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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
akuma06 23210b0250 Report modal fix (#935)
* fix uploaderid when torrent is hidden

Added a new function template to generate a link for uploaders name
In the view we have the actual uploaderID and uploaderName now

* fix template.HTML to string conversion

* Add a modal for reporting

Replace the popup
Use of Modal.js
Include Captcha

* forgot a div end tag

* Moved modal at the end

* Updated translation missing %s

* Added an information message

New translation string

* Forgot %s

* wrong id check
2017-06-06 00:06:52 +02:00

169 lignes
Pas d'EOL
9,2 Kio
Brut Annotations Historique

Ce fichier contient des caractères Unicode ambigus.

Ce fichier contient des caractères Unicode qui peuvent être confondus avec d'autres caractères. Si vous pensez que c'est intentionnel, vous pouvez ignorer cet avertissement. Utilisez le bouton Échappe pour les dévoiler.

{{define "title"}}{{.Torrent.Name}}{{end}}
{{define "contclass"}}cont-view {{if eq .Torrent.Status 2}}remake{{end}} {{if eq .Torrent.Status 3}}trusted{{end}} {{if eq .Torrent.Status 4}}aplus{{end}}{{end}}
{{ define "make_treeview" }}
{{ range $index, $folder := .Folder.Folders }}
{{ $folderId := (print $.IdentifierChain "_" $index) }}
<tr class="tr-filelist tr-folder" style="--nest-level: {{ $.NestLevel }}">
<td><label for="contents_{{$folderId}}">{{$folder.FolderName}}</label></td>
<td>{{ fileSize $folder.TotalSize $.T }}</td>
<td colspan="2">
<input id="contents_{{$folderId}}" type="checkbox" class="filelist-checkbox">
<table class="table-filelist">
{{ template "make_treeview" (makeTreeViewData $folder (inc $.NestLevel) $.T $folderId) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Folder.Files }}
<tr class="tr-filelist tr-file" style="--nest-level: {{ $.NestLevel }}">
<td>{{fileSize .Filesize $.T}}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{define "content"}}
<div style="text-align: left;" class="box">
{{with .Torrent}}
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "errors")}}
<div class="alert alert-danger"><a class="panel-close close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></i> {{ . }}</div>
{{ range (index $.Infos "infos")}}
<div class="alert alert-info"><a class="panel-close close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></i> {{ . }}</div>
<div id="torrent-name" class="{{if eq .Status 2}}remake{{end}}
{{if eq .Status 3}}trusted{{end}}
{{if eq .Status 4}}aplus{{end}}">
<p style="text-align: center;" class="torrent-hr">{{.Name}}</p>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "category" }}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-data" style="padding:0"><a href="{{$.URL.Parse (printf "/search?c=%s_%s" .Category .SubCategory) }}">{{ if Sukebei}}{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}{{else}}{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}{{end}}</a> <br></td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "date" }}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td date-full">{{.Date}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "uploaded_by" }}:</td><td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{ genUploaderLink .UploaderID .UploaderName .Hidden }}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "seeders"}}:</td><td class="tr-se torrent-info-td">{{if .LastScrape.IsZero}}{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{else}}{{.Seeders}}{{end}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "website_link" }}:</td><td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{if ne .WebsiteLink ""}}<a href="{{.WebsiteLink}}">{{.WebsiteLink}}</a>{{else}}<a href="{{$.Config.WebAddress.Nyaa}}">{{GetHostname $.Config.WebAddress.Nyaa}}{{end}}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "leechers"}}:</td><td class="tr-le torrent-info-td">{{if .LastScrape.IsZero}}{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{else}}{{.Leechers}}{{end}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "hash"}}:</td><td style="font-family: monospace;" class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{.Hash}}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "completed"}}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td"><b>{{if .LastScrape.IsZero}}{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{else}}{{.Completed}}{{end}}</b></td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "size"}}:</td><td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{ fileSize .Filesize $.T }}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "last_scraped"}}</td><td class="torrent-info-td{{if not .LastScrape.IsZero}} date-full">{{formatDateRFC .LastScrape}}{{else}}">{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{end}}</td>
