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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
2017-05-10 13:52:13 +02:00

567 lignes
12 Kio

"id": "link",
"translation": "link"
"id": "verify_email_title",
"translation": "Verifica il tuo indirizzo email per Nyaapantsu."
"id": "verify_email_content",
"translation": "Please click below link to verify your email."
"id": "reset_password_title",
"translation": "Reset your password for goyangi."
"id": "reset_password_content",
"translation": "Please click below link to reset your password."
"translation": "Creating a new account"
"translation": "Please Sign Up <small>It's free and always will be.</small>"
"translation": "Username"
"translation": "Indirizzo Email o Username"
"translation": "Indirizzo Email"
"translation": "Password"
"translation": "Conferma Password"
"translation": "Accetto"
"translation": "By clicking <strong class=\"label label-primary\">Register</strong>, you agree to the <a href=\"#\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#t_and_c_m\">Terms and Conditions</a> set out by this site, including our Cookie Use."
"translation": "Sign In"
"translation": "Registrati"
"translation": "Terms and Conditions"
"translation": "Some Shit."
"translation": "Remember me"
"translation": "Dimenticato la password?"
"translation": "Please Sign In"
"translation": "Sign In"
"translation": "Sign Up Successful"
"translation": "Grazie per esserti registrato"
"translation": "<i style=\"color:limegreen\" class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle\"></i>Your account is now activated!"
"translation": "Finally, please check your mail inbox (and spam folder!) for the verification email."
"translation": "Registration was successful, you may now use your account."
"translation": "Settaggi Account"
"translation": "Torrents"
"translation": "Segui"
"translation": "Unfollow"
"translation": "You have followed %s!"
"translation": "You have unfollowed %s!"
"translation": "%s Pagina Profilo"
"translation": "See more torrents from %s "
"translation": "Categoria"
"id": "name",
"translation": "Nome"
"id": "date",
"translation": "Data"
"id": "size",
"translation": "Dimensione"
"id": "links",
"translation": "Links"
"id": "home",
"translation": "Home"
"id": "error_404",
"translation": "Errore 404"
"id": "toggle_navigation",
"translation": "Toggle navigation"
"id": "upload",
"translation": "Carica"
"id": "faq",
"translation": "FAQ"
"id": "fap",
"translation": "Fap"
"id": "advanced_search",
"translation": "Advanced Search"
"id": "nothing_here",
"translation": "Nothing Here."
"id": "404_not_found",
"translation": "404 Non Trovato"
"id": "no_torrents_uploaded",
"translation": "No torrents uploaded yet!"
"id": "profile",
"translation": "Profilo"
"id": "sign_out",
"translation": "Sign-out"
"id": "member",
"translation": "Membro"
"id": "sign_in",
"translation": "Sign In"
"id": "sign_up",
"translation": "Sign Up"
"id": "no_results_found",
"translation": "Nessun risultato trovato"
"id": "notice_keep_seeding",
"id": "official_nyaapocalipse_faq",
"translation": "Official Nyaapocalypse FAQ"
"id": "links_replacement_mirror",
"translation": "Links for the replacement/mirror"
"id": "what_happened",
"translation": "Cosa è successo?"
"id": "nyaa_se_went_offline",
"translation": " e i domini associati (come sono andati offline il 1° Maggio, 2017."
"id": "its_not_a_ddos",
"translation": "They were deactivated, so it's not a DDoS attack like usual."
"id": "future_not_looking_good",
"translation": "Future prospects for nyaa are not looking good. (It's dead)"
"id": "recovery_effort",
"translation": "There is a recovery effort taking place."
"id": "is_everything_lost",
"translation": "Is everything lost?"
"id": "in_short_no",
"translation": "In short, No."
"id": "are_some_things_lost",
"translation": "Are some things lost?"
"id": "answer_is_nyaa_db_lost",
"translation": "We have a database of the torrents on nyaa up to <s>April 5</s> May 1. That means almost nothing is lost."
"id": "answer_is_sukebei_db_lost",
"translation": "Sukebei, however might be in worse shape. Currently we only have sukebei databases up to 2016, but a newer database might be available for use."
"id": "how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "How are we recovering?"
"id": "answer_how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "The aforementioned databases are being hosted at and There is a search function, and (almost) full nyaa functionality should be coming soon. Seeder/leecher statistics are possible via scraping and might be restored sometime in the future, since other feature take priority right now."
"id": "are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "I torrent funzionano ancora?"
"id": "answer_are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "Even if the trackers are down, seeders are still connected to the decentralized DHT network. As long as the file is listed on the DHT network, business should carry on as usual."
