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akuma06 03ea72595d OAuth API [done] (#1275)
* Initial Commit for OAuth API

This builds and run and return the right error.
Need to test it and then adding all users as possible client

* Added mising dependency

* just compile already...

* Fixing template test

* Imrpovements

Moved db stuff in models
Added some tests
Added form in modpanel to add/update a client
Added controllers for add/update of client

* Added Forms + speed improvements

Controller oauth client listing + html
Controller oauth client delete + messages
Messages on comment delete
New ES config that disable ES if set to false. Improve load speed on local development
Fix a load config bug
Fix index admin & translation string sign_out broken by @ewhal

* Sanitize empty strig in form array + css

Multiple empty array of strings are sanitized for the oauth client create form
Added some css for the form display

* Upload and Create form works

* Fix splitting response types

* Removing required on secret when updating

* fix travis error

* Fix travis template test

* Update dependency

* Moved to jinzhu instead of azhao

* randomizen secret on creation

* Final touch on oath api

improved display name
fix grant form csrf
fix login csrf on oauth

* Fix gorm test

* fix template test

* Fixing deleted dependency issue

* Make travis faster

* Fix typo

* Fix csrf for api calls

* This shouldn't be exempt

* Removing hard coded hash

@ewhal Don't forget to replace the hash in tokens.go with another one

* Added an example on how to use OAuth middleware

* Renamed fosite utils to oauth2 utils
2017-07-28 13:46:40 +10:00

1267 lignes
36 Kio

// Package gorequest inspired by Nodejs SuperAgent provides easy-way to write http client
package gorequest
import (
type Request *http.Request
type Response *http.Response
// HTTP methods we support
const (
// A SuperAgent is a object storing all request data for client.
type SuperAgent struct {
Url string
Method string
Header map[string]string
TargetType string
ForceType string
Data map[string]interface{}
SliceData []interface{}
FormData url.Values
QueryData url.Values
FileData []File
BounceToRawString bool
RawString string
Client *http.Client
Transport *http.Transport
Cookies []*http.Cookie
Errors []error
BasicAuth struct{ Username, Password string }
Debug bool
CurlCommand bool
logger Logger
Retryable struct {
RetryableStatus []int
RetryerTime time.Duration
RetryerCount int
Attempt int
Enable bool
var DisableTransportSwap = false
// Used to create a new SuperAgent object.
func New() *SuperAgent {
cookiejarOptions := cookiejar.Options{
PublicSuffixList: publicsuffix.List,
jar, _ := cookiejar.New(&cookiejarOptions)
debug := os.Getenv("GOREQUEST_DEBUG") == "1"
s := &SuperAgent{
TargetType: "json",
Data: make(map[string]interface{}),
Header: make(map[string]string),
RawString: "",
SliceData: []interface{}{},
FormData: url.Values{},
QueryData: url.Values{},
FileData: make([]File, 0),
BounceToRawString: false,
Client: &http.Client{Jar: jar},
Transport: &http.Transport{},
Cookies: make([]*http.Cookie, 0),
Errors: nil,
BasicAuth: struct{ Username, Password string }{},
Debug: debug,
CurlCommand: false,
logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "[gorequest]", log.LstdFlags),
// disable keep alives by default, see this issue
s.Transport.DisableKeepAlives = true
return s
// Enable the debug mode which logs request/response detail
func (s *SuperAgent) SetDebug(enable bool) *SuperAgent {
s.Debug = enable
return s
// Enable the curlcommand mode which display a CURL command line
func (s *SuperAgent) SetCurlCommand(enable bool) *SuperAgent {
s.CurlCommand = enable
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) SetLogger(logger Logger) *SuperAgent {
s.logger = logger
return s
// Clear SuperAgent data for another new request.
func (s *SuperAgent) ClearSuperAgent() {
s.Url = ""
s.Method = ""
s.Header = make(map[string]string)
s.Data = make(map[string]interface{})
s.SliceData = []interface{}{}
s.FormData = url.Values{}
s.QueryData = url.Values{}
s.FileData = make([]File, 0)
s.BounceToRawString = false
s.RawString = ""
s.ForceType = ""
s.TargetType = "json"
s.Cookies = make([]*http.Cookie, 0)
s.Errors = nil
// Just a wrapper to initialize SuperAgent instance by method string
func (s *SuperAgent) CustomMethod(method, targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
switch method {
case POST:
return s.Post(targetUrl)
case GET:
return s.Get(targetUrl)
case HEAD:
return s.Head(targetUrl)
case PUT:
return s.Put(targetUrl)
case DELETE:
return s.Delete(targetUrl)
case PATCH:
return s.Patch(targetUrl)
return s.Options(targetUrl)
s.Method = method
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Get(targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
s.Method = GET
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Post(targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
