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akuma06 80ab45d81e New profile user menu (#761)
* Fixing user profile page

* Modified css rule word-break to break-word
* Modified torrents table in user page to look like home listing
* Made the button reset api look like a button according to actual
* Modified user menu to have the same spacing accross templates
* User menu is in another template file loaded dynamically

* Fixing the access to userprofile variable

* Menu needs to access the user profile with $.UserProfile
* User Notification template variable removed, instead using user
profile variable

* Reverting back theme flickering fix
2017-05-26 14:33:55 +02:00

181 lignes
11 Kio
Brut Annotations Historique

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{{define "profile_edit_content"}}
{{with .UserProfile}}
{{ range (index $.FormInfos "infos")}}
<div class="alert alert-info"><a class="panel-close close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></i> {{ . }}</div>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "errors")}}
<div class="alert alert-danger"><a class="panel-close close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></i> {{ . }}</div>
<h3>{{ call $.T "personal_info"}}</h3>
<div class="user-edit">
<form role="form" method="POST">
<label class="input-label">{{call $.T "api_token" }}:</label>
<p style="font-family: monospace;">{{.APIToken}}</p>
<a class="form-input" href="{{ genRoute "user_profile_apireset" "id" (print .ID) "username" .Username }}">Reset Api key</a>
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "email_address" }}:</label> <br>
<input class="form-input" type="text" name="email" id="email" value="{{.Email}}"> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "email")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "language"}}:</label> <br>
<select id="language" name="language" class="form-input">
{{ $userLanguage := .Language }}
{{ range $tag, $translatedName := $.Languages }}
<option value="{{ $tag }}" {{ if or (eq $userLanguage $tag) (and (eq $userLanguage "") (eq $tag getDefaultLanguage)) }}selected{{end}}>{{ $translatedName }} {{if eq $tag getDefaultLanguage}}({{ call $.T "default" }}){{end}}</option>
{{ end }}
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "language")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if not (HasAdmin $.User)}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "current_password"}}:</label> <br>
<input class="form-input" name="current_password" id="current_password" type="password"> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "current_password")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "password"}}:</label> <br>
<input class="form-input" name="password" id="password" type="password"> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "password")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "confirm_password"}}:</label> <br>
<input class="form-input" name="password_confirmation" id="password_confirmation" type="password"> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "password_confirmation")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
<h3>{{ call $.T "preferences"}}</h3>
{{ with .Settings }}
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_torrent"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_torrent_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_torrent" name="new_torrent" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_torrent") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_torrent" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_torrent")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_torrent_email"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_torrent_email_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_torrent_email" name="new_torrent_email" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_torrent_email") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_torrent_email"}}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_torrent_email")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_comment"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_comment_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_comment" name="new_comment" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_comment") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_comment" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_comment")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_comment_email"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_comment_email_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_comment_email" name="new_comment_email" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_comment_email") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_comment_email" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_comment_email")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_responses"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_responses_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_responses" name="new_responses" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_responses") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_responses" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_responses")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_responses_email"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_responses_email_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_responses_email" name="new_responses_email" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_responses_email") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_responses_email" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_responses_email")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_follower"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_follower_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_follower" name="new_follower" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_follower") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_follower" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_follower")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "new_follower_email"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "new_follower_email_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="new_follower_email" name="new_follower_email" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "new_follower_email") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "new_follower_email"}}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "new_follower_email")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "followed"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "followed_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="followed" name="followed" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "followed") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "followed" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "followed")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if DefaultUserSettings "followed_email"}}
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "followed_email_settings" }}:</label> <br>
<select id="followed_email" name="followed_email" class="form-control">
<option value="0" {{ if not (.Get "followed_email") }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "no"}}</option>
<option value="1" {{ if .Get "followed_email" }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "yes"}}</option>
</select> <br>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "followed_email")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
{{ if HasAdmin $.User}}
<h3>{{ call $.T "moderation"}}</h3>
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "username"}}:</label> <br>
<input class="form-control" name="username" id="username" type="text" value="{{.Username}}">
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "username")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
<label class="input-label">{{ call $.T "role" }}:</label>
<select id="status" name="status" class="form-control">
<option value="-1" {{ if eq .Status -1 }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "banned"}}</option>
<option value="0" {{ if eq .Status 0 }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "member"}} ({{ call $.T "default" }})</option>
<option value="1" {{ if eq .Status 1 }}selected{{end}}>{{ call $.T "trusted_member"}}</option>
{{ if eq .Status 2 }} <!-- just so that it shows correctly -->
<option value="2" selected>{{ call $.T "moderator"}}</option>
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "status")}}
<p class="text-error">{{ . }}</p>
<label class="input-label"></label>
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="save" value="{{ call $.T "save_changes"}}">
<input type="reset" class="btn btn-default" value="{{ call $.T "cancel"}}">
{{ if CurrentOrAdmin $.User .ID }}
<a href="{{ genRoute "user_profile" }}?delete" onclick="if (!confirm('{{ call $.T "delete_account_confirm" }}')) return false;" class="btn btn-danger btn-lg"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> {{ call $.T "delete_account"}}</a>