* Fix table on modpanel index * Fix actions on torrent report list page * Fix error reporting on modpanel templates * Convenience functions for modpanel Link to view page primarily and to edit page as a seperate link * Missing confirm before torrent deletion * Add edit button directly onto view page
94 lignes
3,2 Kio
94 lignes
3,2 Kio
package router
import (
var FuncMap = template.FuncMap{
"min": math.Min,
"genRoute": func(name string, params ...string) string {
url, err := Router.Get(name).URL(params...)
if err == nil {
return url.String()
return "error"
"genRouteWithQuery": func(name string, currentUrl *url.URL, params ...string) template.URL {
url, err := Router.Get(name).URL(params...)
if err == nil {
return template.URL(url.String() + "?" + currentUrl.RawQuery)
return "error"
"genViewTorrentRoute": func(torrent_id uint) string {
// Helper for when you have an uint while genRoute("view_torrent", ...) takes a string
// FIXME better solution?
s := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(torrent_id), 10)
url, err := Router.Get("view_torrent").URL("id", s)
if err == nil {
return url.String()
return "error"
"genNav": func(nav Navigation, currentUrl *url.URL, pagesSelectable int) template.HTML {
var ret = ""
if (nav.TotalItem > 0) {
maxPages := math.Ceil(float64(nav.TotalItem) / float64(nav.MaxItemPerPage))
if nav.CurrentPage-1 > 0 {
url, _ := Router.Get(nav.Route).URL("page", "1")
ret = ret + "<li><a id=\"page-prev\" href=\"" + url.String() + "?" + currentUrl.RawQuery + "\" aria-label=\"Previous\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">«</span></a></li>"
startValue := 1
if nav.CurrentPage > pagesSelectable/2 {
startValue = (int(math.Min((float64(nav.CurrentPage)+math.Floor(float64(pagesSelectable)/2)), maxPages)) - pagesSelectable + 1)
endValue := (startValue + pagesSelectable - 1)
if endValue > int(maxPages) {
endValue = int(maxPages)
for i := startValue; i <= endValue; i++ {
pageNum := strconv.Itoa(i)
url, _ := Router.Get(nav.Route).URL("page", pageNum)
ret = ret + "<li"
if i == nav.CurrentPage {
ret = ret + " class=\"active\""
ret = ret + "><a href=\"" + url.String() + "?" + currentUrl.RawQuery + "\">" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "</a></li>"
if nav.CurrentPage < int(maxPages) {
url, _ := Router.Get(nav.Route).URL("page", strconv.Itoa(nav.CurrentPage+1))
ret = ret + "<li><a id=\"page-next\" href=\"" + url.String() + "?" + currentUrl.RawQuery + "\" aria-label=\"Next\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">»</span></a></li>"
return template.HTML(ret)
"T": i18n.IdentityTfunc,
"Ts": i18n.IdentityTfunc,
"getAvatar": func(hash string, size int) string {
return "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" + hash + "?s=" + strconv.Itoa(size)
"CurrentOrAdmin": userPermission.CurrentOrAdmin,
"CurrentUserIdentical": userPermission.CurrentUserIdentical,
"HasAdmin": userPermission.HasAdmin,
"NeedsCaptcha": userPermission.NeedsCaptcha,
"GetRole": userPermission.GetRole,
"IsFollower": userPermission.IsFollower,
"NoEncode": func(str string) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(str)
"calcWidthSeed": func(seed uint32, leech uint32) float64 {
return float64(float64(seed)/(float64(seed)+float64(leech)))*100
"calcWidthLeech": func(seed uint32, leech uint32) float64 {
return float64(float64(leech)/(float64(seed)+float64(leech)))*100