s.Method = POST
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Head(targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
s.Method = HEAD
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Put(targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
s.Method = PUT
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Delete(targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
s.Method = DELETE
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Patch(targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
s.Method = PATCH
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Options(targetUrl string) *SuperAgent {
s.Method = OPTIONS
s.Url = targetUrl
s.Errors = nil
return s
// Set is used for setting header fields.
// Example. To set `Accept` as `application/json`
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/gamelist").
// Set("Accept", "application/json").
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) Set(param string, value string) *SuperAgent {
s.Header[param] = value
return s
// Retryable is used for setting a Retryer policy
// Example. To set Retryer policy with 5 seconds between each attempt.
// 3 max attempt.
// And StatusBadRequest and StatusInternalServerError as RetryableStatus
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/gamelist").
// Retry(3, 5 * time.seconds, http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusInternalServerError).
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) Retry(retryerCount int, retryerTime time.Duration, statusCode *SuperAgent {
for _, code := range statusCode {
statusText := http.StatusText(code)
if len(statusText) == 0 {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, errors.New("StatusCode '"+strconv.Itoa(code)+"' doesn't exist in http package"))
s.Retryable = struct {
RetryableStatus []int
RetryerTime time.Duration
RetryerCount int
Attempt int
Enable bool
return s
// SetBasicAuth sets the basic authentication header
// Example. To set the header for username "myuser" and password "mypass"
// gorequest.New()
// Post("/gamelist").
// SetBasicAuth("myuser", "mypass").
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) SetBasicAuth(username string, password string) *SuperAgent {
s.BasicAuth = struct{ Username, Password string }{username, password}
return s
// AddCookie adds a cookie to the request. The behavior is the same as AddCookie on Request from net/http
func (s *SuperAgent) AddCookie(c *http.Cookie) *SuperAgent {
s.Cookies = append(s.Cookies, c)
return s
// AddCookies is a convenient method to add multiple cookies
func (s *SuperAgent) AddCookies(cookies []*http.Cookie) *SuperAgent {
s.Cookies = append(s.Cookies, cookies...)
return s
var Types = map[string]string{
"html": "text/html",
"json": "application/json",
"xml": "application/xml",
"text": "text/plain",
"urlencoded": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"form": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"form-data": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"multipart": "multipart/form-data",
// Type is a convenience function to specify the data type to send.
// For example, to send data as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` :
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/recipe").
// Type("form").
// Send(`{ "name": "egg benedict", "category": "brunch" }`).
// End()
// This will POST the body "name=egg benedict&category=brunch" to url /recipe
// GoRequest supports
// "text/html" uses "html"
// "application/json" uses "json"
// "application/xml" uses "xml"
// "text/plain" uses "text"
// "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" uses "urlencoded", "form" or "form-data"
func (s *SuperAgent) Type(typeStr string) *SuperAgent {
if _, ok := Types[typeStr]; ok {
s.ForceType = typeStr
} else {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, errors.New("Type func: incorrect type \""+typeStr+"\""))
return s
// Query function accepts either json string or strings which will form a query-string in url of GET method or body of POST method.
// For example, making "/search?query=bicycle&size=50x50&weight=20kg" using GET method:
// gorequest.New().
// Get("/search").
// Query(`{ query: 'bicycle' }`).
// Query(`{ size: '50x50' }`).
// Query(`{ weight: '20kg' }`).
// End()
// Or you can put multiple json values:
// gorequest.New().
// Get("/search").
// Query(`{ query: 'bicycle', size: '50x50', weight: '20kg' }`).
// End()
// Strings are also acceptable:
// gorequest.New().
// Get("/search").
// Query("query=bicycle&size=50x50").
// Query("weight=20kg").
// End()
// Or even Mixed! :)
// gorequest.New().
// Get("/search").
// Query("query=bicycle").
// Query(`{ size: '50x50', weight:'20kg' }`).
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) Query(content interface{}) *SuperAgent {
switch v := reflect.ValueOf(content); v.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Struct:
