* create JS domain variable * use domain JS variable when creating cookies * Create getDomainName() function in Go * Update template_functions_test.go * Update template_functions_test.go * recreate cookie when resetCookies() is called * Update main.css * Update classic.css * show "unknown" instead of "0 0 0" if stats are unknown * don't show top ad if there's an announcement * remove BBCode support that broke description's line breaks * remove useless identifier * hide error instead of fixing it * Update markdown_test.go * Update markdown_test.go * css for tags in classic * remove wrong explanation for alternating color * fix RSS URL in header * remove eu cookie <div> from base * fix cookie warning never showing up * Update main.js * nyaa.se-like styling for upload form on classic.css * Smaller markdown toolbar on classic upload form * Fix indent, non-round borders for markdown & language list on classic * Update view.jet.html * add fillZero function * ditto but in test * Update view.jet.html * add RJ prefix to dlsite link * Update template_functions_test.go * Update listing.jet.html * prevent responsiveness of upload form in classic.css * remove now useless css rule * fix tag input padding on classic * Update template_functions_test.go * rollback workaround * rollback workaround * rollback workaround * remove now unused function * ditto * Update main.css
67 lignes
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67 lignes
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{{ extends "layouts/index_site" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/csrf" }}
{{block title()}}{{ T("change_settings")}}{{end}}
{{block content_body()}}
<div style="text-align: left;" class="box">
<form role="form" method="POST">
{{ yield csrf_field() }}
<div id="settings-container">
<span class="form-group">
<h3>{{ T("language")}}</h3>
<select id="language" name="language" class="form-input">
{{ range translatedName := Form.Languages }}
<option value="{{ translatedName[2] }}" {{ if Form.Current == translatedName[2] }}selected{{end}}>{{ translatedName[0] }}</option>
{{ end }}
<span class="form-group">
<h3>{{ T("theme")}}</h3>
<select id="theme-selector" name="theme" class="form-input" onchange="switchThemes()">
<option value="g"{{ if Theme == "g" || Theme == "" }} selected{{end}}>/g/</option>
<option value="tomorrow"{{ if Theme == "tomorrow" }} selected{{end}}>Tomorrow</option>
<option value="classic"{{ if Theme == "classic" }} selected{{end}}>nyaa.se (Beta)</option>
<option value="classic_colors"{{ if Theme == "classic_colors" }} selected{{end}}>Classic Colors</option>
<span class="form-group">
<h3>{{ T("old_nav") }}</h3>
<p>{{ T("old_nav_explanation") }}</p>
<select id="oldNav-selector" name="oldNav" class="form-input">
<option value="false">Disabled</option>
<option value="true" {{if OldNav}}selected{{end}}>Enabled</option>
<span class="form-group">
<h3>{{ T("mascot")}}</h3>
<select id="mascot-selector" name="mascot" class="form-input">
{{ T("mascot")}}
<option value="show" {{ if Mascot == "show" }} selected{{end}}>{{ T("show")}}</option>
<option value="hide" {{ if Mascot == "hide" }} selected{{end}}>{{ T("hide")}}</option>
<span class="form-group">
<h3>{{ T("mascot_url")}}</h3>
<input type="text" name="mascot_url" class="form-input" value="{{ MascotURL }}"/>
<span class="form-group">
<h3>{{ T("alternating_color") }}</h3>
<select id="altColors-selector" name="altColors" class="form-input">
<option value="false">Disabled</option>
<option value="true" {{if AltColors}}selected{{end}}>Enabled</option>
<p>{{ T("cookies")}}</p>
<button type="submit" class="form-input btn">{{ T("save_changes")}}</button>