"id": "how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "How do I download the torrents?"
"id": "answer_how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "Just use the <b>magnet link</b>. The magnet link will be used by your BitTorrent client to look up the file on the DHT network and it should download just fine."
"id": "magnet_link_should_look_like",
"translation": "The magnet link should look like this:"
"id": "which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "Which trackers do you recommend using?"
"id": "answer_which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "If your torrent upload is denied because of trackers you'll need to add some of these:"
"id": "how_can_i_help",
"translation": "Come posso aiutare?"
"id": "answer_how_can_i_help",
"translation": "If you have website development expertise, you can join the #nyaapantsu IRC channel on If you have any current databases, especially for sukebei, <b>UPLOAD THEM</b>."
"id": "your_design_sucks_found_a_bug",
"translation": "Il tuo design fa cagare / Ho trovato un bug"
"id": "why_written_in_go",
"translation": "Why is your shit written in Go?"
"id": "authors_favorite_language",
"translation": "It's the author's favorite programming language."
"id": "nyaa_pantsu_dont_host_files",
"translation": " and do not host any files."
"id": "upload_magnet",
"translation": "Carica magnet"
"id": "torrent_file",
"translation": "File Torrent"
"id": "uploading_file_prefills_fields",
"translation": "Uploading a torrent file allows pre-filling some fields, this is recommended."
"id": "magnet_link",
"translation": "Magnet Link"
"id": "all_categories",
"translation": "Tutte le categorie"
"id": "anime",
"translation": "Anime"
"id": "anime_amv",
"translation": "Anime - Anime Music Video"
"id": "anime_english_translated",
"translation": "Anime - English-translated"
"id": "anime_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Anime - Non-English-translated"
"id": "anime_raw",
"translation": "Anime - Raw"
"id": "audio",
"translation": "Audio"
"id": "audio_lossless",
"translation": "Audio - Lossless"
"id": "audio_lossy",
"translation": "Audio - Lossy"
"id": "literature",
"translation": "Letteratura"
"id": "literature_english_translated",
"translation": "Letteratura - Tradotta in Inglese"
"id": "literature_raw",
"translation": "Letteratura - Raw"
"id": "literature_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Letteratura - Tradotta in altre lingue"
"id": "live_action",
"translation": "Live Action"
"id": "live_action_english_translated",
"translation": "Live Action - English-translated"
"id": "live_action_idol_pv",
"translation": "Live Action - Idol/Promotional Video"
"id": "live_action_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Live Action - Non-English-translated"
"id": "live_action_raw",
"translation": "Live Action - Raw"
"id": "pictures",
"translation": "Pictures"
"id": "pictures_graphics",
"translation": "Pictures - Graphics"
"id": "pictures_photos",
"translation": "Pictures - Photos"
"id": "software",
"translation": "Software"
"id": "software_applications",
"translation": "Software - Applicazioni"
"id": "software_games",
"translation": "Software - Giochi"
"id": "torrent_description",
"translation": "Torrent Description"
"id": "description_markdown_notice",
"translation": "Markdown can be used in descriptions."
"id": "show_all",
"translation": "Mostra Tutto"
"id": "filter_remakes",
"translation": "Filter Remakes"
"id": "trusted",
"translation": "Trusted"
"id": "id",
"translation": "ID"
"id": "downloads",
"translation": "Downloads"
"id": "descending",
"translation": "Descending"
"id": "ascending",
"translation": "Ascending"
"id": "search",
"translation": "Ricerca"
"id": "hash",
"translation": "Hash"
"id": "description",
"translation": "Description"
"id": "comments",
"translation": "Comments"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_username",
"translation": "Submit a comment as %s"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_anonymous",
"translation": "Submit a comment as Anonymous"
"id": "submit",
"translation": "Submit"
"id": "personal_info",
"translation": "Informazioni Personali"
"id": "language",
"translation": "Linguaggio"
"id": "current_password",
"translation": "Password Attuale"
"id": "role",
"translation": "Ruolo"
"id": "banned",
"translation": "Bannato"
"id": "default",
"translation": "Default"
"id": "trusted_member",
"translation": "Membro Fidato"
"id": "moderator",
"translation": "Moderatore"
"id": "save_changes",
"translation": "Salva Cambiamenti"
"id": "profile_updated",
"translation": "Il tuo profilo è stato aggiornato correttamente!"
"id": "delete_account",
"translation": "Cancella Account"
"id": "delete_account_confirm",
"translation": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo account?"
"id": "delete_success",
"translation": "L'account è stato cancellato con successo!"