case reflect.Map:
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) queryStruct(content interface{}) *SuperAgent {
if marshalContent, err := json.Marshal(content); err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
} else {
var val map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(marshalContent, &val); err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
} else {
for k, v := range val {
k = strings.ToLower(k)
var queryVal string
switch t := v.(type) {
case string:
queryVal = t
case float64:
queryVal = strconv.FormatFloat(t, 'f', -1, 64)
case time.Time:
queryVal = t.Format(time.RFC3339)
j, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
queryVal = string(j)
s.QueryData.Add(k, queryVal)
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) queryString(content string) *SuperAgent {
var val map[string]string
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(content), &val); err == nil {
for k, v := range val {
s.QueryData.Add(k, v)
} else {
if queryData, err := url.ParseQuery(content); err == nil {
for k, queryValues := range queryData {
for _, queryValue := range queryValues {
s.QueryData.Add(k, string(queryValue))
} else {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
// TODO: need to check correct format of 'field=val&field=val&...'
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) queryMap(content interface{}) *SuperAgent {
return s.queryStruct(content)
// As Go conventions accepts ; as a synonym for &. (
// Thus, Query won't accept ; in a querystring if we provide something like fields=f1;f2;f3
// This Param is then created as an alternative method to solve this.
func (s *SuperAgent) Param(key string, value string) *SuperAgent {
s.QueryData.Add(key, value)
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) Timeout(timeout time.Duration) *SuperAgent {
s.Transport.Dial = func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
conn, err := net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
return nil, err
return conn, nil
return s
// Set TLSClientConfig for underling Transport.
// One example is you can use it to disable security check (https):
// gorequest.New().TLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: true}).
// Get("").
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) TLSClientConfig(config *tls.Config) *SuperAgent {
s.Transport.TLSClientConfig = config
return s
// Proxy function accepts a proxy url string to setup proxy url for any request.
// It provides a convenience way to setup proxy which have advantages over usual old ways.
// One example is you might try to set `http_proxy` environment. This means you are setting proxy up for all the requests.
// You will not be able to send different request with different proxy unless you change your `http_proxy` environment again.
// Another example is using Golang proxy setting. This is normal prefer way to do but too verbase compared to GoRequest's Proxy:
// gorequest.New().Proxy("http://myproxy:9999").
// Post("").
// End()
// To set no_proxy, just put empty string to Proxy func:
// gorequest.New().Proxy("").
// Post("").
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) Proxy(proxyUrl string) *SuperAgent {
parsedProxyUrl, err := url.Parse(proxyUrl)
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
} else if proxyUrl == "" {
s.Transport.Proxy = nil
} else {
s.Transport.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(parsedProxyUrl)
return s
// RedirectPolicy accepts a function to define how to handle redirects. If the
// policy function returns an error, the next Request is not made and the previous
// request is returned.
// The policy function's arguments are the Request about to be made and the
// past requests in order of oldest first.
func (s *SuperAgent) RedirectPolicy(policy func(req Request, via []Request) error) *SuperAgent {
s.Client.CheckRedirect = func(r *http.Request, v []*http.Request) error {
vv := make([]Request, len(v))
for i, r := range v {
vv[i] = Request(r)
return policy(Request(r), vv)
return s
// Send function accepts either json string or query strings which is usually used to assign data to POST or PUT method.
// Without specifying any type, if you give Send with json data, you are doing requesting in json format:
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/search").
// Send(`{ query: 'sushi' }`).
// End()
// While if you use at least one of querystring, GoRequest understands and automatically set the Content-Type to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/search").
// Send("query=tonkatsu").
// End()
// So, if you want to strictly send json format, you need to use Type func to set it as `json` (Please see more details in Type function).
// You can also do multiple chain of Send:
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/search").
// Send("query=bicycle&size=50x50").
// Send(`{ wheel: '4'}`).
// End()