<div class="torrent-buttons">
<a href="{{.Magnet}}" class="form-input">{{call $.T "magnet_link"}}</a>
{{ if ne .TorrentLink ""}}
<a href="{{.TorrentLink}}" class="form-input">{{call $.T "torrent_file"}}</a>
{{ if gt $.User.ID 0}}
<a id="reportPopup" href="#" class="form-input">{{ call $.T "report_btn" }}</a>
{{ if HasAdmin $.User}}
<a href="{{ genRoute "mod_tdelete" }}?id={{ .ID }}" class="form-input" onclick="if (!confirm('{{ call $.T "are_you_sure" }}')) return false;">{{ call $.T "delete" }}</a>
<a href="{{ genRoute "mod_tedit" }}?id={{ .ID }}" class="form-input">{{ call $.T "edit" }}</a>
{{ else if CurrentUserIdentical $.User .UploaderID }}
<a href="{{ genRoute "user_torrent_delete" }}?id={{ .ID }}" class="form-input" onclick="if (!confirm('{{ call $.T "are_you_sure" }}')) return false;">{{ call $.T "delete" }}</a>
<a href="{{ genRoute "user_torrent_edit" }}?id={{ .ID }}" class="form-input">{{ call $.T "edit" }}</a>
<p class="torrent-hr">{{call $.T "description"}}</p>
{{ if ne .Description ""}}
<div id="description-box" class="torrent-info-box">{{.Description}}</div>
<p>{{ call $.T "no_description" }}</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="show-filelist">
<label class="torrent-hr filelist-control" for="show-filelist">{{call $.T "files"}}</label>
<div class="torrent-info-box" id="filelist">
{{ if gt (len .FileList) 0 }}
{{/* how do i concat lol */}}
<table class="table-filelist">
<th style="width: 80%">{{call $.T "filename"}}</th>
<th>{{call $.T "size"}}</th>
{{ template "make_treeview" (makeTreeViewData $.RootFolder 0 $.T "root") }}
{{ else }}
<p>{{ call $.T "no_files" }}</p>
{{ end }}
<p class="torrent-hr">{{call $.T "comments"}}</p>
{{range $index, $element := .Comments}}
<div class="torrent-info-box comment-box">
<span class="comment-index"><a href="#comment_{{inc $index}}">#{{inc $index}}</a><small style="padding-left: 4px;" class="date-short">{{formatDateRFC .Date}}</small></span>
<div style="margin-top: 10px" class="torrent-info-box">
<form method="post">
{{ block "csrf_field" $ }}{{end}}
<div class="comment-form">
<div class="comment-text">
<h3>{{ if gt .User.ID 0}} {{call $.T "submit_a_comment_as_username" .User.Username}} {{else}} {{call $.T "submit_a_comment_as_anonymous"}} {{end}}</h3>
<textarea style="height: 10rem;" placeholder="サンキュー" name="comment" class="form-input up-input"></textarea>
<div class="comment-captcha">
{{block "captcha" (makeCaptchaData .CaptchaID $.T)}}{{end}}
<button type="submit" class="form-input up-btn">{{call $.T "submit" }}</button>
{{ if gt $.User.ID 0 }}
<!-- Modal -->
<div id="modal_mod_tools" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<form method="post" action="/report/{{$.Torrent.ID}}">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="close">&times;</span>
<h2>{{ call $.T "report_torrent_number" (print $.Torrent.ID) }}</h2>
<div class="modal-body">
<h4>{{ call $.T "report_type" }}</h4>
{{ template "csrf_field" $ }}
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="illegal_content" id="illegal" required> <label for="illegal">{{ call $.T "illegal_content" }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="spam_garbage" id="spam" required> <label for="spam">{{ call $.T "spam_garbage" }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="wrong_category" id="wrongcat" required> <label for="wrongcat">{{ call $.T "wrong_category" }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="duplicate_deprecated" id="dup" required> <label for="dup">{{ call $.T "duplicate_deprecated" }}</label><br />
{{template "captcha" (makeCaptchaData $.CaptchaID $.T)}}
<div class="modal-footer">
<span><button id="confirm_changes" type="submit">{{ call $.T "yes"}}</button>
<button class="close" onclick="Modal.CloseActive();">{{ call $.T "no"}}</button></span>
<h3>{{ call $.T "are_you_sure" }} </h3>
{{ define "footer_js"}}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $.URL.Parse "/js/modal.js" }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Modal initialization
elements: document.getElementsByClassName("modal"),
button: "#reportPopup"