}}</option>
<option value="3">{{ T("trusted")}}</option>
<option value="4">A+</option>
<button class="cb_action form-input btn-orange" id="edit">{{ T("edit") }}</button>
<span class="btn-group">
<button class="cb_action form-input btn-red" id="lock_delete">{{ T("lock_delete") }}</button>
<button class="cb_action form-input btn-red" id="delete">{{ T("delete") }}</button>
<span class="btn-group">
<button class="cb_submit form-input btn-green" id="modal_active">{{ T("save_changes") }}</button>
{{ if !EUCookieLaw }}<div id="cookie-warning"><span id="cookie-warning-close" class="close">×</span>{{ T("cookie_warning")|raw }}</div>{{ end }}
<!-- Modal -->
<div id="modal_mod_tools" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="close">&times;</span>
<h2>{{ T("following_changes_applied") }}</h2>
<div class="modal-body">
<h3>{{ T("changes_in_following_order") }}</h3>
<div class="progress-bar" id="progress_modtool" style="display: none;">
<div class="progress-green"></div>
<div class="logs_mess" style="display: none;"></div>
<h2>{{ T("edit_changes") }}</h2>
<div class="edit_changes"></div>
<h2>{{ T("delete_changes") }}</h2>
<div class="delete_changes"></div>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button id="confirm_changes" onclick="TorrentsMod.ApplyChanges();">{{ T("yes")}}</button>
<button class="close" onclick="Modal.CloseActive();">{{ T("no")}}</button>
<h3>{{ T("are_you_sure") }} </h3>
{{ block footer_js()}}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/template.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/modal.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/torrents.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/translation.js") }}"></script>
{{ if User.HasAdmin() }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/torrentsMod.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// We add translations string
try_new_attempt: "{{ T("try_new_attempt") }}",
query_is_broken: "{{ T("query_is_broken") }}",
query_executed_success: "{{ T("query_executed_success") }}",
all_operations_done: "{{ T("all_operations_done") }}",
refreshing_in: "{{ T("refreshing_in") }}",
delete_reports_with_torrents: "{{ T("delete_reports_with_torrents") }}",
with_st: "{{ T("with_st") }}",
and_reports: "{{ T("and_reports") }}",
reports: "{{ T("reports") }}",
lock: "{{ T("lock") }}",
status_js: "{{ T("status_js") }}",
owner_id_js: "{{ T("owner_id_js") }}",
category_js: "{{ T("category_js") }}",
no_changes: "{{ T("no_changes") }}",
query_nb: "{{ T("query_nb") }}"
// Modal initialization
Modal.Init({elements: document.getElementsByClassName("modal"),
button: "#modal_active",
before: function() {
close: function() {
// Templates initialization
Templates.Add("torrents.delete.item", function(torrent) {
return '<div class="delete_item" id="list_item_''"><span>'+Templates.EncodeEntities('</span>'+
'<a href="#" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveItemFromQueue('+torrent.key+', '')"><i class="icon-trash"></i></a></div>'
Templates.Add("torrents.delete.block", function(torrentQuery){
return '<div class="delete_list" id="list_'+torrentQuery.unique_id+'"><div class="title">'+
'<h3 style="display:inline-block;" onclick="TorrentsMod.toggleList(this);">'+T.r("query_nb", torrentQuery.unique_id)+
'<span class="infos">'+torrentQuery.infos+'<a href="#" class="icon" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveFromQueue('+torrentQuery.key+')"><div class="icon-trash"></div></a>'+
'<div class="list">'+torrentQuery.list+'</div></div>';
Templates.Add("torrents.edit.item", function(torrent) {
return '<div class="edit_item" id="list_item_''"><span>'+Templates.EncodeEntities('</span>'+
'<a href="#" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveItemFromQueue('+torrent.key+', '')"><i class="icon-trash"></i></a></div>'
Templates.Add("torrents.edit.block", function(torrentQuery){
return '<div class="edit_list" id="list_'+torrentQuery.unique_id+'"><div class="title">'+
'<h3 style="display:inline-block;" onclick="TorrentsMod.toggleList(this);">'+T.r("query_nb", torrentQuery.unique_id)+
'<span class="infos">'+torrentQuery.infos+'<a href="#" class="icon" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveFromQueue('+torrentQuery.key+')"><div class="icon-trash"></div></a>'+
'<div class="list">'+torrentQuery.list+'</div></div>';
Templates.Add("torrents.logs.error", function(msg) {
return '<div class="error">'+msg+'</div>';
Templates.Add("torrents.logs.success", function(msg) {
return '<div class="success">'+msg+'</div>';
<!-- JS Template for torrents ajax -->
{{ include "layouts/partials/torrent_item" }}
<script type="text/javascript">
Torrents.LastID = {{ lastID(URL, Models) }};
if (Torrents.LastID > 0) Torrents.CanRefresh = true;