// From v0.2.0, Send function provide another convenience way to work with Struct type. You can mix and match it with json and query string:
// type BrowserVersionSupport struct {
// Chrome string
// Firefox string
// }
// ver := BrowserVersionSupport{ Chrome: "37.0.2041.6", Firefox: "30.0" }
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/update_version").
// Send(ver).
// Send(`{"Safari":"5.1.10"}`).
// End()
// If you have set Type to text or Content-Type to text/plain, content will be sent as raw string in body instead of form
// gorequest.New().
// Post("/greet").
// Type("text").
// Send("hello world").
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) Send(content interface{}) *SuperAgent {
// TODO: add normal text mode or other mode to Send func
switch v := reflect.ValueOf(content); v.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: // includes rune
s.SendString(strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10))
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: // includes byte
s.SendString(strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10))
case reflect.Float64:
s.SendString(strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', -1, 64))
case reflect.Float32:
s.SendString(strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', -1, 32))
case reflect.Bool:
case reflect.Struct:
case reflect.Slice:
case reflect.Array:
case reflect.Ptr:
case reflect.Map:
// TODO: leave default for handling other types in the future, such as complex numbers, (nested) maps, etc
return s
return s
func makeSliceOfReflectValue(v reflect.Value) (slice []interface{}) {
kind := v.Kind()
if kind != reflect.Slice && kind != reflect.Array {
return slice
slice = make([]interface{}, v.Len())
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
slice[i] = v.Index(i).Interface()
return slice
// SendSlice (similar to SendString) returns SuperAgent's itself for any next chain and takes content []interface{} as a parameter.
// Its duty is to append slice of interface{} into s.SliceData ([]interface{}) which later changes into json array in the End() func.
func (s *SuperAgent) SendSlice(content []interface{}) *SuperAgent {
s.SliceData = append(s.SliceData, content...)
return s
func (s *SuperAgent) SendMap(content interface{}) *SuperAgent {
return s.SendStruct(content)
// SendStruct (similar to SendString) returns SuperAgent's itself for any next chain and takes content interface{} as a parameter.
// Its duty is to transfrom interface{} (implicitly always a struct) into s.Data (map[string]interface{}) which later changes into appropriate format such as json, form, text, etc. in the End() func.
func (s *SuperAgent) SendStruct(content interface{}) *SuperAgent {
if marshalContent, err := json.Marshal(content); err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
} else {
var val map[string]interface{}
d := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(marshalContent))
if err := d.Decode(&val); err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
} else {
for k, v := range val {
s.Data[k] = v
return s
// SendString returns SuperAgent's itself for any next chain and takes content string as a parameter.
// Its duty is to transform String into s.Data (map[string]interface{}) which later changes into appropriate format such as json, form, text, etc. in the End func.
// Send implicitly uses SendString and you should use Send instead of this.
func (s *SuperAgent) SendString(content string) *SuperAgent {
if !s.BounceToRawString {
var val interface{}
d := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(content))
if err := d.Decode(&val); err == nil {
switch v := reflect.ValueOf(val); v.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
for k, v := range val.(map[string]interface{}) {
s.Data[k] = v
// add to SliceData
case reflect.Slice:
// bounce to rawstring if it is arrayjson, or others
s.BounceToRawString = true
} else if formData, err := url.ParseQuery(content); err == nil {
for k, formValues := range formData {
for _, formValue := range formValues {
// make it array if already have key
if val, ok := s.Data[k]; ok {
var strArray []string
strArray = append(strArray, string(formValue))
// check if previous data is one string or array
switch oldValue := val.(type) {
case []string:
strArray = append(strArray, oldValue...)
case string:
strArray = append(strArray, oldValue)
s.Data[k] = strArray
} else {
// make it just string if does not already have same key
s.Data[k] = formValue
s.TargetType = "form"
} else {
s.BounceToRawString = true
// Dump all contents to RawString in case in the end user doesn't want json or form.
s.RawString += content
return s
type File struct {
Filename string
Fieldname string
Data []byte
// SendFile function works only with type "multipart". The function accepts one mandatory and up to two optional arguments. The mandatory (first) argument is the file.
// The function accepts a path to a file as string:
