I managed to screw up in the last update. Normal is 0 and remake is 1, so that makes the "goodness" order of statuses non-monotonic, so I can't use the greater sign for filtering out remakes...
197 lignes
Pas d'EOL
5 Kio
197 lignes
Pas d'EOL
5 Kio
package search
import (
var searchOperator string
func Configure(conf *config.SearchConfig) (err error) {
// SQLite has case-insensitive LIKE, but no ILIKE
if db.ORM.Dialect().GetName() == "sqlite3" {
searchOperator = "LIKE ?"
} else {
searchOperator = "ILIKE ?"
func SearchByQuery(r *http.Request, pagenum int) (search common.SearchParam, tor []model.Torrent, count int, err error) {
search, tor, count, err = searchByQuery(r, pagenum, true)
func SearchByQueryNoCount(r *http.Request, pagenum int) (search common.SearchParam, tor []model.Torrent, err error) {
search, tor, _, err = searchByQuery(r, pagenum, false)
func searchByQuery(r *http.Request, pagenum int, countAll bool) (
search common.SearchParam, tor []model.Torrent, count int, err error,
) {
max, err := strconv.ParseUint(r.URL.Query().Get("max"), 10, 32)
if err != nil {
max = 50 // default Value maxPerPage
} else if max > 300 {
max = 300
search.Max = uint(max)
search.Page = pagenum
search.Query = r.URL.Query().Get("q")
userID, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("userID"))
search.UserID = uint(userID)
switch s := r.URL.Query().Get("s"); s {
case "1":
search.Status = common.FilterRemakes
case "2":
search.Status = common.Trusted
case "3":
search.Status = common.APlus
catString := r.URL.Query().Get("c")
if s := catString; len(s) > 1 && s != "_" {
var tmp uint64
tmp, err = strconv.ParseUint(string(s[0]), 10, 8)
if err != nil {
search.Category.Main = uint8(tmp)
if len(s) == 3 {
tmp, err = strconv.ParseUint(string(s[2]), 10, 8)
if err != nil {
search.Category.Sub = uint8(tmp)
orderBy := ""
switch s := r.URL.Query().Get("sort"); s {
case "1":
search.Sort = common.Name
orderBy += "torrent_name"
case "2":
search.Sort = common.Date
orderBy += "date"
case "3":
search.Sort = common.Downloads
orderBy += "downloads"
case "4":
search.Sort = common.Size
orderBy += "filesize"
case "5":
search.Sort = common.Seeders
orderBy += "seeders"
search.NotNull += "seeders IS NOT NULL "
case "6":
search.Sort = common.Leechers
orderBy += "leechers"
search.NotNull += "leechers IS NOT NULL "
case "7":
search.Sort = common.Completed
orderBy += "completed"
search.NotNull += "completed IS NOT NULL "
search.Sort = common.ID
orderBy += "torrent_id"
orderBy += " "
switch s := r.URL.Query().Get("order"); s {
case "true":
search.Order = true
orderBy += "asc"
orderBy += "desc"
parameters := serviceBase.WhereParams{
Params: make([]interface{}, 0, 64),
conditions := make([]string, 0, 64)
if search.Category.Main != 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, "category = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, string(catString[0]))
if search.UserID != 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, "uploader = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, search.UserID)
if search.Category.Sub != 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, "sub_category = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, string(catString[2]))
if search.Status != 0 {
if search.Status == common.FilterRemakes {
conditions = append(conditions, "status <> ?")
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, "status >= ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, strconv.Itoa(int(search.Status)+1))
if len(search.NotNull) > 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, search.NotNull)
if len(search.NotNull) > 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, search.NotNull)
searchQuerySplit := strings.Fields(search.Query)
for i, word := range searchQuerySplit {
firstRune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(word)
if len(word) == 1 && unicode.IsPunct(firstRune) {
// some queries have a single punctuation character
// which causes a full scan instead of using the index
// and yields no meaningful results.
// due to len() == 1 we're just looking at 1-byte/ascii
// punctuation characters.
// TODO: make this faster ?
conditions = append(conditions, "torrent_name "+searchOperator)
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, "%"+searchQuerySplit[i]+"%")
parameters.Conditions = strings.Join(conditions[:], " AND ")
log.Infof("SQL query is :: %s\n", parameters.Conditions)
tor, count, err = cache.Impl.Get(search, func() (tor []model.Torrent, count int, err error) {
if countAll {
tor, count, err = torrentService.GetTorrentsOrderBy(¶meters, orderBy, int(search.Max), int(search.Max)*(search.Page-1))
} else {
tor, err = torrentService.GetTorrentsOrderByNoCount(¶meters, orderBy, int(search.Max), int(search.Max)*(search.Page-1))
} |