// gorequest.New().
// Post("").
// Type("multipart").
// SendFile("./example_file.ext").
// End()
// File can also be a []byte slice of a already file read by eg. ioutil.ReadFile:
// b, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("./example_file.ext")
// gorequest.New().
// Post("").
// Type("multipart").
// SendFile(b).
// End()
// Furthermore file can also be a os.File:
// f, _ := os.Open("./example_file.ext")
// gorequest.New().
// Post("").
// Type("multipart").
// SendFile(f).
// End()
// The first optional argument (second argument overall) is the filename, which will be automatically determined when file is a string (path) or a os.File.
// When file is a []byte slice, filename defaults to "filename". In all cases the automatically determined filename can be overwritten:
// b, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("./example_file.ext")
// gorequest.New().
// Post("").
// Type("multipart").
// SendFile(b, "my_custom_filename").
// End()
// The second optional argument (third argument overall) is the fieldname in the multipart/form-data request. It defaults to fileNUMBER (eg. file1), where number is ascending and starts counting at 1.
// So if you send multiple files, the fieldnames will be file1, file2, ... unless it is overwritten. If fieldname is set to "file" it will be automatically set to fileNUMBER, where number is the greatest exsiting number+1.
// b, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("./example_file.ext")
// gorequest.New().
// Post("").
// Type("multipart").
// SendFile(b, "", "my_custom_fieldname"). // filename left blank, will become "example_file.ext"
// End()
func (s *SuperAgent) SendFile(file interface{}, args ...string) *SuperAgent {
filename := ""
fieldname := "file"
if len(args) >= 1 && len(args[0]) > 0 {
filename = strings.TrimSpace(args[0])
if len(args) >= 2 && len(args[1]) > 0 {
fieldname = strings.TrimSpace(args[1])
if fieldname == "file" || fieldname == "" {
fieldname = "file" + strconv.Itoa(len(s.FileData)+1)
switch v := reflect.ValueOf(file); v.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
pathToFile, err := filepath.Abs(v.String())
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
return s
if filename == "" {
filename = filepath.Base(pathToFile)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(v.String())
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
return s
s.FileData = append(s.FileData, File{
Filename: filename,
Fieldname: fieldname,
Data: data,
case reflect.Slice:
slice := makeSliceOfReflectValue(v)
if filename == "" {
filename = "filename"
f := File{
Filename: filename,
Fieldname: fieldname,
Data: make([]byte, len(slice)),
for i := range slice {
f.Data[i] = slice[i].(byte)
s.FileData = append(s.FileData, f)
case reflect.Ptr:
if len(args) == 1 {
return s.SendFile(v.Elem().Interface(), args[0])
if len(args) >= 2 {
return s.SendFile(v.Elem().Interface(), args[0], args[1])
return s.SendFile(v.Elem().Interface())
if v.Type() == reflect.TypeOf(os.File{}) {
osfile := v.Interface().(os.File)
if filename == "" {
filename = filepath.Base(osfile.Name())
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(osfile.Name())
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
return s
s.FileData = append(s.FileData, File{
Filename: filename,
Fieldname: fieldname,
Data: data,
return s
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, errors.New("SendFile currently only supports either a string (path/to/file), a slice of bytes (file content itself), or a os.File!"))
return s
func changeMapToURLValues(data map[string]interface{}) url.Values {
var newUrlValues = url.Values{}
for k, v := range data {
switch val := v.(type) {
case string:
newUrlValues.Add(k, val)
case bool:
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatBool(val))
// if a number, change to string
// json.Number used to protect against a wrong (for GoRequest) default conversion
// which always converts number to float64.
// This type is caused by using Decoder.UseNumber()
case json.Number:
newUrlValues.Add(k, string(val))
case int:
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
// TODO add all other int-Types (int8, int16, ...)
case float64:
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(val), 'f', -1, 64))
case float32:
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(val), 'f', -1, 64))
// following slices are mostly needed for tests
case []string:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, element)
case []int:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatInt(int64(element), 10))
case []bool:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatBool(element))
case []float64:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(element), 'f', -1, 64))
case []float32:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(element), 'f', -1, 64))
// these slices are used in practice like sending a struct
case []interface{}:
if len(val) <= 0 {
switch val[0].(type) {
case string:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, element.(string))
case bool:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, strconv.FormatBool(element.(bool)))
case json.Number:
for _, element := range val {
newUrlValues.Add(k, string(element.(json.Number)))
// TODO add ptr, arrays, ...
return newUrlValues
// End is the most important function that you need to call when ending the chain. The request won't proceed without calling it.
// End function returns Response which matchs the structure of Response type in Golang's http package (but without Body data). The body data itself returns as a string in a 2nd return value.
// Lastly but worth noticing, error array (NOTE: not just single error value) is returned as a 3rd value and nil otherwise.
// For example:
// resp, body, errs := gorequest.New().Get("").End()
// if (errs != nil) {
// fmt.Println(errs)
// }
// fmt.Println(resp, body)
// Moreover, End function also supports callback which you can put as a parameter.
// This extends the flexibility and makes GoRequest fun and clean! You can use GoRequest in whatever style you love!
// For example:
// func printBody(resp gorequest.Response, body string, errs []error){
// fmt.Println(resp.Status)
// }
// gorequest.New().Get("").End(printBody)
func (s *SuperAgent) End(callback ...func(response Response, body string, errs []error)) (Response, string, []error) {
var bytesCallback []func(response Response, body []byte, errs []error)
if len(callback) > 0 {
bytesCallback = []func(response Response, body []byte, errs []error){
func(response Response, body []byte, errs []error) {
callback[0](response, string(body), errs)
resp, body, errs := s.EndBytes(bytesCallback...)
bodyString := string(body)
return resp, bodyString, errs
// EndBytes should be used when you want the body as bytes. The callbacks work the same way as with `End`, except that a byte array is used instead of a string.
func (s *SuperAgent) EndBytes(callback ...func(response Response, body []byte, errs []error)) (Response, []byte, []error) {
var (
errs []error
resp Response
body []byte
for {
resp, body, errs = s.getResponseBytes()
if errs != nil {
return nil, nil, errs
if s.isRetryableRequest(resp) {
resp.Header.Set("Retry-Count", strconv.Itoa(s.Retryable.Attempt))
respCallback := *resp
if len(callback) != 0 {
callback[0](&respCallback, body, s.Errors)
return resp, body, nil
func (s *SuperAgent) isRetryableRequest(resp Response) bool {
if s.Retryable.Enable && s.Retryable.Attempt < s.Retryable.RetryerCount && contains(resp.StatusCode, s.Retryable.RetryableStatus) {
return false
return true
func contains(respStatus int, statuses []int) bool {
for _, status := range statuses {
if status == respStatus {
return true
return false
// EndStruct should be used when you want the body as a struct. The callbacks work the same way as with `End`, except that a struct is used instead of a string.
func (s *SuperAgent) EndStruct(v interface{}, callback ...func(response Response, v interface{}, body []byte, errs []error)) (Response, []byte, []error) {
resp, body, errs := s.EndBytes()
if errs != nil {
return nil, body, errs
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &v)
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
return resp, body, s.Errors
respCallback := *resp
if len(callback) != 0 {
callback[0](&respCallback, v, body, s.Errors)
return resp, body, nil
func (s *SuperAgent) getResponseBytes() (Response, []byte, []error) {
var (
req *http.Request
err error
resp Response
// check whether there is an error. if yes, return all errors
if len(s.Errors) != 0 {
return nil, nil, s.Errors
// check if there is forced type
switch s.ForceType {
case "json", "form", "xml", "text", "multipart":
s.TargetType = s.ForceType
// If forcetype is not set, check whether user set Content-Type header.
// If yes, also bounce to the correct supported TargetType automatically.
for k, v := range Types {
if s.Header["Content-Type"] == v {
s.TargetType = k
// if slice and map get mixed, let's bounce to rawstring
if len(s.Data) != 0 && len(s.SliceData) != 0 {
s.BounceToRawString = true
// Make Request
req, err = s.MakeRequest()
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
return nil, nil, s.Errors
// Set Transport
if !DisableTransportSwap {
s.Client.Transport = s.Transport
// Log details of this request
if s.Debug {
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(req, true)
s.logger.SetPrefix("[http] ")
if err != nil {
s.logger.Println("Error:", err)
} else {
s.logger.Printf("HTTP Request: %s", string(dump))
// Display CURL command line
if s.CurlCommand {
curl, err := http2curl.GetCurlCommand(req)
s.logger.SetPrefix("[curl] ")
if err != nil {
s.logger.Println("Error:", err)
} else {
s.logger.Printf("CURL command line: %s", curl)
// Send request
resp, err = s.Client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
s.Errors = append(s.Errors, err)
return nil, nil, s.Errors
defer resp.Body.Close()
// Log details of this response
if s.Debug {
dump, err := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)
if nil != err {
s.logger.Println("Error:", err)
} else {
s.logger.Printf("HTTP Response: %s", string(dump))
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
// Reset resp.Body so it can be use again
resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
return resp, body, nil
func (s *SuperAgent) MakeRequest() (*http.Request, error) {
var (
req *http.Request
contentType string // This is only set when the request body content is non-empty.
contentReader io.Reader
err error
if s.Method == "" {
return nil, errors.New("No method specified")
// !!! Important Note !!!
// Throughout this region, contentReader and contentType are only set when
// the contents will be non-empty.
// This is done avoid ever sending a non-nil request body with nil contents
// to http.NewRequest, because it contains logic which dependends on
// whether or not the body is "nil".
// See PR #136 for more information:
if s.TargetType == "json" {
// If-case to give support to json array. we check if
// 1) Map only: send it as json map from s.Data
// 2) Array or Mix of map & array or others: send it as rawstring from s.RawString
var contentJson []byte
if s.BounceToRawString {
contentJson = []byte(s.RawString)
} else if len(s.Data) != 0 {
contentJson, _ = json.Marshal(s.Data)
} else if len(s.SliceData) != 0 {
contentJson, _ = json.Marshal(s.SliceData)
if contentJson != nil {
contentReader = bytes.NewReader(contentJson)
contentType = "application/json"
} else if s.TargetType == "form" || s.TargetType == "form-data" || s.TargetType == "urlencoded" {
var contentForm []byte
if s.BounceToRawString || len(s.SliceData) != 0 {
contentForm = []byte(s.RawString)
} else {
formData := changeMapToURLValues(s.Data)
contentForm = []byte(formData.Encode())
if len(contentForm) != 0 {
contentReader = bytes.NewReader(contentForm)
contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
} else if s.TargetType == "text" {
if len(s.RawString) != 0 {
contentReader = strings.NewReader(s.RawString)
contentType = "text/plain"
} else if s.TargetType == "xml" {
if len(s.RawString) != 0 {
contentReader = strings.NewReader(s.RawString)
contentType = "application/xml"
} else if s.TargetType == "multipart" {
var (
buf = &bytes.Buffer{}
mw = multipart.NewWriter(buf)
if s.BounceToRawString {
fieldName, ok := s.Header["data_fieldname"]
if !ok {
fieldName = "data"
fw, _ := mw.CreateFormField(fieldName)
contentReader = buf
if len(s.Data) != 0 {
formData := changeMapToURLValues(s.Data)
for key, values := range formData {
for _, value := range values {
fw, _ := mw.CreateFormField(key)
contentReader = buf
if len(s.SliceData) != 0 {
fieldName, ok := s.Header["json_fieldname"]
if !ok {
fieldName = "data"
// copied from CreateFormField() in mime/multipart/writer.go
h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
fieldName = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(fieldName, "\\", "\\\\", -1), `"`, "\\\"", -1)
h.Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`form-data; name="%s"`, fieldName))
h.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
fw, _ := mw.CreatePart(h)
contentJson, err := json.Marshal(s.SliceData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contentReader = buf
// add the files
if len(s.FileData) != 0 {
for _, file := range s.FileData {
fw, _ := mw.CreateFormFile(file.Fieldname, file.Filename)
contentReader = buf
// close before call to FormDataContentType ! otherwise its not valid multipart
if contentReader != nil {
contentType = mw.FormDataContentType()
} else {
// let's return an error instead of an nil pointer exception here
return nil, errors.New("TargetType '" + s.TargetType + "' could not be determined")
if req, err = http.NewRequest(s.Method, s.Url, contentReader); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(contentType) != 0 {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", contentType)
for k, v := range s.Header {
req.Header.Set(k, v)
// Setting the host header is a special case, see this issue:
if strings.EqualFold(k, "host") {
req.Host = v
// Add all querystring from Query func
q := req.URL.Query()
for k, v := range s.QueryData {
for _, vv := range v {
q.Add(k, vv)
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
// Add basic auth
if s.BasicAuth != struct{ Username, Password string }{} {
req.SetBasicAuth(s.BasicAuth.Username, s.BasicAuth.Password)
// Add cookies
for _, cookie := range s.Cookies {
return req, nil
// AsCurlCommand returns a string representing the runnable `curl' command
// version of the request.
func (s *SuperAgent) AsCurlCommand() (string, error) {
req, err := s.MakeRequest()
if err != nil {
return "", err
cmd, err := http2curl.GetCurlCommand(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return cmd.String(), nil